Game Chronicle & Newsletter

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Game Chronicle & Newsletter

#1 Post by Starbeard »

The general results of the long-term campaign actions for each PC will be compiled and posted here.
Last edited by Starbeard on Tue Jan 08, 2019 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#2 Post by Starbeard »

September, Week 1, 412

El-Shahabi! A small island of civilization in the bleak desert.


You stand somewhere in the city’s impressive harbor, a long canal that ends in a bustling manmade lake. From you position you can take in the view of the ancient city walls, and the low hill where the Temple of Yahuq towers over the city. Along the canal you see that the walls are lined with many mosaics and statues, most of them depictions of swift horses and guardian lammasu. They look worn with age.


Next to you a salty mariner spits into the water as he tethers a galley to the dock. He is wearing crimson trouser and nothing else. He looks over and notices you eyeing the worn statues. “El-Shahabi,” he explains, “is a very old city. They say its walls were once brighter than silver. It’s name is old as well. They say it is in the language that was once spoken in these parts, and that it means two things at the same time: ‘The Grandfather City’, and ‘The City That Was Destroyed’. To us, though, it just means ‘El-Shahabi’.”


You wander through the city and find the tavern where you will be staying for the next few weeks. The den is a maze of dark, smokey little rooms, where brigands and adventurers lay on pillows drinking the tea of the grey lotus and smoking on pipes. Eventually you find the landlord, a round and likeable man. He holds out his hand for money, and you tear some strips of cloth your cloak and hand them over. He counts it up and makes calculations in his head. "You have enough here to stay at this den for four weeks. After that, you will have to pay again, but I cannot promise that there will be any available room. Perhaps you should find a more permanent place to stay before your money runs out."

You step back out into the daylight. You breathe in the hot, salted air and smile. You feel as though you can now, for the first time, truly do exactly as you wish.

Please post your character's first actions by Saturday.
Your PC lives rent free for 4 weeks, and all hirelings are considered to be paid in full for 4 weeks. Your first actions should probably be along the following lines:

1. Find a good place to stay—pick a part of the city where you'd like to set up business, or perhaps try settling in a nearby village, or even wandering out into the wilderness to set up your own brigand camp.

2. Find a way to start making money—do odd jobs in town if you're humble enough, see if the city will hire you as a soldier or mercenary captain, check out one of the guilds, or even pillage villages and merchant caravans (if you have no scruples).

3. Start listening around for rumors. You might catch wind of some great opportunities that will spell the difference between a life of drudgery and becoming an adventurer of legend.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#3 Post by Starbeard »

September, Week 1, 412

The sun hangs in the sky, burning the sand. Thankfully, the dusty streets of the city are cooled by the steady breeze that comes in from the sea, and people are able to walk about without covering their heads.

A young town crier walks through the town squares of each city quarter, reading from a papyrus. 'The Festival of Dancing Moons will commence during the 4th week of September. Until the festival begins, anyone who holds a sacrifice at the Temple of Yahuq will be blessed by the Caliph.'


Neesha Blackmane
Neesha spends part of her week frequenting the city market for some supplies. On her second day at the market, she and three of her companions find a short old dwarf dressed in colourful robes, selling scrolls made of papyrus and expensive parchment. He wear a strange cone-shaped hat and his fingernails are stained with ink. As people pass by his stall they can overhear Neesha and the dwarf bartering over his goods, and talking about maps and libraries.
(please continue RP in the El-Shahabi Town Business)


Martellus senex
Martellus loiters around in the den, having conversations with people as they stop by to gamble and drink. Over the course of the week his careful questions are answered. 'The caravans are always coming and going,' one drunk merchant says. 'This city is half way along the route that runs from Minai all the way to Odawal, and any caravans who wish to make the dangerous journey into the southern deserts of El-Sahra must leave from here. You can usually find a caravan leaving every other week, if you're not picky about where it's going.'

Another merchant offers his own advice. 'I would avoid the caravans heading into El-Sahra, though. That place is full of thieves, and merchants gamble their lives when they travel there. No, stick to the coasts, which are better patrolled, and where the merchants can afford many guards.' Through the night he manages to learn about one or two caravans who are planning to leave town within the next couple of weeks.

Another evening, a tall and hairless man, who clearly looks like a mercenary captain, downs a jar of dark wine. 'I could afford to hire you, but I have no need of more soldiers.' He tosses a shekel to the owner. As he leaves, he turns back to Martellus and says, 'The caravans enter and leave the city through the Merchant's Quarter gate; it is where their goods are taxed by Bel Azar, the city governor. If you wish to hire yourself out as a guard, you will probably have to advertise there.'
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Re: Character Chronicles

#4 Post by Starbeard »

September, Week 2, 412

The weather has slightly cooled, thanks to the high, wispy clouds that float in from the sea like white ribbons. Business goes on as usual in El-Shahabi, and the same young town crier wanders through each of the town squares calling out, 'The Festival of Dancing Moons will commence in the 4th week of September. Until the festival begins, anyone who holds a sacrifice at the Temple of Yahuq will be blessed by the Caliph.'


Neesha Blackmane
Neesha retires to her tavern and ushers her small group of followers into her private room. For several hours they remain there, only the occasional whisper heard from behind the door. They finally emerge from the room toward dusk, and gather up their travelling packs and saddle their mounts. By the time they reach the city’s northern gate darkness is falling, and the bored city guards let them pass after a routine check to see if they are carrying any taxable goods. They are last seen heading north along the main road.


Smiling Ben
The Kopek docks at the harbor. Smiling Ben descends from the ship and helps the rest of the crew tie her off, then he tells the ship’s captain that he is heading into the city for a round at the brothels, and that he will be back the next day. He is not seen again for the rest of the week.

The Kopek is due to leave the next day, but they can’t without their mate. Some crewmen wander around the town looking for him. Someone says they saw him heading into the merchant’s quarter, where he hired some mercenaries and then disappeared into a tavern. At the tavern another person says they saw a dwarf selling parchments to one of those unsavory elf women, but the dwarf turned out to be someone else. After two days of searching, they admit defeat and leave without him, the captain in a rage.


Martellus senex
Martellus heads to the Merchant's Gate of the city with his three companions. Just inside the gates is a wide yard of tightly packed dirt, where wagons and pack mules are loaded and unloaded with rich goods. Throughout the week no large caravans come, but a steady stream of small groups of travellers come through the gate throughout the day, arguing with the tax collectors as they examine their possessions.

Off to the side, a small group of people dressed in various qualities of armour sit in the shade, or show off their fencing skills in friendly duels, as they wait to be hired as travel guards. Martellus sidles up to them and asks one of the non-threatening ones if this is where people stand to be hired as mercenaries. The soldier he is talking to gets shouldered aside and a large brute stands in front of Martellus, leering down at him from behind huge bushy black eyebrows. 'It is, but we have everyone we need in our band.' Martellus gets the pictures, and wanders over to another part of the square with his men, where they will advertise themselves as a mercenary band.

A few minutes later, the large bearded brute and another mercenary strut over to his spot. The man is so big his shadow completely covers Martellus. 'Allū. You might not have heard. I said we have everyone we need.' Martellus stands his ground, and tells the mercenary that his band has as much a right to be here as they do. The brute takes a step forward, backing Martellus behind the corner of a building, and shoves him hard on the shoulder. 'This is our spot. You go somewhere else.' He looks behind the brute and sees the other mercenaries from the rival band have wandered over and are slowly surrounding them, careful to herd their group out of sight from the city guards. A passerby almost walks into the confrontation, but quickly turns and scuttles off in the other direction.

Martellus is about to order his men to draw swords, when a city guard calls out, 'Ay! What goes there?' and trots around the corner. The brute backs off, and smiles pleasantly at the guard. 'We are only discussing which days we will share the square.'

The guard glares up at him, clearly unperturbed that the brute is twice his size. 'You know the square is a free area, Nebu. Consider this your last warning, don't let us catch you rustling again.' Nebu gives a nod and silently orders his men back to their end of the square. Before he leaves, the guard turns to Martellus and gives him a scowl. 'You watch yourself, bandit,' he says.

For the rest of the week both mercenary bands sit at their own ends of the square, glowering at each other. Neither are hired.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#5 Post by Starbeard »

September, Week 3, 412

The coastal lands around El-Shahabi are warmed with sunny skies and temperate weather. The now-familiar town crier declares that the Festival of Dancing Moons is now one week away, making this week the last chance to blessed personally by the Caliph by paying for a small sacrifice at the Temple of Yahuq.

There is talk in town that a large baggage train of spices from across the sea have arrived. The caravan sailed into Minaa, and whatever they did not sell there has just reached El-Shahabi. The caravan is very large, and prices are expected to be good for the enterprising person who would attempt to trade them elsewhere. There are rumours that they may also be hiring mercenaries for the trip north.


There are reports of thefts in the Merchants Quarter. Two houses owned by guildsmen have been burgled, and another powerful merchant, Poobra the Younger, claims to have been robbed in a tavern. The guild is concerned, and has doubled their guard patrols in the district. They have also set a general curfew, and anyone caught outside after dark without a guild pass will be imprisoned. Anyone with information is asked to come forward.

A farmstead northeast of El-Shahabi has been burned down by bandits. The many of farmsteaders were slain during the raid, including the head farmer. His wives, who have survived, say that he was attacked by a giant beast, and that they barely escaped with their lives. The farm was on the Caliph’s personal lands, and they say he is furious, and seeks swift retribution.


Neesha Blackmane
Travellers coming from the north have reported that a group of elves have been riding by night along the main northern road, with a ravenous lizard beast. No one has approached the armed band.


Smiling Ben
The dwarf known as Smiling Ben has been seen again about town, happily enjoying himself. There are not very many dwarfs in El-Shahabi, and so his face quickly becomes known in the Merchants Quarter. He is usually found at night frequenting one tavern cellar or another, but occasionally can be seen having hushed conversations with a strange company of adventurous looking men, a broad mix of sailors, cutthroats and mercenaries.


Martellus senex
Having claimed his company’s place at the city gates, Martellus continues to wait for work as a guard, and his rival Nebu does likewise. One afternoon the city streets effervesce with clamour and commotion, as an impressive parade of wagons and pack animals push their way through the town. Shaggy camels carry huge baskets of sweet-smelling hajra root, and buffalo with low, sweeping horns pull wagons brimming with exotic cloths and peppery spices from the west. Their train takes up the entire gate yard and more, and several merchants corner a whole section of the market square, pushing their wares with enthusiasm throughout the week.

Finding the caravan master, Martellus asks for a place on the caravan’s guard by putting on a small display with his men, showing off their skill and equipment. The master agrees for a sum somewhat less than what Martellus asked, but a bit of haggling fails to improve the offer.

For the rest of the week he and his men are set to guard the animals and wagons as they rest for the week. To his mild annoyance, it seems that Nebu and his own men have been hired on as well, and their uncongenial relationship continues to expand. They will set out along the northern road next week.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#6 Post by Starbeard »

September, Week 4, 412

The weather is fine, if a little too windy at times. The general pomp that surrounds the Festival of Dancing Moons descends upon the city of El-Shahabi—fireworks are lit at night, many citizens make daily trips to one or more of the temples, and everywhere one goes it seems there is a troupe of shadow puppeteers performing The Moon-Boy When He Met Yahuq. During the daylight hours, the hill at the centre of the city is crowned with dark trails of sacrificial smoke, rising up from many altars in as many temples.

NEWS of the TOWN

1. The spice caravan
The gigantic spice caravan from Minaa is still in town, and sales are going well. They have been shrewd and paid for the hospitality of prospective mercenary bands, and this small investment has allowed the caravan to hire up almost all of the reputable mercenary bands in El-Shahabi for their eventual trip north. It seems the only hands that remain are the ill-equipped or unsavoury sorts of dire adventurers who would as easily join a band of murdering brigands as the town guard.

2. Patrols in the merchant quarter
The patrols of the Merchants Quarter are still going strong, and everyone is expected to be indoors at their respective home or tavern by nightfall. However, in light of the festivities this week, the rule has become quite lax.

3. Beware of night elves
There are very few night elves who live in El-Shahabi. The rumour is that they are being harassed and questioned by the town guard—some say because of the raid on the farmstead last week. Word is that one has even been arrested. Sentiment toward elves in El-Shahabi is not very high at the moment.

News of a foul warband of night elves continues to haunt the North Road to Verapadra, close to El-Shahabi. They appear to be travelling at night, and each one rides on a great mythical beast: those foul-smelling lizards that lurk deep beneath the earth with them. Just the sight of one is enough to freeze a man like a basilisk. The Caliph has placed a reward of one talent for each head taken from this murderous group, and a further fifteen talents for the head of the leader.

4. Army movements
A small warband of the Caliph’s personal army has left town, to the north.

Chronicle of Heroes

Neesha Blackmane
Neesha has not been seen in recent days.


Smiling Ben
Ben keeps to himself through the week, making the same idle chatter to the landlords of the various dens he frequents. At night he retires to his room is never seen until morning. Toward the end of the week Ben suddenly sets out with a look of decision on his face. He walks to the market square and buys up a substantial load of provisions, then heads to the city gates and begins advertising his desire to hire free adventurers. The landlord of Ben’s tavern tells his patrons the gossip: “That strange dwarf man, he’s out and set himself up for adventure, I reckon. He’s got something he’s after, but he hasn’t told me what. He’s leaving tomorrow as soon as the sun’s up, though, so better catch him now if you want in.”


Martellus senex
At the start of the week Martellus is looking forward to begin the journey northward with the caravan, but it seems that they have decided to stay on for another week or two. Though bored, he and his men do not mind much, as their room is being paid by the caravan leader.

One day, after enjoying the hospitality of their host, Martellus finds himself walking along a quiet alley to observe one of the city’s famous festival sacrifices, when a flea-bitten dog growls at him from behind a discarded wicker basket. The mongrel’s scabbed skin is spotted with twisted tufts of grey fur, and saliva leaks from its mouth. It is all he can manage to duck behind a stack of wood and yank his curled knife from his belt before the animal lunges on him, created a stand-off between himself and the rabies infested dog.

He glances back to determine that the alley is long for him to run from the dog, so he chooses to stand and fight. He kicks a plank of wood toward the dog, who yelps and jumps back; his first swing with the knife comes short, and the dog almost nips his arms, then leaps onto his torso. Martellus drops backward to the group, flailing his limbs and twisted violently in an effort to keep the dog from poisoning him with its bite. He drives his knife into the side of the animal repeatedly, and finally one thrust catches and sinks into the rib cage. The animal howls and then goes still after Martellus stabs it again and drags the knife across the stomach.

He tosses the dead animal aside and moves on toward the sacrifice, dusting himself off and making sure there is no blood on his clothes.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#7 Post by Starbeard »

October, Week 1, 412

The first week of the traditional harvest month arrives. In El-Shahabi, the Festival of Dancing Moons is over, and the smell of charred incense and livestock is slowly dissipating. The first gentle winds of October blow through the countryside, foreshadowing the harsh winds gales that always flair up at the end of the month, blowing dead brush away and wreaking havoc on sailing ships.

NEWS of the TOWN

Minaa Spice Caravan Have Decided to Move On
Sales are dropping and the huge caravan from Minaa has decided to move on, but new of brigands has forced them to stay in town one more week at least. They will continue to sell their bulk goods at reduced cost for one or two weeks, listening for word of any further brigand attacks before they venture north to the town of Zizlimu and the free trade city of Verapadra.

Patrols in the Merchant Quarter Cease
The frequent patrols in the Merchants Quarter seem to have worked, and the minor spike in crime has disappeared.

Night Elf Troubles Continue in El-Shahabi
A night elf was arrested last week for thievery, and it is rumoured that he is suspected to have some connection to the brigands wandering the countryside. The Bel has thrown the foul creature into the dungeons of the City Ward, and has announced that there will be a public execution in two weeks. Elsewhere in the city another night elf has been mugged and beaten by an angry rabble of farmers.

The Caliph’s reward is still out on this new band of brigands: one talent per head, and fifteen talents for the leader.

Chronicle of Heroes

Neesha Blackmane
News has reached the town that a band of night elves recently crossed the Chindu River along the northern road, heading in the direction of Akkaz village. They apparently paid their toll at the bridge and passed unhindered, since news had not yet reached the guards to interrogate any night elves they encounter. The guards are almost certain these are the brigands who have been lurking in the area, and it is likely that they will release a small scouting party and attempt to track the group until help arrives.


Smiling Ben
A number of the patrons who frequent the taverns of the Merchants Quarter notice the sudden disappeareance of the unusual dwarf known as Smiling Ben. It seems he simply checked out of his lodgings one morning, purchased a modest supply of goods at the market, and hired up whatever free hands were lurking about the mercenary pits by the gate before setting off without much of a word. Many adventurers set off from El-Shahabi in this way, and most are never heard from again. Ben’s innkeeper pours himself a goblet of wine and silently toasts the brazen dwarf, wishing him the best of luck, or the swiftest of deaths.


Martellus senex
Martellus and his men grow bored waiting for their job as caravan guards to begin. They spend the week training up their swordsmanship and carousing, and little else happens.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#8 Post by Starbeard »

October, Week 2, 412

The winds continue to blow out to sea, and folk begin to tighten their scarves around their faces to keep the dust from whipping their eyes and skin, and parching their lips.

NEWS of the TOWN

Minaa Spice Caravan Leaves El-Shahabi
The spice caravan finally packs up and leaves along the northern road, toward Akkaz.

Night Elf to be Executed Next Week
The Bel of the city has issued a proclamation that the night elf who has been arrested in relation to the activities of the elf bandits, burning farms and robbing travellers, will be executed in front of the city hall next week.

The Caliph’s reward is still out on the band of brigands: one talent per head, and fifteen talents for the leader.

Chronicle of Heroes

Neesha Blackmane
No one has heard from Neesha this week.


Smiling Ben
Smiling Ben has been seen travelling the northern road with his small caravan, asking directions to Akkaz and Zizlimu.


Martellus senex
Martellus and his men pack in with the other mercenaries and leave with the spice caravan. It takes an hour just for the caravan to exit the city, and Martellus silently curses his luck when the guardmaster places him and his men along the centre of the right flank, just behind his rivals. It looks as though it will be a long journey. The caravan disappears into a cloud of dust on the road, slowly making their way to Akkaz.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#9 Post by Starbeard »

October, Week 3, 412

The weather along the coast has stabilized to a warm, casual wind during the day and chills at night. The cooler evenings are not enough to become a nuisance, but cold-blooded animals throughout the desert are beginning to burrow into the ground after the sun sets, preparing themselves for the freezing winter nights that lie ahead.


Desert Storms in the South
Huge sand storms have erupted across the flat desert sands of El-Sahra, south of the mountains. Once or twice a year huge winds come sweeping in from the Great Ergs, carrying loose sand with them for hundreds of leagues. The storms can last for days, swallowing up whole villages and uncovering lost villages buried for generations. Refugees often flee to the safety of the mountains during these storms.

Ghost Ship Sighted
It seems that every shepherd in the countryside is talking about the legendary pirate Nazram, dead for five lifetimes but still skulking the waves of the western sea. There are many stories about Nazram's vile exploits, but the most famous is always his final adventure, when the necromancer king of a small island cursed the pirate just before Nazram murdered him and stole his treasure. The pirate was harassed by storms for weeks, and everyone on the ship slowly withered as they were taken over by the Chaos. Since then, every few years sailors come ashore with tall tales about the ghost ship of Nazram, rowed by creatures so inhuman they would cause madness just to see them. In some stories they are searching for a place to bury their treasure, others say they lost it and are searching for it, and some say they stalk the seas hoping to bring other sailors into their curse. Other sailors call it all nonsense. Nevertheless, the rumour is that several ships have sighted Nazram plying the waves between Brahmu and the mainland over the past few weeks.

Rewards & Bounties
The Caliph of El-Shahabi offers a set reward for the band of brigands who have raided farms in his territory. They are to be returned dead or alive: one talent per head, and fifteen talents for the leader.

Chronicle of Heroes

Neesha Blackmane
No news.


Smiling Ben
A band of mercenaries is cautiously welcomed to Akkaz, where they stay for the night. The next morning, the crew disappear in a cloud of dust as they continue north, sharing the road with a number of tiny trade caravans who all want to make it to Zizlimu and the northern cities before the huge caravan from El-Shahabi arrives and steals all of the commerce.


Martellus senex
There is no hiding for a trade caravan as large and colourful as the one which Martellus and his crew are guarding. The cloud of dust they kick up can be seen several leagues away, and the long line of wagons and mounts stretches for at least a mile or more. And news spreads quickly in the countryside: shepherds and farmers are always ready to trade with caravans coming by, since it can save them from having to travel all the way into a nearby village to buy and sell their farm goods. Martellus' caravan is currently travelling through the chaparral hills between El-Shahabi and the Chindu River. By most of the farmer's calculations, they should arrive in Akkaz by the end of next week.

Private updates will come shortly.
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Re: Character Chronicles

#10 Post by Starbeard »

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Re: Character Chronicles

#11 Post by Starbeard »

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News of Hikuptah #2b.jpg
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