DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

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DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#1 Post by max_vale »

The band of Rebel Heroes let out a sigh of relief upon realizing that the 'zombie' Bounty Hunters seemed to be down for the count this time; Jackson's kicks elicit no response. Jackson pockets one of the Medpacs offered to him by Zinn along with a Heavy Blaster Pistol.

Borsk La'Reth; despite his near-constant unease at having his connection with the Force being both somehow diminished AND continuously pulling him towards a nexus like a magnet; still managed to see that a wounded Gavin Storm was about to attempt to heal himself and the Bothan Jedi snapped out of his personal issues and moved to quickly help the man out after taking one of the Medpacs offered by Zinn.

Taking the Medpac; La'Reth skillfully utilized its contents to treat the Blaster wounds effectively (4D+1 roll: 1d6 = 2, 1d6 = 6, 1d6 = 1, 1d6 = 3; +1 for a total of 13 against a Difficulty of 10; Success!) and soon Gavin feels just about as good as new; just a little sore. Gavin snatches up the second Heavy Blaster Pistol 'liberated' from the twice-fallen Bounty Hunters and he joins the others in making their way once again towards the 'source of the disturbance in the Force' if one believed in Borsk's religion/philosophy. Of course, taking a look at the shot-up animated corpses of the Bounty Hunters and knowing they had been walking and shooting Blasters tended to give the matter more serious thought than usual for non-believers…

Zinn in his scorched but still whole armor takes the lead; his Blaster Rifle at the ready and a Carbine slung behind him. Jane and Professor Clark flank him as the party once again begins trading through the swampy archipelago. The six Rebels spend the next couple of hours slowing slogging through the muck before coming upon a large island with heavy foliage on two 'sides' and a deep pool in the center with a thick, fallen over tree on the far-side of the pool.

The party takes a moment to catch their breath and then as they warily begin to make their way forward yet again; nodding in acknowledgement of La'Reth's "We're quite close to the Disturbance now"; statement and then everyone suddenly becoming MUCH more alert at the sudden sound of several Blaster safeties being clicked off and the sight of a man in armor and a helmet pointing a bayonet-equipped Blaster Rifle directly at the party from the cover of the fallen log; while a Rodian perhaps a meter to his side and likewise kneeling behind the thick tree trunk also aimed a Blaster Rifle at the party. Movement to either side of the party revealed the presence of two more Bounty Hunters; one to either side of the party and both well-covered by the thick foliage and both pointing Heavy Blaster pistols at the party. Professor Clark isn't sure; but he think he sees ripples spreading across the breadth of the pool as well….

The man in the helmet, who can only be Crutag the Hunter, speaks in a deep, gutteral voice; "Well now; it seems like I've got you all right where I want you. If you throw down your arms and tell me WHERE MY SHIP IS; I'll see to it you're killed quickly and painlessly. Defy me and it's gonna be a long, drawn-out, painful experience for each of you. What'll it be?"


GM note: It's obvious to all of you they have the drop on you and you're all at short-range for all Blaster weapons and your party is in the open while each of them is behind cover.

GM note 2: Please remember also; that each of you has at least 1 Force Point (+3D to all attributes/skills for 1 round)…..just thought I'd mention it! :)
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#2 Post by kipper »

"I can tell you this much: if you kill us you'll never find your ship and you'll die here on this cesspool just like us. So let's be reasonable and I'm sure we can come to an arrangement suitable to both of us." Clark says, attempting to stall the Bounty Hunter while his eyes casually study the pool trying to discern what may dwell within.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin "We don't have your ship if we did we would not be on this mudball of a planet."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#4 Post by angelicdoctor »

max_vale wrote:The man in the helmet, who can only be Crutag the Hunter, speaks in a deep, gutteral voice; "Well now; it seems like I've got you all right where I want you. If you throw down your arms and tell me WHERE MY SHIP IS; I'll see to it you're killed quickly and painlessly. Defy me and it's gonna be a long, drawn-out, painful experience for each of you. What'll it be?"

GM note 2: Please remember also; that each of you has at least 1 Force Point (+3D to all attributes/skills for 1 round)…..just thought I'd mention it! :)[/color]
Crutag, I presume? My apologies for my friend here. Motioning to Gavin, He and the rest of us have been through quite the ordeal since we've crash landed on this mudball What he means to say, if I may speak for him and the rest of us is (reaching out to the Force) that if you will allow us to aid you in your search for your ship, I am sure that we can work out an amicable agreement. I am sure that there is a considerable bounty on our collective heads given the information we possess, information that your employer will lose access to if we all remain stranded or die here. An increase in the number of the hunting party can only benefit us all if we are to get off of this mudball.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#5 Post by max_vale »

Professor Clark tries to stall Crutag the Bounty Hunter and his minions while Gavin simply tells the truth and Borsk La'Reth attempts to use the Force to influence the hunters in front of them while talking in a reasonable manner. La'Reth realizes a bit to late that his strange 'partial disconnection'* to the Force is not allowing him to utilize his ability to Affect Minds; and his words have no impact on the Taloran hunter other than to infuriate him even more....

Crutag's eyes blaze with fury and his grim face grows even more severe as his frown turns into a snarl and he snaps out; "Your lies have sealed your fate; TAKE THEM!"; and he and his fellow hunters attack the rebel band in a savage fury....

The good professor Jones had been studying the pool and therefore he wasn't totally taken by surprise as a massive, 2 meter tall and heavily muscled and hard-skinned female Barabel launched herself out of the water like a missile at him with her 10cm claws lashing out at the tall, strong academic. Clark managed to get his hands up in time to somewhat slow down the assault; but the Barabel's immense strength still drove him back a few steps and her one clawed hand scored deep scratches into his Blaster which was knocked to the ground while his other hand and armored clothing managed to keep her other clawed hand from tearing into his flesh and merely tearing out a hunk of cloth and armored lining**. The two combatants remained locked in a struggle...

Crutag took aim with his Blaster Carbine with attached vibro-bayonet and fired a pair of shots at the heavily armored Zinn and while the pilot's armor absorbed one blast; the second burned through and lanced into Valimar's side; causing him to hiss in pain***....

The Rodian Slimeago took aim with his Blaster Rifle at Borsk La'Reth and he put a bolt into the Jedi's chest that dropped the Bothan to the ground in shock and pain; and the Force-user knew instinctively the wound was a very serious one****....

The human bounty hunter on the left took aim at Jane Corb and with a snarl he called out; "This is for Stitch and Zharrin you backstabber!"; and he fired a pair of shots at the one-time Bounty Hunter. The first shot narrowly missed; but the second slammed into Corb's right leg and dropped him on his front with a cry of pain*****....

The last bounty hunter on the right took aim at Jackson and he fired a shot that merely left a burn trail on the top of the Rebel's shoulder******...

*Due to earlier 'phantom' damage; Borsk cannot utilize the Alter skill or its associated powers: TK or Affect Mind at this time

**Clark took no damage (GRAZE result....Lucky! :) ); but he is currently grappling with the female Barabel which he can easily tell is stronger than he is; and the Barabel has claws and teeth which are DEFINITELY large and sharp enough to do serious damage to him

***Zinn is WOUNDED; he is currently at -1D for all actions

****Borsk is INCAPACITATED; he is currently at -2D for all actions and can barely move....while I can't tell you what to do; I'd recommend spending a Force Point and using the Force to heal yourself....but that's totally your call amigo. Sorry, I rolled REALLY well for Slimeago and not so well for you. :(

*****Jane Corb is WOUNDED; he is currently at -1D for all actions

******Jackson is only GRAZED; he's fine. (Lucky!)
Last edited by max_vale on Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:30 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#6 Post by kipper »

Clark attempts to free one hand to reach for his vibroblade, and plung it into the Barabel ((using a Force Point if I can))!
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#7 Post by angelicdoctor »

Borsk reels with the pain of the blaster shot but quickly recalls his training to calm himself even under these dire conditions. The rippling of his fur smooth to an easy wave. Trusting to the Force, he mends his broken body and with thoughts bordering on the darker side of the Force, he immediately ignites his lightsaber and makes his way towards what just may be his first kill of this encounter.

Borsk will spend that Force point.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#8 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin using a force point charges in vibroblade leading the way and blaster pistol backing up in the other hand. Attacking the closest bounty hunter that is not siding with them.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#9 Post by ybn1197 »

Acknowledging that the bounty hunters are a threat, Jackson still fires his blaster at the Barabel attacking Clark, hoping to give the man time and opportunity to get to his feet.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#10 Post by max_vale »

The battle in the swamp between the band of Rebel agents and the Bounty Hunters continued with Borsk La'Reth calling on the power of the Force and utilizing it to mend his terrible injuries and feeling his body knit itself back together; he gingerly regained his feet and ignited his lightsaber; moving around the pool of water and the fallen log to flank the Rodian Bounty Hunter who had just shot him*….

Professor Clark felt a sudden surge of….SOMETHING…fill his veins and he desperately managed to shove the larger, stronger, heavier and infuriated Barabel off of him for a much needed split-second and he drew his vibroblade and lashed out; managing to pierce the alien's thick hide and score a wound that caused her to hiss in anger and pain. The Barabel still managed to lash out and land a slash that tore thru his armored clothing and drew forth blood from his left arm causing him to wince in pain**; but the two opponents were now warily staring at each other; on more-or-less-even footing with Clark holding his bloody vibro-blade and the Barabel's claws likewise dripping blood…

Gavin suddenly exploded into motion; crashing through and around the vegetation covering one of the two human Bounty Hunters flanking the Rebel band; and managing to lash out with his vibro-blade AND shoot a blast with his blaster pistol; both of which landed solidly on his foe and dropping the man unmoving to the swampy ground….

Crutag, annoyed that the armored Zinn was still on his feet; took careful aim with his Blaster Carbine and he fired a bolt that hit the armored head of the pilot with the force of a sledge-hammer. The blaster shot burned through the helmet and left it sliced into two halves that were barely holding together while also leaving a nasty looking wound on the side of Valimar's head. Zinn fell back to the ground and watched the sky wheel above him in a daze as the sound of blood pumping in his ears dominated his senses***…

Slimaego, the Rodian Bounty Hunter turned his sights onto his former bounty hunter compaion, Jane Corb and he completely missed the sight of Borsk La'Reth, who he had just gunned down; rising to his feet and moving closer to him while igniting his lightsaber. He fired a blast from his Rifle that lanced into the chest of the wounded Corb****; dropping him face-down onto the muddy island ground….

Jackson ignored the closer human Bounty Hunter who had just grazed him with a shot a moment ago and went to the aide of his companion Clark by firing a blast at the Barabel he was facing; landing a bolt that glanced off the hard scales of the alien's shoulder; causing her to flinch and hiss in annoyance but doing no lasting damage. The human bounty hunter close to Jackson fired a blast that clipped Jackson's hip; dropping the one-time undercover operative to one-leg and grunting in pain; but still able to act effectively*****…

OOC: Okay; the current situation is 4 active enemies; Crutag; Slimaego the Rodian; Slizzik the Barabel; and a Human Bounty Hunter. Borsk is within melee range of Slimaego and short range to all other foes. Jackson is closest to the Human Bounty Hunter but is at short-range to all enemies; Clark is in melee range of Slizzik and short range to all other opponents and Gavin is at short-range to all bad-guys (not counting the body at his feet :) ). Please let me know if anyone has any questions/concerns

*La'Reth is now fully-healed and within 3 meters of Slimaego
**Clark is WOUNDED and will be at -1D for all actions; the good news is, so is Slizzik
***Zinn is INCAPACITATED and can't really take any actions except to croak out a few words; which would probably not be heard by anyone in the midst of combat. He COULD lurch to his feet and take action by spending a Force Point.
****Corb is INCAPACITATED and see above for situation. :)
*****Jackson is WOUNDED and will be at -1D for all actions.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#11 Post by kipper »

Clark focuses his attention on the Barabel, and makes another lunge with his vibroblade.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#12 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin refocuses on the nearest moving or standing foe swinging his vibroblade and blasting with his pistol.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#13 Post by ybn1197 »

"That's what i get for turning the other cheek," Jackson hisses in pain from the grazing blaster bolt. Turning, he fires his own blaster at the bounty hunter giving him a taste of his own medicine.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#14 Post by max_vale »

Trinta's dark, heavy and humid skies and thickly forested swamp islands echoed with the sounds of battle between a band of Rebel agents and the remnants of a Bounty Hunter band who had followed them to this cursed planet….

Borsk La'Reth, the Bothan Jedi stepped close to the sadistic Rodain Hunter Slimeago, who just barely had time to turn his large multi-faceted eyes towards his opponent when the deadly blue Lightsaber the Jedi was wielding came swinging down into and through his body with a distinctive humming sound. The Rodian tapered snout stiffened in fear and horror; but only for a second as he fell in two pieces onto the swampy island's ground….

La'Reth barely had time to take a breath and ready himself for his next opponent when he saw Crutag the Hunter, who was standing maybe 5 meters away snarled at him and leveled his Blaster Carbine with attached vibro-bayonet and fired a pair of shots that lanced into the Bothan's body. For the second time in a few minutes, Borsk fell back to the ground, knowing that he was wounded badly*. He could hear the sounds of armored footsteps coming closer to his prone body and he then saw the furious, pinched face of the Taloran Hunter standing over him with the gleaming, vibrating bayonet poised and ready to strike down and into his chest…

Professor Clark, wincing in pain, lashed out with his strong arm and managed to score another bloody wound int he body of Slizzik, the enraged female Barabel he was currently engaged in melee combat with. Slizzik roared in anger and pain and clutched the wound with one clawed hand, but she raised the other clawed hand and opened her wide mouth, revealing dozens of razor sharp, long teeth and she moved to leap onto the good professor and bite and claw him severely….

Gavin Storm looked for the next closest foe and he saw the large Barabel bounty hunter about to tear into Clark and he raised his Heavy Blaster pistol and sent a bolt flying into the chest of the dangerous foe. The Barabel staggered back for a moment, looking in disbelief at the wound and then fell back into the pool she had had hidden in…

Jackson Crowdoski, awkwardly rising up to his feet while grimacing in pain from his wounded hip; raised his Heavy Blaster Pistol at the human bounty hunter who had just shot him and fired a bolt at his foe. More through luck than skill; the one-time undercover Imperial mechanic managed to land a shot right to the head of his opponent and the bounty hunter fell to the ground, unmoving, without a sound….

The three human Alliance Agents (Gavin, Clark and Jackson) then noticed the armored figure of Crutag standing above the fallen body of Borsk La'Reth with his vibro-bayonent equipped Blaster Carbine raised and about to come slamming down into their Jedi companions' chest…


*Borsk is once again Incapacitated; he is at -2D for all actions and cannot move unless he spends his last Force Point

Everyone has 1 Force Point remaining and Clark and Jackson are both Wounded (-1D for all actions)

There is only 1 foe left standing; Crutag

There are 2 medics left in the party; they are being carried by Zinn and Jackson. La'Reth's sheet says he has one; but it has already been used and I cannot alter his post. Please note that Borsk has the ability to heal himself with the Force (but not others); and La'Reth and Professor Clark are the most skilled at healing.

Zinn and Jane are both Incapacitated and will quite likely become Mortally Wounded if not treated soon (Note this is partly a GM fiat decision; I'm waiting to hear back from their players to see if they are going to be regular party members again)
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#15 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin using force point fires at shot with his blaster at Crutag then charges with his vibroblade attacking Crutag in a vicious series of attacks.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#16 Post by kipper »

With a low rumble, Clark charges Crutag with intent to grapple him and push him away from Borsk.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#17 Post by ybn1197 »

Knowing that he was not the most suited under the best of circumstances (which the present situation was most certainly not), Jackson calls out to Clark, "Professor, catch!" He tosses his medipac at the professor and then rushes into the melee started by Gavin.
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#18 Post by max_vale »

The battle between agents of the Rebel Alliance and a group of Bounty Hunters on a swamp island on the cursed world of Trinta came to an abrupt climax just as yet another storm opened up in full rage on the miserable planet....

Gavin Storm felt as if time itself slowed down as he saw the raised Blaster carbine with gleaming, vibrating vibro-bayonet about to be plunged down into Borsk's chest by Crutag the Taloran hunter with murder-filled eyes locked onto the badly shot-up Bothan. Gavin could suddenly see in a sharper focus than ever before while all sound seemed to vanish in an watching a holo-vid on mute. He raised his Heavy Blaster Pistol, sighted down the barrel and squeezed the trigger all in one, smooth, lightning-fast motion. As the bolt streaked towards the bounty hunter, he was already moving forward; vibroblade at the ready in his other hand; feeling the water of the meter-deep pool in the center of the island splashing around his legs as he watched bolt from his blater slam high in the man's chest. Crutag's attempt to bring his weapon down into La'Reth was foiled by the wound he had taken as he staggered back; just barely keeping the Blaster Carbine in hand and his head slowly rotated to turn towards the approaching Gavin Storm and Professor Clark Jones. Gavin noticed the cooler temperature around his legs as he continued to race through the pool, not quite reaching the opposite shore where Crutag was when Clark entered his field of view; also running towards the bounty hunter, though not through the water like he was. He could tell the good professor would beat him to the target and it was at about that time that sound suddenly came roaring back into the man's ears with an almost physical impact...

Professor Clark Jones took off running towards Crutag; very nonchalantly and almost subconsciously grabbing the thrown medpac out of the air along the way and noticing in his peripheral vision that Gavin was moving towards the Taloran as well and shooting. The blaster bolt caught the bounty hunter high in the chest and left a serious wound and one that ended the immediate threat to the fallen La'Reth as Crutag's Blaster carbine dangled weakly in his hand. He did not slow down though and as he lowered his shoulder and slammed into Crutag's mid-section; the Professor took a distinctly NON academic enjoyment out of feeling his foe crumble and fly backwards from the solid hit; landing unmovoing in a clatter on the ground a good meter and a half away, his weapon flying off into the foliage and muck and out of sight. With that, the academician took a deep breath and turned to take in the area and any immediate threats and he couldn't see any; though he DID notice with some relief that his Bothan teammate seemed to be moving on his own power; as well as Jackson and Gavin Storm, who came splashing up out of the pool next to him a moment or two after he landed his hit on Crutag. Valimar and Jayne though were both down and neither was moving....

Jackson tossed the medpac towards a rushing Clark, who snatched it adroitly out of the air with one-hand while Gavin Storm sent a well-placed Blaster bolt into Crutag's chest and then rushed into the pool of water on a straight-line path towards the Bounty Hunter though the big and strong Professor beat him to it; slamming into the Taloran hunter and sending him flying back and to the ground, where he landed with a crash and didn't get up. Jackson grimaced with the pain of his wound, but got up and moved towards his companions, keeping a look-out for any more threats from their foes; but all he could see were opponents down for the count. He also noticed that Zinn and Jayne were unmoving as well, though La'Reth seemed to somehow still be among the ambulatory...

As the sky above him wheeled and whirled and lightning split the sky; Borsk La'Reth let out a little sigh that was half annoyance, half acceptance. It seemed the Force wanted him to REALLY master the art of healing himself today; so once again he took a deep breath, blocked everything out and CONCENTRATED as he felt his connection to the living energy field grow stronger and stronger. He felt his tissue mend; his flesh regenerate; his bones re-calcify and a moment later, he opened his eyes again and he could tell his companions Gavin, Clark and Jackson were standing near him. With a few ginger, still a little painful movements, the Both slowly rose to his feet and he took in the sight of the battlefield. The Rodian bounty hunter was on the ground in two pieces; the two human Bounty Hunters were both deceased and the slowly bobbing body of the Barabel Bounty Hunter was in the pool; obviously past any ability he possessed to bring back to this plane of existence. Turning towards Crutag, he could tell the grim Bounty Hunter had not yet departed this world; but it was a slender thread the unconscious Taloran clung too. Of his allies; it was quickly obvious that both the Professor and Jackson nursed injuries while Storm seemed to be in fine shape. Looking over at the others; Zinn Valimar was fading fast while Jayne Corb was already past helping....

*Okay, Jackson and Clark are wounded; La'Reth is healed...but will have to be very slow-moving and careful for awhile. (He just came back from Incapacitated twice in 2 rounds! :) ) Also; everyone except Jackson, Clark and Zinn are out of Force Points. They each have 1. Zinn is Mortally wounded....he can be saved with some quick help; but will be unable to act much until and unless his player returns soon. Jayne Corb is KIA. Crutag is Mortally wounded....but still alive and could possibly be saved, though quick action (and a Medpac) are required.

Searching the bodies of the Bounty Hunters will net 2 Heavy Blaster Pistols (the Human BHs); a Blaster Rifle (from the Rodian); and a Blaster Carbine with attached vibro-bayonet (Crutag). There are also 4 medpacs (1 per BH...except Slizzik the Barabel, whose medpac has been lost in the pool) and 1 grenade (on Crutag).
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#19 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Gavin "I'll take the grenade if nobody minds." he says as he tucks the grenade into a pocket of his jacket, grabbing more ammo for his blaster and putting away his vibro blade. "You alright Borsk?" he asks looking around at the scene and wondering how the hell they managed to survive and he himself to be unharmed "Damn didn't even get a scratch guess I'm lucky."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: DOMAIN OF EVIL - Episode Four: Ambush

#20 Post by kipper »

Clark turns his attention to his fallen comrades: Jayne and Zinn. Quickly noting that Jayne is beyond help, he focuses his efforts on Zinn, using a medpac to stabilise him. He'll then check on Jackson (using another medpac). Finally, he'll ask Borsk to work on his own (Clark's) injuries. He'll collect all the remaining medpacs from our enemies.

((OOC: I guess from a metagaming perspective this would not be the best order, as he is tending to others while he's still wounded. If someone tries to get him to pause to be healed first he will do so, providing that Zinn is not in danger of dying anymore.))
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