A New Beginning

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A New Beginning

#1 Post by sonofotho »

Earthday, the 13th day in the month of Wealsun

Only four hours ago you disembarked from the Wind's Embrace, the old sailing ship which brought you from the Imperium to the city of Enharza on the southern tip of Varisha. The journey was long and the weather not always favorable, but thankfully you didn't encounter any dangers along the way. The waters around Varisha and the Southern Isles are home to many aquatic dangers and the occasional pirate band.

The misty fog that often plagues the waters of the Southern Isles was thin, and the captain of the Embrace had no difficulties with navigation. Most of the passengers on the ship kept to themselves during the voyage, but the four of you began talking soon after leaving the port of Seaward on Yendo and decided for safety's sake to partner up in your fortune-seeking.

You stood together against the rail of the ship as she pulled into the harbor of Enharza, admiring the walled city with its densely packed buildings and numerous tall, narrow towers. Enharza held the promise of opportunity.

As soon as you disembarked your senses were assaulted by strange smells and loud voices, shouting in new languages. Exotically dressed men and women filled the narrow streets, many trying to hawk some trinket or oddity. Offers to by unidentified meat on sticks were easily refused and finally you managed to get directions to Tavern Alley, where you hoped to find a place to spend your first night in Enharza. (Cont.)
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Re: A New Beginning

#2 Post by sonofotho »

If Enharza is unique amongst the cities of the Imperium, then the Bone House is a one-of-a-kind tavern. Six long tables are set around a central hearth, and most are filled at this late afternoon hour. At each end of the main room sits a bar, behind both of which are shelves with numerous bottles of ale and wine from all over the Imperium.

But the main attraction of the tavern is its collection of strange and obscure animal skeletons. Standing along the walls and dangling from the rafters, bony remains can be seen from all manner of benign animal and terrible monster. The skeleton of a one-eyed cave troll towers over the main door, while a juvenile pteradon swoops down from above. You see many other oddities from the Southern Isles, although very few you recognize.

As you look about the room waiting to be served, a disheveled man wearing an eyepatch makes his way slowly over to your table. He is bald with patches of grey facial stubble and his clothes look to have seen better days. It's not until he actually reaches the table that you notice his uncovered eye is completely milky white.

"Blessings be on you, friends," offers the man cheerfully. "Would you have space at yer table for me?" Before you can respond the stench of alcohol hits you. The man reeks of it although he seems to be in reasonable command of his faculties. "The name is Blind Barg, and if you would consider it worth an ale or two, I can welcome you to Enharza. Since you all are new here…" he adds,voice trailing off.

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Re: A New Beginning

#3 Post by spanningtree »

Leena - Mage

Doing her best to not show revulsion at the smell she will look to the others in an attempt to figure out if she should welcome the stinky newcomer or not.

Ceran - Elf

Ceran will shrug and gesture to a chair, putting his hand slightly over his mouth: Pull up a seat, we have been on the water for quite a while and some local color would be interesting. Ceran will order up an ale for the newcomer as well as another for himself.
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Re: A New Beginning

#4 Post by badams30 »

Finton - Mage
Finton draws his hood up just a little tighter, and glances nervously around the room. He remains silent, and orders some ale and a light meal.

Brother Wylo

Wylo practically leaps from his seat and with a smile pats the back of the old an, helping him to his seat. "Eno's blessings on you, my friend! Please, please join us." Wylo, as a priest of the god of Charity is used to earthy people, so this fellow seems of the sort he's used to helping. Wylo will smile and as the man sits, he'll says "Yes, my friends and I will order you an ale, let me get you some food, if you will."

OOC: Wylo will order the man a second ale, plus some tea or coffee for himself, and a modest plate of some fish or vegetables if there is no fish to be had. He makes a point to stress no meat to the server.
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Re: A New Beginning

#5 Post by sonofotho »

Barg grins widely at your welcome and pulls up a chair. As you introduce yourselves to the blind stranger, a young, plump lass arrives and takes your order. Barg orders a plate of flatfish. "I don't eat everything they pull up from the waters around here, but this be a good one!" The serving wench rolls her eyes and leaves to order your food and drinks.

"So, new to Enharza, eh? Are ya here to fight in the Arena or be you treasure seekers, looking to explore the isles?" He scratches at his eyepatch and chuckles. Barg appears happy, but you begin to think maybe he's a little soft in the head. "Or if yer lookin to make some honest gold, I can help you find a job or two. I know folks.... Whatever it may be, Blind Barg is here to help you on your way!"

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Re: A New Beginning

#6 Post by spanningtree »

Ceran - Elf

The Arena would be out I think... no need to go dying just yet. Gold and the like would be something I think were all looking for...

Leena - Mage

And magic!
She will cut in interrupting Ceran. Noticing her own excitement she will make an effort to calm down, looking around the tavern as if she were afraid someone might be listening: I made my way here looking for magics of the ancients.

OCC: Leena will have an ale also and they will both go with whatever the cheap house special is (EX: stew and bread or the like).
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Re: A New Beginning

#7 Post by badams30 »

Finton - Wizard

Finton peers at Barg from the shadows of his hood, nodding at him and lightly waving a hand at him.

Brother Wylo - Cleric of Eno

Wylo smiles at his friends, then at Barg and says "Why, that's very nice of you. We appreciate it." He taps his hand on the table and says "I have come here seeking to spread the word of Eno, the Benign! And to aid the poor, weak, and the greater good!" Wylo beams, looking like the Cheshire cat. He then peers at Barg and says "My good man, what do you know of Eno?" He starts to follow up on his preaching when the word "treasure" finally reaches his brain.

"Did you say treasure? Hmm... some riches could enlighten the needy and ease their burdens." With a smile he says "Please, continue."
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Re: A New Beginning

#8 Post by sonofotho »

Plates of flatfish and steaming vegetables are brought along with a few loaves of fresh bread. Barg digs in immediately with very little fumbling considering his lack of vision.

"Magic, you say?" Barg nods in the direction of Leena's voice. "That's always been a strange mess to me. Bunch of hocus pocus, bat wings, and whatnot," he adds with a snort. "But be you a magic user, you should register with the Mages Guild. They don't take too kindly to unlicensed users of magic in Enharza." Then shrugging his shoulders, he adds, "Of course there be lots of unlicensed users of magic in Enharza..."

Then turning to face Brother Wylo's direction. "Eno, eh... Let's see, humble lot, likes to help the poor (for which I am ever grateful, my lad). Ain't too many of you though. Don't even think you have a proper temple in Enharza. But I come across a few of your brothers and sisters, mainly in the Slums if I recall..."

The blind man finishes his food and begins going to work on his ale. "Now, information," he says with a smile, getting comfortable in his chair. "I could pass along a few leads to you, if you like. Maybe ye have some extra gold you could spare to an old man?"

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Re: A New Beginning

#9 Post by badams30 »

Finton - Quiet Wizard

Finton remains silent, peering up from the edge of his robe, listening to the old man, but his eyes wandering about the room.

Brother Wylo - Cleric

Wylo smiles at Brag and says "Certainly, my fellow. Perhaps these coins can help you." And he'll slide 4 gold across the table to the old man (trying to be somewhat discreet, lest someone try to rob the old fella.

OOC: Gold deducted.
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Re: A New Beginning

#10 Post by sonofotho »

Barg coughs as he reaches out for the coins. Frowning at the unfamiliar design, he brings a coin up to his teeth to test the metal. "A foreign coin, but it's gold," he adds with a smile.

"Right then." Barg leans in over the table and lowers his voice. "I hear kids have been going missing. Right around here! Course they're just the kids of 'working girls', if you know what I mean. Some say it's the work of a cult in the sewers, while others say the kids have been playing too close to the canals and the Deep Ones got 'em!"

Barg downs the rest of his ale and belches loudly. "But who knows? There be many dangers in Enharza. If yer interested, you should go talk to Madame Nadja von Vayle. It's her girls' kids that be missing." Barg goes on to explain that Madame Nadja is also known as the Gambling Doxy and she runs the Brothel of Secret Pleasures a few streets over in the Redlight District.

Barg scratches at his stubble. "I may have a few more interesting bits for you. If you'd be willing to help a poor man…." His voices trails off as he places hid hands invitingly on the table.

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Re: A New Beginning

#11 Post by badams30 »

Brother Wylo

Wylo glances at Leena and Ceran, then back at Barg and passes him a platinum piece, and says "Eno rewards the just, my friend. Tell us some things that will lead us to prosperity, and our band, along with Eno, will make it worth your while."

Wylo smiles a benevolent smile at the old man, trying to pour on the charm.

OOC: I'm not giving this old guy another dime unless he gives me the golden nugget! BTW, PP deducted.
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Re: A New Beginning

#12 Post by spanningtree »

Leena - Mage

Surprised at the amount of money changing hands she will look at the old man and say: I don't think telling us about a whores missing children warrants that kind of money. That's probably more than Nadja makes in a week. Why don't you tell us something useful... or return the money.

Ceran - Elf

Surprised at Leena's resolve he simply nods toward the old man.
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Re: A New Beginning

#13 Post by sonofotho »

When Leena finishes the table is silent for a moment. Then Barg grins from ear to ear. "The Doxy makes more than you might think, young one. And don't be too quick to judge the value of those you meet in Enharza based only on their looks...or their profession." He taps his eyepatch and laughs out loud. "That piece of information is for free..."

Despite Leena's admonition, the beggar takes the coin from Wylo and confirms the value of the platinum piece. "Oh, blessed Eno and his servants! For this, I'll give ye two more trails to follow. Perhaps you can find gold down these paths that be more to yer liking..."

"There be a small cult of the serpent-god, Hextor, I don't know much about them or the deity they serve, but I've heard the head of their order is looking for a group to lead a few of them to an old temple somewheres. Don't really care for snakes meself and I don't know if they be up to good or ill, but my guess is their gold is as good as yers," he says, tapping his tooth.

"Now, the last bit here. This is 'cause ye've been so good to 'ol Barg." The blind beggar pulls out a wooden token, perhaps double the size of a gold coin. He fingers it slowly and then passes it over to Brother Wylo. The cleric inspects the token before handing it to Leena. On the one side is engraved a shrouded figure with no visible face, while the reverse shows a triangle surrounding a flaming eye.

"This token will gain you audience with Cyrian Queeg. He is the intermediary for Tarmikos the Shrouded. He's also known as The Collector and he's rich," he adds, facing Leena. "No one has ever seen him, or so I'm told. Tarmikos always stays hidden behind his hood. Cyrian conducts business for him. He's a strange one fer sure, but he pays gold for all manner of curiosities and exotic items... always on the lookout for something new."

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Re: A New Beginning

#14 Post by spanningtree »

Leena - Mage

Leena will hand the token back to Wylo. Interesting. I'm thinking we can either look into the children or the snake cult, if we come across anything of interest we can use the token. Looking at Wylo: Thoughts?

Ceran - Elf

Looking into the missing children, that sounds like a good place to start to me.
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Re: A New Beginning

#15 Post by sonofotho »

spanningtree wrote:Leena - Mage

Leena will hand the token back to Wylo. Interesting. I'm thinking we can either look into the children or the snake cult, if we come across anything of interest we can use the token.

ooc: It didn't come out so clear in my writing, but Tarmikos also hires (thru Cyrian) adventurers to go find/collect items.
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Re: A New Beginning

#16 Post by badams30 »

Wylo - Cleric

Wylo smiles at Brag and says "Thank you for the advice. May Eno guide you. And if I may ask, do you frequent here? Perhaps we shall call upon you again for more information." Wylo then looks across the faces at the table and says (in reply to Leena's question) "I'm fine with either of those. Although the plight of those poor children gives me concern. I'd be interested in getting to the bottom of that."

Finton - Wizard

Finton taps his finger on the table and says in a quiet voice, almost a whisper "Either one is fine with me too. Snake god, huh? You don't see that everyday."

OOC: Wylo is fine with either, slightly leaning toward the disappearing children. Finton is okay with either as well.
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Re: A New Beginning

#17 Post by sonofotho »

ooc: OK, it sounds like the plan is to follow-up on the missing kids. Do you want to wait until the morning (it's early evening now) or head out now? Will the plan be to head over to the Brothel of Secret Pleasures and talk with Nadja von Vayle? Or something else?

And I didn't mention it before, but the Bone House has small rooms with straw mattresses on the second floor. And as per the house rules, the daily upkeep in Enharza is 3gp (room, board, ale, etc.) and if things ever get really tight, you can stay in the Slums for 1sp per night.

Please go ahead and deduct 3gp for today.
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Re: A New Beginning

#18 Post by spanningtree »

Ceran - Elf

Nodding to Wylo: Let's check up on Nadje in the morn. I want to sleep in peace for a change.

3gp deducted.

Leena - Mage

Leena smiles at her comrades: It's decided then! She'll pick up Wylo's room in repayment for the information.

6gp deducted.
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Re: A New Beginning

#19 Post by badams30 »


Wylo nods and smiles at Leena "Thanks, friend, for the room. I could use a good nights sleep before checking on these little ones." Wylo will finish his meager veggie and fish meal before turning in, preferring a good sleep to the revels of nightlife at the inn. Before he turns in, he'll take some time wandering about the room gazing at the bones and taking it all in.


Finton mumbles his thanks to Barg, and he says to the others, "well, I think a nice rest would suit me just fine. Thanks for accompanying me. It's been a while since I've had anyone to journey with. Good nights sleep to you all." With that, he'll draw his hood up again, and head to get a room (3GP deducted)
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Re: A New Beginning

#20 Post by spanningtree »

Leena - Mage

Leena goes to her room and begins getting ready for bed but anxiety takes over. Before it gets late she will knock on Finton's door: Could I sleep on the floor of your room tonight? Blushing, a bit. I am not looking for anything that might be construed from this. I, I,... there is something out there... something that shadows me. I really cannot be alone, it knows when I am alone. Please?
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