He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

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He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#1 Post by Stonjuz »

Age: 23
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 138 lbs.
Hair: Light Golden Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Pale Complexion

Name (Human Magic User)
Necromancer Specialist (Anatomist Kit)
Alignment: Lawful Good

Ability Score Stats:
Str: 12 (14 Stamina, 10 Muscle)
Int: 17 (18 Reason, 16 Knowledge) 5 bonus proficiencies points
Wis: 16 (14 Intuition, 18 Willpower)
Dex: 15 (17 Aim, 13 Balance) -1 AC
Con: 15 (17 Health, 13 Fitness) System Shock is 88%
Cha: 14 (12 Leadership, 16Appearance)

Hit points
Total: 4
Damage: 0
Current: 4

Armor Class
Front: 9
Rear: 10
Surprised: 10

Inherent Poison Immunity
Precise Memory

Bruise Easily
Phobia of Rats

Wizard Specialist Abilities:
Automatic Spells
Bonus Spells
Read Magic
Improved Healing (Anatomist Kit)
Autopsy (Anatomist Kit)

Weapon Proficiencies:

Non Weapon Proficiencies:
Anatomy (8) Knowledge
Healing (8) knowledge
Herbalism (9)knowledge
Reading/Writing (11)knowledge
Spellcraft (12)reason
Venom Handling (9) - knowledge safely use both magical and mundane poisons - identify a poison and a possible antidote - identify naturally occurring poisonous
Any roll which fails by 4 or more results in a misidentification of both the poison and antidote.

You can put more character points into all of the above on a 1-1 basis. (max 18)
example.....next level would give you 5 character points minimum.
use these points to increase spellcraft (17)
or spread them out a little....venom (11) Anatomy (10) Herbalism (10)

Concentration This looks like 3rd edition nwp. The one to prevent spell disruption, yes?
swap it for another.....gives you another slot..
or , gives you three points to spend on increasing the others

Common Clothes (Soft Black Boots, Black Breeches, White Tunic, Brown Gloves)
Medical Journal (His spellbook for all intents and purposes)
Black Leather Bag full of surgical tools (handed down, along with spellbook, Anatomist Kit)
Week of Dry Rations

GP: 1
SP: 8
CP: 8

Encumbrance (weight allowed is 55 lbs.):
Clothing (estimated to be about 5lbs. max)
Whetstone is 1 lbs.
Wineskin is 1 lbs.
Backpack is 2 lbs.
Week of Dry Rations (I think this also was 5 lbs.)
Knife was half a pound, rounded it up to 1 lbs.
Medical Journals and Black Leather Bag of surgical tools (10 lbs. ?)
Total encumbrance: 25 lbs. roughly

Medical Journal (Spellbook)
Lvl 1: Shield
Detect Undead (Bonus Spell from level 1)
Detect Disease
Detect Undead (Automatic Spell from level 2)
Animate Dead Animals (Bonus Spell from level 2)
Protection from Hunger and Thirst
Animate Dead Animals (Bonus Spell from level 3)
Corpse Link (Automatic Spell from level 3)
Metamorphose Liquids
Protection from Hunger and Thirst
Lvl 2: Embalm
Skeletal Hands (Automatic Spell from level 3)
Living Link (Bonus Spell from level 3)

Memorized Spells
Lvl 1: Protection from Hunger and Thirst
Detect Disease
Animate Dead Animals
Lvl 2: Embalm
Skeletal Hands
Living Link

Language Spoken (6 more can be possibly learned):

Following in his father’s footsteps, Fezuul dedicated himself to the family profession of being a physician/doctor. With nimble and steady hands he had the physical expertise to handle even the most delicate of procedures, hypothetically. Given his sharp mind and ability to pick up things quickly, he also showed a mental aptitude for the profession. But most importantly, he had the heart, the necessary motivation needed to serve those around him, always with good will, always to the best of his ability, with the best of intentions.

The catch, one might ask? For someone who has it so well, surely there is something that prevents him from living a normal life. That something… was necromancy. His father, on top of being a well renowned physician/doctor, was also a high ranking member of the secretive Anatomical Academy. Only those who practice the dark arts know of this society, but even then, it is so secretive that even the budding necromancer would need to show quite the potential or demonstrate his prowess accordingly in order to be noticed by its members.

The name of Dr. Lokvin was held in high regard within the top council members of the Anatomical Academy, and rightly so, given his vast experience in the fields of human anatomy and the general fields of medicine. Though the dark arts are generally used for corrupt reasons, Dr. Lokvin always aspired to use his necromantic abilities for the greater good, reinforcing the Hippocratic oath that he always kept close to his heart, and Fezuul truly admired him for that. Fezuul, in his eyes, saw his father as a shining example of what necromancy could achieve, help accomplish in the fields of medicine.

However, that is not how everyone else views necromancy. To the common folk, it is a vile art and none of it can be deemed good or beneficial to anyone or anything. This stigma that so many people held onto over the years has twisted the face of this magical practice, and because of this, Fezuul must always remain secretive of his own ties to necromancy and his practice of it as well. He is still young, and still has much to learn in both fields of medicine and necromancy. That is why he sets out on adventures with brave warriors. While on the field, Fezuul hopes to gain hands on experience with the necromantic arts, and to serve as an effective doctor to those he travels with.

The Whistling Fish seemed like the perfect place to start looking for that adventuring group.

When he finally decides to settle down in one place and officially carry on his family profession, he hopes that by then, he will have the necessary financial and reputational backing that his father once had. Fully practiced in the arts, he also strives towards improve the fields of both medicine and necromancy, offering new ideas and techniques to be shared with his colleagues.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#2 Post by Rukellian »

Nice thread title! Thank you for the thread, and lets hope this solves the whole malware thing.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#3 Post by Rukellian »

Here's the character sheet update.

Medical Journal (Spellbook)
Lvl 1: Shield
Detect Undead (Bonus Spell from level 1)
Detect Disease
Detect Undead (Automatic Spell from level 2)
Animate Dead Animals (Bonus Spell from level 2)
Protection from Hunger and Thirst
Animate Dead Animals (Bonus Spell from level 3)
Corpse Link (Automatic Spell from level 3)"This organ need not be attached to the rest of the cadaver for the spell to function properly" ;)

Metamorphose Liquids
Protection from Hunger and Thirst
Lvl 2: Embalm
Skeletal Hands (Automatic Spell from level 3)
Living Link (Bonus Spell from level 3)

Memorized Spells
Lvl 1: Protection from Hunger and Thirst
Detect Disease
Animate Dead Animals
Lvl 2: Embalm
Skeletal Hands
Living Link
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#4 Post by Stonjuz »

Anatomist (From the Complete Book of Necromancers)

Anatomists devote their careers to the scientific study of the body. Anatomists gain their knowledge typically performed on cadavers.
While some Anatomists use their knowledge to heal, most adopt this profession to further their own dark motives.
These vivisectionists make the most exquisite torturers and are sometimes found in the employ of despotic rulers.
Some Anatomists use their specialized knowledge for the good of humanity, serving as skilled physicians and healers. However, because of the taboo and stigma associated with the dissection of corpses, almost all Anatomists must keep their experiments secret from their clientele. Thus, the Anatomist usually fosters the appearance of being an “ordinary” doctor or wizard who gains his or her knowledge from ancient texts and university lectures.
Despite the public opprobrium, Anatomists have no desire to flee society. Indeed, their entire profession is based on the close proximity of civilization. It would prove impossible, for instance, to practice their calling in the desolate wilderness (at least not without considerable assistance from henchmen or allies).

Preferred Spells: The Anatomist prefers necromantic spells that directly affect the physical body, either before or after death (like corpse link, embalm, delay death, empathic wound transfer, bone growth, and graft flesh). They have little interest in the netherworld or undead (except perhaps as a convenient means of transporting corpses to their laboratory for study).

Anatomists always keeps one death spell memorized in case of dire emergency.

Weapon Proficiencies: The Anatomist’s first weapon is a knife, with which she or he automatically gains specialization at 6th level as a special benefit (this fills the second weapon slot). This skill entitles the wizard to multiple attacks and the customary +1 to hit and +2 on damage bonuses. After specializing in the knife, the wizard may learn either the dagger, dart, cutlass, or short sword.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:
Required: healing (this takes up two slots only) and anatomy.

Special Benefits:
Improved Healing: Anatomists make excellent doctors, gaining a +2 on their ability checks for the healing nonweapon proficiency. Patients resting under their care restore damage at an accelerated rate of 3 hp per day (4 hp per day with the herbalism nonweapon proficiency). The healing rate is slowed by 1 hp per day if the patient engages in strenuous physical activity or adventuring. A single Anatomist can care for up to 12 people in this fashion. When treating poisons or diseases (even those of magical origin), their patients are entitled to a second saving throw with a +4 bonus to resist the affliction.

Autopsy: Another useful skill of the Anatomist is the ability to divine the cause and time of death by thoroughly examining a corpse. This involves a careful dissection taking 1–6 turns minus 1 round per level. The wizard has a base 60% chance, plus 2% per level, of learning the specific reason and approximate time of death (90% maximum, one roll required for each check). This autopsy can reveal whether death resulted from normal processes (like old age or natural disease) or foul play (such as a wound, poison, spell, or magical disease). The accuracy of the estimated moment of death decreases with elapsed time since the actual event. For instance, if the subject died an hour before the autopsy, the time of death can be fixed to within 1–4 rounds (after one day, the estimate is only accurate to within 1–4 hours, and so on).

Special Hindrances: The Anatomist must regularly practice his or her skills or lose all the unique benefits of the kit (namely the autopsy and improved healing abilities).
The wizard must perform one dissection on a human subject per month in order to prevent these specialized skills from atrophying. If the Anatomist lapses in the dissection schedule for more than a month, he or she temporarily reverts to a standard specialist. The former status may be easily regained, however, simply by performing twice the minimum number of dissections that were missed. Each formal study requires one complete day which cannot be spent in adventuring, spell research, or other pursuits.
:o :shock: :twisted:
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#5 Post by Rukellian »

Stonjuz wrote: Special Hindrances: The Anatomist must regularly practice his or her skills or lose all the unique benefits of the kit (namely the autopsy and improved healing abilities).
The wizard must perform one dissection on a human subject per month in order to prevent these specialized skills from atrophying. If the Anatomist lapses in the dissection schedule for more than a month, he or she temporarily reverts to a standard specialist. The former status may be easily regained, however, simply by performing twice the minimum number of dissections that were missed. Each formal study requires one complete day which cannot be spent in adventuring, spell research, or other pursuits.
:o :shock: :twisted:
Oh boy... I was hoping that you would just kinda skip over that part *cough* :lol:
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#6 Post by Stonjuz »

Skip over? Heck no. This is gonna be the funnest part.
Why not get started and roll for current status on the need to find another?
Hmmmmm...Roll 4d8 to determine how many days its been since your last experiment.

Reports of the recent demise of the famous wizard Cluemiester has surely crossed Lokvin's mind.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#7 Post by Rukellian »

Here is Fezuul Lokvin's experience sheet, I will update this regularly on my own.
* bonus experience
Last edited by Rukellian on Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:40 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#8 Post by Stonjuz »

Rukellian wrote:Here is Fezuul Lokvin's experience sheet, I will update this regularly on my own.
* bonus experience
Nope......He is 3rd level currently.....i think that puts him at 5,440/10,000 ?
And over time (when I get the chance) I will give your non weapon proficiency selections their starting numbers for checks and future growth
at 5 cp per lvl, he has acquired 10 character points
(if you do not want the points and choose to play 2nd edition purist, please state so, as either is ok, as you can tell im pretty loose)
I personally like them, but ultimately the players must keep track of them.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#9 Post by Rukellian »

Ah, I also noticed that my character sheet is still at level one right now, thats part of the early confusion on my end. As a level 3, I can have at a max of 15 HP with constitution modifiers in place. I will edit this post later to reflect the 10 cp usage, or letting you know if I'm going pure 2e.

Quick question on the cp usage for wizards.
· Priests and wizards can spend points to gain extra spells. Only one additional enchantment per level can be purchased this way, and the cost is 2 points plus 1 point per level of the spell purchased. Priests and wizards cannot purchase higher level spells than they can cast. Look to chapters four and eight for more information on magic and character points.

Does this imply that my necromantic specialist can use his 10 character points to invest in spells from the cleric system, or is it strictly for wizardly spells? Also, does Fezuul being a specialist have any effect on how he uses said character points for additional spells?

If the clerical spells are approved for Fezuul, then he will invest into 2x Cure Light Wound Spells and 1x Slow Poison. (they are all necromantic in origin too if you check the spell descriptions)

If the clerical spells are restricted through cp usage then, I will invest all 10 of my points into the no components wizard skill. But naturally, I would choose the clerical spells over this if possible.
Last edited by Rukellian on Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#10 Post by Stonjuz »

max hitpoints at level one, and then roll for the other two levels
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#11 Post by Rukellian »

[1d4] = 4
[1d4] = 2

Okay, so with those rolls and my constitution modifier of +1 for each roll. My new hitpoints should be 12.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#12 Post by NJWilliam »

Rukellian wrote: Quick question on the cp usage for wizards.
· Priests and wizards can spend points to gain extra spells. Only one additional enchantment per level can be purchased this way, and the cost is 2 points plus 1 point per level of the spell purchased. Priests and wizards cannot purchase higher level spells than they can cast. Look to chapters four and eight for more information on magic and character points.
I think I may have used Branc's cp incorrectly depending on the interpretation of this.
I used the cp as above to buy spells for his spellbook, but does is that actually for an additional spell that he can memorize and not simply for repertoire?
The inclusion of priests makes it now seem like it is an additional spell slot (except that doesn't quite make sense with spell points, either).
So, which is it, or maybe both - the same cost for an additional spell known or for an additional spell to be able to cast?
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#13 Post by Stonjuz »

NJWilliam wrote:
Rukellian wrote: Quick question on the cp usage for wizards.
· Priests and wizards can spend points to gain extra spells. Only one additional enchantment per level can be purchased this way, and the cost is 2 points plus 1 point per level of the spell purchased. Priests and wizards cannot purchase higher level spells than they can cast. Look to chapters four and eight for more information on magic and character points.
I think I may have used Branc's cp incorrectly depending on the interpretation of this.
I used the cp as above to buy spells for his spellbook, but does is that actually for an additional spell that he can memorize and not simply for repertoire?
The inclusion of priests makes it now seem like it is an additional spell slot (except that doesn't quite make sense with spell points, either).
So, which is it, or maybe both - the same cost for an additional spell known or for an additional spell to be able to cast?
I see how the inclusion of priests screws up logic....so im gonna say.......
Additional spell that can be memorized
hope that clears that up, i think thats the way ive alwasy done it
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#14 Post by NJWilliam »

Stonjuz wrote:
NJWilliam wrote:
Rukellian wrote: Quick question on the cp usage for wizards.
· Priests and wizards can spend points to gain extra spells. Only one additional enchantment per level can be purchased this way, and the cost is 2 points plus 1 point per level of the spell purchased. Priests and wizards cannot purchase higher level spells than they can cast. Look to chapters four and eight for more information on magic and character points.
I think I may have used Branc's cp incorrectly depending on the interpretation of this.
I used the cp as above to buy spells for his spellbook, but does is that actually for an additional spell that he can memorize and not simply for repertoire?
The inclusion of priests makes it now seem like it is an additional spell slot (except that doesn't quite make sense with spell points, either).
So, which is it, or maybe both - the same cost for an additional spell known or for an additional spell to be able to cast?
I see how the inclusion of priests screws up logic....so im gonna say.......
Additional spell that can be memorized
hope that clears that up, i think thats the way ive alwasy done it
Excellent, thanks. I'll need to take another look at the CPs for Branc then.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#15 Post by Rukellian »

Now that I know that the cp are to be/can be used towards a number of memorized spells for wizards, that brings me back to my other question. Through character points, can Fezuul memorize some necromantic cleric spells from the priest branch? Or is his memorization of spells restricted to the wizard branch of magic? This will ultimatetly decide whether I invest into some new spells or take the wizard skill no components.
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#16 Post by Stonjuz »

to cast clerical spell,
a wiz would still need to acquire the spell via scroll, book or teacher, the spells do not come divine
a wiz would have to spend character points on the ability to cast clerical spells AND the appropriate school, necro in this case
but yes, they can be memorized, in place of any normal wiz spell
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#17 Post by Rukellian »

Stonjuz wrote:to cast clerical spell,
a wiz would still need to acquire the spell via scroll, book or teacher, the spells do not come divine
a wiz would have to spend character points on the ability to cast clerical spells AND the appropriate school, necro in this case
but yes, they can be memorized, in place of any normal wiz spell
Okay, let's see if I got all of this right. If I want to use a clerical spell for my wizard using cp, I will need to invest 5 points into the minor sphere of necromantic spells under the priest branch of magic. On top of that I will need learn the spell from a physical source given that I have no connection with any divine dieties. If that is correct, then I will take the time to have my character go to a temple to try and find that physical source of knowledge (priest, scroll, tomb, ect.), and then dedicated my final 5 cp to 1x Cure Light Wounds (once its learned), and another roll for hitpoints.

Did I miss anything? I don't want to make any changes to my character sheet until I know for sure there are no misunderstandings on my part. Thank you for your patience!
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#18 Post by Stonjuz »

Priestly wizards (15): These wizards gain access to one sphere of priest spells and can cast them as if they were wizard spells. These characters must continue to observe the number of various level spells they can cast each day.
(from skills and powers)
yea, sorry, not 5, its 15....
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#19 Post by Rukellian »

Stonjuz wrote:Priestly wizards (15): These wizards gain access to one sphere of priest spells and can cast them as if they were wizard spells. These characters must continue to observe the number of various level spells they can cast each day.
(from skills and powers)
yea, sorry, not 5, its 15....
Ah shoot! I just realized that the priestly wizards skill is only for mage class wizards, not specialists like Fezuul. Even if I saved up my cp, I wouldn't be able to use them the way I wanted to being a specialist. It's settled then, I will just invest my 10 cp into the no components skill for Specialist Wizards.

"No components (10): The ability to designate one specialty-school spell per character level as a spell that does not require material components. For example, a 3rd-level specialist may have a total of three spells in his spellbook that do not require material components."
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: He's the one they call Doctor Fezuul!!!

#20 Post by grey_starr »

Rukellian wrote:
Stonjuz wrote:Priestly wizards (15): These wizards gain access to one sphere of priest spells and can cast them as if they were wizard spells. These characters must continue to observe the number of various level spells they can cast each day.
(from skills and powers)
yea, sorry, not 5, its 15....
Ah shoot! I just realized that the priestly wizards skill is only for mage class wizards, not specialists like Fezuul. Even if I saved up my cp, I wouldn't be able to use them the way I wanted to being a specialist. It's settled then, I will just invest my 10 cp into the no components skill for Specialist Wizards.

"No components (10): The ability to designate one specialty-school spell per character level as a spell that does not require material components. For example, a 3rd-level specialist may have a total of three spells in his spellbook that do not require material components."
Keep in mind that a DM can make changes to the rules should they wish.
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