Branc Temugen Wild Mage Extraordinaire

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Branc Temugen Wild Mage Extraordinaire

#1 Post by Stonjuz »

Just a spot for me to keep track of the strangest class in the game, for a dm....except maybe psionics

the following is excerpts from Tome of Magic.....

, wild mages have thrown themselves into the intense study of a single aspect of magic.
Wild magic is so different from traditional magic that only those devoted to its study may cast wild magic;no wizard other than a wild mage may attempt to use the spells of wild magic.

Wild mages are by no means specialist wizards--at least not in the traditional sense. Wild mages do not study within the confines of schools.
Instead, their research into new theories of wild magic carries them into all different fields. Wild magic has strengths in some areas (particularly divination and evocation), but it is not confined to any single school of magic.

On rare occasions, any spell can have dangerously unpredictable results, including backfiring or creating an entirely different effect from what was desired.
More commonly, the magnitude of a spell--range, duration, area of effect, or even damage--may fluctuate from casting to casting.
Spells cast by wild mages are inherently unpredictable.

.... wild mages are able to memorize one extra spell per spell level. This spell must be a wild magic spell, although it can be from any school;
wild mages have no opposition schools as do specialists.

Wild mages receive a bonus of +10% when learning new wild magic spells and a -5% penalty when learning other spells.
Because wild magic is somewhat "fast and loose," wild mages can research new spells as if they were one level less difficult, decreasing the amount of time and money needed to create new spells.

Each time a wild mage uses a spell with a level variable, he randomly determines the resulting casting level of the spell. The spell may function at lesser, equal, or greater effect than normal. The degree of variation depends on the true level of the caster, as shown in

To determine the level at which the spell is cast, the player must roll 1d20 at the moment the spell is cast. The variation from the caster's actual level is found at the point where the character's true level and the die roll intersect. (True level refers to the current experience level of the wild mage.) If the result is a positive number, that many levels are added to the caster's true level for purposes of casting the spell. If the result is a negative number, that many levels are subtracted from the caster's true level. If the result is 0, the spell is cast normally. The variation of a spell's power has no permanent effect on the mage's experience level or casting ability.

For example, Theos, a 7th-level wild mage, casts a fireball. He wishes it to take effect 70 yards away at the site of a band of advancing orcs. Fireball has level variables for range (10 yds.+10 yds./level) and damage (1d6/level). A die roll is made on the Level Variation Table with a result of 19, indicating a level variation of +3. The fireball functions as if cast by a 10th-level wizard (7+3) and easily reaches its target, causing 10d6 points of damage. If the level variation had been -3 (die roll of 2), the spell would have operated as if it were 4th level. In this case, the fireball would have fallen short since its maximum range would have been 50 yards (10 yds+ 10 yds 1d4).

One additional effect can occur when casting level-variable spells. If the result from Table 1 is boldfaced, the caster has inadvertently created a wild surge in the spell in addition to the spell's effects. A wild surge briefly opens a doorway through which raw magical energy pours. The energy is incompletely controlled by the actions of the spellcaster. The result, often spectacular, is seldom what the caster intended and is sometimes a smaller or greater version of the desired spell. At other times, wildly improbable results occur. Songs may fill the air, people might appear out of nowhere, or the floor may become a pool of grease. Whatever happens, it is the essence of wildness.

When a wild surge occurs, the DM must roll on Table 2. Unlike many other instances in the AD&D® game in which the DM is encouraged to choose a suitable result, wild surges are best resolved by random chance. Actively choosing a result biases the nature of wild magic. DMs are encouraged to be random and have fun.
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Re: Branc Temugen Wild Mage

#2 Post by Stonjuz »

[1d100] = 17 [1d20] = 5 [1d10] = 8 [1d8] = 6 [1d6] = 5 [1d4] = 1
In the wee hours of the night, Branc, unable to rest finds himself at the common area, the privvy if you will, when his new familiar arrives.....

The sense of familiarity ( :roll: ) is strong but the mammal does not raise its head from its meal. Feeding on the carcass of a bird as big as an eagle, a vulture perhaps, and as if having not eaten in quite some time, is a caracal desert lynx kitten. The feline only barely acknowledges the presense of its new 'master' as Branc draws nearer, but the mage knows that a connection exists within its small frame.
caracal-desert-lynx.jpg (47.26 KiB) Viewed 1064 times
Hope you like it....and no, you cant have all three ;)
I really did let the others have a vote.... and it was close but we could have seen the vulture eating the cat here.
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Re: Branc Temugen Wild Mage

#3 Post by NJWilliam »

Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
Alex Fiord, The Rescuers
Hakon Geirmundarson, Pawns of the North Wind
Jameson Rowan, Silverband
Disston Symonds, Sigma Chronos
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Re: Branc Temugen Wild Mage

#4 Post by Stonjuz »

AC 7 (youth) and 5hp (seems like alot for a kitten but....thats what the rules say....2-4hp +1per lvl)

Sex?....i dont can call it.....and of course he/she will need a name.....and im sure we are all dying to see a descriptive post regarding the bond and initial presentation to the group
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Re: Branc Temugen Wild Mage

#5 Post by NJWilliam »

As he approaches Branc feels the caracal kitten's sense of pride and satiety as it feasts on the large bird several times its size. He knows the kitten - Kodara - feels a connection with Branc as well, and is pleased for Branc to find him with such a treasure as the large bird.

Branc takes a seat nearby, patiently waiting for Kodara to finish his meal. He watches the kitten flick it's jet black ears, already pointed with the beginning of the characteristic tufts of the caracal. While he waits Branc remembers the caracals he watched as a youth and their fantastic leaps to take down birds on the wing. Kodara obviously has inherited that passion.

When Kodara finishes Branc reaches out with his senses, saying not a word, but calling Kodara to him, to his shoulder. The kitten's ear twitch again as it stretches and walks toward Branc, looks up, and makes a leap onto Branc that ends with the kitten digging its small claws into Branc's cloak, and a swift scramble up to Branc's shoulder where he finds a larger crease in the cloak and settles in.
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
Alex Fiord, The Rescuers
Hakon Geirmundarson, Pawns of the North Wind
Jameson Rowan, Silverband
Disston Symonds, Sigma Chronos
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Re: Branc Temugen Wild Mage Extraordinaire

#6 Post by Stonjuz »

Kodara crawls up the sleeve of the arm that holds the Staff of Striking. The cat playfully ponders on whether-or-not he can sit atop the staff while his master holds it steady before him.
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Re: Branc Temugen Wild Mage Extraordinaire

#7 Post by Stonjuz »

Everyone probably already knew this, but it is new to me. I learned just this weekend that Temugen was also one of Ghengis Khan's names? Yes?
Saw it in a movie. Can't remember which one.
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Re: Branc Temugen Wild Mage Extraordinaire

#8 Post by NJWilliam »

Yup, that's right.
I thought the Hardcore History podcasts on the Mongols and Genghis Khan was really really good (and free).
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
Alex Fiord, The Rescuers
Hakon Geirmundarson, Pawns of the North Wind
Jameson Rowan, Silverband
Disston Symonds, Sigma Chronos
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