Cut Scenes....

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Cut Scenes....

#1 Post by max_vale »

Cut Away One:

Interior: Subjugator Bridge.

Standing before the massive viewports of the command bridge, an Imperial Naval officer looks out upon the damage his ship has sustained. His eyes slide slowly across the deep gashes and the twisted superstructure, resting momentarily upon a black scar that slices across the forward hull. An explosion rips through the wounded ship from somewhere deep inside, throwing the bridge crew from side to side. The officer remains standing firm before the viewport however, oblivious to the discomforts of his men.

"It doesn't look very promising, does it Captain Kolaff?", a female voice asks from the shadows. The Captain turns to a tall woman mostly hidden by her regal, hooded robe of an Imperial official; a woman who somehow retains an air of authority despite the garbs stains and tears.

"Promising, my lady?"; replies Kolaff. "We are about to win a great victory against our enemies." The official snorts in disdain and answers with; "Victory? Captain, those pirates caught you off guard and devastated your vessel. I do not see running away as a victory."

Kolaff's dark eyes glitter dangerously, but he responds in a polite tone; "Not running, my lady, tactically retreating. They have damaged us beyond repair, that is true. But I have a surprise being readied for those pirates when they return; as I'm sure they will. They will find the price of dealing with me and my vessel to be far more expensive than they can afford"....

Fade to: A group of rebels at a computer terminal on a small platform above roaring flames...
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Cut Scenes....

#2 Post by max_vale »

Cut Away Two:

Interior: Attacking Flagship's Bridge.

The camera slowly pans across a battered Mon Calamari Cruiser, zooming in to look upon the bridge. Sparks fly from a freshly-welded control panel as crew members bustle in and out of the frame. The shot finally comes to rest upon the stoic figure of Captain Torrie, commander of the Task Force that attacked Subjugator. A Corpsman bandages a bloody wound on Torrie's arm.

"Repair status?"; asks the Captain.

"Almost there sir"; his Mon Cal first mate answers; "Power is up to 50 percent in the remaining ships; we have basic sunlight drive capability and all but Freedom's Fire have at least minimal shields.

"And the status of the Subjugator?"; asks Torrie.

"No discernible improvement"; his XO replies; "She appears to be all but dead in space."

A grim smile creeps across the captain's face. He orders his comms officer to patch him into a Task Force-wide frequency.

"Task Force STARFALL; this is Captain Torrie. Prepare to attack Subjugator; I repeat; Prepare to attack."

Wipe to:

Interior: Star Destroyer Engine Control Core
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
Posts: 3994
Joined: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:58 pm

Re: Cut Scenes....

#3 Post by max_vale »

Cut Away Three:

Interior: Subjugator Bridge

Framed against a sea of stars; Captain Kolaff peers anxiously out the giant viewport. To his right the female Imperial official scowls impatiently.

"They're coming"; the captain says, "I can feel them drawing near."

"The Rebel ships do not concern me"; snaps the official; "Only Walex Blissex interests me."

"Blissex and his Rebel cohorts are dead. I am sorry for any inconvenience this will cause you, but even now my men search the lower levels for their bodies."

The woman smiles coldly and replies; "No you fool, they are NOT dead. They simply escaped your foolish trap. You are a pathetic commander who must rely on wild schemes and inane plotting to make up for your lack of military competence."

Though he does not turn to face her and his voice remains calm and even; angry flashes in Kolaff's eyes. "Assuming that you have done what I asked of you and done it correctly, you will soon see what military competence really is. As for Blissex and his pack of Rebels, if they have survived I will soon either finish them off or have them back in custody before time expires."

"I hope so Captain"; the woman's voice drips poisonously, "for your sake"....

Cut to:

Interior: Subjugator Supply room.....
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