Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

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Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

#1 Post by Paladin »

Early Morning, The Great Gate

For one reason or another, you've all made your way here to the fabled city of Nuz Edrak, Jewel of the East. Perhaps you were lured here by tales of gold and glory. Perhaps it is scholarly interest or divine conviction? Whatever the case, a dark-eyed man in the rich garb of a merchant prince meets you within the great gate. He clears his throat and welcomes you with a deep bow.

"Greetings, travelers! My name is Aku Hi'ram. I can see by the manner of your dress and carriage that you are not from the city." He smiles broadly, his tanned face creased and teeth flashing white. "But then...who is from Nuz Edrak? All come here, but no one is born here. Come! Come! I will be your guide."

He leads you through the shouting throng that is the central market, the Great Bazaar. It's early yet, so the heat isn't quite so overpowering and scores of merchants are engaged in vigorously promoting their stock to all and sundry. The result is a cacophany of shouting, insults, the clink of gold and bleating of animals. Life. The city teems with life even in the midst of a plague.

Many of those around you are masked and stand well clear as you pass. Others scoff at the precaution and attempt to engage you in loud conversation. Aku swats them away like so many flies and motions for you to follow him onto a relatively quiet side street.

"Even with the sickness taking many each night, the market is full." He shrugs. "Money is good. Life is good. But what is one without the other?" Another wide smile.

"I presume you have come for the reward," he continues. You all pause beneath the spacious awning of a storefront. "Many others have come for the gold. Tall men who smell of the sea, with braided beards and deep chests. Dark men from farther south than Aku has ever been, lean and hungry for glory. Elves. Wizards. Priests. A thousand others from a thousand lands. All have tried to help us and all have failed."

He tilts his head to examine you closely. "But perhaps it is different for you, yes?" He nods as if satisfied by his intent examination. "Perhaps it is so. There are many ways you might attack this problem. Aku knows many things about this plague and the city which are not common knowledge..." He gestures to his empty purse and sighs heavily. "I fear I have fallen on hard times and have not eaten for three days. My belly growls so loudly that I cannot remember the secrets I wished to pass on to you!"

Aku sends you a sly grin and waits expectantly.

Barlow, Cleric 26/26
Jasmine, Barbarian 39/39
Gil, Barbarian 39/39
Last edited by Paladin on Sun Oct 04, 2020 12:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#2 Post by Grognardsw »


Gilbert O'Sullivan, barbarian skald


Gil sweats and grunts at this man Aku Hi'ram, distrustful of a stranger in a strange city. His rich garb belies his accusations of not having eaten for days. Yet the native could have useful information.

"Gil O'Sullivan is the name
adventuring is my game,"

says Gil, trying to put an edge in his voice to keep down the sing-song inflection.

The barbarian skald sweeps his cloak about him, wary of pick pockets that must infest these streets. Since coming to this region, Gil has kept his heavier clothes in his saddlebag and shaved his beard.

“Jasmine, watch your coin
Lest a thief purloin.”

Damn this curse, thinks Gil, as he is forced to voice his introduction to Aku Hi’ram in verse.

"I come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
With sword of Kord, I ride my horse to new lands
To sing, carouse and fight evil where it stands

Nuz Edrak your fields of Emptiness
Where stalks Death obsessed
Whispering tales of gore
Of undying dead looming war

Mayhap our skill and sword
Could strike down that overlord
Nolazar Caller of Bone
That light and justice may shone "


Gil shrugs off the amused glance of Aku Hi’ram. The warrior is use to such reactions to his forced verse, whether it be voiced solo or in accompaniment to strings. He looks to his comrades to judge if they will accept Aku Hi’ram’s offer of information in exchange for coin.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#3 Post by tarlyn »


The big burly barbarian grunts at Gilbert, then looks down at Aku, sizing him up. Already untrusting in nature, she looks at her coin purse, then to him.

Having already come to the same conclusion as her Barbarian companion, she cocks an eyebrow and tells "their guide"

"You don't dress like you needing coin, puny man," and belches rather profusely, patting her stomach.

"Find us lodging and food maybe I give you coin. If friends think you deserve coin maybe I will give, maybe I won't.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#4 Post by Leitz »

"Thank you, friend Aku. However, as you noticed, we are not from here, and need to find our own way for a little while." Barlow said. He looked around, the side street felt almost like a trap. "I'm sure someone as knowledgeable as you can easily be found when we are ready. Surely the other city folk defer to your wisdom?"

He nudged Jasmine. "We need to tread lightly on friend Aku's time, and find our own lodging. There's a chapel here, and we can get trusted guidance from them, and then seek Aku when we are refreshed and ready."
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#5 Post by tarlyn »


"I not hurt the little man, Barlow," and looks pointedly at Aku, adding ""much".

Sighing, she crosses her arms over her chest and lets Barlow and Gilbert do the talking. Leaning towards Barlow she asks

"Is Chapel like a Temple I hear about? I not been to any city or town, so only hear of such places in me travels."
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#6 Post by Leitz »

Barlow nodded, he firmed his grip on the mule's halter, and they took their leave of dear Aku.

"East side of the city, north of the Well of the Three Sisters," Barlow said. The mule clomped behind him. "I studied an old map of Nuz Edrak, but things are vastly different in person. Still, much remains the same. I am to deliver a message to the head priest, and I'm fairly certain we can spend a few days in whatever sort of building the chapel is. Usually they are built in the local style, and house the priests and a few scribes. Often there are spaces for congregants who are having difficulty, and some chapels have small medical facilities."

He looked at Jasmine, and then Gil. "I've enjoyed traveling with both of you, and very much appreciate your company and friendship. If you are willing, please be my guests at the chapel. At least until things there get sorted out, and you've had time to decide if you want to be elsewhere."
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#7 Post by Grognardsw »


Gil O’Sullivan, barbarian skald

Gil shifts his cloak, grumbling under his breath about the heat of this distant city. He leads his horse Mount by the reins as the adventurers move away from Aku Hi'ram.

“Aye good cleric Barlow
To temple hospitality do show
Though first I would welcome ale and wench
To entertain and dry throat quench.”
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#8 Post by tarlyn »


Looking at Gilbert she smirks. Having absolutely no manners or etiquette to speak of, her forthcoming reply is as follows .

"Is that all you think about, wench and drink?," and she grabs her crotch to accentuate her meaning.

"More to life than snu-snu and alchohol is all I say. Like killing undead and more undead and also .... " she thinks a moment

"A good hunt and good food after hunt."
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#9 Post by Paladin »

Aku's regard for Gil is obvious from the moment the massive man weaves his first verse. Their guide's swarthy face softens into a smile which only broadens as the skald continues his sonorous intonations.

"Ahh, my friend. Surely you are a hammer of the gods. I have the utmost faith in your blade." His smile falters at Jasmine's rude (by the standards of the city-bred) manner and fumbling grasp of the common tongue.

He opens his mouth for a sharp retort and promptly closes it again, perhaps allowing the incredible bulk of the shield-maiden to temper his annoyance. Instead, he settles for a softly-delivered warning, devoid of inflection. "Nuz Edrak is ancient and wicked, good companions. Filled with innumerable dangers for the uninitiated. If you would but allow me to--"

Barlow interjects smoothly and talks his companions into finding their own way and procuring lodgings without Aku's assistance. The man's expression sours, but he says nothing further. Gleaming black eyes follow your progress until you vanish into the city.

The trade district sprawls interminably before you, dotted with gaily-decorated temples and public houses. Gold, gods, and a good time are inextricably bound in Nuz Edrak, or so you gather from the silk-clad prostitutes scattered like a spray of wildflowers before the grim statues of stone-faced gods which flank both temples and the trader's tents alike.

Priests, some stern and others red-faced with drink, alternately preach and guffaw. Many are masked against the plague, but others mingle freely. There is a near-frantic eagerness to their jollification, as if they deny the reality of what comes at nightfall by filling their daylight hours with revelry.

An olive-skinned girl with flashing green eyes and a waterfall of dark hair fastens herself to Barlow, one arm snaking around his waist. She stands on her tip-toes to whisper in the priest's ear, then voices a throaty laugh and points to a temple across the street. The stone facade is adorned with leaping, bull-necked stags.

Two more young women attach themselves to Gil and tug the mountainous barbarian in opposite directions, pouting prettily and sniping at each other in a lilting tongue as they vie for his attention.

Jasmine attracts a growing body of followers, most richly-attired men with ring-encrusted fingers and speculative eyes. They maintain a safe distance, but it is obvious they've never seen spied such an impressive figure of warlike womanhood. Whether they're motivated by personal interest or the price she'd bring at the slave market, she's definitely caught their attention.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#10 Post by tarlyn »


The Barbarian has never been to a city before and finds her trek through the city very disconcerting, putting her slightly on edge.

To further her discomfort are the stares and gawks she receives from the men. Gritting her teeth, she controls her temper but once alone

with the Barlow and the others, ignoring the prostitutes, she will ask innocently yet a tad angry :

"What dose men problem??? Never seen a tall wimmin before? I somewhat confused by stares I receiving. Feel like

piece of meat eyed by a dog."

Running a hand through her hair, she exhales loudly. Not realizing she had been almost holding her breath, she grins sheepishly..
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#11 Post by Leitz »

Unsure what the lady whispered to him, Barlow grinned and nodded towards Jasmine. Perhaps letting the unnamed lady infer what she likes is the way to go? Barlow whispered back to the unnamed lady "Sorry, I'm taken. My friend there," he nodded to Gil "has a strong appetite for beauty; perhaps the three of you might be enough? Hmm...maybe you have another friend?"

Hopefully disentangled, at Gil's expense, Barlow leaned towards Jasmine and spoke quietly. "Humanity has its weaknesses, and beautiful women rank high on that list. You are going to have an issue. I, on the other hand, am only at risk as long as I have a purse to empty."
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#12 Post by tarlyn »


She thinks about Barlow's words and very quickly replies. "So if you no having coin bag, you not have trouble, I understand. So if I am keeping your bag, you not in danger of losing your coins." Is her own logical conclusion, though it may not make sense to Barlow it does to her.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#13 Post by Grognardsw »

Gil, barbarian skald

Gil eyes Aku Hi’ram closely as they leave, trying to remember him for the future. The skald joins his friends as they walk through the trade district with its temples, taverns and women of loose morals. He likes what he sees.

“Is that all you think about, wench and drink?” Jasmine says.

The skald smiles as Jasmine grabs her crotch. The warrior woman makes up in toughness what she lacks in beauty.

“What better is there to ponder,
Then pleasures here and yonder?”

Gil sings with a laugh.

Gil points to a tavern in front of which several strumpets strump. The sign hanging above the door says “The Vulgar Unicorn.”

“Need I give bribe
To join me and imbibe?”

As two trollops move to Gil, he keeps an eye on their roving hands and lustily scoops the prettier one up.

“Drink with us fair lady
In that tavern shady!”

They move to the tavern door. Gil glances back to see if his comrades follow. He laughs at the appearance of Jasmine’s admirers.

“Jasmine you have your men
Splendid roosters for the hen!
Nary they have seen such muscle
With mean visage afraid to tussle!”

(I’m interpreting Jasmine’s 6 Cha. correctly?)
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC)

#14 Post by tarlyn »

Grognardsw wrote: Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:43 pm Gil, barbarian skald

Gil eyes Aku Hi’ram closely as they leave, trying to remember him for the future. The skald joins his friends as they walk through the trade district with its temples, taverns and women of loose morals. He likes what he sees.

“Is that all you think about, wench and drink?” Jasmine says.

The skald smiles as Jasmine grabs her crotch. The warrior woman makes up in toughness what she lacks in beauty.

“What better is there to ponder,
Then pleasures here and yonder?”

Gil sings with a laugh.

Gil points to a tavern in front of which several strumpets strump. The sign hanging above the door says “The Vulgar Unicorn.”

“Need I give bribe
To join me and imbibe?”

As two trollops move to Gil, he keeps an eye on their roving hands and lustily scoops the prettier one up.

“Drink with us fair lady
In that tavern shady!”

They move to the tavern door. Gil glances back to see if his comrades follow. He laughs at the appearance of Jasmine’s admirers.

“Jasmine you have your men
Splendid roosters for the hen!
Nary they have seen such muscle
With mean visage afraid to tussle!”

(I’m interpreting Jasmine’s 6 Cha. correctly?)

The big Barbarian listens to Gil's song. Suddenly and with good heart she bursts out laughing, and even as she points at the

men Gil pointed out, gut heaving bursts of laughter explode right from her gut .

"Gu hahahahahah .... you think one of them enough man for me? Ba-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha," clutching her gut as she continues laughing good heartedly.

Wiping a tear form her eye, still giggling "I .. I break them .. too much wimmin for them,,, ba-hahahahah!!!!"

Then she looks at Gil and smiles "Thank you for singing a funny." She follows the others in, ignoring any men brave enough

to dare approach her.
Yes she has a 6 Cha but that is more her speech, scar, no manners whatsoever and being a rather large specimen of a lady lol
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

#15 Post by Paladin »

As you enter the tavern, please do continue the action here...


When you are ready to return to the streets, we will come back to continue this thread.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

#16 Post by Grognardsw »


Gil, barbarian skald

Gil walks with his companions through the streets of Nuz-Edrak to the bazaar. He keeps as sharp an eye as a drunk barbarian can for suspicious looking characters who may be after him, excluding Heath.

“Watch for thieves in these parts,” he mutters to Jasmine. Gil feels some protectiveness for the woman because she is a woman, even though on a good day she may be able to take him in a fight. Ha, that is the drink talking, thinks Gil. No woman can defeat me!

Gil shops for the provisions they need (see list from tavern.) He doesn’t haggle too much, given it is Kazak’s money.

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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

#17 Post by Paladin »

It's been some time since you ducked out of the hot sun and into the tavern. You reenter a slightly more subdued world. The afternoon is pushing toward evening and a few nervous merchants have already begun to pack their wares for the day. A door closes and locks as you walk by, though it is some time yet until dusk.

Anyone keeping a close eye on the crowd, roll a d6 for me and include the result with your next post, please.

Whatever goods you seek, feel free to roleplay the purchase or simply list what you get and consider it gotten, however you prefer. Prices here are 25% higher than those found in the PHB.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

#18 Post by Darklin2 »


[1d6] = 2

I am off to the Horse trader for a Draft Horse and wagon. Maybe I will have some luck and maybe not. A barrel for water, a weeks rations, a quiver of arrows, and some grain for the horse. Anyone else heading that way?? if not I'll meet you back at the Inn before dark. I will need to stable the horse before coming in.

OOC- Need price for Large Wooden Barrel.
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Re: Into the Heart of the Storm (IC - Streets of Nuz Edrak)

#20 Post by Darklin2 »

:lol: So a 5 year Old? That's an expensive Barrel. :lol:
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