Along the Border Watch

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Re: Along the Border Watch

#381 Post by Hotgoblin »

Muldgarr nods to his saviors and resumes firing at the oncoming orcs in front of him!! He keeps yelling...They shall not pass!

Attack w/Comp Long Bow [1d20+1]=6+1=7 Damage [1d8]=6

Attack w/Comp Long Bow [1d20+1]=12+1=13 Damage [1d8]=3

Attack w/Comp Long Bow [1d20+1]=12+1=13 Damage [1d8]=7
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#382 Post by hedgeknight »

Northern Furyondy, 585 CY, the month of Patchwall, Godsday 11 - Waterday 19, Late Evening...

While Sai hurries back to the walls of Fort Disaster, Adelphocles begins the grim task of dispatching the entangled and sleeping bandits. Three of the villagers, knives or axes in hand, help the centaur in his task. Killing these men who would have burned and pillaged their homes gives a great deal of satisfaction...knowing others will think twice before doing this again.

Back at the fort, the ground continues to soak up the blood fo the goblinoids as soldiers and the heroes of the Border Watch repel the Iuzian horde! Kranston attempts to loosen a stone to crush the Ogre below, but amazingly he finds none, and jabs at the Ogre with his quarterstaff to no avail.
In life and death situations, people do things out of the does Montego with an elixir he has been saving for a rainy day. Well, it's misting rain, and the air is full of arrows, so he quaffs the liquid in two gulps. Immediately, the ranger begins to grow!
potion of growth.png
potion of growth.png (844.2 KiB) Viewed 1102 times
Shaking his head at the loss of life, Cassius draws and fires at the Ogre about to climb the tower. His first arrow sinks up to the fletching under the creature's left arm, causing it extreme agony. His second arrow pierces the beast's neck clean through and the Ogre drops like a stone! (O1 dead)
"They shall not pass!" Muldgarr yells, fitting arrow to bowstring and firing one after the other into the ranks of the Orcs. He drops one Orc cleanly, and gut shoots another, effectively taking it out of the fight.

Montego grows and grows and grows! He is twice the size of a normal man and with a giant-sized two-handed sword, the ranger leans over the wall and delivers a mighty chop. The blade strikes the last Ogre right in the top of the head, crushing it like a melon hitting the ground. Brains and gore splash the walls and the Orcs below as the Ogre topples backward, falling with a loud thud...back to the mud.
The Orcs, numbers depleted and with their Ogre shock troops dead, break and run for the river!

Montego roars, his voice booming thunder, and the Orcs run faster toward their boats. The defenders of the wall pepper them with arrows, dropping a few more, sending them floating down the river.
The wall on which Montego stands, suddenly begins to break apart....and he quickly steps back and tumbles into the courtyard, a giant of a man, a true hero of Fort Disaster. The soldiers give a ragged cheer, as do the townsfolk > waving and cheering for their deliverance. Several ask (some downright beg) the heroes to stay on, to help them rebuild and to protect them. They are promised food, shelter, silver, whatever they want. Gazing up at Montego, a few of the women of the town giggle and whisper amongst themselves.
enormous.gif (352.21 KiB) Viewed 1102 times

The Orcs are routed and the bandits are dead or gone. You have saved Fort Disaster!
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#383 Post by Bluehorse »

Adelphocles does the dirty work, trampling and stabbing with his Lance. He will, however, find one Bandit that looks on the younger side and guard him in the end, making sure to disarm him before binding him and bringing him back for questioning.

I found us someone to question. Maybe we can find where these bandits are encamped and what their motivations are.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#384 Post by Darklin2 »


Seeing the last Ogre fall and the Orcs retreat he yells.


Sends a Mental to Talon. You still out there Talon? Thanks for the heads up. This may have gone differently without your warning.

He then makes his way back to the entangled bandits on the back side to the fort. Knowing the spell will end soon and they will need to be dealt with. Makes a visual assessment of all the merchants and party members to make sure everyone is still alive and kicking as he makes his way to the bandits. He walks out onto the field with Adelphocies.

They have defeated the Orcs and Ogres on the front side. We are Victorious.

He then starts to scour the battle field for weapons and valuables, removing everything from the dead and tossing it all in piles. Armor for the town, weapons and valuables for the party.
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Darklin Sylvanas- Fighter/Magic-User - Big Shiny Island (1E)
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#385 Post by ChubbyPixie »

"Haha! Yes! We've done it! I never doubted we should prevail..." says Kranston as he makes his way carefully down from the wall. After going to comfort his pony Eustace he shouts, "Now, where are the celebratory drinks?"
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#386 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Slightly upset that the cowards ran away just as he was about to cause some real damage, Montego starts to get angry. And you wont like him when he's angry.

The ranger bursts back through the crashed wall after the fleeing monsters, stomping any who are still dying deep into the mud as he runs. He follows their retreat, trying to determine where they came from. If he has any chance to catch up to a fleeing adversary, he grabs tham up into his meaty hand, lifting them up off the ground like a toy and carrying them back to the fort for interrogation.

If not, he returns and smiles at the curious ladies, stating. "Ok, girls. I aint wasting any more of this magic, so..... Who's first?"
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#387 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Nice shots Muldgarr." Cassius remarks as ogres and orcs drop. "What is Montego doing? Holy crap! He's huge!"

He cheers on the giant as he dispatches the last ogre and rampages through both orc and woman. Cassius moves to check on the merchants and especially the 'new' wizard.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#388 Post by Hotgoblin »

Muldgarr looks around at the carnage! He says to Cassius, ”Why do so many have to hate and feel the need to destroy others for power, control and wealth? It’s quite sickening, yet I’m happy to dispatch those that deserve it!”
He sees Montego and is quite surprised by his (Ogre-sized) stature!
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#389 Post by hedgeknight »

The carnage is splayed out all over the place, from the river to the fort, to the woods beyond the town. Fort Disaster is battered and bloodied, with one section of its wall caved in, and with nearly a dozen of wounded and/or dead defenders. Dispatching the dying Orcs and bandits, clearing the riverbank of bodies and dropped weapons, gathering stone to rebuild the wall, and burying (or burning) the dead carries well into the morning 'ere the brink of daybreak. No one gets any rest, but there is a celebratory feast of deer meat, soup, and hardbread, along with a couple of barrels of ale for the victors.
drinking horn.jpg
drinking horn.jpg (67.26 KiB) Viewed 1084 times

Kranston is given a fresh mug for every song he invents or plays on his drums.
Adelphocles and Sai scour the dead for everything they can use or sell (see below).
Cassius and Muldgarr try and find the wizard who was blasting the enemy, but there is no one to be found in the tower. They do find Jasmalus hiding in his room, seemingly having been there the entire battle.
Montego takes full advantage of his increased and finds two of the less homely ladies of the town to bathe him in the river and "reward" him for saving the fort and their village, thus inventing the term "deep-throat" in the process. :twisted:

Collected from the Orcs:
25 handaxes and shortbows with dozens of arrows; along with a total of 150 silver pieces.

Collected from the Bandits:
15 shortswords and shortbows with dozens of arrows; along with a total of 300 silver and 150 copper pieces.

*Note: Freaking maxed out on the Orcs coinage ;)
Orc coin (silver): [1d10]=6
Bandit coin (CP & SP): [1d20]=20 [1d10]=10
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#390 Post by Darklin2 »


Sai helps Adelphocles finish off the captures bandits with arrow fire and helps him to collect all the weapons, bows & Arrows and Coins. gathering them all in a pile on the field.

Well my large friend what do you think we should do with all these weapons? Should we give them to the town? Even that small boy I saw earlier can be taught to fire a bow. It would increase their defense by ten fold. You and I defeated all these bandits so it is our decision. I say we split the coin within the party and give the weapons to the town after we look them over and see if there are any magical of course.

He takes a cloak from a dead bandit and piles all the coin into it to divide later on after all the celebration.

I will return in a short while, I have something to amend for. Watch that pile of silver a moment.

Then he goes and picks up a short bow and quiver of arrows and sets off to find the boy he saw earlier at the house.

He then returns to help clean up the mess, starting a pile to burn the bandits. Taking the shoes, clothes and cloaks and anything usable by the town and throwing it in piles. Weapons and arrows will be taken to the leader in charge for dispersal to the town militia.

OOC- This is everything in the back of town, the front is up to everyone else.
OOC- Coins divided and brought to each party member during the morning from the Bandit haul on the back side of the fort. Compliments of Adelphocles and Sai. Each Party member gets 50 silver and 25 copper.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#391 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Kranston will use his engineering (NWP) skills to help direct the rebuilding and hopefully improvement of the damaged section of wall. He accomplishes this by singing the directions for the construction in wittily arranged verses that actually make the work quicker and more efficient.
Timing Chant:
These chants function similarly to war chants in that they take 1d10 rounds to take effect, and last while both the Chanter and affected are chanting.
There are four common timing chants: one each for mining, forging, marching, and general labor. All timing chants must be accompanied by a percussion instrument.
Timing chants by Chanters increase speed or production by 5 per level of the Chanter. A top-level (15th) Chanter can get 75 more work out of a group than it would normally produce.
Of course, such rapid work does take a physical toll, even if the mind is willing. Each hour that a person works under the effects of a timing chant, he must roll a Constitution check. A failed check results in the loss of 1d4 hit points. This damage is temporary and is recoverable at the rate of 1 point per hour of rest or sleep. Anyone reduced to 0 hit points in this way falls over from exhaustion; death results unless a Constitution check succeeds.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#392 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego uses his immense size to aid in any heavy lifting that needs to be done while fixing the breached walls or anything else that needs repair. He finds himself eventually moving in sync with the dwarfs strange drumming pattern, tapping his huge feet to the rhythm periodically.

After a quick bout with the less ugly women, and taking his fill of food and ale, the ranger assures himself that the fort is well manned before taking a well deserved and very long nap.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#393 Post by Bluehorse »


Helps Sai gather all the goods from the bandits. Scoring for anything of value or practical use to the people of Fort Desaster, dispatching all but the youngest man he comes across while recovering his own arrows as well.
Darklin2 wrote: Wed Mar 31, 2021 6:37 pm Sai

Well my large friend what do you think we should do with all these weapons? Should we give them to the town? Even that small boy I saw earlier can be taught to fire a bow. It would increase their defense by ten fold. You and I defeated all these bandits so it is our decision. I say we split the coin within the party and give the weapons to the town after we look them over and see if there are any magical of course.
Adelephocles nods. I Agree whole heartedly. And this young man. he pulls his captive to his feet, bound with his hands behind his back and a good knot tied about his neck like a lead. I am sure is willing to talk for a second chance at life. Is that right lad?
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#394 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"It seems to be over, Jasmalus. Just checking to make sure everyone is fine." He walks out and whispers to Muldgarr. "Why is he pretending to be someone else? I'm sure it was him on the tower throwing magic."
Cassius spends some time gathering arrows and selecting fine ones, taking the time to put a razor edge on as many as he can.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#395 Post by Hotgoblin »

Muldgarr nods, quietly he speaks,
Yes, why be ashamed of given talents, then act so meek to others. It’s not logical, unless he doesn’t want to be found!

I must help the folks here with repairs, they are in grave need of help.

He heads down below to help shore up areas of destruction.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#396 Post by Darklin2 »


Winks at Adelphocles when he approaches with the young bandit captive.

Well, Well, what do we have here? Looks like a second chance at life has been awarded to this young man here. So how about you tell us everything you know about what is going on across the river. Or maybe we get our Giant Friend over their to step on your face. Not many people get a second chance in life to do the right thing. I would hate to see you waste it.

He waits a few minutes in utter silence.

Montego how about you come over here and rip the arms off this little bandit boy for us. He doesn't want to talk to us.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#397 Post by Bluehorse »

Oh! Good cop bad cop?
Adelphocles winks back and then goes wide-eyed as if appalled. Hold! This is my captive! I say there will be no harm to his body so long as he cooperates. How could you be so inhumane and call me the beast? Young man.... what is your name? Do not worry, no one here is going to pull your arms off. I have been trying to put an end to this practice of quartering prisoners. We just want to know what is happening so we can better defend the farmers and common folk who have escaped here seeking protection.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#398 Post by OGRE MAGE »

From a distance, Montego looks crazily at the captive, making a bone snapping motion as if he were breaking apart a massive loaf of bread in his huge hands.

The ranger still looks disgusted that he drank his prized magic potion so prematurely, wincing when the mage says the word "wasted".
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#399 Post by hedgeknight »

Working through the night, the heroes of the Border Watch are able to make some headway on repairing the fort wall. Kranston chants until his throat is raw, and Muldgarr lends assistance in helping the soldiers of Fort Disaster, while Montego uses his enhanced size and strength to replace stone for the wall.
Sai and Adelphocles go back and forth with the captured bandit, but the man doesn't really want to play along, but he does say, "It was nothing personal. We just do as we are hired to do. Nothing more, nothing less. Iuz's coin spends as well as Furyondy's."
The man says in a long drawl. "Y'all don't seem the type to torture prisoners, so, let me keep my bow and a few coin, and 'll be outta yer hair."

Around 5 am, Malin begins to break camp. He sends the word to the rest of you: "Moving out right after breakfast, tired or not. You can sleep on the road. We can't stay here forever; we have a couple other forts to check out."
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#400 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Gladly. What's the next stop on the ruins tour?" Cassius is smiling as he speaks and has a twinkle in his eye. "Here's hoping the next fort has four walls, eh?"

He stops by to grab a drink or two for Kranston before they leave. "Thanks for the songs. It really helped the mood last night. You truly have a gift."

Cassius watches Jasmalus as he picks a wagon, and shortly after joins him on it.

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