Along the Border Watch

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Re: Along the Border Watch

#321 Post by Bluehorse »


Puzzles over this newcomer but he appears to be a friend of his companions so he falls back for introductions. I am Adolphecles of Silvertree... the centaur says. And you are...?
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#322 Post by hedgeknight »

Northern Furyondy, 585 CY, the month of Patchwall, Godsday 11 - Waterday 19, Scattered Showers

Double-time, thou leaden man!
Trip and step! upon them gain,
Beat the path with great elan:
We catch them up, they flee in vain!
Their dwarven keeper has retuuuuurned!
Just as they leave a city burned.

"Dwarven keeper my ass," Malin grumbles loudly...well, loud enough for the man driving his wagon to stop singing mid-verse. "Bad enough I can't get that damn song out of my head, but then you have to keep singing it!"
The teamster hunches his shoulders and shakes the reins, spurring the horses on a little quicker.

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As the trail turns southwest, the terrain becomes that of rolling hills and small copses of trees. The weather goes from partly cloudy to partly sunny with some rain mixed in here and there. The caravan rolls on with Malin driving them to use every second of available daylight. He even says they are going to bypass Fendrelan "to make up for lost time."
As they caravan continues, the group settles into a traveling routine.
Adelphocles spends his days getting to know the members of the caravan > Malin is a man of middle years, an ex-adventurer turned merchant who can still use a sword if need be; Emerall is a lovely Elf from the region of Celene, who spends a great deal of time talking with Sai and Cassius (he has a hard time telling which of them is the most smitten); and then there's Jasmalus, the most aloof of the three merchants, who spends most of his time deep in his wagon or sitting on the back scribbling in his small notebook.
Sai rides in the back of the caravan and sends Talon out every morning and evening to scout ahead. She usually returns to him with fresh blood on her beak, likely belonging to a squirrel or some other small critter. Sai also spends as much time with Emerall as possible.

The rest of the group, Cassius, Montego, Muldgarr, and now Kranston, travel along, grateful for the peace and relative quiet, knowing these times are short-lived out in the wilds so close to the enemy.
(If you folks want to role-play more of this, just let me know.)

Eight days from Fort Belvor, the small village of Batlet comes into view as daylight wanes in the west. Malin calls a halt and asks the heroes of the Border Watch to ride up to the front. Once everyone has arrived, he quickly debriefs them about the village.
"Batlet has about 100 folks living in and around it. They live in the small hovels you see scattered around the old run-down fort. The folk are good people, mostly farmers and fishermen, who depend upon Border Post Three for their protection. Locals call the place Fort Disaster. Unlike Fort Belvor, which was built to withstand assaults from the Horned Society capital of Molag, the border posts were only intended to staff a small garrison for local defense and to provide a stopover for us merchants traveling the Grabford-Critwall-Willip trail. These border posts weren't given names, but they were haphazardly converted into military forts when the war began."

Such seems to be the case for Border Post Three, which leaves a great deal to be desired. It appears to have suffered heavy damage during the war and repairs look to be nonexistent. There is a 30' tower which has numerous chips and nicks on its outside wall, but from what you can see, it shows no signs of penetration...yet. The fort's battlement, however, has not fared so well. About half of it now litters the ground around the tower.
You feel a sense of desperation about your mission as you approach the ragged looking fort. If this is the best Furyondy can provide merchants along this trade route, commerce has hit a new low indeed.

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d&d village.jpg (7.93 KiB) Viewed 3668 times

Initial reactions? There are a few townsfolk milling about, preparing to shut up for the night.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#323 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Kranston's traveling song peters out as they take in the dilapidated fort.

"Well, this isn't the most run down place in which I've ever taken shelter..." he says, "...but it's close." He searches for something positive to say, but the best he can manage is, "At least it's not on fire."
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#324 Post by Bluehorse »

Adelphocles snorts a little. This place is even less ready for the orcs of this area than the last one. How do they expect to defend themselves? I can appreciate a small settlement but these are dangerous times.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#325 Post by Hotgoblin »

Muldgarr winces at the sight of the fort. He’s going to scout around the fort to see where it’s most vulnerable and will regroup with the others to go over his findings.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#326 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He looks around in dismay, voicing his concerns. "We're not staying here, right? It would almost be better to stay in a camp. Less noticeable. It looks like a orc's fart would knock this place down."

He nevertheless hops down and starts the process of finding a place to stable the horses and wagons.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#327 Post by Darklin2 »


Looks for any kind of Command tent and heads that way. If he finds anyone out walking around he will question them for some place to stay.

So Cassius Have you done studies of Orc Farts? I bet Centaur farts are more powerful! He chuckles under his breath, trying to stir up conversation. And take everyone's mind off the crappy situation.

PHAAARRRRRT! Trail Rations and Beer Bad combo.

He fans his cloak to disperse the cloud.

Looks like we are sleeping under the stars again, hope it doesn't rain.

Talon: Do a scout mission around this town and tell me what you see. Look for large groups of Green Skins and anything else not natural to the area. Then enjoy your hunting.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#328 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego kisses his teeth at the sight of it all, but keeps his opinions about the condition of the camp to himself, unwilling to dwell on things they have little control over. He accompanies Muldgarr on his tour of the place before deciding on their next point of business.

"At least there aren't endless balls of fire raining down on us........yet."
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#330 Post by hedgeknight »

Northern Furyondy, 585 CY, the month of Patchwall, Godsday 11 - Waterday 19, Scattered Showers in the village of Batlet

The heroes of the Border Watch stand dumbfounded by the hovels and run down fort before them. Several of the heroes have a word or two to say about it:
Kranston > "At least its not on fire."
Malin > "Well, not yet."
Adelphocles > How do they expect to defend themselves?
Malin > "This fort has been standing for many years and has survived the worst of the war."
Cassius > "We're not staying here, right?"
Malin > "'Fraid so, at least for the night; better'n sleeping out on the trail, especially in these parts."
Cassius > "It would almost be better to stay in a camp. Less noticeable."
Malin > "We'll be fine. Now spread out and let the fort know we're here."
Cassius > "It looks like a orc's fart would knock this place down."
Emerall > "Ewww...that's not a pleasant thought."
Emerall > "Seriously? I can't believe you just did that!"
Sai > "Trail Rations and Beer Bad combo."
Adelphocles > "If I made wind, my friends, you would all be dead."
Malin > "Alright ladies, enough fart jokes. Move out."

Malin doesn't have to tell Muldgarr twice...or at all, for he is already heading toward the fort. Montego jogs to catch up with him and together, the pair approach the dilapidated fort.
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Three wide, well-worn stairs lead up to a large, reinforced door which would bar the entrance to the tower, thought it now hangs open and unguarded. As the pair enter, they see a barren, filthy tower interior which appears as if it hasn't been cleaned for months. This is just one symptom of the breakdown of morale and discipline among the troops defending the border fort.
Next to the tower stands the ruins of a fortified stone house, with the second story collapsed onto the first. The fort appears capable of 65 men or so, but right now, by Muldgarr and Montego's count, there couldn't be more than 40 manning the defenses. Somehow, despite it all, the fort has managed to hold off the orcish offenses and continues to make its stand.

A few of the men spot Muldgarr and Montego and call out a greeting. In a minute or so, a man approaches looking as if he just woke up. He stops at a rain barrel, plunges his head in and jerks it back out, slinging dirty water all behind him. Wiping his face off on a rag produced from inside his vest, he picks up a crossbow and walks on.
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"So, yev come to relieve us, eh? We could sure use it. At least tell me yev brought more beer. We're nearly tapped dry. But frag me manners > I am Captain Drex. Welcome to Fort Disaster!"

Meanwhile...back at the wagons...
Sai sends Talon off to scout and watches as Adelphocles helps Emerall from the wagon. Malin and Jasmalus are already stowing their things and the teamsters are making camp. Several villagers huddle together a ways off, watching the newcomers and wondering what they want. One brassy lady yells out, "Are ya here ta help us or just eat what little food we have left? Winter's coming on ya know!"
A few others try to shush her, but she brushes them away.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#331 Post by Bluehorse »


Turns to the loud woman and makes no comment. Turning back to Emerall & Sia Rude as the woman may seem, this might be a concern for this place that we consider. We know the woodlands as well as anyone could. What say you that we try to go hunt something for a meal tonight.
A nice deer or brace of conies could do the trick. And maybe earn us some good will if we are successful.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#332 Post by Darklin2 »


Hearing the centaurs suggestion. Calls out to Talon : Find me some deer my friend, these people are starving and need meat.

I like that Idea. I am pretty good in the woods. You hunt Adelphocies? Let's go and get what we can. Here Emerall would you give this cheese and Bread to that woman and I will be back as soon as I can. Hope fully with some dinner for all.

He hoists his pack and bow and makes off toward the densest forest, under Talons direction.
Last edited by Darklin2 on Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#333 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Montego nods to the captain, looking around nervously.

"I see your manners must have left with your cleaners, eh Captain Drex? I am sorry to say that we are not reservists, only caravan guards at the moment. And what's worse, we have no beer for you, though we may have something else to offer. It looks like your defenses could use a bit of shoring up, eh sir?"

Continuing to visually search the carnage, he continues. "The forts out this way keep getting worse and worse, but at least yours isn't currently under fire like the last one was."

"What news can you offer a weary caravan of travelers this far out?"
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#334 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cassius shakes his head and moves to help Malin with the wagons. "Merchant mission, my pointy ears." He mutters as he goes.

"Malin. What are we really doing out here? It's becoming increasingly clear that no sane merchant is going to make this trek. And who is Jasmalus? He was talking very heatedly with the captain of the last fort like they knew each other."
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#335 Post by Bluehorse »

Darklin2 wrote: Mon Feb 15, 2021 1:46 am Sia
I like that Idea. I am pretty good in the woods. You hunt Adelphocies?

The centaur nods adjusting his gear and readying his bow casually to his off hand. It was considered a rite of passage in my time to go on a great hunt and provide for one's family. The greater the beast, the greater the glory, so long as there was no waste, which if one is graced with neighbors then there was never waste.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#336 Post by Hotgoblin »

Well met Captain Drexler, I am Muldgarr, we are escorting a merchant caravan, so we will just be shooting thru. Although, as my friend stated, we can help tighten up defenses around here. He surveys the fort again. How long has it been in this state?
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#337 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Kranston looks after the departing hunters, but his attention is captured by the engineering problem presented by the ruined fortifications. He strokes his beard and looks them over, trying to determine the amount of effort required to shore them up significantly, if not entirely repair them.
(NWP: Engineering - do you need a roll for this?)
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#338 Post by hedgeknight »

OGRE MAGE wrote: Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:54 pm Montego nods to the captain, looking around nervously.

"I see your manners must have left with your cleaners, eh Captain Drex? I am sorry to say that we are not reservists, only caravan guards at the moment. And what's worse, we have no beer for you, though we may have something else to offer. It looks like your defenses could use a bit of shoring up, eh sir?"

"What news can you offer a weary caravan of travelers this far out?"[/dialog]

Captain Drex sighs. "No beer...that's not gonna go over too well, I can tell ya. And yer not our reserves...just caravan guards. The news is simple > I need more men. Yer not it. Yer welcome to spend the night and if ye can scrap up sommat to eat, more power to ya."

Hotgoblin wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 8:36 pm Well met Captain Drexler, I am Muldgarr, we are escorting a merchant caravan, so we will just be shooting thru. Although, as my friend stated, we can help tighten up defenses around here. He surveys the fort again. How long has it been in this state?

"Can ya now? How many are in yer caravan? I see ya gots one o' them shintors with ya. What's he eat? Hay or meat? Har!"
Drex chuckles all over himself and then sighs and answers Muldgarr's last question.
"How long? Since Iuz hammered the hell outta us with wave after wave of Orcs and Ogres! They usually hit us from the river side and since tonight be a full moon....well, it could git lively 'round here later."
Drex sighs again, which seems to be how the man responds to most things, turns around and starts walking away, mumbling something about needing to take a shit.

Sai and Adelphocles and Emerall are talking about hunting up some meat...and just then, Sai pauses and looks off into the wilds around the village.
Sai >
Meat! Two deer...fighting...toward the sunset.

Monsieur Rose wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:53 pm Cassius shakes his head and moves to help Malin with the wagons. "Merchant mission, my pointy ears." He mutters as he goes.
"Malin. What are we really doing out here? It's becoming increasingly clear that no sane merchant is going to make this trek. And who is Jasmalus? He was talking very heatedly with the captain of the last fort like they knew each other."

Malin tries to rub the weariness out of his eyes and being unsuccessful, he simply says, "We hired you to help us guard the wagons on our way to Willip. That's...that's all I can tell you, Cass. Just...well, that's all I can say about it. As for Jasmalus...he's a loner and a strange one for sure. What was he talking to Mikinus about?"
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#339 Post by Darklin2 »


Draws his bow and heads towards the sun.

Follow me, Talon found two deer fighting towards the setting sun. Get your bows ready and stay quiet.

He heads towards the sunset.

Talon: Keep them in sight. If we take them both the town will feast.
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Re: Along the Border Watch

#340 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Seeing the conversation going nowhere, and Sia being on to something, Montego follows the elf with his bow at the ready.

"Well, if we cant relive these men, perhaps we can feed them at least."

"Lead the way, friend."

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