Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#141 Post by Rex »


"We bring the wolf hide with us and tell the truth of how we found it. It appears they have accomplished their mission, even if they died doing so they deserve the honor of it."
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#142 Post by Marullus »

Music and Ambiance: Blood on Wolf's Teeth

Skirfir steps forward in the dim light, her sharp eyes discerning the scene before the others yet approach. Stigandr and Doshea both guard warily. Stigandr thumps his axe-to-shield for reassurance in the ill-omened snow-blown scene; Doshea stares into the snow-shrouded darkness.

The sickly green ghostlight on Valdis' hand casts unnerving shadows across the corpses, the dancing shadows seeming to enliven their faces... in the flickering light you think for a moment that the corpse winked at you, or tweaked its lips in a smirk. Skirfir and Doshea recognize the corpse before them as the bearded young man that they spoke to about the feral ravens in-town. Valdis and Stigandr recognize the young warrior armored in wolf-hides, his axe bloodied on the snow next to him and his spear embedded in the wolf. These men were with the second group of hopefuls, who left town just before you. Large wolf-prints criss-cross the scene, trails leading off into the darkness. Both of them have been torn open and partially disembowelled, torn rents of claw and teeth, but the spilled entrails uneaten. Valdis' face is a grim mask as she sees green vapor collesce over the body, forming into whispy runes that dissipate quickly. "Their deaths may be by teeth and claw, but unnatural. This is the work of Hel."

Ralfwin notes the lack of pooled blood at the third figure and kneels besides dark-haired young man whose tunic is limned with Odin's runes. "This one yet lives," he calls out to the others, praying for Odin's grace on the man's behalf. The man is stable, but unconscious still.

Vakar shutters his lantern (5' radius) and sneaks quietly through the clearing. He spies two ominous mounds upon the snowy ground, approaching cautiously. In the dim light, he still recognizes them as the pair of saex-fighting women from the town who went with the second group as well. Their bows lie next to them on the ground, a half-dozen silver-tipped arrows spilled from a quiver, glinting in the lantern light.

Doshea notes the slain wolf, Valdis advises about the ire of the spirits for claiming false glory. Skirfir declares that this wolf's hide shall be returned to honor the deeds of those slain in the attempt. Though it was their first battle, such a death is still worthy of Valhalla.

Stigandr and Vakar, already on edge, startle as a flutter of wings and a raucous cawing are heard, dark wings startled aloft from the trees to your west.

Doshea turns to the northeast, hearing the snap of a twig. Skirfir's eyes spy a movement in the darkness in that direction. One... no... maybe three... low, crouched shapes at the edge of the forest, sneaking towards you. A smell of carrion worse than the bodies you stand beside washes over you and you each fight a feeling of vertigo...

- I need a DC 13 Wisdom save from each of you
- I need you to roll initiative
- I need you to declare action/bonus/action/movement in combat time

Chap 1_scene2_02.JPG
Chap 1_scene2_02.JPG (52.35 KiB) Viewed 698 times

Lights: Vakar's hooded lantern is shuttered (5' bright, 5' dim) (radius 30' bright, 30' more dim), lasting 3 more hours. Valdis holds her ghost-flame. (10', then 10' dim). Ralfwin's torch went out. Light radii modified on map.
EnvironmentInitiative OrderEffects in Play
Time: 9:00pm
Date: The First Day of Winter (Nov. 1st)
Temperature is currently -1c; feels much colder with the high winds and snow.
Clouds are 100%, with evening wind and snowstorm.
(Out of Combat now) Night at 5:35pm (darkness)
Pre-dawn at 5:56am (dim light)
Almost Dawn at 6:51am (normal light)
Sunrise at 7:43am

> Enoch as Valdís | Female | Kuning | Seiꝺr (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 15 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Spells - 1st: 1/2 |
> Unsungknot as Doshea Ulfgar | Female | Mithal | Alle [Paladin] (1) | HD (1d10): 1 | HP: 11, 5, 0, 9, 2, 6 11/11 | AC: 17 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> sastaz as Vakar the Disowned | Male | Vestri | Rogue (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 13 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> Spearmint as 'Stig' Stigandr | Male | Mithal | Barbarian (1) | HD (1d12): 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 18 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> Rex as Skirfir Uvaldi | Female | Dvergr (Stoneborn)| Gothi (Smidr) (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 18 | Current Speed: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Spells - 1st: 2/2 | [Inspiration]
> Stirling as Ralfwin Edwinsen | Male | Mithal | Gothi | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 16 | Current Speed: 20 | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Spells - (C) 1st: 0/2 (B) 1st: 1/1 | Gjof: 1 | [Inspiration]
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#143 Post by Rex »


"Incoming from the northeast, at least 3."

Wis save (DC 13) [1d20+5]=9+5=14

Initiative [1d20+1]=2+1=3

Once she is sure they are attacking she casts Sacred Flame on one.

Dex save vs DC 13.
Sacred Flame [1d8]=1

Mystery rolls [1d20]=5 [1d20]=2
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#144 Post by Enoch »

How far away are they? If they're within 30', Valdis will throw her flame at them. Otherwise she casts entangle as soon as they're within 90', with the intent of catching them with the far end of the effect (so that 15' of the 20' effect is still between us and them).

Wis save (DC 13) [1d20+6]=20+6=26 [1d20+6]=15+6=21
Initiative: [1d20+2]=15+2=17 [1d20+2]=5+2=7
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#145 Post by Marullus »

There are about 30' away, which is when your Wisdom Saves are needed.

Only Skirfir can see them, because he has darksight to 60' (counting as dim light, hence not being clear at what they are)
The rest of you can't see them (including for targeting spells) until they are within 20' of Valdis on the map (who has bright light for 10' and then dim light another 10').

If you want to wait until they close so that you can see them (and you are first on the initiative order) You can declare a held Action and then spend your Reaction to activate it when the condition is met. If you are NOT first on the initiative, then you aren't surprised but they can get the jump on you normally by their acting first.

If you are acting on them while they are in darkness, you roll with disadvantage. If you act on them when they are in Dim Light, you have disadvantage on Perception but not on attacks.

...for Entangle: It is an area-of-effect spell and doesn't require seeing a creature. You can throw it out in the general area of darkness where you think they are. I'll let them roll their save with advantage (in lieu of any other 'did you hit the right place' mechanic).

(For specific targeting needs - at the start of the round they are 30' from Skirfir and Doshea, 25' from Stig, 35' from Valdis, 45' from Ralfwin, and 70' from Vakar... but they are in pitch darkness so you can't determine that IC.)
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#146 Post by sastaz »

Vakar's heart begins to race. He knew it! Sweat starts running down his forehead, blurring his vision, but sheer survival instinct sets in and gives him focus enough to act.

Wisdom check: [1d20+1]=16+1=17 vs DC 13
Initiative check: [1d20+2]=15+2=17

He quickly gathers the silver tipped arrows and lets them slide down his own quiver, putting his lantern on the ground in order to be able to do so GM please decide if this is Use An Object action or a free action, could not find guidelines for this. He starts circling back to get a better view of the battlefield, his Yew Longbow drawn and silver tipped arrow nocked. He will walk sideways toward that tree/rock to the north of Stig, watching his companions as he moves.

If something attacks one the others and he still has his action to use, he will shoot.

Could not find any suitable bonus action (both are for melee) or reaction.

Mystery roll: [1d20]=9, [1d20]=17
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#147 Post by Stirling »

Ralfwin Edwinsen

Ralfwin: Initiative [1d20+2]=16+2=18 Wisdom based saving throws, +6 (+4 wisdom, +2 cleric?) vs 13 [1d20+6]=2+6=8

Finding that the man yet lives, I would have cast the Spare the Dying cantrip upon him and now in an effort to rouse his weakened body, I would like to do a medicine check.

Ralfwin: Medicine skill check [1d20+2]=9+2=11 Mystery roll [1d20]=9

"Cover me, I need time to work on this one". I will shout to the comrades then work on any CPR needed. Can I read any of the runes in the garment of this man? "Rouse my brother from the edge of Valhalla, the Valkryries come not with swift wings to comfort your soul, only these black-winged harbingers of death."

My bonus reactions might just be my Shield triggering should I get attacked. Once this guy is breathing, if he needs carrying, I will heft him over my shoulder and stagger at minimal pace away from the danger.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#148 Post by Enoch »

Valdis holds her action until the creatures come into view (20') and them casts entangle to catch them, with most of the difficilt terrain between us and them, cadting it farther back if the effect would affect companions.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#149 Post by Spearmint »

Stigandr Yngvarsen

Seeing the death around him and beating his shield with increasing fervency; the grotesque smell just adds to his fragile temper which he struggles to keep under wraps. Howling as if moonstruck as a wolf himself, he will move quickly to charge and leap among the three crouched, sneaking, predatory (undead?), axe swinging to lope a few heads off and fill another sack.
So he rages as a bonus action, then leaps into melee. Getting an extra attack only if he zeroes a Draugr. (If not I will use those next rolls for my next melee action).

he is probably unaware of Valdis intentions to cast Entangle but might still be in melee and out of any spell AoE.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#150 Post by Unsungknot »

Doshea Ulfgar

Doshea moves to cover Ralfwin, yelling at whatever lay in the shadows, letting loose a warcry. "Come to your death foul creatures!" She clangs her axe against her shield, ready to bash whatever enemy comes from the shadows with her shield.
Save throw against DC13: [1d20]=14
Initiative: [1d20]=17+3=20
Shield Bash attack (just in case): [1d20]=17+4=21
Bash damage: [1d4]=3+1=4
Mystery Roll: [1d20]=15; [1d20]=16

Movement: Puts herself between Ralfwin and the enemies.

Action: Warcry- giving advantage to hit either melee or ranged to Stig, Skirfir, Valdis, and myself. All of our attacks do an additional 1pt of force damage I figure she is facing the woods and knows those three are near her and isn't sure if Vakar can hear her, sorry Sas.

Bonus Action: ready to shield bash whatever comes out of those woods.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#151 Post by Enoch »

Valdís shouts in alarm, crying out to her ancestors as she darts forward between Stigandr and Skirfr. At the edge of the witchlight a mob of ghostly Kunig seem to rise and sink back into the ground, grasping at the extremities of the creatures as they do.
I want to move about 10' forward (between that tiny outcropping and the right-hand cliff), until the creatures are within my light, then cast entangle to catch them in the far edge of the effect- it should basically start at my feet and just catch them.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#152 Post by Marullus »

Music and Ambiance: Blood on Wolf's Teeth

Only Ralfwin failed his save.

For Ralfwin's intended action... rules as written says only magical healing can get an unconscious person on their feet. But the Medicine skill should be more useful and I think that's a fair application of it. I will add a house rule that instead of waiting 1d4 hours for someone to wake naturally, a Medicine check DC 15 can restore them to 1 hit point and wake them. This will be applicable next round. Since Ralfwin failed his save. If I forget to modify the House Rules thread please remind me.
sastaz wrote: Mon Nov 21, 2022 10:21 pm GM please decide if this is Use An Object action or a free action, could not find guidelines for this.
Breaking this down I see...
- Gathering arrows
- Sheathing arrows in a quiver
- Setting down the lantern carefully
- (presumably opening the shutter)
- Drawing the bow
- (Drawing and knocking is a special case done when you fire, per the Ammunition property)
...any one of those is suitable as a free object interaction, but accomplishing ALL of them is a Use an Object Action that takes your turn.

Wolves Initiative [1d20+2]=16+2=18
They'll be on the party before most react.

The War Cry goes off first from Doshea. This affects 3 people, not 3+self. It also only affects weapon attacks (thus not spells). Being generous, I will apply it to the first three people it can effect this time.

Wolves leap upon you next. (Sorry, losing initiative can be rough on turn 1)
Vargr on Doshea: Bite [1d20+5]=10+5=15 [1d8+3]=1+3=4 necrotic [1d4]=3 Claw [1d20+5]=7+5=12 [1d6+3]=6+3=9
(I will allow Doshea's shield bash to happen; it also deals a +1 force damage.)

Vargr on Skirfir: Bite [1d20+5]=17+5=22 [1d8+3]=2+3=5 necrotic [1d4]=4 Claw [1d20+5]=10+5=15 [1d6+3]=5+3=8
Bite hits for 9 damage, has 1 hp left.

Vargr on Stig: Bite [1d20+5]=5+5=10 [1d8+3]=8+3=11 necrotic [1d4]=1 Claw [1d20+5]=5+5=10 [1d6+3]=4+3=7
Both miss Stig.

Ralfwin recognizes them as runes, but cannot discern any words in the hems of the man's garment.

Ralfwin is the only one who failed his save. He will lose this turn and have a vision. Next turn he can do a Medicine check to rouse the living man per the house rule conversation above.

Vakar uses his action to handle all his objects. He ends the turn with half-cover from the Boulder, bow drawn and ready, silver arrows in hand. The lantern has half-radiance on the ground so unshuttered that's 15' and 15'. His next attack can be made with advantage from Doshea, and thus also use sneak attack. (Doshea is too far from Vakar for him to benefit from her War Cry.) He also can use sneak attack against any wolf since they're engaged by allies.

The wolves won Initiative so Valdis is a bit more in a pickle. She can't catch all three wolves on thier approach, but I will allow her to orient and catch the wolves on both Stig and Skirfir without hitting them. (She also catches the fourth wolf waiting in reserve.)
Wolf saves (DC 14) [1d20+3]=14+3=17 [1d20+3]=16+3=19 [1d20+3]=5+3=8

Note: though the two wolves leapt free, Stig and Skirfir can do a Shove action instead of an attack (it is an opposed Athletics test, which a raging Barbarian has advantage on) and push the wolf back into the Entangled area, forcing a retest. Noted the change for 5e... the area doesn't cause more entanglement after casting. It entangles those present and then is Difficult Terrain (i.e. double movement cost)

For Stigandr -
Technically, the wolves are not draugr (undead) as they are classified as Fiends. For the story, though, rotting beings animated by necrotic magic sounds like Draugr to me. So, I am going to allow "Hel-Touched" creatures to count for Stigandr's Draugr Slayer abilities. (For other purposes, like future Paladin moves, it might be important for them to be Fiends.)

Stig uses his bonus action first and rages. Since the wolves closed first he doesn't get the benefit for charging them. He has advantage from Doshea's War Cry. He also has advantage from Draugr Slayer. He uses his action to attack, his first two d20 rolls are 10 and 13, which is a miss. (Going forward, he should roll with advantage and include the bonus attack as appropriate. He will take half damage from the teeth and claws but the necrotic damage will be taken normally.)

Skirfir uses Sacred Flame -
Wolf dex save (dc13) [1d20+3]=15+3=18 passes.

Stigandr and Vakar, already on edge, startle as a flutter of wings and a raucous cawing are heard, dark wings startled aloft from the trees to your west.

Doshea turns to the northeast, hearing the snap of a twig. Skirfir's eyes spy a movement in the darkness in that direction. One... no... maybe three... low, crouched shapes at the edge of the forest, sneaking towards you. A smell of carrion worse than the bodies you stand beside washes over you and you each fight a feeling of vertigo...

"Cover me, I need time to work on this one," calls Ralfwin. "Rouse my brother from the edge of Valhalla, the Valkryries come not with swift wings to comfort your soul, only these black-winged harbingers of death."

Doshea moves to cover Ralfwin, yelling at whatever lay in the shadows, letting loose a warcry. "Come to your death foul creatures!" She clangs her axe against her shield, the passion of her war cry rising in the hearts of her companions as well.

...the shadows of the forest are happy to oblige. The waves of nausea intensify as the creatures charge towards you. As they come into the dim light of Valdis' flame, you see them as Wolves - but not just Wolves. Their eyes glow ice-blue, as do runes carved into their necrotic flanks.
ender-coskun-heltouchedhundr-05a.jpg (270.12 KiB) Viewed 620 times
The first wolf leaps form the dark forest towards Ralfwin and is intercepted by Doshea. The screaming Alle smacks away its snarling maw, bashing it in the head with her shield (-4). A half-stride behind, the second wolf explodes from the snow-coated underbrush, it's fetid jaws locking on Skirfir's hammer arm, teeth puncturing as rotting gums puss, the wound beginning to fester immediately under Hel's influence. (5 piercing, 4 necrotic) The third erupts forth, snapping at Stig, but he turns out of the way, the Wolf's flank passing him by.

Kneeling over the rune-robed and unconscious man, Ralfwin seeks to provide aid. The approaching Hel-touched wolves overwhelms him, however. The Gothi recoils in horror as the wolves come into view, crying aloud at some vision the rest of you cannot see.
Ralfwin's Vision
You see yourself as a draugr, and you feel nothing but violence and darkness. In the vision, you attack your loved ones and warband members, tearing them limb from limb.
Alert to danger, Vakar scoops up the silver-tipped arrows into his quiver and moves to the jutting boulder near Stig, pulling open the shutters on his lantern and flooding the area with light as he sets it down and pulls forth his bow.

Valdís shouts in alarm, crying out to her ancestors as she darts forward between Stigandr and Skirfr. At the edge of the witchlight a mob of ghostly Kunig seem to rise and sink back into the ground, grasping at the extremities of the creatures as they do. The underbrush twines and snarls, the two wolves fighting Skirfir and Stig leaping free. But in the forest by the dim light of her flame, Valdis sees the largest wolf bound fast, snarling as it's eyes glow ice-blue.

Howling as if moonstruck as a wolf himself, Stigandr spins around and brings down his axe in a mighty blow, just missing where the wolf was a moment before.

Skirfir, badly wounded by the hel-touched bite, summons divine radiance that erupts from her shield into the creature's eyes. It releases and takes a step back, but the power of the glowing, blue Hel-runes seems to negate any real harm.

Chap 1_scene2_03.JPG
Chap 1_scene2_03.JPG (51.68 KiB) Viewed 605 times

Lights: Vakar's hooded lantern is unshuttered, on the ground (15' bright, 15' dim) (radius 30' bright, 30' more dim), lasting 2 more hours. Valdis holds her ghost-flame. (10', then 10' dim).
EnvironmentInitiative OrderEffects in Play
Time: 9:01pm
Date: The First Day of Winter (Nov. 1st)
Temperature is currently -1c; feels much colder with the high winds and snow.
Clouds are 100%, with evening wind and snowstorm.
20 - Doshea
18 - Wolves
18 - Ralfwin
17 - Vakar
17 - Valdis
13 - Stigandr
3 - Skirfir
Night at 5:35pm (darkness)
Pre-dawn at 5:56am (dim light)
Almost Dawn at 6:51am (normal light)
Sunrise at 7:43am

> Enoch as Valdís | Female | Kuning | Seiꝺr (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 15 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Spells - 1st: 0/2 |
> Unsungknot as Doshea Ulfgar | Female | Mithal | Alle [Paladin] (1) | HD (1d10): 1 | HP: 11, 5, 0, 9, 2, 6 11/11 | AC: 17 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> sastaz as Vakar the Disowned | Male | Vestri | Rogue (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 13 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> Spearmint as 'Stig' Stigandr | Male | Mithal | Barbarian (1) | HD (1d12): 1 | HP: 15/15 | AC: 18 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> Rex as Skirfir Uvaldi | Female | Dvergr (Stoneborn)| Gothi (Smidr) (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 10 1/10 | AC: 18 | Current Speed: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Spells - 1st: 2/2 | [Inspiration]
> Stirling as Ralfwin Edwinsen | Male | Mithal | Gothi | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 16 | Current Speed: 20 | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Spells - (C) 1st: 0/2 (B) 1st: 1/1 | Gjof: 1 | [Inspiration]
Last edited by Marullus on Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#153 Post by Spearmint »

Stigandr Yngvarsen
I am happy for any bonus or house rules which favour characters of course. I understand the Draugr/Fiends bit. You could make a case that he assimilates fiends into the feat as he advances in levels for he gains experience and knowledge via encounters with them.
Using his previous rolls, his next attack, with advantage would be as follows:

Stigandr: Raging trait: 'Blizzard' Battleaxe in melee [1d20+4]=7+4=11 battleaxe damage [1d8+6]=7+6=13
& Stigandr: Raging trait: 'Blizzard' Battleaxe in melee [1d20+4]=13+4=17 battleaxe damage [1d8+6]=7+6=13

If reducing for to zero hp, he can conduct a second reaction attack upon another undead fiend.

Stigandr: Raging trait: 'Blizzard' Battleaxe in melee [1d20+4]=10+4=14 battleaxe damage [1d8+6]=7+6=13 .

Leaping into the fray like he does, leaves him a little exposed. Not sure he would move anywhere, just stand and fight the wolves off. that basically means he leaves others to do the thinking.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#154 Post by Stirling »

Ralfwin Edwinsen

Ralfwin: casts Sacred Flame cantrip. [1d8]=3Ralfwin: mystery [1d20]=18

His mind and soul clouded by the dread vision. Leaning over the prone body of the injured adventurer, the Gothi suddenly gets the urge to feast and overcome by the metamorphic visions, instead of breathing some CPR routine into the injured, Ralfwin opens his mouth to latch his uneven teeth upon the man's neck to tear a bloody chunk from near his still beating jugular.

By grace he stops himself in shock and glances around hoping no one noticed him licking his lips.

He grabs his shield to defend himself and with an outstretched arm clutching his sacred symbols of Odin, calls forth damnation and wrath upon the beast attacking Skirfir, branding a holy rune upon its fur over the top of the glowing Hel mark. -3hp

He wonders at these beasts. Looking at the carcass of the wolf nearby, is that one also rune marked and a now dead zombiefied creature or a recently slain wolf?

I am trying to think too of a link between 'Robart Paulsen' and these critters. In my mind these hunters surprised him in wolf form and armed with silver tipped arrows they attacked him and drive him away.

But these Hel-touched hundrs are animated by 'the dark figure', allegedly a rogue Seidr. A third party to the hunters and the lycanthrope; unless RP was allied to the Seidr? Which makes me think these are not some random creature pack wandering the forests of Freya's Tears, but minions travelling with the druid who must be close by?

With that in mind, if I can shout as a bonus action, I will shout to Valdis.

"Call to Him Valdis. Speak up in whatever druid-cant your tongue can muster.

Tell him to rein in his hell-hounds and make himself known."

I could be completely wrong of course, but if he is nearby, he might feel we are at least worthy of talking to if we have shown enough competence to entangle his alpha hundr and might slay one or two more. We should also recognise any person who can animate several wolves back from the dead deserves respect as a powerful foe, not easily trifled with.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#155 Post by Rex »


Skirfir casts Cure Wounds on herself.

If she is allowed to use her point of Inspiration of Cure Wounds she does.

Cure Wounds [1d8+3]=6+3=9 [1d8+3]=3+3=6

Edited to add mystery rolls.

Mystery rolls [1d20]=11 [1d20]=16
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#156 Post by Unsungknot »

Doshea Ulfgar

Doshea swings her axe at the beast nearest her, attempting to lop off it's damned head. Afterwards she tries to bash its face in with her shield.
Ha, so I'm gonna use my inspiration to avoid accidentally decapitating myself with that nat 1 I just rolled ;)
Battleaxe [1d20]=19+5=24
Damage: [1d8+3]=4+3=7

Shield: [1d20]=8+4=12
Damage: [1d4]=1

Mystery: [1d20]=7
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#157 Post by Marullus »

(Valdis and Vakar?)
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#158 Post by Rex »

I edited my previous post to add mystery rolls.
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#159 Post by Enoch »

Valdis hurls her witch-light at the closest wolf, backpedaling desperately out of reach of its fangs.

Move 5' diagonally down and left.
Produce Flame: [1d20+6]=14+6=20 [1d20+6]=17+6=23 damage: [1d8]=3 fire
Mystery roll: [1d20]=18
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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Re: Chapter 1: Into the Wilderness

#160 Post by Marullus »

Music and Ambiance: Blood on Wolf's Teeth

Vakar was intending to shoot, so I'll roll for him and move this update forward.
** Also, as a general note, don't save-forward dice rolls. You like it when they're good, but when you lucked-out at not using a pre-rolled 1 you won't like it as much. I'm asking for a number of extra dice rolls... once we move to a new round, just roll fresh. **
Could not find any suitable bonus action (both are for melee) or reaction.
There's not a lot of bonus actions for archers. :) The big one for Rogues is Cunning Action, which you will get next level. That ability lets you do a variety of things with your bonus action that other characters can't do. Among other more obvious benefits, it allows you to use your bonus action as an archer to re-hide behind available cover (if you have it), thus gaining advantage and surprise on your next attack action (and allowing your Sneak Attack damage against unengaged foes).
If she is allowed to use her point of Inspiration of Cure Wounds she does.
Inspiration can only be spent on d20s. :)

Doshea: Spends inspiration and turns a 1 to a 19 for a 20+ result (nice!) and cleaves the beast for 7 slashing damage. then attacks her:
Vargr at Doshea: Bite [1d20+5]=12+5=17 [1d8]=5 necrotic [1d4]=2 Claw [1d20+5]=16+5=21 [1d6]=3
Both hits for a total of 10 damage. :shock: She is at one hit point, but still standing!

Skirfir: The wolf attacks before you can heal....
Vargr on Skirfir: Bite [1d20+5]=18+5=23 [1d8]=1 necrotic [1d4]=2 Claw [1d20+5]=13+5=18 [1d6]=3
That's enough to take the dwarf down. Death saves begin next round.
**taking liberties with the ordering to handle sections of the fight. The third wolf will be handled in a bit.

Ralfwin casts Sacred Flame on the Skirfir wolf for 3hp.
Valdis hits it with Produce Flame for 3hp.

Vakar shoots: [1d20+4]=15+4=19[1d20+4]=8+4=12 Damage [1d10+2]=6+2=8 Piercing. Sneak Attack [1d6]=1
Rolling for Vakar, that knocks the wolf unconscious.

...technically, the order of events is Ralfwin, Vakar, Valdis. Which means Valdis can hit it with flame (knocking it out), then move back. Otherwise Valdis would have triggered an opportunity attack. Also, Valdis throwing the flame again plunges the fight into darkness. This would affect Stigandr, but he has dim light from Vakar, and Skirfir who is only doing a death save, so no impact right now. It does mean a number of people are facing wolves in the dark with disadvantage at the beginning of next turn, though...

Vargr on Stigandr: Bite [1d20+5]=16+5=21 [1d8]=1 necrotic [1d4]=3 Claw [1d20+5]=12+5=17 [1d6]=1
With AC 18, the claw misses but the bite hits. Stigandr halves damages from the bite (but half of 1 is 1) but not from the Necrotic. He takes 4 total.

Then Stigandr's action: He hits, does 13 damage, but that doesn't kill it. Stig is rolling 1d8 for damage which means he is using his axe one-handed. That means he could also try a shield bash with his remaining bonus action. (If he's doing two-handed axe swings, he should roll the 1d10 damage.) I will go ahead and add the shield bash on his behalf...
Stig bonus action shield bash [1d20+4]=12+4=16 [1d4]=1
...but the wolf again still stands.

Skirfir: Since Skirfir is felled, she begins Death Saving Throws on her intended action. I will use Skirfir's first Mystery Roll of 11, which is 1 Success.

Last wolf spends its action for a STR check to fight entangle:
Entangled Vargr (STR) [1d20+3]=3+3=6
and fails.
Doshea's axe comes around and slashes deeply through the shoulder of the wolf before her, (-7) still interposing herself between it and the Gothi Ralfwin. The creature snarls in rage, the reek of its rotting black gums assailing her. She tries to smack it aside with her shield but the monster bowls through her defenses, tearing into her flesh with teeth (-5 piercing, -2 necrotic) and claw (-3 slashing)

The second fiendish canine, having already tasted Skirfir's blood and left the dwarf off her footing, bowls her over and savages her with teeth (-1 piercing, -2 necrotic) and claw (-3 slashing) as well. The wolf throws back its head and howls in triumph, the dwarf's blood dripping from its jowels. Ralfwin extends an outstretched arm clutching his sacred symbols of Odin and calls forth damnation and wrath upon the beast standing atop Skirfir, branding a holy rune upon its fur over the top of the glowing Hel mark. (-3hp) A moment later, Vakar's yew shaft skewers the beast through its chest, turning its howl into a yelp. (-9) Faced with the creature as it stands upon Skirfir's body and close enough to see the maggots in its ruined left eye, Valdis hurls her witch-light in the monster's face, backpedaling desperately out of reach of its fangs. (-3). The wolf recoils and collapses, laying in the snow next to the dwarf, as the battlefield is plunged into darkness by the absence of the witchlight.

The third wolf's glowing ice-blue gaze is fixed on Stigandr, the pair still illuminated in the dim light of Vakar's lantern. It lunges and catches just the edge of his arm with its fangs - only a scratch to the warrior - but the Hellish rot immediately festers around the wound. (-1 piercing, -3 necrotic) Raging past the pain, Stigandr yanks his arm from the creature's teeth, coming around to cleave the beast from its shoulder into its chest with one mighty blow (-13), then smacking the canine across the maw with his shield just for good measure. (-1)

In the darkness and blowing snow, you hear the snarling rage of the fourth vargr fighting the constricting vines, but to no avail.

Chap 1_scene2_04.JPG
Chap 1_scene2_04.JPG (53.86 KiB) Viewed 577 times

Lights: Vakar's hooded lantern is unshuttered, on the ground (15' bright, 15' dim) (radius 30' bright, 30' more dim), lasting 2 more hours. Valdis holds her ghost-flame. (10', then 10' dim).
EnvironmentInitiative OrderEffects in Play
Time: 9:02pm
Date: The First Day of Winter (Nov. 1st)
Temperature is currently -1c; feels much colder with the high winds and snow.
Clouds are 100%, with evening wind and snowstorm.
20 - Doshea
18 - Wolves
18 - Ralfwin
17 - Vakar
17 - Valdis
13 - Stigandr
3 - Skirfir
Night at 5:35pm (darkness)
Pre-dawn at 5:56am (dim light)
Almost Dawn at 6:51am (normal light)
Sunrise at 7:43am

> Enoch as Valdís | Female | Kuning | Seiꝺr (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 15 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Spells - 1st: 0/2 |
> Unsungknot as Doshea Ulfgar | Female | Mithal | Alle [Paladin] (1) | HD (1d10): 1 | HP: 11, 5, 0, 9, 2, 6,11 1/11 | AC: 17 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> sastaz as Vakar the Disowned | Male | Vestri | Rogue (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 13 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> Spearmint as 'Stig' Stigandr | Male | Mithal | Barbarian (1) | HD (1d12): 1 | HP: 15 11/15 | AC: 18 | Current Speed: 30' | Initiative: +3 | Darkvision: No | [Inspiration]
> Rex as Skirfir Uvaldi | Female | Dvergr (Stoneborn)| Gothi (Smidr) (1) | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 10, 1 0/10 Death- S:1 F:0| AC: 18 | Current Speed: 25' | Initiative: +1 | Darkvision: Yes | Spells - 1st: 2/2 | [Inspiration]
> Stirling as Ralfwin Edwinsen | Male | Mithal | Gothi | HD (1d8): 1 | HP: 11/11 | AC: 16 | Current Speed: 20 | Initiative: +2 | Darkvision: No | Spells - (C) 1st: 0/2 (B) 1st: 1/1 | Gjof: 1 | [Inspiration]
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