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Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:11 am
by onlyme
dmw71 wrote:Waiting for Fulp and Sorsha.
Fulp lets Grim switch with him, parrying as he does so.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:30 am
by tooleychris
"Come to me!" shouts Sorsha to the kobolds as she backs a little more toward the open room and hurls another volley.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:36 pm
by dmw71
Round 3
"Come to me!" shouts Sorsha as she continues to slowly back towards the open room, filling the space created as Leliana filters into it before her. The blade tosser lets loose another pair and kills the nearest target with her first dagger before finding herself facing a swarm of its companions which heed her request. The nearest kobold jabs at Sorsha and issues a serious gash on her throwing arm; a flow of blood begins to soil her loose fitting black leather armor.

On the opposite side of the illusionary wall, Fulp and Grim successfully switch places as Sylvan watches on, prepared to provide assistance if needed. The dwarf slams his axe down at the nearest kobold and narrowly misses, and feels the sting as a retaliatory blade catches him in an exposed area.

Meanwhile, Ciar disappears from sight as he continues to search the unexplored corridors while Sparrow begins to follow.

The loud, wild grunting noises from further beyond the hoard of kobolds persist.
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Because of the extremely tight quarters, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 9, PCs [1d10] = 7


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:41 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Leliana, Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Grim, Sparrow
Serious: Sorsha
Critical: None

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:41 pm
by onlyme
If Grim pushes forward, or any other opening exists, Fulp will stab at a kobold.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:13 am
by saalaria
Grim shrugs off the wound and slashes at the little beast that hit him.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:23 pm
by tooleychris
Sorsha will put all her efforts into parry/dodging this round as she steps into the room, hopefully allowing others to attack.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:42 am
by dmw71
Round 4
Sorsha steps into the room, focused on parrying the kobold in front of her, and witnesses the mass of kobolds streaming behind the others in their direction. She parries the short sword stab from the initial kobold, but a pair of the pesky creatures file in behind this first, with one turning its attention on her, and the second Leliana. Both she and Leliana suffer minor scratches from these new attackers, leaving the elf with a mere scratch but Sorsha badly bloodied. Leliana swings her long sword mightily but is unable to connect with her foe.

Back near the entrance to the tunnel, Grim feels the sharp sting of a kobold blade slice into his side, leaving him heavily wounded, but the dwarf funnels his anger and nearly slashes his adversary in half. Another pair of kobolds are ready to engage the dwarf next round.

The loud, wild grunting noises from behind the kobolds grow nearer.

Further down the corridor, Ciar and Sparrow continue to investigate the unexplored area ahead of the group. The dark-skinned warrior just reaches the halfling's position at the corner when Ciar stops short. The halfling, whom had been feeling the walls as he moved, searching for more illusionary walls, is about to round the corner when he feels a thin layer of oil on the wall alerting him to something 'off' about the situation.
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Because of the extremely tight quarters in the corridors, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 2, PCs [1d10] = 4
S (1-2), L (3-4): k4: [1d4] = 1, k5: [1d4] = 2, k6: [1d4] = 4


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:43 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Leliana, Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow
Serious: None
Critical: Grim, Sorsha

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:59 am
by AleBelly
Seeing Grim in a bad state, Sylvan steps forward with his wand and attempts to administer some healing to the dwarf.

Healing wand [1d8] = 5 on Grim

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 3:59 am
by FantasyChic
Leliana finally uses the spell she has memorized and casts Shocking Grasp on the enemy in front of her.
Unsure if I have to roll or not

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 4:07 am
by dmw71
FantasyChic wrote:Unsure if I have to roll or not
It's a touch spell, so you must make a successful attack roll for the spell to have any effect.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:26 am
by onlyme
With k7 dead, if Grim can push north trapping k11, Fulp will rush to attack k10. (or viceversa if grim rushes k10.)
We need to push forward, they broke through the other side. we need to reach the others.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:50 am
by tooleychris
"If this is it then COME ON!" screams Sorsha, putting her all into melee.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:23 pm
With no visible gap developing at the front line, Sparrow looks to his diminutive scout.

What did you find there, Ciar? What do you make of it?

He continues to watch both ways at his current position, ready to help either side if they need him.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:17 pm
by dmw71
Round 5
Leliana channels her inner arcane magic and, after muttering some foreign words, reaches out and touches the nearest kobold targeting her. Her touch sends a shocking burst of electricity through her person and fries the kobold critter, which crumbles to the hard stone floor, dead from shock. The elven maiden then feels a sting as the short sword blade of her remaining kobold counterpart jabs past her defenses and leaves her heavily weakened. Just off to her left, Sorsha screams: "If this is it, then come on!" The blade master flails wildly with her two daggers, unable to connect, but she does manage to deftly avoid all three attacks coming her way!

Back near the entrance to the tunnel, Sylvan quickly reaches around Fulp and applies a dose from the healing wand on Grim, who's left to fend off the kobold attackers that didn't pursue Sorsha and Leliana back down the southwest passage. Just as the dwarf begins to feel the healing surge through him, another kobold blade rips through his flesh returning him to his previous condition. Enraged, he sends his battle axe flailing at the kobold which struck him but his swing sails wide, blocking his progress and preventing him from heeding Fulp's call to push forward.

The loud, wild grunting noises continue, but the source isn't revealed -- yet.

Further down the corridor, Ciar, after feeling a thin layer of oil on the wall, inspects the area beyond more closely and detects two separate tripwires spanning the length of the corridor. What the tripwires will produce if triggered is unknown, however.
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Because of the extremely tight quarters in the corridors, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 10, PCs [1d10] = 10
S (1-2), L (3-4): k8: [1d4] = 2


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:45 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2); Leliana (mage-1st: 1, 0)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow
Serious: None
Critical: Grim, Leliana, Sorsha

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:15 pm
by tooleychris
If possible without harm, Sorsha will step to the south (square 22) to avoid being flanked and lash out with her daggers. (k5)

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:25 am
by AleBelly
Sylvan begins to grow worried. With all his healing might, his group is still only keeping even. He applies another healing touch with his wand.

Cure light wounds [1d8] = 4 on Grim

But he has seen a horde of kobolds advance against Sorsha and Leliana. He worries for their lives.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:04 am
by Alethan
Ciar examines the walls and ceiling, carefully avoiding the trip wires, checking for scorch marks or evidence of burning or anything that might cause the oil to ignite.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 11:55 am
Sparrow continues to watch the thief in case of trouble.

He keeps another eye on the other group as well, hoping to get the call if they need his help.

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:36 pm
by dmw71
Round 6
Leliana and Sorsha continue their defense against the onslaught of kobold attackers. Sorsha acts quickly, taking a defensive step backward while flailing wildly with her knives. She manages to lose of her previous attackers while retreating to the side of the idol, but still faces a pair of chirping attackers. She manages to successfully avoid the first attack, but the second catches her solidly. Leliana matches the success of the kobold attacker that just struck her companion, freeing the kobold's head from its shoulders, but, even after killing one scaly foe, still faces a pair of sword-wielding adversaries. The elven maiden side-steps the first jab from a kobold blade... right into the poke from the second.

Back near the entrance to the tunnel, Sylvan again reaches around Fulp and applies a dose from the healing wand on Grim, who continues to wage battle against the kobold attackers remaining at the base of the illusionary wall. After the pair of combatants exchange harmless blows, Grim notices the source of the wild grunting noises. "Wild boars!" he shouts, hoping to alert those not in a position to see the massive mammals for themselves.

Further down the corridor, Ciar continues his examination while Sparrow keeps watch over the halfling and the action taking place behind them. A deeper, still chirpy voice from further down the unexplored passage interrupts his searches: "You think you can trespass in the lair of the Blood Vow Tribe with impunity?" it starts. "I am Roaghaz, and I serve the great Lord Aeteperax! We shall add your bones to those hanging on these walls you're searching, and our great lord shall sup on your flesh!" As the announcement ends, at the end of the corridor, a squad of four kobolds and a pair of giant weasels are led by a massive wild boar appear and begin advancing in the parties direction.
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Because of the extremely tight quarters in the corridors, all medium-sized party members will suffer a -1 on their to-hit and damage rolls when using melee weapons.

Also, the party is essentially split into three distinct groups, the status of the various groups will remain unknown to members from the other groups until/unless they are in a position to observe for themselves.

Initiative: Monsters [1d10] = 7, PCs [1d10] = 4


Date: 7 Neth, Year 4707
Time: 21:47 (Sunrise: 06:41, Sunset: 16:52)
Temp: 57F outside (55F in lair)
Conditions: Winds, E 11mph
Light Sources: Everlit torch (Ground Sorsha, Sparrow), Everlit torch (Ciar, Sorsha, Fulp)
Known Spells in Effect: None.
Spells Remaining: Sylvan (priest-1st: 4, 3, 2); Leliana (mage-1st: 1, 0)
* Note: Spell-casting character will be listed above only after they reveal themselves to be casters.

Good: Sylvan
Fair: Ciar, Fulp, Sparrow
Serious: Grim
Critical: Leliana, Sorsha

Re: XV. Kobold Lair - Underground II

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:32 pm
Sparrow cant hide the smirk on his face when he sees that he now has some oncoming creatures to slay. He stays right where he is, at what he thinks is the perfect spot to handle this most recent onslaught of enemy.

He speaks quietly to his friend.
Ciar! Get behind me! Quickly!

He then shouts in the direction of the advancing enemy.
Bring that shit to me!

He pulls out his potion bottle as the halfling hopefully abides his warning. If the enemy continues to advance towards them, moving past the trip wires, he takes his penultimate swig form his fire potion and spits it at the group as they advance. He tries to engulf as many of the enemy as possible now that he knows exactly how devastating his magic fire water can be.