Action Thread 1: The Meeting/Encounter on the Coast Trail

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Action Thread 1: The Meeting/Encounter on the Coast Trail

#1 Post by Argennian »

… You continue to make your way toward the coastal valley marked upon the map. The great moon rises higher in the night sky, its eerie bluish glow slowly becoming brighter. The dark, thick fog, emanating from the Sea of Ghosts, creeps further toward land on the back of a cool, light breeze from the waiting west...

As you get closer to the location on the map, the terrain changes, funneling all game trails into what appears to be the only easily-accessible path into the valley beyond. As you cautiously approach an area where the trail splits a large rock and number of tall trees, a challenge is issued forth. “State your business” rings forth in common, in a forced monotone. Suddenly, for those with infravision, a number of individuals to each side and above become apparent, numbering at least a dozen. You reply with the pass-code from the letter: “One hand balances the other, friend." After a brief pause, the voice responds. “Follow the trail to the second meadow below and wait there with the others. Do not come back this way or stray from the trail.” The voice becomes silent again and with growing expectation, you head down the trail.

You quickly descend into the fog and visibility becomes limited. The air is damp and cooler here and thick enough with tension to cut with a knife. You pass through the first small and empty meadow and continue down the path. Eventually, you arrive at the second meadow and enter cautiously. It’s slightly larger than the first and in its center appears to be a large fire pit, flames not licking up very high and set on a deep bed of low, hot coals. You immediately notice a number of other individuals are present around the meadow. Some sit, others stand, and some crouch. Some are alone and some are with others. You take an open place in the perimeter and wait.
About 10 minutes after you arrive, a few more individuals appear. You now count almost two dozen individuals present. They take their places by the fire and moments later, an eloquent-sounding voice rings out of the darkness. “On behalf of the honorable Socratis, I welcome you. I am Billy. You have all been given the note because you were in danger of being arrested by the King’s Eyes. It appears, whether truth or not, that you are each somehow connected in some way with The Hands. Whether this was by your wish or not, I can assure you it matters not to them. Arrests have been on the rise and almost none are being released anymore. You’ve all heard the stories. And now recently, you’ve known a neighbor, friend, family member or work associate that’s been taken in. So many innocents have been killed, imprisoned or even sold to the Slavers Guild from the south. Unfortunately, we know not the fate of your friends, associates and loved ones. But you have each been given the chance, upon their benefactor’s request, to be granted safe passage from the area. None among you will be indebted to The Hands for this, nor be required to pay passage. All major, local sea ports and harbors have recently been taken control of by the king’s forces. And now suddenly, they have stopped allowing free men, refugees and common folk of every race from sailing out to any port destination, or from leaving the region for that matter. The king’s army has set up roadblocks and stockades all around the lands to the south and east. They charge tariffs upon travelers and have forbidden passage to some of those loyal to the people. Some that had made their way safely south past the Totallans and towards the Throkmar and Daboo forests are reported to have been seen in the slave markets of the south by those loyal to the people. To the north and eastern areas of Karagonia, outposts have established and manned bordering the elven lands. Large groups of mounted infantry and scouts have begun patrolling these areas. Within a very short amount of time, it seems the king has established means of keeping people from leaving these lands and has also somehow managed to get his spies among those loyal to the people. The time to depart has come, loyal friends.
Within the hour, long boats will arrive at the beach below to take you to the ship just anchored. This is a merchant ship that will take you west to the port of Newshore. Your note will be your pass to board the ship. Follow the captain’s orders at all times without question. Rest assured that he is a dear and most loyal friend to the people, so have no fear of being forsaken. You may make each other’s acquaintance, but only if that individual wills it to be so. Some among you have requested anonymity for the voyage. We ask you respect their privacy. When you reach Newshore, you’ll be free to go about your business. Are there any questions?”
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Re: Action Thread 1

#2 Post by Alethan »

Bog, sitting back on his haunches and trying to avoid looking directly at the bonfire, stands and says, "Just the one. Will there be retribution for these acts by the king?" A low rumble stirs from his chest as he says the last word.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#3 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:Bog, sitting back on his haunches and trying to avoid looking directly at the bonfire, stands and says, "Just the one. Will there be retribution for these acts by the king?" A low rumble stirs from his chest as he says the last word.
Others in the field murmur and grumble at Bog's query, and a couple "Ayes" follow. The voice responds. "Make no mistake that the king and those who control and manipulate him will be... taken to task for all crimes and indiscretions against the people, as should be. For your own safety, I will not offer details here as to the how and when. It is a pivotal time now, friends. Those loyal to the king have had strangely-unusual success of late in knowing the plans of those loyal to the people. We must address this situation first and foremost." The voice pauses for a brief moment. "I can promise everyone here that we will do everything in our power to find out the fate of those you know who were taken and do what we can for them. We will get word to you about this when we can, through friends in Newshore. They will contact you upon your arrival."
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Re: Action Thread 1

#4 Post by Alethan »

Bog offers a single nod at the response and says, "I'm ready to go, then."
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Re: Action Thread 1

#5 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna remains sitting cross-legged at her spot along the fire pit. Seemingly unaffected by the peril she and her new companions are apparently facing, she casually removes a cloth and some oils from her pouch and begins rubbing down her short bow.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#6 Post by Xaxyx »

Hartnid shifts uncomfortably as he listens to Socratis speak, occasionally throwing a nervous glance toward Ulrich.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#7 Post by tkrexx »

Emm stands to the rear of the gathering, cowl up, mouth shut, ears open.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#8 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich seeing his cousin's nervous glance, nods and says "Moradin favors the bold. It appears only slavery and death await us here. It pleases me not to flee from known danger to the unknown, but until we may strike at the king from strength, we must venture thusly."
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Re: Action Thread 1

#9 Post by Nyctos »

Griffo Moves towards the elf that is sitting there calmly polishing her bow. With her sitting and him standing it's nearly a match in height. While surreptitiously inspecting her archery equipment, He notes the fine care of her weaponry. Archer are you? He says. While motioning to his own short bow.I favor the bow myself. What do you think of this whole mess? He pauses for a moment. Oh where are my manors, Griffo Ostgood my name.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#10 Post by Thalion »

Thalion saunters into the clearing as if he owned the place.

He looks around to see if he spots anyone he recognizes.

His eyes narrow as his gaze falls upon the half-orc sitting there.

As he approaches Bog, he draws his longsord. Stopping in front of him, Thalion holds his blade up... displaying the sharp edge of the sword. He looks Bog straight in the eyes.

"You do good work. Bog, right?"

Thalion grins.

"It's reassuring that there is someone I know along for the ride."

Thalion then strides to the middle of the meadow. He bows deeply with a flourish and proclaims to the group, "I am Thalion. Thalion the Grey! And I am pleased to make your acquaintances!"
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Re: Action Thread 1

#11 Post by dmw71 »

Nyctos wrote:Griffo Moves towards the elf that is sitting there calmly polishing her bow. With her sitting and him standing it's nearly a match in height. While surreptitiously inspecting her archery equipment, He notes the fine care of her weaponry.
Caelvanna interrupts the maintenance she's performing on her bow and glances over at the halfling standing alongside her.
Archer are you? He says.
"Aye" Calevanna proudly offers the short stranger a closer inspection of the bow she had been treating. "It has served me well over the years." She chuckles slightly. "Very well."
While motioning to his own short bow.I favor the bow myself.
"A fine choice. A fine choice, indeed."
What do you think of this whole mess?
Caelvanna simply shrugs.
He pauses for a moment. Oh where are my manors, Griffo Ostgood my name.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#12 Post by Alethan »

Thalion wrote:Thalion saunters into the clearing as if he owned the place.

He looks around to see if he spots anyone he recognizes.

His eyes narrow as his gaze falls upon the half-orc sitting there.

As he approaches Bog, he draws his longsord. Stopping in front of him, Thalion holds his blade up... displaying the sharp edge of the sword. He looks Bog straight in the eyes.

"You do good work. Bog, right?"

Thalion grins.

"It's reassuring that there is someone I know along for the ride."
Bog stands at the sudden approach of the stranger, then smiles when he sees his own work reflected in the blade before him. He grunts. "Aye. My master didn't make many weapons, so Bog remembers every one of them, Thalion the Grey. It is good to see a familiar face..."
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Re: Action Thread 1

#13 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna is careful during her journey to the glade, and follows the instructions as detailed.

Entering the meadow, she looks at the people, wondering how they are all linked, well, how they are associated with the hand.

She selects a position away from the fire, and sits down. She opens her ears and tries to listen to the others hushed conversations.

In the dark, she cannot quite tell if she knows anyone, but gets the feeling that most, if not all are strangers.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#14 Post by Argennian »

One of the individuals standing in the outer circle, steps confidently towards the fire. He appears to be a tall, older human male wearing a fine silver cloak with a massive 2-handed sword over his back. For those paying closer attention, he also wears a suit of silver-hued plate mail beneath the cloak and around his armored neck hangs a finely-detailed, wrought silver medallion of a blazing sun. He looks to each around him and then looks into the darkness in the direction of the voice. “Are there soldiers or spies loyal to the king in Newshore? If so, how would we know?”

A moment later, the eloquent voice responds. “There is no military garrison maintained either at the port or within Newshore proper. My guess is that they would not be welcome. There are, however, Karagonian naval patrols that sail the Bay of Ghosts and occasionally take port there for mundane supplies and such. Our friends of the people there have seen Karagonian naval officers at the town hall and mayor’s residence but cannot say one way or the other on what private business, if any. There are currently around three to four hundred residents within Newshore, of which maybe two score or more have struck out to claim property, build homes, set up farms and other such endeavors in the surrounding areas. There are merchants and services of all kinds available, as well as a Temple of Dagda and the Church of St. Cuthbert. Those hoping for work will not have to look far. The local militia and constabulary keep the peace and protect the port town.

As to any spies or loyalists to the king, anything is possible. They would not likely last long if discovered but there could very well be some present. I would recommend caution to all here in what you say regarding The Hands as well as your voyage there. Be sure whose company you keep before speaking openly.”
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Re: Action Thread 1

#15 Post by Argennian »

The response gets a curt nod from the older armored man. He steps back from the fire to his previous spot at the same time a break in the fog occurs. Everyone looks around them as the great moon illuminates the meadow in its bluish light, allowing for increased visibility and more detail of the other individuals present.

In addition to each character here, and the older, armored human in the silver cloak, there are fifteen others. A group of four together, being a young, well-dressed human of apparent nobility sitting on a stump surrounded by a large human in military banded armor holding a shield and battle axe, an apparent half-elf in shiny leather armor with short sword and bow and what could be a High elf wearing dark robes and a funny, conical hat, holding a staff. To the left of them appear to be two well-dressed gnomes sitting in the grass on a small rug. They have heavy-looking packs and stare at all others wide-eyed. Not far from the gnomes stands a lone dwarf, dressed in impressive banded mail with a great helm and backpack, holding an absolutely massive two-handed war hammer in his burly hands. To the left of the dwarf appears to perhaps be a halfling in a dark-colored cloak, its hood pulled over his head to hide his visage, lying casually on the grass with his hands behind his head and apparently looking up in the sky. Past the halfling is what appears to be an old man in robes clutching at a young child in front of him. He looks around to each of you nervously as he pulls the child closer to him and hides her face with his hands. To the other side of them are another couple, apparently a well-dressed elderly half-elf male and female carrying light satchels. And lastly is a trio consisting of two massive warriors in chain armor with sword and bow, purposely standing in front of and mostly obscuring what appears to be a very old man in bright-colored robes sitting on a stool. The two large fighters have their hands on their hilts as they look around the meadow and behind them.

Everyone gets a decent look at one another as the voice again speaks. “If there is nothing else then friends, let us make ready to move down toward the beach. I will signal the watchers back yonder.” From the darkness of some brush where the voice emanated echoes a strange hoot of a bird call twice.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#16 Post by dmw71 »

Argennian wrote:“If there is nothing else then friends, let us make ready to move down toward the beach. I will signal the watchers back yonder.” From the darkness of some brush where the voice emanated echoes a strange hoot of a bird call twice.
Caelvanna rises to her feet and brushes off any debris collected while she was seated. Her instinctual habit of checking her possessions, making sure everything is secured and in order, takes over as she prepares to make her way towards the beach.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#17 Post by Alethan »

Bog adjusts an errant strap, hefts his spears over his shoulder, and begins making his way to the coast, as well.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#18 Post by Thalion »

Thalion looks around at the others beginning to head toward the beach.

He sighs heavily, gazes wistfully in the direction of the Great Forest, and slowly falls in line behind the half-orc.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#19 Post by Xaxyx »

Watching the other travelers warily, Hartnid waits until Ulrich begins heading toward the beach, then closely accompanies his cousin.
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Re: Action Thread 1

#20 Post by Nyctos »

Griffo follows the main group of travelers staying somewhat close to the Wild Elf Caelvanna, seeing as she is the lone individual that he knows so far.

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