Maps & Handouts

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Maps & Handouts

#1 Post by Omega1143 »

Here players can view any maps and handouts available in the campaign. Some maps will be taken down and reposted with updates as exploration occurs. All maps will be posted here and NOT on the Tavern Tales website as of now due to space limitations.
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#2 Post by Omega1143 »

The below map is one in which you should begin to become familiar with. It will be your little slice of the world for the time being and host the beginning of our glorious tale. Welcome to Greyhawk!
Viscounty of Verbobonc.png
Viscounty of Verbobonc.png (593.2 KiB) Viewed 2188 times
Each hex = roughly 10 miles

Overland Movement Cheat Sheet:

Normal Day's March = 10 Hours
PC can walk x2 his movement rate in miles in those 10 hours (Thus the parties slowest member is used for calculation)

Forced Marching rule will not be used

A master travel sheet showing time to travel from place to place will be maintained and a new trip added once one trip is made between the two places
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#3 Post by Omega1143 »

Village of Hommlet

The Village of Hommlet—or merely "Hommlet," as it is commonly called—is situated in the central part of the Flanaess, that portion of western Oerik Continent which is known and 'civilized.' The hamlet-sized village (local parlance having distinguished it with the greater term) is located some 30 leagues southeast of the town of Verbobonc, or thereabouts, on the fringe of the territory controlled by the noble Lord the Viscount of Verbobonc. It is at a crossroads.

To the north is the mighty Velverdyva River, along whose south bank runs the Lowroad. Many days' travel to the east, on the shores of the Lake of Unknown Depths (Nyr Dyv), is the great walled city of Dyvers. The village of Sobanwych lies about halfway along the route. Below that to the southeast and east are miles and miles of forest (the Gnarley), beyond which is the Wild Coast, Woolly Bay, and the Sea of Gearnat. The road south forks a league or so beyond the little community, one branch meandering off towards the Wild Coast, the other rolling through the lower Kron Hills to the village of Ostverk and then eventually turning southwards again into the elven kingdom of Celene. The western route leads into the very heart of the gnomish highlands, passing through Greenway Valley about a day's travel distant and going onwards to the Lortmil Mountains far beyond.

Hommlet grew from a farm or two, a rest house, and a smithy. The roads brought a sufficient number of travelers and merchant wagons to attract tradesmen and artisans to serve those passing through. The resthouse became a thriving inn, and a wheel and wainwright settled in the thorp. More farmers and herdsmen followed, for grain was needed for the passing animals, and meat was in demand for the innfolk.

Prosperity was great, for the lord of the district was mild and taxed but little. Trade was good, and the land was untroubled by war, outlaws, or ravaging beasts. The area was free, beautiful, and bountiful — too much so, in the eyes of some.

Whether the evil came west from Dyvers (as is claimed by one faction) or crept up out of the forestlands bordering the Wild Coast (as others assert), come it did. At first it was only a few thieves and an odd group of bandits molesting the merchant caravans. Then came small bands of humanoids—kobolds or goblins—raiding the flocks and herds. Local militia and foresters of the Waldgraf of Ostverk apparently checked, but did not stop, the spread of outlawry and evil.

A collection of hovels and their slovenly inhabitants formed the nucleus for the troubles which were to increase. A wicked cleric established a small chapel at this point. The folk of Hommlet tended to ignore this place, Nulb, even though it was but 6 miles distant. But its out-of-the-way position was ideal for the fell purposes planned for this settlement, as was its position on a small river flowing into the Velverdyva. The thickets and marshes around Nulb became the lair and hiding place for bandits, brigands, and all sorts of evil men and monsters alike. The chapel grew into a stone temple as its faithful brought in their illgotten tithes. Good folk were robbed, pillaged, enslaved, and worse.

In but three years, a grim and forbidding fortress surrounded the evil place, and swarms of creatures worshipped and worked their wickedness therein. The servants of the Temple of Elemental Evil made Hommlet and the lands for leagues around a mockery of freedom and beauty. Commerce ceased, crops withered; pestilence was abroad.

But the leaders of this cancer were full of hubris and, in their overweaning pride, sought to overthrow the good realms to the north, who were coming to the rescue of the land being crushed under the tyranny wrought by the evil temple. A great battle was fought.

When the good people of Hommlet saw streams of ochre-robed men and humanoids fleeing south and west through their community, there was great rejoicing, for they knew that the murderous oppressors had been defeated and driven from the field in panic and rout. So great was the slaughter, so complete the victory of good, that the walled stronghold of the Temple of Elemental Evil fell within a fortnight, despite the aid of a terrible demon. The place was ruined and sealed against a further return of such abominations by powerful blessings and magic.

Life in Hommlet quickly returned to a semblance of its former self, before the rise of the temple. For five years afterward, the village and the surrounding countryside have become richer and more prosperous than ever before. A monstrous troll which plagued the place for a time was hunted down by a party of passing adventurers. Carrying the ashes and a goodly fortune as well, the adventurers returned to the village. Before going elsewhere to seek their fortunes, the adventurers also returned a portion of the villagers' losses. Other adventurers, knowing of the evil that had once resided in the area, came to seek out similar caches, and several did find remote lairs and wealth—just as some never returned at all.

After a time, adventurers stopped coming to the area. It seemed that no monsters were left to slay, and no evil existed here to be stamped out. The villagers heaved a collective sigh—some pained at the loss of income, but others relieved by the return to the quiet, normal life—and Hommlet continued its quiet existence for four years more.

But then, a year ago, the bandits began to ride the roads again—not frequently, but to some effect. To the good folk of Hommlet, this seemed all too familiar, so they sent word to the Viscount that wicked forces might still lurk thereabouts. This information has been spread throughout the countryside, and the news has attracted outsiders to the village once again. Who and what these men are, no one can be quite sure. All claim to be bent on slaying monsters and bringing peace and security to Hommlet; but deeds speak more loudly than words, and lies cloak the true purposes of the malevolent.

Hommlet Map.jpg
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#4 Post by Omega1143 »

Village of Nulb

Situated on the western edge of the Gnarley Forets, Nulb is just outside of the borders of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Free from organized justice, it has become a haven for outlaws, bandits, and other unsavory characters. Unfortunately, it also lies on the Forest High Road which connects the Viscounty with Dyvers. Though at one time the Forest High Road was a main route from Celene and Verbobonc to Dyvers, it has fallen into disuse since the rise of evil in the area some years ago. Most travelers now prefer to take the longer and safer route along the Low Road, or travel by boat down the Velverdyva.
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#5 Post by Omega1143 »

Town of Etterboek

This small town of about 300 people is nestled in a small valley along the banks of Nigb's Run. It gets it's name from the great number of ettercaps which plague the hills between here and Nulb, and are a constant menace to travellers on the High Road. The lands of the town belong to a minor noble named Winstin Jugalis. The town's everyday affairs are tended to by his daughter Paloma Jugalis.
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#6 Post by Omega1143 »

Village of Littleburrow

This village, located where the Veluna High Road crosses the Clearwater, is the home of about 150 halflings of Stoutish blood. They dwell in small burrows, hence the village name, which typically have only one door, a shuttered window, and a chimney. They are carefree, working only as much as they need to, and rarely interact with the other communities of the Kron Hills.
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#7 Post by Omega1143 »


This small fortress guards the passage into Greenway Valley. It is remarkable in that it is dug completely into a small outcropping of rock, rising along the Greenway, as the gnomes refer to the High Road where it passes through their lands. The gnomes sculpted the rock into an impressive fortress, commanding a narrow defile between two steep hills. The Greenway passes through the fortress of Kron. A garrison of gnomes is always stationed here.
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#8 Post by Omega1143 »

Kron Hills

The Kron Hills stretch from the Lortmils to the Gnarley Forest and form the frontiers of Dyvers, Celene, Verbobonc, and the Archclericy of Veluna. They are the remnants of mountains, their peaks now worn and rounded with age. The grassy upper slopes are very fertile and provide grazing for the many flocks of sheep raised by the Kron Hill gnomes. The forested lower slopes shelter numerous valleys and glens where crops of all types are grown.

The Kron Hills are also mined for many metals and gems. Considerable deposits of silver and natural electrum are found throughout, while iron and tin are found in abundance where the hills meet the Lortmils. Along the Shortspur are found great deposits of gemstones, namely malachite, chysoprase, chrysoberyl, a dark green jade with unique turquoise swirls, and brillant black opals and emeralds.

With an estimated population of 20,000 gnomes, the Kron Hills are home to the greatest concentration of those sturdy folk in the Flanaess. Large portions of the hills are officially under the control of Verbobonc, Celene, Veluna, and Dyvers. However the Kron Hill gnomes are accorded much freedom to govern themselves, the hills are considered more of a protectorate by the surrounding states than anything else. The gnome communities are very organized, and they tend to keep themselves isolated from humans as much as possible.

There are few dwarven strongholds in the Kron Hills where they meet the Lortmils. Although the dwurfolk remain aloof from the humans in the regions, they are quite friendly to the gnomes whose help was crucial in driving out the humanoids of the Lortmils during the Hateful Wars.

The halflings of the Kron Hills are nearly all concentrated in the village of Littleburrow. They are a very isolated bunch, seperated from the gnomes and outside the borders of any other state. They tend flocks of sheep in the surrounding hills, fish for the great pike of the Clearwater, and cultivate grain in the river valley.

The valley is also the home of a tribe of centaurs. The halflings share their crops with the centaurs, who in turn have pledged to protect their little community. They are very fond of each other, and the centaurs will often be seen racing through the lightly wooded valleys with halfling riders clinging to their backs.

The only elves within the Kron Hills, except for those in Ostverk, live in the stretch of hills running through the Gnarley Forest. They happily roam the forested crests and avoid all contact with other races.

The Hills are also home to many humanoids, mostly small groups of goblins. The real problems are the verbeeg and hill giants who live in the southern hills along the Shortspur.
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#9 Post by Omega1143 »

Time in Greyhawk

The Greyhawk year consists of 364 days, split into twelve months of twenty-eight days each, and four seven-day festivals, each placed at three month intervals. Different cultures in the campaign setting have their own names for the months and festivals. The months and festivals are commonly referred to as the Dozenmonth of Luna and the Four Festivals.

Days in Greyhawk are reckoned in weeks of seven days each. The days of the month are: Starday, Sunday, Moonday, Godsday, Waterday, Earthday, and Freeday. Godsday is commonly associated with worship, and Freeday with rest. The remaining days are considered "work days."


Festival - Needfest
1 - Fireseek
2 - Readying
3 - Coldeven
Festival - Growfest
4 - Planting
5 - Flocktime
6 - Wealsun
Festival - Richfest (Midsummer)
7 - Reaping
8 - Goodmonth
9 - Harvester
Festival - Brewfest
10 - Patchwall
11 - Ready'reat
12 - Sunsebb
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Re: Maps & Handouts

#10 Post by Omega1143 »

The Inn of the Welcome Wench
Inn of the Welcome Wench.jpg
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