Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

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Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#1 Post by Tungsten »

Tungsten would like to pick up his armor at the Tiny Crown Armorer. He takes the note from Sir Cartwright to the Armorer. He is hoping for Plate Armor at least (Mithral Plate Armor at best). He asks Faelwen to have Mixtar look at it before he wears it in battle.

Faelwen sends a Raven (message) to Modrin (and the Elders in Esterik) asking them what they know about Piter Belcastro and especially about a magical decanter he made. Faelwen also asks them what they know about a powerful magical sword called NETHERBANE.

Tungsten, Faelwen and Rickul go to see Mixtar to see if the magical sword FORGON can be restored.

Tungsten goes with Faelwen and Lumiere (the high Charisma Cleric) [and probably the rest of the party] to appraise and sell the large bag of rubies ("more than we have ever seen").

Faelwen mentions to the rest of the party that she does not feel safe in Wyndam. She does not wish to draw suspicion from Sir Cartwright, but she wants us to keep watch over each other while we stay at the White Wolf Inn. She suggests that we meet with Goric to ask him what he knows about Sir Cartwright. No one should travel alone within the town and we should stay together as much as possible.

Faelwen states that we MUST hide the Sapphire Necklace and not mention it while we are in Wyndam.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#2 Post by Tungsten »

This is what Sakantha told us about Piter Belcastro:

“Let me tell you of ages past, when the mighty Mages of Old, The Sithian Lords, unleashed the power of Obsidian like the Torreans of ages before. They unlocked the well spring and the power of mages to this day draw upon the obsidian they empowered. Now the gods themselves were jealous of this power and waged war upon them.

I was drawn to Piter before I was born, he empowered my being and I became the King of Lizardmen throughout Caldaera, not just this forsaken swamp. As I grew, I knew that it was through the combination of my dragon blood and the obsidian Piter wielded that I found the truth of unquenchable desire. I made a pact with Piter and he allowed me to grow even stronger. I commanded his legions and expanded our territory. ( This is a VERY GOOD REASON NOT TO TRUST THE LIZARD MEN BTW!!!)

As I grew older, my usefulness was ending, but Piter bequeathed on me the power to defeat death. We then waged war on the armies of the jealous gods and of Semuanya himself, who battled his own legions of warriors to get to me. The obsidian was his draw and he hoped to rid the world of me.

In the end he sent a horde of cloud giants and besieged me, they stole the obsidian of Piter and returned it to Semuanya. He forged the Eye and embedded the ever-dark at its core. He then cursed me for all ages to lie in ever torment in my tomb, always awake but never to see, taste, hear or touch. Locked in my tomb was my torment. (This is a VERY GOOD REASON TO GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THE GIANTS ASAP!!!!!)

But Piter, my friend of ages past, made a counter spell, that if the obsidian was placed on my tomb, I would awake once again. Semuanya did not realize this and foolishly allowed the Qadrin to guard it in Crakendel. As I slumbered, a demon lord of dragon blood approached me and a deal was set. Barboron, his lieutenant, brought you into this plan. You gave him the Eye, the Ever-Dark, the Black Obsidian that I needed to awaken. That is why you are friends.”

We have been getting played left and right as of late. Faelwen states that we should get out of town ASAP. Tungsten says that we should seek guidance from Malazar in Sidon.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#3 Post by Agnati »

Rickul invites the party for drinks at the Dirty Bottle while he explains who he is and desires to know each of the members he's putting his life in the hands of.
"Born in the Elven town of Nimthor, I was raised as an only child by my Elven mother, Fanel, after my human father was murdered by bandits during a raid when I was only a small boy. I never knew much about him, other than his name was Anank and he was a great warrior and leader hailing from the country of Havord. My mother would never divulge more than that. It is because of his death, however, that I've devoted my time and energies to the art of combat until, on my mother’s death bed, she imparted to me a riddle that she was robbed the opportunity to explain; “There was more to your father than you know…”

It is for this riddle, I have left my homeland and all that I know in pursuit of who my father was and, by proxy, who I am. Relying on my Ranger training from the Rovemean forests, in the region of Standridge just north of the Nonk Goblin camps, I have traveled through the Grand Duchy of Wesphalia only to rest and buy rations at the small village of Comden. During my stay, however, the village was attacked by Troglogdytes. With all my might, I fought to defend the villagers, but it was to no avail. They fled with a handful of villagers as their captives and hostages. Among them was a small fatherless boy, Linford, who had taken to me during my brief stay in Comden. He was attempting to find me when he was abducted.
I tasked myself with the boys safe return and set off in pursuit only to be captured, myself, by a couple of giants who offered to take me to the boy if I laid down my arms. Having little choice, they brought me to their lair and jailed me with Linford and the others. Witnessing the effects of whatever mental anguish the two other villagers endured every time they were pulled form their cells, I feared a great evil was at work.

I thank you all for my release. If not for you, I, the boy, and the other villagers surely would have been subjected to endless experiments and tortures until our death, and I shudder to contemplate the evil that would have come from it. You have saved my life, so my life is yours. I wish to repay that debt by venturing with you for as long as you will allow. My bow, sword, and skills are at your disposal. I only ask that if our travels take us near the country of Havord, that you permit me to seek the truth behind my fathers identity.

Also, something you should know about me... when I was a young man and was just learning the ways of Ranger spell casting, I heard rumors of an ancient mage with powers untold... I decided to seek him out in hopes he could unveil my heritage through aged wisdom. It took me six months hard travel through dense woods and across frozen goblin-infested mountains before I reached his lone tower far to the west and south of Nimthor. Upon my arrival, he greeted me (by name) at the door as if he's been expecting me for quite some time. Inquiring about my father, the great Dwarven mage Ogrim (who was known for his taste in smoking rather..... 'exotic' herbs) would not reveal any truths, insisting that I must find them on my own. He did, however, offer to teach me an alteration he, himself, created to a simple spell that every Ranger knows.... that would both alter the course of history and probably help me make friends.

Creating a dome with his hands on the table, there's a faint glow that shines between his fingers. Within seconds, a scent fills the air that tickles the senses and turns heads. The party stares in disbelief as Rickul removes his hands and exposes his prize ability...

:ugeek: "I have learned the Goodbacon spell...." :ugeek:

"Yeah, I know the old man was crazy, but this bacon is crazy good!"

"Goodbacon" is DM approved - same benefit/effect as "Goodberry" spell
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#4 Post by Agnati »

Rickul would also like to visit the seer, right outside Wyndam, to inquire about his father for any leads or clues before setting off on a venture.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#5 Post by Tungsten »

Good Bacon and a Seer!!! Tungsten and Faelwen are in for that.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#6 Post by Rhourk »

OOC: Posting these in character, but they are both private actions done by Kaleb and Lumiere. If someone happened to come with they wouldn't mind at all, and they certainly wouldn't hide any of this from anyone IN THE PARTY. But when dealing with the party they are humble and don't seek to influence anyone else's decisions or actions regarding their own hard earned rewards. You may notice their attitudes change dramatically when dealing with evil beings and situations, as those entities have earned their scorn by action or in the case of Fiends and such, their very existence.

Kalbe visits the Mayor, making sure no one (with the exception of any party members that may or may not be there) else is able to overhear the conversation.

"Your Honor, it gladdens me to see the god things that you have done for the common folk of this town. I have bad tidings though, I believe things will get worse here before they get better. You must be a beacon for the people, and stand between them and those that seek them harm or see them as unworthy of protection. I must travel with my companions, and will be away for some time. I hope to return one day and make my home here again, this may be a fool's hope, as I said dire forces are at work, but it is my hope. We have driven away great evil and it will take time to marshal it's strength again. In this time we hope to uncover the truth of these plots and deal with them at their source, permanently.

Mayor Vermilya: My dear boy, you have risen from petty stock to achieve true manhood. Though we will sadly lose your sword, we will know that the essence of Wyndam will be in our great warrior we send out to the Duchy. Please see Grairn to gain his blessing and of Malazar.

The fate of more than Wyndam is at stake, or I would be loath to leave these fields that sired me, and these people that I have loved, and I am loath to leave them still. But all is naught if what good men and women their are do nothing in the face of Evil. These companions of mine are true and capable, or strength grows with each task we undertake. I know we will be tested in the times to come, but we will prevail if we can, and failing that we will inspire others to trust their brothers and sisters to stand beside them and take up the fight. For we started as strangers, and in some way strangers we remain, but our bond is forged in battle, and I have never known family as close. It's with them I must stand or fall, doing what I can. No man can ask more of himself.

I have known these adventurers, though such a word is not powerful enough to describe their valor and effect, for many weeks. They are true to their word and feel you will be a welcome companion to them in their journey, whatever that may be. I caution you, I don't feel good will come of all of you. The dangers of outer Wesphalia and to the hinterlands is dangerous.

I am leaving this chest of 5000 gold pieces (2000 he gets from Lumiere, 3000 was his). With this you can help the good people of Wyndam, with food or farm equipment or whatever need arises. I wish their were more, and if my arms stay true there will be, but not as much and not often. I will be far from here and my own needs will begin to consume what wealth I find. My companions and I will need precious tools in the fight ahead. Keep this treasury secret, or I am certain it will be taken for ends that I do not intend it, or such an amount could put you in danger. Be frugal, many are the winters ahead.

This is a sight of glory before Malazar. Only I and Grairn will know of such bounty. Thank you my lad. It will be used sparingly and will await your return.

Malazar willing I will return home when the lands of men are safe or my work is done. If evil should take me, Lumiere will attempt to return me here to be laid to rest, under the trees of the orchards by the river. Be well your Honor, I carry you and the people of Wyndam in my prayers."

With this he embraces the mayor, and quietly whispers "Don't trust Lord Cartwright, he is not what he seems".

He looks at you with a strange expression, mostly of curiousity and surprise. He nods in acceptance of your warning.

Lumiere visits the Church. Let's them know she is leaving and donates 1000 gold. She thanks them (gives a whole speech, about evil and stuff, but it wouldn't be as good as Kaleb's so I'm not writing it), and let's them know that she will visit the Temple in Sidon(sp) at a future date to pray for guidance. She will make regular reports to the priesthood on anything that they need to know.

Grairn: My daughter of the Sun. I have waited many cycles of the Red Sun to send out a powerful priest to the surrounding world. This is what you are called to do before Malazar. Seek souls and not private fortune. Banish the undead and clean the world of the evil around us. Travel in the Red Sun my daughter.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#7 Post by Agnati »

After conferring with Tungsten, Rickul agreed that visiting the same seer that Cartwright recommended may not be the best (nor safest) idea. Being his first adventure with the party, Rickul volunteers to take none of the treasure found during his own rescue and that of the other villagers (and being more than satisfied with whatever experience gained during such circumstances), asking only for enough gold pieces to purchase a few health potions and a bedroll, since he has all the basic gear already. He also thanks Tungsten, again, for the studded armor and not-so +1 anymore longsword he gave during their meeting.
If health potions & adventuring bedding are available in Wyndam, Rickul is ready to go after conjuring bacon once more and getting a good night's rest.

"By the way, Sir Tungsten, tell me of this curse you seem to be under."
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#8 Post by Johnny Champion »

Tungsten wrote:Tungsten would like to pick up his armor at the Tiny Crown Armorer. He takes the note from Sir Cartwright to the Armorer. He is hoping for Plate Armor at least (Mithral Plate Armor at best). He asks Faelwen to have Mixtar look at it before he wears it in battle.

DM: Your armor is finished and you now have Shiny Plate Mail Armor. It feels strange but it well fitted. You must tell me when it is worn.

Faelwen sends a Raven (message) to Modrin (and the Elders in Esterik) asking them what they know about Piter Belcastro and especially about a magical decanter he made. Faelwen also asks them what they know about a powerful magical sword called NETHERBANE.

DM: Both are sent and it will take several days to gain an answer at best.

Tungsten, Faelwen and Rickul go to see Mixtar to see if the magical sword FORGON can be restored.

DM: Mixtar lements "My lad, the sword has been drained by some force beyond our plane. It is a fine blade but no longer of magical essence.

Tungsten goes with Faelwen and Lumiere (the high Charisma Cleric) [and probably the rest of the party] to appraise and sell the large bag of rubies ("more than we have ever seen").

DM: Icabod, the crazy gnome, is very interested in the necklace. He estimates it is worth at least 10Kgp. You have determined that it does not have magical properties but Icabod does not want to buy it. He can't find a buyer for it himself. You must go to a bigger city. You also understand that maybe this is also a family heirloom of the Cartwrights.

Faelwen mentions to the rest of the party that she does not feel safe in Wyndam. She does not wish to draw suspicion from Sir Cartwright, but she wants us to keep watch over each other while we stay at the White Wolf Inn. She suggests that we meet with Goric to ask him what he knows about Sir Cartwright. No one should travel alone within the town and we should stay together as much as possible.

DM: Goric requests to meet with you but not at the White Wolf Inn. You meet him outside the town on a hill overlooking the river and the town to the south. I will put that conversation on another NEW TOPIC called Meeting With Goric

Faelwen states that we MUST hide the Sapphire Necklace and not mention it while we are in Wyndam.
DM: You trust Icadod and feel confident in the value he provided you. He also told you he has no interest or means to buy such a valuable necklace. As a DM I state he can be trusted.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#9 Post by Doricin »

Doricin decides to peruse parts of the town where people might have heard about the legends of the necklace. i am assuming this is the pub, but the DM said we knew of places to go in town where we might find people who have heard the lore.

We have it in our possession, we must try to figure out why it is so cherished (while keeping the fact that we found it a secret of course).

In addition, Doricin is desperate for news about Haliford and the state of his homeland. posting.php?mode=reply&f=125&t=2688#

And finally, he is curious about how the Obsidian can be wielded. We need to find more Obsidian besides that which is contained within the Eye. Not that he would give it to the Slaath Lord. He believes the obsidian may hold the key to freeing his people and rebuilding his homeland. The primary reason why he continues to venture further and futher away from his Homeland is that he believes his quest will ultimate enable him to free his Homeland. Aren't we close to the area where we were told we might find Obsidian?
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#10 Post by Mooki »

Mooket would like to buy the potions of healing i.e. rejuvenation for the party two each.

A new shield

How shall we travel by land or river?
Buy a boat?
Mounts for the party as well as mules to carry?
Can all members ride?

if we plan to go by land then Mooket would like to summon a mount of some kind but if she is enjoying traveling light.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#11 Post by Doricin »

Any other potions we need?
Stone to flesh?
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#12 Post by Tungsten »

TUNGSTEN takes his new plate armor to Faelwen and asks if she and Mixtar can detect anything strange or magical about the armor. He is wary on two counts: 1) He does not trust Sir Cartwright to not trick him again. He fears that it may have some unintended effect. Perhaps Cartwright will be able to see what he sees or know his location, both he would prefer to avoid. 2) Should the Plate Armor have a positive magical property he would rather someone else in the party use it than have its powers lost to his sword. Tungsten fully explains to Faelwen that his sword, NETHERBANE, seems jealous and will not allow him to use any form of magic armor, shields, rings, cloaks or other magic weapons. Should he use one of these items the sword will take away its magical ability, like what occurred with his +1 Sword FORGON.

FAELWEN agrees to thoroughly examine Tungsten's new armor with Mixtar to see if there is more to Cartwright's Plate Armor than meets the eye.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#13 Post by Tungsten »

FAELWEN thinks of a more sinister possibility for Tungsten's Plate Armor. She handles it most carefully (with leather gloves). She asks for one of her CONTACTS to arrange for another Guild Master to meet with them at the Ancient Realm Guild: the Guild Master of the Persy Black. She wants him to check the armor for poison: contact or otherwise.

Did Faelwen mention that she is getting a bad vibe about this town???
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#14 Post by Johnny Champion »

Doricin wrote:Doricin decides to peruse parts of the town where people might have heard about the legends of the necklace. i am assuming this is the pub, but the DM said we knew of places to go in town where we might find people who have heard the lore.

DM: Icabod, the crazy gnome, is very interested in the necklace. He estimates it is worth at least 10Kgp. You have determined that it does not have magical properties but Icabod does not want to buy it. He can't find a buyer for it himself. You must go to a bigger city. You also understand that maybe this is also a family heirloom of the Cartwrights.

We have it in our possession, we must try to figure out why it is so cherished (while keeping the fact that we found it a secret of course).

In addition, Doricin is desperate for news about Haliford and the state of his homeland. posting.php?mode=reply&f=125&t=2688#

And finally, he is curious about how the Obsidian can be wielded. We need to find more Obsidian besides that which is contained within the Eye. Not that he would give it to the Slaath Lord. He believes the obsidian may hold the key to freeing his people and rebuilding his homeland. The primary reason why he continues to venture further and futher away from his Homeland is that he believes his quest will ultimate enable him to free his Homeland. Aren't we close to the area where we were told we might find Obsidian?

DM: Your knowledge of the lore of Black Obsidian, being a Claradonne, is much more than all the other adventurers in your party. You understand that in sufficient quantities it provides a magical energy that can move earth and objects of large size. That when crafted with ancient lore, the energy can be directed according to the wielder desires. You have tales that you have sung or heard sung in the past, about the powers unleashed by the Black Obsidian.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#15 Post by Johnny Champion »

Tungsten wrote:TUNGSTEN takes his new plate armor to Faelwen and asks if she and Mixtar can detect anything strange or magical about the armor. He is wary on two counts:
DM: Faelwen casts Detect Magic and there is nothing magical. Mixtar concurs.

1) He does not trust Sir Cartwright to not trick him again. He fears that it may have some unintended effect. Perhaps Cartwright will be able to see what he sees or know his location, both he would prefer to avoid.
DM: Understood. Nothing detected.

2) Should the Plate Armor have a positive magical property he would rather someone else in the party use it than have its powers lost to his sword. Tungsten fully explains to Faelwen that his sword, NETHERBANE, seems jealous and will not allow him to use any form of magic armor, shields, rings, cloaks or other magic weapons. Should he use one of these items the sword will take away its magical ability, like what occurred with his +1 Sword FORGON.
DM: You feel that NetherBane sucked the energy out of the sword when you took possession. Mixtar believes you have nothing to fear with other magical items.

FAELWEN agrees to thoroughly examine Tungsten's new armor with Mixtar to see if there is more to Cartwright's Plate Armor than meets the eye.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#16 Post by Johnny Champion »

Tungsten wrote:FAELWEN thinks of a more sinister possibility for Tungsten's Plate Armor. She handles it most carefully (with leather gloves). She asks for one of her CONTACTS to arrange for another Guild Master to meet with them at the Ancient Realm Guild: the Guild Master of the Persy Black. She wants him to check the armor for poison: contact or otherwise.

DM: Persey Black is not that easy to gain an audience. You ask around but all know of him but few know how to reach him or even what he looks like. All that can be determined is that he runs the underground trade, is not one to be messed with, and is a male human. You have heard that he has been associated with Cartwright in conversations with Goric.

Did Faelwen mention that she is getting a bad vibe about this town???
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#17 Post by Rhourk »

Hey, do we still have dragon scales? Because Dragon scale scalemail is two points better than regular scalemail. Lumiere wears scalemail too.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#18 Post by Tungsten »

Tungsten still has them. He's been trying to make a shield cover with them but apparently they will not be acid proof. He still would like to make the Shield Cover with them. You'll need to check with DM about how much it'll cost to make Dragon Scale Armor from them and if there will be enough.
In my Handbook, Dragon Scale (AC 15 +2 DEX) is just +1 better than Regular Scale Mail (AC 14 + 2 DEX), BTW.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#19 Post by Rhourk »

Hmm, mine has scale at 13.
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Re: Party To Do List Before Leaving Wyndam

#20 Post by Rhourk »

Wait, nevermind you're right. That's not enough of a bump.
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