Action Thread: Episode V

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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#21 Post by grey_starr »

*Grey Starr works hard at following Terra's directions - taking the shots while she drives*
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#22 Post by max_vale »

Borsk La'Reth yells out a technical question to Walex Blissex; who is nervously attempting to utilize a Medpac on Caius while keeping an eye on the nearby AT-ST piloted by Kolaff; and clearly is about to faint or run screaming into a corner in terror. He doesn't even hear the bothan's question and instead his shaking, sweating hands can't seem to keep a grip on the medical tools in front of him and with a half-annoyed and half-sympathetic sigh; Borsk steps up and gently takes the medpac into his hands and tells Walex to take a deep breath as he sets about doing what he can for the one-time pirate....

Lord meanwhile looks around the hangar bay looking for anything that might put a dent in the AT-ST and his eyes spy a crate labelled 'Concussion Grenades' in a corner. While the Bounty Hunter knows that Concussion grenades are primarily designed to take down bunches of personnel; they ARE powerful enough to potentially cause damage to vehicles with a bit of luck and good placement. He rushes over and quickly gets to work on opening the crate....

Terra and Grey form an unlikely AT-ST crew and manage to get the Walker moving in a shuddering manner to one side of the hangar as Kolaff's walker open fire on the last unmanned AT-ST and his precise fire quickly blows a leg in half; causing the 'main body' of the walker to collapse to the floor of the bay; the vehicle immobilized. Grey Star switches on the Fire Control system and attempts to take a shot at Kolaff's walker; but due to a combination of Terra's awkward movement and his own inexperience in handling vehicle weaponry; his shots go wide and sail high into the walls of the bay; blowing out deep gouges in the walls and exposing wiring and plumbing....
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#23 Post by Jedi Skyler »

Terra lets loose with a string of invectives. "Come on, man! That guy's bulls-eying womp rats from a T-16, and you can't hit the broad side of a Star Destroyer! We need to deal with that walker, NOW!" She continues to present a moving target, attempting to get a better feel for the controls to make the walker's motions smoother.

Lord's eyes light up at the crate of concussion grenades. He looks about for a pry bar, or any other tool that might be used to open the crate. As a last resort, he'll use the butt of his weapon to break open a corner of the crate so he can get to the grenades. He hopes to find them already packed in bandoliers...all the easier to carry LOTS of them...
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#24 Post by grey_starr »

Well... I'll try and put a face on this target to help me aim then! yours'll do!*Using a force point to help take out the AT-ST target*
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#25 Post by angelicdoctor »

Borsk calmy retrieves the medpac and quickly examines the injuries Cauis sustained. Keeping his primary focus on his patient, the bothan restates his question to the anxious engineer. Our friends in the walker could use some assistance. If you can suggest a manner to take control of the other one remotely or to even interfere with its targeting systems it would be a great boon.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#26 Post by max_vale »

Borsk manages to calm down Blissex while working on treating Caius with the medpac and the Bothan Jedi is happy to hear the Engineer take a deep breath and begin muttering to himself. "Yes....perhaps I can utilize the Enviromental controls to broadcast an ion particle surge in the hangar bay....and that would cause the AT-ST's fire control computers to continually attempt to re-boot...."; Walex continued to talk to himself as he began to wander over towards the control box on the shot-up pillar they had taken cover behind as well. Meanwhile; La'Reth finished utilizing the Medpac and managed to stabilize the one-time pirate; Caius had slipped into unconsciousness and his breaths; though shallow were steady....

Mattel managed to wrench open the crate of concussion grenades and hefted one of the heavy spheres and then winced as the concussive sounds of AT-ST cannon fire and resulting explosions sent a deafening roar throughout the enclosed Hangar Bay. Glancing back he saw both walkers were smoking; Kolaff's had the remnants of the twin light Blaster cannon attached to the side of the cockpit dangling from smoking wires and bits of shards were still falling like rain from the damaged hull. His fellow rebels meanwhile had blackened scoring around the ring connection where the 'head' met the 'legs' and from the stiff moment and sparks flying; it was obvious that the Walker could no longer swivel its cockpit module....

Terra threw the AT-ST into a lurching couple of steps to one side and then somewhat more smoothly straightened out the movement and managed to get the machine pointed at Kolaff's machine. She was about to yell at Grey to open fire when the one-time Scout did so on his own initiative and managed to put a pair of bolts from the Walker's main cannon into the side of the enemy AT-ST; destroying the secondary Light Twin Blaster cannon and causing Kolaff's walker to stumble back and to one side briefly; causing its own main cannon to dip slightly as it fired. Terra and Grey Starr were both rocked in their seats though as the return fire still managed to connect with their commandeered vehicle; striking right where the Walker's 'head' met with the 'legs'. Terra quickly cursed as it became apparent that the damage had locked up the Neck-ring controls; meaning that the Walker could not swivel its cockpit section at all and would have to point directly at their foe in order to hit it with the forward Twin Blaster cannons. Grey sighed in relief though as he knew that if it weren't for their own hit; those Blaster bolts would have hit them directly in the crew compartments; and they likely wouldn't be alive right now....
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#27 Post by angelicdoctor »

Oh, to be a mynock on the wall inside that walker. I might be able to alert our friends to his next move.

Reaching out with the Force, Borsk attempts to magnify his hearing sense directed at the AT-ST cockpit wherein their nemesis, the taunting Commander Kolaff, has taken charge.

Does La'Reth have any Force points left?
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#28 Post by max_vale »

The AT-ST battle in the hangar bay was coming to a fiery close as the Rebel band battled the maniacal Captain Kolaff....

Walex Blissex had just had a moment of inspiration and was fiddling with the climate control panel on the pillar when Borsk; attuned to the Force suddenly had his fur ripple in anxious anticipation and leaped towards the older man while yelling; "Get DOWN!" The hangar bay was suddenly ringing with the sounds of Blaster Cannon fire; explosions and the sounds of 10 meter tall Metal walkers falling to the floor of the bay in a tattered heap...

Mattel armed the concussion grenade he had freed from its crate and with careful aim; he heaved it towards Kolaff's walker; in particular at the damaged section on the side where the light blasters had been destroyed by Terra and Grey's cannon fire. The grenade exploded against the side of the Walker; blowing a hole and fragments into the crew compartment just as the Walkers exchanged fire. The loud grenade explosion was dwarfed in terms of the cacophony of sound a moment later when Kolaff's AT-ST crew compartment exploded from a direct hit from the combination of the grenade and AT-ST cannon fire while at the same time Grey and Terra's walker had one of its legs sheared off by Kolaff's cannon fire and the AT-ST fell to its side like a cut-down tree....

Terra managed to get the Walker lined up perfectly with Kolaff's walker and yelled out to the man sitting all of half-a-meter next to her to; "BLAST THAT KARKING IMP TO HELL!" Grey Starr winced from the yelling and gritted his teeth and lined up the AT-ST while doing his best to ignore the fact that Kolaff's AT-ST was pointed right back at him. Ignoring the pain in the back of his shoulder; he lined up the AT-ST in his cannon's sights and pulled the trigger. He was pleased immensely for a split second when he saw that the shots he had fired had lanced directly into the enemy walker's crew compartment and had blown it apart. However his pleasure quickly gave way to fear as the sickening feeling of falling hit him in the gut and his world-view spun crazily as his sub-conscious remembered that Kolaff had gotten off some return fire before disintegrating. Terra screamed in a combination of anger and surprise and then there was a deafening crash and shooting pains lanced from his shoulder and throughout his body and then the air was forced out of his lungs as the Rebel pilot somehow landed on top of him. When the world stopped spinning; the female pilot on top of him; winced and wiped a bit of blood from a small scratch on her forehead and then crawled off of him while grinning and saying; "Good shot!" and started to look for a way out of the disabled walker....

Mattel blinked and did his best to pick himself up off the floor of the hangar bay and shake off the ringing sounds in his ears. As he stood up he saw the amazing sight of a headless walker standing in place with smoke rising from the center while across from it a one-legged walker lay shattered on its side with the spunky, small figure of Terra crawling out a hatch on the top. Looking over behind the pillar; he saw Borsk La'Reth pick himself up off of a shaken but fine Blissex and a remarkably untouched and still unconscious Caius lay pristine in the midst of a sea of fallen bits of machinery. Luck or perhaps something else was clearly looking out for the Rebels today....
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#29 Post by angelicdoctor »

La'Reth runs out to his companions making their way out of the fallen AT-ST in order to render any medical assistance that might be required.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#30 Post by Jedi Skyler »


Terra grins fiercely as she reorients herself in the now-sideways cockpit of the walker. Doing her best to get off her gunner, especially with the grunts of pain emanating from him, she looks to the side, in the direction that would be 'up' were the walker still on its feet, and works to open the hatch so they can get out.


The former bounty hunter picks himself up off the floor, glad to see that his team appears to be in one piece.

Mostly, at any rate.

He rushes over to the fallen walker containing two of his teammates, and works to open the hatch to free them. Once they're free and, presumably, found to be free of injury (life-threatening, at least), Mattel returns to the crates of weaponry to stock up before the party moves on to the awaiting shuttle. Provided the others are well enough to do so, he encourages them to join him in gearing up.
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Re: Action Thread: Episode V

#31 Post by grey_starr »

*Once untangled, Grey will look to see if there are any weapons, or anything else useful inside the AT-ST before following out after Terra*

*Once out* Well, that was easy...*looking tired, and obviously sore... but still manages a grin*
Grey Starr - Try my D&D name generators...
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