A Vision of the Mutant Future

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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A Vision of the Mutant Future

#1 Post by Norjax »

The Wretched Regions™ is a campaign setting for Goblinoid Games’ Mutant Future™ Role Playing Game and other post-apocalyptic games.

The Wretched Regions includes original adventures, monsters, mutations and artifacts suitable for any Science Fantasy RPG.

The start of the Apocalypse was a Gamma Ray Burst from space. The chaos and hardship wrought by the GRB let to a World War that further devastated the planet. Radiation from the GRB, ozone depletion and nuclear weapons caused widespread mutations. Engineered chemical and biological weapons used during the World War added more mutagens.

Most of the planet is now an arid, sparsely populated wasteland (The Wretched Regions) interrupted by pockets of arable land and fortress-like city-states. Most of what was once fresh, surface water in lakes, rivers, etc. is poisonous and populated by mutant animals.

The arid environment, centuries old, has helped to preserve the artifacts of the ancients. The Wretched Regions Campaign limits the technology level of the pre-apocalypse civilization. WR presumes the apocalypse occurs in the mid to late 21st Century, thus eliminating the more advanced-science technologies such as compact fusion units, hand-held energy weapons, anti-gravity devices and spacetime warp equipment.

This is the background for exciting adventures in The Wretched Regions!

It is not wrong to think of The Wretched Regions as “Mad Max meets the X-Men”.

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