WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#81 Post by Zhym »

SGT Nado gives O'Reilly a quick look. He's a—well, a word his momma told him never to use—but he's also an officer, and Nado's always happy to let someone else give the orders. So he gives Heuron a look, shrugs, and moves to check out the barn.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#82 Post by max_vale »

Dusk, 15 March, 1944; Cluster of small buildings near a crossroads, North of 'Gusville', Italy

The 'rescue the bomber crew' mission that SST 11 had been sent out on was now turning into a skirmish as the skies darkened in the small section of Italian countryside north of 'Gusville'.....

-Chisholm and NPC Hill

LT Chisholm moved forward to the House in front of him and found that while its walls and ceilings were intact enough to still make it a standing structure, significant parts of it had been blown open by artillery or perhaps an errant bomb exploding nearby and all the windows were blown out and hunks of the house itself were missing. He could easily see all the way through it and it was quickly obvious that the house was deserted. To his left, a battle between some of his Team and the blue-uniformed Italian Marines was beginning....to his right, a gunshot rang out and LT O'Riley yelled out something about 'We're Americans!', so presumably they had found a bomber crew member. Nahum's attention though was on the distance beyond the house to the road some 500 or so yards away. A vehicle with the lights on and more Italian Marines scrambling around it/out of it was to the left. A second vehicle, its lights turning off as it pulled up on the far right, stopping some 100 yards from the Italian vehicle and also about 500 yards away had dark silhouettes starting to come out of it as well. Chisholm nearly jumped out of his skin was a silent Hill moved up and whispered, "Hmmm...looks like trouble El-Tee"....

-Goodfox, Koda and NPC Battaglia:

Through his night vision goggles, Koda took in the sight of the wounded American Bomber Crew member slump against the small building and fire his .45 back at the 3 Italian Marines while a couple of their shots JUST missed and splintered some wood from the shed his back was pressed up against came falling down on him like confetti. The 1st Nations Canadian could tell the Marines were about 100 yards away at the moment and he felt/smelled/heard Fox use his Teleport Talent ability to flank them while Battaglia used his Energy Blast Power to knock one of the Italians off his feet and light up the night for a brief moment....

Luther 'Luke' Goodfox concentrated and 'activated' his Teleport Talent Power and a moment later he was 100 yards away and about 50 yards North of the 3 Italian Marines who were shooting at the poor, wounded Air Corps member who was slumped against the shed. He took aim with his M1 as he felt/heard/smelled Mark Battaglia use his Energy Blast Power to drill one of the Marines in the chest with the bolt of light. His attention was briefly caught by the sounds of yelling and running feet and glancing over, he saw that perhaps 300 yards away, more blue uniformed Italian Marines were getting out of a Truck and running forward and one of them was holding a larger weapon than the Carbines the others were carrying, though in the darkness it was difficult to see exactly what it was....

-Heuron, Nado and NPC O'Riley

Phil Heuron's world shrank down to the Barn in front of him and he concentrated on the open barn door and the slightly moving silhouette he saw inside and he raced forward to close the distance as fast as he could, one part of his brain registered the sounds of gunfire and the use of Talent Powers somewhere nearby. He saw the figure drop to one knee and point something towards him and then a moment later the unmistakable sound of a 1911 .45 pistol being fired hit his ears, as did the hornet like buzzing of a round from that weapon JUST missing his head!....

Tom Nado moved towards the barn as well, reluctantly following the orders of the as....err.....OBSERVER Officer O'Riley, though he didn't race forward as quickly as Heuron did. He saw a figure slither out of a hay pile and rise up to one knee and take aim with a pistol at his Canadian team-mate and he belatedly brought his Johnson LMG up to his shoulder to get ready to pour lead into the man when he fired and he recognized the sound of a Colt 1911 automatic firing. LUCKILY it missed Phil and a moment later an angry O'Riley was screaming something about being an American. Tom's attention was also drawn to a vehicle puling up some 500 yards away and turning off its lights. Figures were detaching themselves from it, but in the rapidly growing darkness, it was impossible to tell much about them.....

LT Colin O'Riley moved towards the barn with a couple of members of SST 11 and when the figure slithered out of the pile of hay, he narrowed his eyes and realized it was a member of the Bomber crew. As he was about to call out to the man, he fired upon the Canadian Talent, but luckily, JUST missed. Colin yelled out, "DON'T SHOOT, WE'RE AMERICAN LIKE YOU!" The figure lowered the pistol and took a few more steps forward, calling out, "You're...American? I'm Tech 4 Wallis, Radio Operator from the Sheboygan She-Devil; got shot down just a bit ago...."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#83 Post by Rex »


To his men, loudly, "Gather up, we have the bad guys readying up about 500 yards out. We need to take them out quickly."

He will scan the area for a potential route they could use to give them concealment/cover to approach closer to the vehicles.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#84 Post by ateno »

Kado hopes the recent activity will cover him and start to rush at the shed, bobbing and weaving trying to get the wounded airman as soon as possible.

He will watch with the goggles for anyone that might take sight on him and will dive if that happenes.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#85 Post by kipper »

"We're here to rescue you, geez!" Phil exclaims uncharacteristically, still flustered by the near-miss.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#86 Post by jemmus »

Luke Goodfox sees the bigger force of marines unloading from the truck, and the big weapon they're carrying. Something to worry about, but at 300 yards the range was too far, would be a risky shot. He aimed his M1 Garand at the closer marines shooting at the airman.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#87 Post by Zhym »

Nado stays low and keeps his gun's sights on the people coming out of the vehicle 500 yards away. But he holds his fire until he can be sure whether they're friend or foe.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#88 Post by max_vale »

Early Evening, 15 March, 1944; Cluster of small buildings near a crossroads, North of 'Gusville', Italy

The 'rescue the bomber crew' mission that SST 11 had been sent out on was now a night-fight with a group of Italian Marines and some yet-to-be-determined foes in the small section of Italian countryside north of 'Gusville'.....

-Chisholm and NPC Hill

LT Chisholm moved into the half-shattered Italian Farmhouse, the near silent SGT Hill following behind him. As he made his way through the dark house, he kept his eyes on the parked vehicles in the distance, through a hole in the back wall and the strange, yet slightly familiar feeling/smell/sound of a Talent Power washed over him and looking around, he saw a hunk of broken glass on the floor near a smashed apart window and somehow, he got the feeling of being 'watched' through it....

A moment later, Hill just yelled out "GET DOWN!" and dove behind a smashed up table that was lying on it side on the floor as a second Talent Power feeling washed over them and a spherical object seemed to appear out of no-where in the middle of the air of the room and drop to roll slightly on the floor. It was a primed German grenade and Nahum had time to yell, "SH#T!" and dive to the side just as it exploded. Several pieces of shrapnel lanced into his side and hip and he yelled out in pain as the concussive blast knocked him down to the ground and gave him a ringing in the ears that drowned out most sounds*. It was clear that the German Zerberus Talents were here......

-Goodfox, Koda and NPC Battaglia:

Through his night vision goggles, Koda saw that the trio of Italian Marines were being engaged by his companions even as the further away Italian Marines were moving to support their comrades and he deiced that NOW would be the time to try and help the wounded Airman out. He raced forward and hissed out, "U.S. Army, coming to get you!" as the wounded Airman was moving quickly to slap a fresh clip into his 1911 .45 pistol. "Thank God you're here Mac!", he man called out as Koda got to him and scooped him up with one arm for him to lean on. Up close, he could see the man's 'Railroad Tracks' on his collar, showing he was a Captain and therefore almost certainly the commanding officer of the shot down Bomber. "Pike...Lawrence Pike, thanks for the rescue", he called out while hobbling as best he could to keep up with the 1st Nations NCO who was experiencing a plethora of feeling/smelling/hearing various familiar and unfamiliar Talent Powers being used in the vicinity....

Luther 'Luke' Goodfox took aim at one of the two Italian Marines, the one who was turning his way and he fired his M1 Garand, feeling the weapon kick back into his shoulder as he fired the heavy .30-06 round into the Italian's chest and dropping him out of the fight. A moment later, Battaglia's M1 Carbine barked once and then twice and the second Italian Marine spun a half-circle and fell to the ground in a heap as well. An 'assault' on the senses followed next as several Talent Powers were being used nearby and he noticed Koda scooping up the wounded Airman under one arm while at the same time a burst from an unfamiliar sounding LMG nearby caused a bunch of rounds to narrowly miss him as the rest of the Italian Marine contingent made themselves known as the LMG wielder fired upon him and JUST missed....

-Heuron, Nado and NPC O'Riley:

Phil Heuron did his best to breath out his annoyance at nearly getting shot by the Bomber crewman, Tech 4 Wallis and watched as the man rose up and moved quickly over his way. "Man, are you guys a sight for sore eyes! I thought we were gonna be-", Wallis doesn't have a chance to finish his words as a sudden 'burst' of Talent Power usage came over Heuron and company and along with it came two 'Cracks' of a German KAR 98 being fired. Wallis took a round right through the back center of his chest and the round came out the front of his chest, spraying poor Heuron with blood and the Airman dropped to his knees and then to his face like a puppet with its strings cut off and then a moment later Phil felt a stinging pain and a loud ringing in one ear as an angry hornet buzzed by and it took him a moment to realize he has just been grazed by that second sniper shot and it has clipped his ear....missing hitting him fatally in the head by INCHES!**

Tom Nado took position and looked at the vehicle some 500 yards away, its dark form showing doors opening and various silhouettes detaching from it. A moment later numerous Talent Powers seemed to be activated and a pair of Sniper shots rang out, clearly being fired by a figure crouching behind the vehicle and the poor Airman who had just come out of the barn was done in and it looked like Phil might've been winged as well. Nado noticed one of the silhouettes seem to outright VANISH and he remembered hearing that one of those cursed 'Uber Men' German Talents could turn invisible.....

LT O'Riley called out a half angry, half despairing "No...not again" as the various Talent Powers could be felt/heard/smelled as they were activated and he called out..."They're back.....the damned Zerberus bastards are BACK! They're not getting away THIS time", he seemed to call out to no-one or mabe everyone and a moment later, his hands were ablaze as he summoned up his Fire Generation Talent Power.....

OOC: Okay, Chisholm is Wounded and is inside the Farm House (B on the map). Phil Heuron is just Grazed (some lucky rolls there sir!), so this round he's at -2 (not -2D, just -2) on his actions for this round only.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#89 Post by Rex »


Chisholm will try to stop his bleeding, then to help Hill.

Yelling at the top of his lungs, "They can see through glass from a distance."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#90 Post by ateno »

"Sgt Koda, lets head off at an angle, they are waiting for us to move."

Koda will assist the Captain and use the building as concealment to bring Pike close to his lines and point to the way to go for safety, then
turn around to help his unit.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#91 Post by kipper »

Phil drops to the ground and peers intently in the direction from which he thinks the shot originated. He activates his talent in readiness to attack.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#92 Post by jemmus »

Luke rushes toward Hill, ready to apply his Healing talent.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#93 Post by max_vale »

Early Evening, 15 March, 1944; Cluster of small buildings near a crossroads, North of 'Gusville', Italy

As the late Winter night grew darker and colder in a small part of Italy, a battle between the forces of the Axis, including some 'Ubermen' Talents and those of the Allies continued.....

-Chisholm, Fox and NPC Hill

LT Chisholm tied up his wounds the best he could and hissed in pain a bit as he called out a warning about the German Talent being able to use glass to 'see them' and then the other German Talent could Teleport in grenades the like. As he was doing this, he moved towards the now blasted over Table and SGT Hill, finding the latter okay, just covered in bits of splinters and dust from the table. It occurred to the veteran Talent Officer that they were in a tough situation. They had come to find the survivors of the crashed Bomber and now they were engaged against a group of Italian Marines AND the Elite German Ubers.....

As Hill and Nahum came together, they heard running feet coming up to the House and they turned weapons towards the sound, only to see Luke Goodfox come running up, calling out that he's there to Heal anyone who needs it. However, he also now entered the area 'visible' to the glass shards and they all felt the now familiar Talent Powers being utilized again as Fox realized Hill wasn't hurt but his commanding Officer was and both were on the ground, lying behind a blasted table....

-Koda and NPCs Battaglia and Pike

SGT Koda led a wounded, but moving quickly Captain Pike off on a different angle to put some distance between themselves and the Italian Marines. The Italian LMG barked and a spray of rounds chewed up ground behind and to the left of them....his quick thinking had clearly thrown them off from where the direction they thought he would go. Luther 'Luke' Good fox suddenly took off, racing towards the House Chisholm and Hill had entered....

Battaglia moved over to help Koda carry/lead the wounded, but game Bomber commander to a small dip in the ground that was also close to a thick tree he could use as cover and figured this was as safe a place to 'stash' the officer as he was likely to find. Turning back to assess the situation, he could see the pair of Italian Marines manning the LMG were scanning the area, waiting to engage in targets while much further away and to the right, a group of German Talents, mostly likely the Zerberus Team they had been briefed about, were engaging his fellow Team Members. "What's the play Sarge?", Battaglia asked while keeping his M1 Carbine pointed towards the enemy....

-Heuron, Nado and NPC O'Riley:

Phil Heuron found himself surrounded by snowflakes as he activated his Talent Power, though he didn't have a target to send his Ice Ray power against at the moment, but he suddenly found himself closing his eyes and jerking his head away as LT O'Riley suddenly turned the dark night bright with a massive unleashing of his Talent Power to spray flames. He sent jets of flames slamming into the Half-Track the German Talents had come in on and in one brief moment, Phil saw a German solider with a scoped Rifle dive out of the way behind the vehicle to avoid the flames while another was made brightly visible with his gleaming, metal body reflecting the light of the flames wildly while holding a hand out towards O'Riley with a pistol extended and at the same time a POWER came out with a yell of "STOP THE FIRE!" and O'Riley seemed to stagger and then he did indeed stop his Flame Jets. A moment later the metal bodied German Talent fired his pistol twice and both shots slammed into O'Riley's chest and he stumbled for a moment and then fell down in a heap.....

Tom Nado, like Heuron, was forced to jerk his head away when the crazy 'O'Riley Talent went all 'fire-bug' and lit up the German Half-Track. Tom saw one German sniper scramble out of the way and get behind the burning vehicle, while he THOUGHT he saw some of the ground move as something unseen ran away from the flames. Then his attention was dominated by the 'Metal Man' German Officer who used a Talent to force O'Riley to stop using his Power and then a moment later he shot him twice. Tom cut loose a burst from his Johnson LMG and the burst was well placed and hit the German Talent, knocking him back and to one knee, but with the sounds of ricochets as his rounds hit the steel body, Nado wasn't sure if he had done any serious harm.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#94 Post by Rex »


Chisholm activates his hyper dex and rushes across the room to tackle Fox and protect him from the incoming blast.


He will spend a luck point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#95 Post by ateno »

"What's the play Sarge?", Battaglia asked while keeping his M1 Carbine pointed towards the enemy....
"Fire and maneuver, lets V out a bit towards the MG, before they see us, you fire, I sprint to a pace and get down and I fire at them and you sprint. If we don't hit them we get close enough to throw grenades or my Javelin. You don't have a smoke grenade do you? That would help. Also dodge and weave, they should have got a lot closer to me when I was getting Pike back.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#96 Post by kipper »

Phil lets out a lethal blast of ice at the metal man.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#97 Post by Zhym »

If bullets don't hurt the metal man, thinks Nado, maybe lightning will...

Lightning strike on the metal man.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Six: Anzio, The Worst has Come

#98 Post by jemmus »

Luther "Luke" Goodfox saw Lt. Chisholm look at him with unusual alarm. Talents-- enemy ones. And he'd somehow just blundered into giving them some kind or power or advantage. Lieutenant, moving to doctor the CO! Unless ya need me somewhere else! He hustles to the downed officer, places his hands on his chest, unfocuses his eyes and moves his focus to inward, then outward.

Heal talent

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