Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#161 Post by Marullus »

Woe to those who hide among the grasses, for the grasses answer to the Mistress.
Raust casts Entangle.

Archers are already poised to take a clear shot. Others are dorected the same - keep tight ranks and ready actuons to strike.

How big are they? How many? Can I Animal Friendship one? ;)
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#162 Post by Spearmint »

Tadhemoth Hunting:

Casting Entangle, a coercion covering a 40'ft diameter circle of effect, the thickets entwine and roots reach out to grasp the pouncing raptors that rapidly hunt the hunters by the riverbank.

Muckdwellers: Save vs Entangle spell 17+ [1d20]=6 [1d20]=20 [1d20]=5 [1d20]=15

A trio of the speedy reptiles are snared and a fourth slowed. Archers level a volley of arrows and those with javelins hurl.shafts at short range.

Orphidian archers: [1d20]=1 [1d6]=1 [1d20]=8 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=2 [1d6]=2 Orphidian archers: [1d20]=17 [1d6]=2 [1d20]=8 [1d6]=4 [1d20]=10 [1d6]=3 Kai: Orphidian leader: [1d20]=13[1d6]=3[1d20]=3[1d6]=4Venwynn looses arrows at figures [1d20]=10 [1d6]=2[1d20]=20[1d6]=1Orphidians : javelins: [1d20]=3 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=2 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=4 [1d6]=4

A quartet of raptors take wounds, pierced by the shafts. From the number of attacks, it is a paltry return and the misses become crucial as the vanguard wave of Muckdwellers suddenly spring out of the thickets to leap, snapping jaws and hissing ejections of blinding, murky spittle.

These raptors, smaller kin to the ever voracious Velociraptors (of Jurassic Park fame), they stand only about three feet tall from foot to crown with clawed webbed feet, short tails and crests of colourful skin that runs down from their heads and spines in garish bright colours that exalt their excited natures.

Blill & Blenn leap away, taking to branches of a nearby Willow, crouching unsteady on the thin branches but crucially out of the leaping range of the predators. They point, ribbeting to their kinfolk that further waves of raptors bound as a swarm behind these frontrunners.

Muckyducks: [5d4]=17Muckdwellers: Squirt blinding spittle: vs Venwynn [1d20]=20 [1d20]=11 vs Archer A [1d20]=15 [1d20]=8Save vs blinding spittle: Venwynn 16+ [1d20]=1 vs Archer A vs 16+ [1d20]=12

The muddy and bacteria infected spittle is spewed forth , the raptors acting with a corporate intelligence and strategy, targeting specific figures to firstly blind and then advantage that handicap by swarming them with a multitude of tearing fangs. Venwynn and an Orphidian archer A both get affected and try to rub their eyes clear as a mob seeks to close upon each.

Looking around, Raust you can see the Bullywugs and Ananxyrus come under a similar wave to yourself (basically I will replicate what happens to your crew as the same fate upon them to save me more dice rolls).

How big are they? How many? Can I Animal Friendship one?
you could, not sure the casting time in the spell description is correct or feasible if it is. They are considered 'small' size, there were 17 in the first wave, 17 trails of grass focused upon your crew and by chance

Muckyducks: [5d4]=17

exactly the same number in the next wave so figure another Muckdweller charging a few yards (a round) behind the first in the same mowed down path. There are nine Muckdwellers in this first wave still active, four attacking ranger and archer, (two spitting then four will swarm a blinded opponent next round)

There is also a single Muckdweller that targets you, (they attack with spittle vs base AC 10 modified by Dex & Magic bonus unless you have a visored helm), squirting the blinding spittle into your own eyes. Save vs RSW, failure indicates a round of temporary blindness.

Muckdweller vs Raust: [1d20]=13
oh, I note your AC tab and sheet inventory need editing to factor in the Carapace armour:

crafted suit of armour made from boiled beetle carapace and sewn with a lining of Eider feathers to insulate and cushion the friction from wearing it.would be classed as non-metal armour equivalent to a common giant beetle's AC, which is AC4 (as Banded Mail).
next actions and saves please, you can act for wolves and Beaky too.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#163 Post by Marullus »

Can I Animal Friendship one?
you could, not sure the casting time in the spell description is correct or feasible if it is.
Yeah, totally irrelivant mid-fight. There's three bound-up. I can cast it on them after the fight if we live. Like a pack of dogs, but serpant-queen style. :)
They are considered 'small' size, there were 17 in the first wave, 17 trails of grass focused upon your crew and by chance
Muckyducks: [5d4]=17
exactly the same number in the next wave
Holy crap!!

Raust save vs RSW (14) [1d20]=8
Shortbow: [1d20]=2 [1d6]=1 [1d20]=6 [1d6]=2
Shortbow: [1d20]=8 [1d6]=4 [1d20]=18 [1d6]=5
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=10[1d4+1]=3+1=4 Carca (Thac0 16) [1d20]=5[1d4+1]=2+1=3
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=20[1d4+1]=4+1=5 Carca (Thac0 16) [1d20]=15[1d4+1]=4+1=5
Beaky [1d20]=14[1d20]=18[1d20]=15[1d3]=2[1d3]=1[2d4]=5
Beaky [1d20]=19[1d20]=14[1d20]=16[1d3]=3[1d3]=1[2d4]=4

Raust fights for her life, trying to shoot before they advance with Beaky and the wolves screening. Alas, she prepared less Entangle with their need to locate Tadhemoths and Herne provides little recourse facing an army...
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#164 Post by Spearmint »

The Muckdweller raptors:

Both Venwynn & Raust are temporarily blinded by murky water that blots their eyes. An Orphidian archer suffers the same, squinting through even tighter closed slit eyes. It hampers their attacks and while under duress, cannot cleanse themselves rid of the handicap. Each volleys their arrows wide and high of the yapping pack of voracious raptors. But teamwork is a key in both parties. Kai takes down one of the squirters, Blill & Blenn shaft a second from their tree perch. Orphidians form a phalanx to take on the leaping reptiles, skewering three more. In the centre, Beaky goes berserk, ravishing two of the miniature tyrannosaurs.
Then the waves of scaly claws and snapping jaws hit. Half of the creatures fasten tearing incisors around exposed fleshly legs and arms, overwhelming the blinded Archer (A) -3hp and wounding several other of the javelin thrusting defenders.
Across the extended riverbank line, the Hunt host are forced backwards and several Wugs are forced into the river. These raptors though suffer no aquaphobia and plunge headlong into the waters to turn it red with blood as they swarm isolated stragglers. Ananxyrus hacks and slashes either side of himself, leaping among the horde and rallying his usually craven kin.

Ananxyrus Greenback: rally Wugs to battle: reactions [1d100]=67 Bullywug reactions [1d100]=48Ananxyrus Greenback: Saves: [1d20]=1 [1d20]=11

Bravely he advances, waving his Wugs to rally however some accurate squirts of blinding water splash over his bug-eyes and the Baron of the Merisc Bogs falters, flailing to fend off the raptors who surround him.

The next round, Raust can forego the shortbow attacks in favour of cleaning her eyes free of mud. Beaky, Namma & Carca each savage raptors, shaking them as ragdolls and tearing them limb from tail.

Switching to melee weapons, the Orphidian archers draw short blades and wade into the reptile pack. Wugs Blill & Blenn leap from the tree to back up Kai and shield their ranger mentor Venwynn.

actions: more rounds of attacks and actions please. give me three rounds and then I will resolve the combats.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#165 Post by Marullus »

Raust wipes her eyes, hearing her brave animal companions keeping the raptors from her. Once she blinks clearly, she resumes shooting frantically, trying to levy as many shots as possible to prevent a bloodbath... or at least one of her side. Hopefully the massive pack of predators can be driven away before all are dead...

(two rounds of Raust Archery, three rounds for Beaky/Namma/Carca)
Shortbow: [1d20]=7 [1d6]=4 [1d20]=15 [1d6]=6
Shortbow: [1d20]=20 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=5 [1d6]=5
Beaky [1d20]=12[1d20]=14[1d20]=3[1d3]=2[1d3]=2[2d4]=6
Beaky [1d20]=9[1d20]=13[1d20]=13[1d3]=3[1d3]=3[2d4]=3
Beaky [1d20]=1[1d20]=20[1d20]=7[1d3]=2[1d3]=2[2d4]=5
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=2[1d4+1]=1+1=2 Carca (Thac0 16) [1d20]=14[1d4+1]=2+1=3
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=16[1d4+1]=3+1=4 Carca (Thac0 16) [1d20]=19[1d4+1]=4+1=5
Namma (Thac0 16) [1d20]=18[1d4+1]=4+1=5 Carca (Thac0 16) [1d20]=10[1d4+1]=1+1=2
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#166 Post by Spearmint »

Fending off the Raptors
The rabid Muckdweller pack continue yapping and spewing blinding spittle ahead of a third wave of swarming raptors. The bloody encounter veers on two fronts; a valiant phalanx of Bullywug and Orphidian javelin wielders holding back the vanguard of the onrushing Raptor horde, backed by the sniping of those archers behind. Kai rasps out a drill, focussing his Snakemen comrades repetition of nocking, aiming and loosing volleys of arrows. Any raptors that breach the defenders are pounced upon by the savaging claws and teeth of Axe-Beak and Wolf. Discipline and fortitude give them advantage as they thin out the initial rank of raptors, slaying more than a dozen and blooding many more.

Opposing them come in a wave of frenzied reinforcements, drawn excitedly by the scent of blood and cries of pain. Numbers favour the small swamp Velociraptor-kin. But numbers alone against a determined and well armed foe are not enough. They are forced to concede against the line of barbed shafts and focus on those figures isolated as stragglers, those forced off the riverbank and into the Merisc murk water and those like Ananxyrus who are surrounded and bereft.

Two more Bullywugs take a dive to retreat, diving into the waters. They are swiftly followed by a dozen raptors who, equally at home below the surface as above, quickly follow. A cloud of bloody waters erupt to veil the amphibious assault. None resurface any time soon.

Blinded and surrounded, Ananxyrus valiants stabs one raptor that gets too close but he can not fend off so many that snap at his heels. As the Muckdwellers overwhelm him, Raust sees a javelin shaft sail through the air and strike him in the back. It staggers the Bullywug chief and he goes down.

Muckdwellers: bites vs Ananxyrus [1d20]=8 [1d20]=15 [1d20]=13 [1d20]=7
Bullywug assassin: vs Ananxyrus [1d20]=13[1d6]=5 [1d20]=16[1d6]=3Bullywug morale: Ananxyrus being overwhelmed [1d100]=18

so I rolled a morale check. Using your charisma loyalty 20% as a base and modified by leader or comrades slain vs enemies slain, equalising the d100 check to a straight roll. The above passes any Morale check and the Wugs stand their ground.

Rallying your group with a flash of fiery scimitar and a charge if your own to drive the Muckdwellers into the river or away into the Moor, the encounter ends with the group bloodied but victorious. Half of the raptor horde slain, several still Entangled. One Orphidian and three Wugs have been killed, Ananxyrus among them (unless you can CLW his injury, not sure how many healing spells you have left for the day).

Actions Raust please.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#167 Post by Marullus »

Nicely done! I love the assassin twist!
(unless you can CLW his injury, not sure how many healing spells you have left for the day).
It's a new day, so two. Definitely use one now. She's not letting all the relationship building with Ananxyrus go to waste.
Flaming sword ahead of her parting the crowd, Raust moves directly to the fallen Ananxyrus. She proclaims loudly as she removes the spear, her hand reaching down to touch the wound and sealing it shut before their eyes, "Tretchery is not the way of Herne - rise, Faithful, and be spared from it!" As Ananxyrus rises, she turns to address the full crowd. "You have all fought bravely, with the courage of the hunter! This is the way. Those who held together still stand. We mourn the dead, those who broke ranks and were caught alone, without the strength of the pack. We learn from their example, and give thanks for our continued life." She then turns to Ananxyrus and in a normal tone says, "The fate of your assassin is in your hands."

I'm assuming that demands a CHA check, but I'm not sure what dice so feel free to roll and apply it. :)

When this is done, she organizes Venwynn and Kai to see to the wounded and the wellfare of all those living. She tasks the small spear-wiedling orphidians to assist with collecting the bodies and preparing them for a pyre.

Once all is in motion, she goes to the three ensnared velociraptors and begins the magic to bind them to her, her new pack of dogs.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#168 Post by Spearmint »

I will come back with a more detailed update. But the 'Wug assassin' is not known in the confusion of the riverbank melee. You can roll the CLW score, needing 3+ to put Ananxyrus back into positive health.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#169 Post by Marullus »

Cure Light Wounds [1d8]=5
actually have CLWx3 going into this hunt, so 2 remain.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#170 Post by Spearmint »

Riverside Aftermath

MuckyD's: 17+ spell save vs Animal Friendship binding. [1d20]=17 [1d20]=4 [1d20]=14 [1d20]=15

Ananxyrus Greenback has not yet croaked his last, brought back from the precipice of death by a timely intervention. His grievous wound binding up under Herne's invoked blessing. As to the assassin, the Bullywug chief swears to skewer whoever upon his own barbed shaft. "Herne willing." or even unwilling; vengeance and betrayals are still a generic Wug' trait.

Healing the Chief and consecrating the dead keeps all the eclectic group in good order (assassin aside). Both Wugs and Orphidians pile the remains together for another funeral rite, similar to the one conducted previously. The ranks thinning but not precariously so. The mini-raptors that were slain are taken as bushmeat. Three of those Entangled become prey to Raust's spellcraft, binding them through her druid ritual as Animal Companions.

The next stage might be getting the wolves and Axe-Beak to accept them as usually each might feast upon the other.

Save 16+ vs druid ritual to accept MucD's: Beaky [1d20]=8 Carca [1d20]=6 Namma [1d20]=10

So far, the druid's hold persists over her growing bestiary.

The Muckdwellers assault and aftermath takes a few hours out of the day. The riverbank and nearby pools searched for signs of Tadhemoths but none of the fiendish hatchlings lurk in these murky waters.

You refresh the search, a little battle weary perhaps but confident that you can still hunt out any of the Froghemoth tiddlers.

Actions, would you prefer to hunt until dusk, evening or even continue through the midnight hours? I ask as the combined hunt would probably aim to finish as a two or three day exercise at most.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#171 Post by Marullus »

Better to return with success than sorrow, and to let Herne lead to a successful hunt.

They will finish the day.
I think everyone has darkvision? If so, we could continue longer to get the work finished.

She uses normal tracking (40%) Venwynn tracking (??%), then the Locate Animal spells.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#172 Post by Spearmint »

Tadhemoth Hunting

Tadhemoth Hunt: tiddlers vs 1 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=6 [1d6]=3 [1d6]=1Barrow Moor random vs 1: [1d6]=4[1d6]=3[1d6]=2[1d6]=4Barrow Moor random vs 1: [1d6]=6[1d6]=3[1d6]=4[1d6]=4Barrow Moor random vs 1: [1d6]=1[1d6]=2[1d6]=1[1d6]=3

So here I rolled for the number of (locatable) Tadhemoth hatchlings that have survived from this season's egg laying. of course annual egg laying indicates at least one mating pair of adults, assuming the female is returning to this area each year to lay her brood. So two more may be found. Then I randomised search hours, trawling the banks, deep murky pools and boggy patches to locate one. Each roll represents a one hour/ half-mile search, resolving as '9 search hours' to locate the first Tadhemoth; the encounter taking place at the very tip of the second finger's tributary waters in a murky black, shallow pool, surrounded by multiple boggy patches and tall trunks of Bald Cypress that drape with thick moss. At this hour, the moon is out, giving a modicum of filtered light that eerily lights up the pervading veil of thick mist. A solitary owl hoots; screeching above, its nearness magnified by the Barrow Mist.

The group forms into smaller units, Venwynn taking Wug apprentice rangers Blill & Blenn, Kai leading the Orphidian archers. Their smaller kin have the Muckdweller raptors tethered on short rope leashes. Raust astride Beaky with wolves padding either side. Ananxyrus has split his crew into two units of Wug javelin throwers.

Walking slowly around the murky pool, folk advance cautious, prodding ahead to confirm the stability of the boggy trails, testing the depth of any waters. More than once each person is betrayed by the ground to slip and flail torso deep in deep furrows.

Tadhemoth: surprise 1-4 [1d6]=5
Tadhemoth: attack [1d20]=3 bite [2d4]=6Tadhemoth: vs group 1-5 [1d5]=2

It is unto Kai and his two comrades that the attack initially falls. The 'tiddler' springing prematurely from its submerged burrow amid the Cypress roots to snatch at and miss the alluring tail swishes of the Orphidians. A big flash of a wide maw filled with shark-like backward pointing teeth and then a huge splash as it flops back right behind the trio.

Actions, Marullus, you can roll for their reactive attack, roll me this macro as each looses a nocked arrow.

Orphidian archers: [1d20] [1d6] [1d20] [1d6] [1d20] [1d6]

Actions, above roll and any other specific action for the other groups.

Tadhemoth pool
Tadhemoth pool
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#173 Post by Marullus »

Having learned from their first experience, Raust prepared better for keeping the tiddler out of its holes. Raust joins the archers as they pepper it with arrows, Beaky also axeing it as it breaches the surface. The wolves stay behind Raust, hunkered down and growling, watchful for other threats.
Orphidian archers: [1d20]=7 [1d6]=3 [1d20]=3 [1d6]=6 [1d20]=6 [1d6]=1
Orphidian archers: [1d20]=2 [1d6]=4 [1d20]=1 [1d6]=1 [1d20]=17 [1d6]=6
Beaky [1d20]=12[1d20]=13[1d20]=1[1d3]=1[1d3]=1[2d4]=4
Shortbow: [1d20]=8 [1d6]=5 [1d20]=15 [1d6]=1

The better-prepared Wug and Orphidian throwers have ropes tied to their javelins, so they can stick the barbed heads and pull to keep it from retreating underwater. Raust wishes she could still Entangle it, but it has been a long day...
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#174 Post by Spearmint »

Hunting Tadhemoths.

Kai: Orphidian leader: [1d20]=9[1d6]=3[1d20]=11[1d6]=5Venwynn: shortbow [1d20]=18 [1d6]=3[1d20]=5[1d6]=5

The Tadhemoth breaches the surface, snatching at Kai and then in a mighty splash, flopping back into the murky waters. A plethora of arrows pepper the creature, dotting the water in its wake. -9hp

Blill bullywug: [1d20]=14[1d6]=1 Blenn bullywug: [1d20]=9[1d6]=3

The many shafts though are disappointingly inaccurate and the injured amphibious fiend submerges into the murky depths and silt of the pool. There is nothing left but to dive in and try to drive it out of the bolthole that it cowers in. Clasping a barbed javelin Raust can tie herself to a rope in order to be hauled up (thinking here of holding your breath and getting in a single attack before you need to resurface).

Ananxyrus flanks you, grabbing a second ad-hoc harpoon. It seems the two, Beastmistress and Wug Chief will try to spear the creature that it might be hauled up to the array of Wug and Orphidian hunters. Taking a deep breath and acknowledging the hunters cheers, the two dive into the pool, the druid following the Wug as he will be a more adept swimmer. The pool is not too deep, perhaps furrows of thirty feet down and dark from lack of filtered light. It gives a stark advantage to the critter who launches himself at one of the divers but in a flash of tentacles and fins, the Tadhemoth cannot make best use of the underwater terrain.

Tadhemoth: attack [1d20]=2 bite [2d4]=7

Actions Raust, give me a single attack with the javelin, (you could use the Easter Egg +4 bonus for the druid).

Post an attack for the Bullywug chief too using this:

Ananxyrus: attack [1d20] damage [1d6]

Then I will resolve the round. (vs AC 6 and using the EE, you both need 10+ to spear the creature. Two hits and you can haul it to the surface).
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#175 Post by Marullus »

Raust Javelin (+Egg) [1d20+4]=13+4=17 [1d6]=4 Ananxyrus: attack [1d20]=20 damage [1d6]=1
(Crit for Ananxyrus!)

The two leaders leap into the pool, spearing the monstrosity and hauling it back to the surface. Raust redoubles her efforts to save Kai once on the surface, and then heals with with the Touch of Herne to ensure he lives.
Cure Light Wounds [1d8]=3
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#176 Post by Spearmint »

Raust redoubles her efforts to save Kai
the -9hp noted was from the arrows upon the Tadhemoth not upon Kai. I will get a health status up though and apply it to the most injured if neccessary.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#177 Post by Spearmint »

Hunting Tadhemoths

The third beast is skewered by the barbed shafts, each plunged deep into its midriff and taut upon the ropes, despite fevered thrashing, the fiend is brought to the surface of the pool and dragged upon the land.

This creature is not just a 'tiddler' or recent hatchling, perhaps one of the earliest offspring emerging at the first thaws of Spring, growing to sub-adult status and taking on some of the morphology of extended fins becoming grasping tentacled. The mouth wide, in typical toadish fashion with blubbery lips and gums filled with backward pointing teeth. But beached upon the riverbank, it only belly flops like a huge salmon and once an acknowledgement is given, this time a prayer to Herne croaked by Ananxyrus , the repeated choir of croaked "Amens" is followed up by stabbing javelin thrusts.

This hunt is over, the Tadhemoth quartered into feast fayre. After a long day, full of frustrations, brutal encounters, death and victory, the hunters return back to the Bullywug ruins.

so here I am fine with drawing the Tadhemoth Hunt expedition section to a close. There may be, as noted in previous rolls, another surviving hatchlings but you might need extra days of favourable rolls to locate it which is not a given, even with 'locate spells' if the creature is not within range. It also gives the Wugs a challenge to follow up on by themselves.

So, as far as Actions, conclude any evening or probably morning after-fest meeting (I have renewed the Charm hold upon Ananxyrus) and then decide to return to the Orphidian Cavern (for rest and xp) or push on if you prefer.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#178 Post by Marullus »

How many losses in total for Orphidians and Wugs? This feels like a brutal trip. Are they accepting of this reality? That it would have been that much more deadly if the Orphidians didn't come to their aid? Are ties stronger? Reflecting on Raust's strategic goals.

Raust and her Faithful are glad for the successful hunt, returning to the feast at the Wug Ruins. She invokes the prayers of gratitude to Herne for this hunt and blesses the quartered beast for them to feast upon. She heals the worst wounded among them, then takes herself to the side for some thoughtful reflection.

She has done much as liege... she has no qualms about returning to the Cavern and letting the Wugs lead their own final clean-up now that this major portion of the job is done. Her heart is heavy for the lost Orphidians... as they do not breed and replentish as the Wugs do. Should she look to Ananxyrus to identify replacements in her service? Those least loyal to him? His identified assassin? She ponders and looks into the fire.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#179 Post by Spearmint »

How many losses in total for Orphidians and Wugs? This feels like a brutal trip. Are they accepting of this reality? That it would have been that much more deadly if the Orphidians didn't come to their aid? Are ties stronger? Reflecting on Raust's strategic goals.
I think you lost a couple of Orphidians, I will check the archive. The Bullywugs are quite pragmatic, they do not have a long lifespan compared to humanoids and in typical amphibian fashion, females lay batches of several eggs which are hatched in a communal nursery rather than brooded over by a single maternal figure. Ananxyrus keeps the fittest or in Bullywug bug-eyes value, the loveliest females in his harem, so that he can maintain more control over his direct offspring. Invariably, in a culture with a lot of betrayal and usurping, he might actually feel that his tallest and strongest son might well be the main threat to his tenuous hold on the Chiefdom.

As to the Hunt. The Wugs see it as a great success. A number of Tadhemoths were slain and the raptor attack provided bushmeat and skins. You should note that Ananxyrus himself is also a tribal sorcerer (you cast Charm Person on him before he could cast a similar spell upon you). You have not yet seen much of other arcane usage among them. As to the divine aspect, Ananxyrus giving thanks to Herne is certainly a move away from traditional ancestral spirit worship that is more prominent among Frogling cults. So you can count that as a successful step in the conversion of the tribes to follow your own deity.
Should she look to Ananxyrus to identify replacements in her service? Those least loyal to him? His identified assassin?
Blill & Blenn can accompany Venwynn to come under her direct mentorship as apprentice rangers. They have proven their worth on a number of occasions to protect others at their own risk, not a common Wug trait. As to the assassination attempt, you leave that to Ananxyrus to investigate and quell any further rebellion. You leave the Ruins to return to the Cavern, expecting the next tribute event in a fortnight's time.

Barrow Moor random vs 1: [1d6]=6[1d6]=4[1d6]=1[1d6]=5Barrow Moor: random encounters: option [1d10]=9 Giant Vultures: [2d6]=7

Interestingly, several Giant Vultures harass your return trek. They stay out of missile range, swooping upon stragglers at the rear of your file or troubling Venwynn and her ranger apprentices if they advance too far ahead. It reminds you of the Harpy encounter, giving you extra to ponder and seek guidance and counsel upon.
"Sabrinx mourns her sister. She seeks revenge and consolation. She has made a blood pact with the Raven Queen but offers you mercy and a token of peace, should you swear fealty and bow the knee."
So this expedition can conclude. I will tote up the xp and share it out approximately. The event covers these days:

July 7th, trek to ruins, encounter Harpy en route
July 8th, reception in ruins, rest, plan hunt.
July 9th, Hunt Tadhemoths, day one.
July 10th, hunt Tadhemoths, raptor horde, hunt extended into evening.
July 11th, conclude Hunt, return in evening to Caverns.

Next expected event: Wug tribute visit circa July 24th.

July 11th - 18th: rest, recuperation, spell research and continuation of Stone-Shaping the cavern base.

I will update with an xp summary then we can plan Raust's next endeavours.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Barrow Moor: Raust and the Orphidian tribe.

#180 Post by Spearmint »

Tadhemoth Hunt expedition summary

Creatures Encountered:

Harpy: +190xp
Giant Vultures (10) + (7): +330xp
Trio of Gloomwings: +1925xp

Muckdweller raptors x 51: +510xp
Tadhemoth tiddlers x2: (525xp each), +1050xp
Tadhemoth juvenile x1: +1050xp

Total Experience award: +5055xp/full character share and division to npc's.

So I think to balance this is to treat Venwynn & Orphidians as an equal full share and Ananxyrus & Bullywug cohort as a third full share. Dividing the xp plunder can be done in two parts, pre and post arrival at the Ruins.

2445/2 = 1223xp for Raust (612 Venwynn)

2610/3 = 870xp for Raust. (435 Venwynn)


Venwynn: +1047xp takes her to 2041/4001xp and advancing to second level!

Raust: gains +10% prime requisite bonus, plus +100xp Player participation bonus.
2093 + 209 + 100 = 2402xp
Raust: Druid L3: 6719/8001xp +10%prb.
I have amended my public record to account the increases. You can roll for Venwynn's new hp as she is your retainer.

Actions, any specific actions or questions relating to the summary award and expedition closure.
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