Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#141 Post by redwarrior »

William spends the time drying out. :D
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#142 Post by Thumper »

DT proposes they ride to the closest ranch and ask for the location of Will Bland’s place. They can always truthfully tell them we carry a message from the county Sheriff…that’s why we’re in the neighborhood.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#143 Post by ateno »

"Lets go Doc, I'll drop rocks about every 200 yards to so.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#144 Post by Thumper »

As they ride, DT will break the ends of foliage and leave them dangling for an obvious sign to Andreas.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#145 Post by jemmus »

Gideon says, Y'all have probably been in Texas long enough to know this, but there's generally two types of farmer or rancher livin out in these country places. Sociable ones that are anxious fer company. Them's the ones like will take that rapist saddle bum in. Then there's the ones who thinks everone is tryin to rustle their dang cows and will shoot at anybody steppin on thar propitty. Well, thar's a third type too. Them's the ones that are little touched in the head, maybe from not bein around people much fer a long time. Thar's no tellin what they might do. Anyway, these country folks may not be very educated, but a lot a em are plenty savvy enough. Ah'd recommend not sayin any... fibs to em. If they catch the smell of a liar, they'll git mad all over.

The riders head south and soon exit the woods along the Colorado, marking their way for Andreas. With maybe three quarters of an hour of daylight left, at the northern wire gate of a ranch that looks to be around the common 160 acres parcel, around a quarter mile per side. Longhorn cattle stand or sit in the grass chewing their cuds and digesting the pounds of prairie grass they ate today. A ranch house with a barn, shed, and chicken coop stand on a smooth, grassy rise toward the back of the ranch. There's a yard with three pecan trees and two big old live oaks standing around it. The house and barn don't look as well maintained or prosperous as the one the riders passed on the north side of the river. Gideon says, Ah believe this is the place whar I saw the ranch missus and her daughter bringin in the warshin. They looked like ordinary, honest people. Peaceable people.

The group rides through the wire gate, closes it behind them, and rides toward the ranch house. Two mutt dogs in the yard start barking. An Anglo man and two boys who look like him, of around 12 years old and 10, come out and stand on the house's covered porch. They've brought long arm firearms with them, but the man leans his against the wall, and the boys do too, at his instruction. When the rather heavily armed riders get to around a 100 yards, the man calls out, Howdy! What can we do fer ya this evenin? It seems that the man is a pretty cautiously observant and on his guard.

You can make Stature rolls if you'd like. We'll say that a character's level of fame and renown influences their confidence in their interactions with others, and therefore their "Charisma" and ability to gain trust.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#146 Post by Thumper »

Touching his hat’s brow:
Howdy, sir. It’s a real pleasure to make your acquaintance. It is a fine evenin’.

He slowly and non-threateningly dismounts and takes a couple steps closer.

Don’t mean to disturb you, but we won’t be but a minute. My name’s DT Crockett, Medical Doctor. This is Judge Jonathan Doos, Mr William Moore, Esquire, and the fanciest talking card sharp ya ever met, Mr Gidean McLaury. I tell ya that so you never draw cards against him.

Momentary pause in case the man wants to share his name.

We were wondering if ya could give us directions to Mr Will Bland’s place. We came riding down at the suggestion of Sheriff Ellis to speak with him. Sheriff seemed to think Mr Bland could provide some information we need, and he couldn’t come riding down here with us on account of he recently hurt himself. And he’s keeping Deputy Bayless close so he can respond to any trouble. And It sounds as though these are troubled times around here at the moment.

If ya could kindly point us in the proper direction, we’d be indebted to you, sir.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#147 Post by redwarrior »

William tips his hat when his name is mentioned, but doesn’t look much the part of an “esquire”. :D

Stature target 13 [1d20]=15
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#148 Post by ateno »

Doos nods to the man, hands with the bridle.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#149 Post by jemmus »

The man seems somewhat more at ease. Louis Bouchard, pleased to meet ya. Yeah, there's been some trouble. Stage robbers on the roads from Austin to Fredericksburg and Burnet, and Comanche raiders around Austin. Not 10 miles from the city limits it's said. But ya can't trust in information ya hear from rumors. He pauses a second, considering. Then, If you're followin Sheriff Ellis's directions, it would make sense that y'all might be a posse of local citizens lookin for a outlaw. But I know a lot of the men of Gillespie County and Burnet County, by sight at least. I believe it's my first time seein any of you gentlemen. But if Jack Ellis gave ya information leadin y'all out here to the boondocks, and Will Bland's name, he must've trusted you to do something that ought to get done. He seems to consider commenting on what that might be about, but tohave second thoughts.

He considers a second again and says, Y'all don't have time to get to Will Bland's place before nightfall. Will's a real good old boy who would give a man his bottom dollar. But it's understandable. He lost a leg in the war and it takes him time to saddle and mount a horse. And he's rightfully afeared about roamin Comanches burning him out and kidnaping his wife, daughter, granddaughters, and little grandson. Me and the boys could guide ya to his ranch, it isn't but two miles from here. But with a group of strange riders approachin at night, Will and his sons and son-in-law might start firin. They're pretty good shots, and all of them good riders and cowhands. Y'all are more than welcome to bunk down here for the night and have dinner and set out in the mornin with fresh daylight. If y'all aren't in a hurry.

Gideon leans back in the saddle and quietly and courteously drops a stream of tobacco chaw spittle to the earth south of the Colorado River. He says under his breath to William, whom he rode with to San Marcos and back with the Rangers, ]Yep. Seems like Mr. Bouchard might be the first type a country fella. The hospitable kind. Whereas Bland is the second type. The trigger-happy kind. Cain't say ah blame him.


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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#150 Post by Thumper »

DT looks to the sky and, considering Bouchard’s words, looks to his friends for a nod or words of assent that it might be wise to remain here for the night.

Accepting Mr Bouchard’s hospitality might help Andreas find and catch up to us.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#151 Post by ateno »

"Sir, I appreciate your offer, will take you up on it, we will ride out in the morning after breakfast and be out of your hair with our thanks."

Doos gets off his horse and walks slowly to towards the man and house.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#152 Post by Thumper »

DT follows Doos’ lead. He turns to Louis and says:

That’s right kind of you Mr Bouchard. I do have three conditions though. First, once we settle the mounts and lay out our things to dry, you put us to work doing something that needs doing on your ranch with the last minutes of light. I’d be happy to chop and split wood or tend to any medical needs y’all have. Anything to repay your kindness.

Second, We have a friend who, upon seeing two of us nearly drown crossing the river, decided to ride upstream. I guess he went looking for a ford to the West. He’s a German from Fredericksburg, but he doesn’t know this area too well. Hope he finds a way to cross, as the road is the other way…to the East. But, assuming he can find his way here tonight, please don’t shoot him. He’s an awfully nice man.

Third, call me DT.

And he offers his hand to shake.

Through the evening, DT will call Gidean by his last name and look to see any recognition on Bouchard’s face.

Observation 15: [1d20]=6

He’ll try to be as helpful to Mrs Bouchard as possible with preparation and meal cleanup as well.
Until the party confirms the stage robbers are in fact the Sheppard Brothers Gang anbd where the gang is and the reasons for hiding out where they did (kin or friends in the area), DT will retain a level of suspicion of all people they encounter.

Intent for the evening is to guide the work and dinner discussions so as to assess the Bouchards. DT assumes they are trustworthy, but before revealing too much, he wants to assess them further.

If Bouchard gains their trust, DT will privately discuss (one at a time if needed) with the others about sharing their purpose with him.

If trustworthy and with party agreement, they should let on that they were hired by Wells Fargo to investigate the stage robberies. Empty farm houses and ranches, as possible hideouts, are items of interest, and Sheriff Ellis advised they look into the Vitek Ranch. Bland was recommended to give them directions to the Vitek’s. But is it possible for Bouchard to direct them to Vitek’s place in the morning?
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#153 Post by jemmus »

Bouchard shakes DT's hand and says, Pleased to meet ya, DT. I appreciate the offer to help out here, but anything we'd start now we'd be in the middle of when we run out a light. I'll take ya up on the offer if ya pass this way again someday. And we'll watch out for your friend. Let me go inside inform the missus we have comapny. Jonathan, Mark, y'all help the gentlemen with stablin their horses. The boys lead the group to the barn and set them up with grain and brush and assist with taking off and storing saddles,saddle bags, and blankets. They quietly leave the rifle and shotgun sheathes for the men to handle themselves. They're young, but they've seen since the childhood the etiquette of Texas, or maybe the entire West or U.S.: you don't lay hands on a man's firearm unless it's offered to you. The riders catch the boys stealing sidelong peeks at their holstered pistols. Perhaps they're wondering if the visitors to the remote ranch are famous or notorious-- but either way brave and heroic-- skilled gunfighters.

In the house, the furniture furnishings, and rugs are modest, but very clean. Lit glass kerosene lanterns generously light the rooms. Bouchard introduces his wife, a pretty Texan looking woman in her late 30s, and their children, in order of rank and age. My wife Mildred Bouchard, daughter Becky, that's Mark, and Steve, and little Pearl.Mrs. Bouchard and all of kids seem excited to have visitors. The hostess looks at the guests' gunbelts with their heavy sidearms, and seems flustered as to what good manners require in the circumstance.* But she says, Pleased to meet you. Welcome to this ole place, make yourselves comfortable. We already had supper, but it's hardly cold. Becky, go heat the roast up, on the stove, not in the oven, and start boilin some fresh new potatoes. Steve, bring in some chard, tomatas, and fresh radishes from the garden. And Becky, skillet toast some slices of bread in butter. Gentlemen, please take a seat at the dinner table. Oh, I'm sorry, we forgot the coffee! Becky!

Bouchard gestures for the men to pull up a chair around the table. His two boys linger around, ready for some interesting observing and listening in. Bouchard says, Like the missus says, this old place ain't much. But y'all make yourself at home. Coffee and supper will be along shortly, thanks for your patience. Well, before that... I'll say a couple of things. He gets a kind of stern and serious look on his face. Burnet County sheriff Will Ellis is a good man. Salt of the earth. He pulls his chair forward a little and leans over the table. I'm not a lawman or a... bounty hunter. But ya wouldn't believe it, but I used to be a Mississippi riverboat gambler. A lot can happen on a riverboat goin up or down a river. It's like a little village, except it's an island, and nobody can get off of it. And there's a lot money floatin around. Poor folk don't ride riverboats. Just well-heeled travelers... and gamblers.

Gideon let's out a low and appreciative whistle.

Bouchard nods to him and slightly smiles, then continues. Ya learn to watch things, people and their signs. I'm guessin Sheriff Ellis has made the same kind of observations. And he believes that the fellas at the next place over from Will Bland's are connected to the stagecoach robbers. At least on the Burnet to Austin road.

Little Mark chirps up, We seen em, Daddy! Ridin on the road at night leadin' good horses! And coming back in the morning leadin different horses! With out of county brands! But what about Sam Bass, Daddy? And the Comanches? Whose gonna fight them? All a us?

Bouchard says, Shush at the table, Mark! The boy is right, we've seen them moving horses like that. They're odd and secretive neighbors. Suspected rustlers. But I don't know that that makes them stage robbers on two highways. I can take ya straight to the place in the mornin, or to Will's place right next to it. I haven't been over there in a couple a weeks. He might have closer....

His eldest daughter Becky comes in with a pot of boiling hot coffee, shyly places a cup before each visitor and her dad at the table. She starts to pour coffee in each enameled mug, but gets too shy part way through the first one and flees back to the kitchen. Mrs. Bouchard, Becky, and little Pearl bring platters of sliced roast beef, little new red potatoes, boiled garden chard, and hunks of fresh oven-toasted brown bread to the table. Mrs. Bouchard says, Oh! We forgot the butter! Run and get it, Pearl, dear. Which the little girl dutifully does.

While the visitors are politely digging in after hard two days' ride and a river crossing, and while they're enjoying hot coffee and a hot meal, Young Mark pipes up: :Strangers, have you ever fought a man in a gunfight? Tell us a gunfightin story.
Bouchard and his wife both say "shush." But it seems that the man, his wife, and all of their kids are politely waiting and hoping to hear of a tale of the Wild West...

*True or tall tales of gun exploits are worth XP. Bad ones, negative XP, of course. Little Mark will be the judge of that, of course. :)

In the old TV Westerns, visitor gunfighters unbuckled their gunbelts, buckled them again, and hung them from the coat rack-- while making polite conversation. :)
Last edited by jemmus on Thu May 16, 2024 12:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#154 Post by ateno »

"Sorry Mark, I'm not a gunfighter, I did my share in the war, but I became a judge, trying to keep the peace. I wear them for protection. Just a fistfight recently, a young cowpoke."

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#155 Post by Thumper »

Well Mark, I was a US Cavalry Doctor stationed with the Buffalo Soldiers...the 9th Cavalry Regiment...mostly out in the forts of West Texas. The senior surgeon typically stays with the fort to which he's assigned while the junior surgeon (that's me) rides in the field when multiple companies operate as a Troop. I was riding with a Troop consisting of B and D Companies escorting a wagon train of settlers and mail wagons bound for Arizona and California through a particularly dangerous stretch on the edge of the Comancheria and Apache claimed territory. You see, the tribes fight against each other and us...fighting even breaks out between bands within the tribes.

Anyway, we had departed Fort Concho and were just a day and a half from Fort Lancaster when our Troop was ambushed by Comanches in a little valley...more like a draw. A Comanche band led by a warrior named Growling Dog struck from behind trees and terrain that our flankers could not search. The Comanches shot their rifles then retreated. Made it look like a hit and run operation. Our surprise was complete, and they were retreating before our Colonel even organized the troop's response. The Troop gave chase leaving their wounded with the support element.

Well, I immediately began treating the dozen or so wounded and there were a few killed. I ran to one of our scouts laying next to two Troopers on the side of the road. The scout was dying from a nasty bullet wound right here. His hand was shaking as he reloaded his shotgun. I knew I could save the Troopers, but not him, so I went to work bandaging the soldiers up. Just a few moments later, I saw two Comanches emerge over a little rise on foot. One was holding a readied bow and the other a lance in one hand a rope lead in the other. I recognized the description of the lance-wielding warrior by his was Growling Dog! It became obvious this was all a bold attack to steal the horses of the wounded soldiers while the rest of the Troop was being led away by the rest of the band. They must have hidden under brush and thick Mesquites or Cedars without their own horses.

Fortunately, those two were not looking my way when they appeared (there were other Comanche sneaking in too that I couldn't see as I knelt there), so I reached down and grabbed the shotgun from the now dead scout. The movement drew the attention of the bowman. I fired as he turned his bow toward me, catching him in the chest, knocking him backward...dead. As I cocked the second barrel, Growling Dog threw his lance at me and I fired again. His lance winged me right here in the right shoulder. I'll show you the scar if ya want. My wound threw my aim high and wide, and my shot only grazed him in the head...kind of scalped the side right here.

The shots alerted the rest of the wounded and support element. Soon, more shots rang out up and down what was once the column. Growling Dog and a couple of his sneaky warriors escaped on foot, but most of them were shot and killed by the wounded soldiers.

DT grins a wide grin broadcasting he's about to say something funny.

Kidnapped captives who have since been rescued from the Comanche tell us the Comanche now call that warrior Pooping Puppy on account of the mess he made, both of the raid...for he stole no horses while losing a lot of braves...and because he soiled himself.
Last edited by Thumper on Wed May 15, 2024 11:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#156 Post by Thumper »

Upon entering the house, DT removes his cross-draw gun belt and hangs it from either the coat hanger (if there is room) or on the back of his chair. He graciously thanks the lady of the house and her daughters for the food and hospitality.

He would look to Doos and William to tell the story of the horse rustlers if they want to. He'll stick with what he's experienced and knows and tell about the Wells Fargo job. He would let on that Andreas trailed the bandits from the robbery site to just over the river. In his mind, that confirms the Vitek place is the rustlers hideout, and makes the connection to the robbers very high...Perhaps one and the same.

You are quite observant, Mr Bouchard. We'd really appreciate the help, sir. In the morning, I think I'd like to stop in at the Bland's place and see what else, if anything, he might be able to tell us... If only because he's closer.

Throughout their time together, DT will watch the family and his companions for any signs of medical need, and whether he is skilled enough to treat it.

Observation (15): [1d20]=13
if needed:
Medicine (15): [1d20]=2

Once bedded down in the barn, DT will sleep in his hammock strung up between a couple of roof supports. He'll take the midnight watch again, during which he'll walk about periodically keeping vigilant to observe behind the barn and to each side of the house.

Stealth 13: [1d20]=8

Obs 15: [1d20]=16
Last edited by Thumper on Thu May 16, 2024 3:44 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#157 Post by redwarrior »

William smiles and says to Mark Well, I've been in a few gunfights chasing these rustlers, and I like to think I did my duty, but don't know that it's much to crow about. At the end of the day, that really gets down to the luck of the draw and the will of the good Lord above. Raising cattle, growing crops, building towns, those are the things that grow civilization and that people will remember in the long run.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#158 Post by jemmus »

The Bouchards listen to DT's tale with rapt attention. Mark and Steven get a big kick out of the "Pooping Puppy" nickname. Older brother Steven says to Mark, That's your Indian name. Chief Poopin Puppy. Mildred Bouchard says, Y'all boys stop that potty talk! Mark says, Those Comanches got what was comin to em. But I feel sorry for the scout that died. Louis Bouchard is quiet and pensive. Perhaps recalling memories of war, wounds and deaths of his own.

The rest of the night at the Bouchard place passes comfortably and without incident. At the crack of dawn the family rises, and Bouchard and the boys head out to feed the horses and check on the herd. Waking Gideon says, Ah guess y'all have heard the sayin, "It's a poor farmer who eats before his livestock." Looks like Mr. Bouchard ain't that kind a poor farmer. Meanwhile there's bustling in the kitchen and the smell of coffee, bacon, ground pork sage sausage, and frying eggs is in the air.

Do the riders set out for Virgil Bland's place after breakfast, wait to try to catch sight of Andreas passing this way, or do something else?

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#159 Post by ateno »

"I think we should wait for Andreas, or do you want to double back towards the crossing he went for.?

"Mr. Bouchard, how long is a trip to the crossing, north of here, we forded just east of here and our buddy decided to go for the crossing. Should we be concerned?"

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#160 Post by Thumper »

DT will pitch in with the pre-breakfast chores. During which, he will propose:

I think we should wait here for Andreas for maybe and hour longer. If he’s on the move again at daybreak he’ll have around two hours to catch us…should be plenty. He'll either have come across the trail of the gang on this side of the river, or he'll find our clearly marked crossing site. Either way, he'll likely find his way here to meet up with us. If we go looking for him, we may pass without seeing him and delay us even further. If he doesn’t find us here or at the Blane’s, then I don’t know what he’s about…don’t know how to help him.

Louis, getting your guidance to Bland's and Vitek's ranches will take you away from your ranch work. Let us help you for about an hour after breakfast, that way your assistance to us does not cost you on the ranch. It will also give Andreas a chance to catch up to us, or at least be closer behind us as we move to speak with the Blands. If he doesn't catch up to us here, he might when we stop at the Blands. Can Mrs Bouchard provide Andreas directions to the Bland place if he is behind us still...and we can leave plenty of sign for him to follow.

I have to fess up that I don’t know a lot about cattle ranching…though I’d like to learn a little about it. I have plenty of experience working with the horses. Might have to be specific in your instructions on what ya want us to do and how to do it.
Last edited by Thumper on Thu May 16, 2024 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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