Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#101 Post by Bluetongue »


I think my conclusion to the Green Flame would be these backstreet alchemists were definitely 'on the take', supplying drugs or spell compounds to various illegal groups and were engaged in some experimental research that either went inadvertently awry or deliberately so intended by whoever used them as patsy's to initiate some dark plan.

Hope that makes sense. Their 'losing ahadows' is very strange but this 'shadow' clue seems very relevant to the Nergal cult whose sanctum is gidden and accessed only by 'Shadows' guidance.

I am not sure if that relates to the undead creature 'Shadow' or just some 'shadow magic'. We recommended the men be kept somewhere more sacred, suggesting the Silvanus Temple crypts which are undergoing some priestly changes after our last endeavours and are in a relative 'lockdown', so should be more secure. They fear some evil is going after them.

Perhaps 'Green Flame beggar' can be commissioned to watch the temple rather than here as I think there is more to gain.
but the second takes the admonition and begins to confess a little more detail. He gives a name, "Hexton, a scribe in the Arcanum. He passes us scrolls and texts and we supply his habitual." He goes on to share more and supplied with quill and vellum and write out a few runes and arcane algebra that he remembers. His hands trembling as he does so. Dadely might be able to verify their authenticity or similarity to those on the zombie.
I will give Dadely more scripts to interpret and suggest we go to the Collegiate and try to research stuff (shadow magic, mephits, Nergal scripts?) and locate this man Hexton, get to him before the Sheriff's men do. (Thinking after the beggar's report, that not all the Sheriff's guards are as legit as they should be).

Anything else I may have missed?
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#102 Post by Spearmint »

Anything else I may have missed?
don't think so.

I am editing my draft update now.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#103 Post by tristenc »

Hvalreki wrote: Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:50 am Gunter

When they are back together, Guntershows the "serpent bracelet" to Dadely to see if he can interpret or get any clues from the runes carved onto it.
Dadely will examine the bracelet from Gunter

He will then agree and examine the scripts from Golgarth as they make their way to find Hexton.

(Foes Dadely know Hexton from the college?)

bracelet int or wis (same ability score value)
int or wis (17) inspect serpent bracelet [4d6]=13
Pass if 4d6 difficulty is appropriate

Manuscripts int or wis (same ability score value)
int or wis (17) inspect manuscripts [4d6]=14
Pass if 4d6 difficulty is appropriate
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#104 Post by Spearmint »

Ironguard investigations

The beggar, "Issachar", he says, shaking Selina's hand. "I am still hesitant to trust the Citadel's roughnecks but
you have an easy manner. A man's word is enough bond."
He gets up to leave, pocketing the silver coins with a promise that he will 'watch and wait'. You can return to seek out the 'green flame beggar' at another time.

Dadely checks over the bone snake design bracelet taken from the alchemists and given to Gunter by Sheriff Longstaff. The scholar muses on the strange design. It can be uncoiled and straightened out but is crafted to be worn and fastened around the forearm and wrist. Rather than having a serpent head, it actually has a skull and looks like a miniature Necrophidius, a golem like snake construct. You assume is has some enchanted trait but that is undetermined since no Identify has been cast upon it.

Gunter takes it back, adding to his growing collection of weird artefacts.

Studying the scripts will take time but a brief glance can determine that the rudimentary Infernal tongue being used. A direct connection then to the cults of chaos.
He goes on to share more and supplied with quill and vellum and write out a few runes and arcane algebra that he remembers. His hands trembling as he does so. Dadely might be able to verify their authenticity or similarity to those on the zombie.
Dadely: knowledge of Hextor? vs 5% [1d100]=7

The name seems vaguely familiar to the scholar. He doesn't know any Mage or senior cleric in the Collegiate that might specialise in mentoring those with an interest in Nergal or Underworld vocations. A secret society of alumni to be sure.

Dadely: knowledge of sage specialist vs 5% [1d100]=96

The quintet gather belongings and head to the Collegiate.

here is a view on the faculty.

Setting yourselves tasks, you can spend time in study (researching a specific topic) or try to engage a graduate researcher and pay him to trawl archives for information.

Whoever asks around for Hextor can add a Charisma check and a [1d8] please.

next actions for Golgarth, Gunter, Dadely & Selina.

Bone snake design bracer
Bone snake design bracer
il_1588xN.3650202218_4db0.jpg (185.37 KiB) Viewed 195 times
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#105 Post by Bluetongue »


There is an Arcantryl shrine attached to the Collegiate Arcanum and library. I wonder if enquiring there also might turn up some clues.

Golgarth. vs Charisma 9 [4d6]=14

He has no skills in bluff or persuasion, so just goes for the direct mode.

"Excuse me. I am looking for a research colleague, Hextor, hace you seen him? Us he here?" He wonders on any bribery or even intimidation but thinks better of it.

Golgarth: search random [1d8]=4

I do like the idea of paying researchers to spend a couple of days on intense background stuff. It might be worth the few gold cost. Selina or Dadely are the most charismatic I think, so I will underwrite any negotiations they can undertake (unless Dadely's companion in the tavern can assist?).
try to research stuff (shadow magic, mephits, Nergal scripts?)

We should not be discouraged if things don't turn up straightbaway. It is still 'day one' and I suspect any Nergalites might 'get in touch' with us sooner rather than later. I can't think of any divine Cromm Cruach help that might benefit us. Certainly going at some point to the Cromm Cruach shrine will be in order too. Later though.

Golgarth: Wisdom check vs 15: [4d6]=10

If I need to solve any problems, use that Wisdom skill if appropriate.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#106 Post by tristenc »

Dadely will first ask around about Hextor

Then he will conduct some investigation of his own utilizing the collegiate facilities looking for info about Nergal

Dadely Cha (13) [4d6]=7


Nergal research, int or wish both 17
Dadely research Nergal int or wis (17) [4d6]=12
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#107 Post by archolewa »


Bluetongue wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 8:11 pm I do like the idea of paying researchers to spend a couple of days on intense background stuff. It might be worth the few gold cost. Selina or Dadely are the most charismatic I think, so I will underwrite any negotiations they can undertake (unless Dadely's companion in the tavern can assist?).
Selina will nod and give Golgarh a smile. "Excellent, for after my conversation with that beggar, I find myself severely lacking in funds."

Selina will seek out a student who may wish to do some research, focusing on any who look like they come from more modest means. In her estimation, a child of the nobility is less likely to be swayed to a clandestine search by mere gold, nor does she like the idea of owing any favors to one who is here solely because his father made a generous donation. While Dadely searches for Hextor and Nergal, Selina will pursue a different avenue.

She is seeking to learn about the following:

1. More information about the kind of (supposedly) minor demonic summoning performed in the Green Flame: what materials are needed, where one might get such materials, what can go wrong and why, and if there is any way to track the demons (especially quasits) who may have been summoned.
2. She seeks to learn more about this "strange primate" the beggar mentioned: a long-armed primate with rubbery skin that exudes oil, and possesses a keen sense of smell that could be used like a guardsman might a dog.

Intelligence roll in case that's necessary to find someone:

and Charisma roll for convincing them:

Had to fail a Charisma check sometime, I suppose.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#108 Post by Spearmint »

I will give Gunter another day as I know Hvalreki to be busy, then update here.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#109 Post by Hvalreki »


Gunter fastens the serpent bracelet to his forearm under the sleeve of his gambeson. Maybe later, when he has the coin, he can have it examined by a mage to determine it's properties.

In the meantime he sticks with Golgarth and hopes they get a chance to visit the Cromm Cruach shrine.
Sorry about the delay of game everyone!
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#110 Post by Spearmint »

I will edit in my draft later today.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#111 Post by Spearmint »

Investigating the Library

Golgarth, Gunter, Dadely, Selina & Sidkrake edit of draft coming this afternoon.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#112 Post by Spearmint »

Investigating in the Collegiate Library:

Golgarth, Gunter, Dadely, Selina
go researching, leaving Sidkrakr to sort out some accommodation for the night and a base away from The Last Dance tavern.

You arrive in the grand surrounds. All are welcome to enquire within though in the scholarly grounds, tanking around kitted in heavy mail, tooled up with vicious weapons and such would not ordinarily be admitted. Quick changes in order then and a simple singular sidearm that even then is supposed to be strictly sheathed.

The Collegiate Library is a wing of the renowned arcane school of Wizardry, the Collegiate Arcanum and shares faculty with the Arcantryl Shrine as the Futurus deity is the patron of the arcane arts.

The library is extensive as depicted in the photo image but locating specific information can be a laborious trawl, as many papers and dissertations exists that speculate on various debates, thesis, domains of magic, histories and new revelations. One option is to enroll a graduate scholar to assist and this proves a valuable decision to cut down upon hours of reading and searching. Dadely alone might be more at home here, excelling in his proficiency for head knowledge over trade works, martial expertise or roguery.
Roll a d6 please: that will indicate the possible information that you can find among the volumes at hand. Any specific interest or just general information on those topics mentioned?
Arcanum Library research: Gol [1d6]=1 Gun [1d6]=6 Dad [1d6]=4 Sel [1d6]=1

You can engage a scholar graduate in each area, they will spend a couple of days to compile notes and cross reference information. I will role them an intelligence test on each day and provide two findings that might be useful. The cost is 10gp each of the graduates researchers, so -40gp . Paying them to research the specific themes. I rolled a check vs their intelligence and determined that the more they passed against their intelligence (15 vs 4d6 with 4 being a critical success / 24 being a critical flunk. The more they succeed to better the info.

Arcanum Library research: research graduates vs 15 for: Gol [4d6]=10 Gun [4d6]=19 Dad [4d6]=15 Sel [4d6]=15

So working in tandem over a couple of days on your focus areas, you gather the following information.

"Hexton, a scribe in the Arcanum. He passes us scrolls and texts and we supply his habitual."
He has not been seen in a couple of days recently, however he seemed on friendly terms with a housemaid and Selina can work her own charm upon the young girl. A sweet thing, with a gap tooth and a chubby rather than hourglass figure. Figuring you to be 'one of his many scorned mistresses', she details his abode, an attic suite in the city ramparts that overlooks the countryside.
1. More information about the kind of (supposedly) minor demonic summoning performed in the Green Flame: what materials are needed, where one might get such materials, what can go wrong and why, and if there is any way to track the demons (especially Quasits) who may have been summoned.
Quasits are not common, associated as Familiars to the more chaotically aligned mages. Typically in the Collegiate, mages have empathetic links though in the main these are 'normal' animals such as cats, owls, even a snake though higher echelon mages have been seen with more exotic companions. Not of the demon-kind though which at best might be frowned upon and at worst , could lead to arrest or exile.

Looking at specifics, the notes you have taken compare to basic ritual circles or pentagrams. Actual materials used might just be standard votive candles and tracing runes, perhaps sprinkled with blood and the ground up powders of gemstones or bones.
2. She seeks to learn more about this "strange primate" the beggar mentioned: a long-armed primate with rubbery skin that exudes oil, and possesses a keen sense of smell that could be used like a guardsman might a dog.
The creature is known as a Boggle,
Boggles are 3'ft tall, vaguely humanoid creatures whose coloration
varies from blackish-blue to dark gray. They all have large bulbous heads,
but the rest of their body parts are disproportionate and vary from individual to individual (large noses, arms of different lengths, spindly legs, and
so forth).

The social organization of wild Boggles is loosely tribal. They tend to whine and
gibber a lot when dealing with other creatures. Outside their lair, they are somewhat cowardly, and they all tend to be thieves. However, when
found in their lair, Boggles are aggressive and voracious.
Boggles secrete a viscous, nonflammable, black oil from pores in their

Boggles have a rubbery hide-and their bodies are partially elastic. They
may stretch to twice their length or contract to one-half their size. Because
they have slippery and resilient hides, all weapon attacks on boggles will cause decreased damage.
Boggles naturally resist fire and can spider climb at will, having a special ability to dimension door at will for up to 3" through any complete frame, such as a hole, a door frame, grillwork,
between a character's legs, and so forth. They can reach through a hole
and their hands will come out elsewhere. This enables them to grab from another side.

Finally, Boggles have an exceptionally keen sense of smell and can even
detect invisible creatures by smell, hence often utilized
as guards and watchers because of this ability.
Gunter fastens the serpent bracelet to his forearm under the sleeve of his gambeson.
There is a school of thought that follows the proverb of 'being wise as serpents'. Traditionally 'wise owls' makes more context in the Collegiate but with these alchemists being covert sorcerers/drug dealers, the 'wise' is more set towards cunning and guile. So while you are wearing this you can gain the benefit of a extra skill in charm, perception or negotiations; being more able to 'detect lies' in others and more able to successfully deceive yourself.
Then he will conduct some investigation of his own utilizing the collegiate facilities looking for info about Nergal
Nergal is the main god of the Underworld. He had two sons, Set & Orcus. As his powered waned, he crafted various relics which contain essences of his power and character, supposedly burying some of them within the fabled Barrow Mounds and labyrinth crypts underneath. His two Sons waged war to usurp their Father and overthrow his position within the demonic hierarchy. But they war themselves together. Each has a resurgent cult of adherents that are devoted to claiming power and defeating the forces of Good and Law in the land.

Recently a Barrow Mound was excavated which lead into a tomb containing the the Death Knight leader of Nergal's martial forces, but he was vanquished back to the Abyss before he could manifest and resurrect his undead legion. This is partially true, Golgarth actually started out on that mission, Secret of the Saurons', but he got injured and was repatriated into the Hospice to recover!
try to research stuff (shadow magic, mephits, Nergal scripts?)
Nergal scripts use the Infernal alphabet , a specialist subject that few really understand beyond novice ability as the more you know, the greater stresses compound upon the mind and soul to eventually permanently feeblemind those who probe into such evil literacy too deeply.

Mephits are strange elemental creatures, like capricious pixies, who create mayhem and chaos using fire, steam, cold, smoke to cause various distresses. There is a bounty reward set by Citadel authorities to capture the Mephits released after the Green Flame conflagration. It is suspected that they inhabit various rooftop gables and only come out at night to keep as hidden as possible.
Shadow magic
This tends towards more of an Illusionist speciality and that tends to be an art form proficient among Gnomes in particular. (They are the only dwarven-kind who have any degree of arcane arts). As to Shadow creatures, the most common is the negative energy Undead form, often encountered in grave or dismal places. The two men who 'lost their shadows' is a new phenomenon and may link with the shadow representing a portion of their soul or will, perhaps entering some unholy covenant. Golgarth advised that the two alchemists were kept in a more secure or sacred place, which.Sheriff Longstaff conceded too, sending them into the care of the provosts at the Cathedral of St Ygg.


The above takes a couple of days, during which you pour over books and transcripts and gather as much prudent knowledge as you can. You make a contact with the researchers so can engage one again should more be needed. But for now, the information gathered is sufficient for the time, cost and questions given.

You have a hook on Heston should you wish to follow that up.

apologies again for delay, I got a long post in. Let me know if I missed anything and decide on your next course of action.
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#113 Post by Bluetongue »


I will minus the -40gp cost from my account to cover the research.

Interesting information, of course nothing specific to say where a Nergal cult can be found but I think the key to that is the reference to Shadows and the previous information that 'only Shadows know the way'. I wonder then if these alchemists lost their shadows, if we can actually locate them to follow to any Shadow-cult meeting point?

Certainly lets bust the door down upon Hexton.

Then, locate some illusionist gnomes to do some shadow magic, divination, necromancy?
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#114 Post by archolewa »


"Yes, I think we should investigate Hexton's abode. Though it's possible it will be trapped with magic. Do we have any way of detecting such defenses?"
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#115 Post by tristenc »

Dadely nods to Selina, I have some capability with such things, though it is somwhat limited.

He will share what he learned in his research with the others.

Agreed on pursuing the Hexton lead
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Re: Ironguard: Seeking the Nergal Sanctum (Expedition thread).

#116 Post by Hvalreki »


A sibilant hiss of words come unbidden to his mind as he dons the bracer- Those who tread among serpents, and along a tortuous path, must use the cunning of the serpent.

Gunter marvels at the newfound eloquence the serpent bracer bestows upon him. He can almost "see" the white lies, and lines of persuasion and guile in everyday conversations going on around around him. The truth seems bright and clear while deceit or misdirection seems muddied and grey. Shaking his head ruefully, the sensitivity is very overwhelming and he does his best to just tune out the noise and the new sensations and try to get used to it.

"Yes, let's pay this Hexton a visit at home."
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