Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#361 Post by Darithe »


"Good sir," Sigrid says conferring him the ironic title,knowing him to be anything but good, "Tell us of your master and we shall accede to your kind suggestion. I will be agreeable, if you are."
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#362 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum grabs the charmed priest by his neck to lead him around. He points his battleaxe at the 1st room to the north.
"Let's bring him in here for some further questioning."

[1d8]=6 alcove search
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#363 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Mongrelmen Crypts

Rum enforces his physical authority, Sigrid her mental prowess. The surviving priest is dealt with in a strong and forthright manner, roughly taken for further questioning into the nearest crypt rather than the quarters he pointed to.

The crypt entered (the bottom one on the right hand side), is a simple twenty foot square chamber with a single open coffer in the centre of the room. The coffer occupant is a rotten skeleton, dressed in ragged raiments and bereft of any valued accruements bar rusted belt buckles, much dented helm and a greatsword broken into several pieces. A moulded tapestry hangs upon the far wall, the design blemished by purple fungi stains that have spread out from the damp fabric to mottle the plasterwork and flagstone floor. It gives off a heady, sweet scent which contrasts to the usual fetid and damp rot that pervades the other crypts and labyrinth passages. Several mossy clumps of the fungi seem well nibbled by the rats which scurry about, flitting into burrows in the corners at your sudden intrusion. The room is otherwise vacant.
"Tell us of your master and we shall accede to your kind suggestion. I will be agreeable, if you are."
Sigrid presses her charmed new friend. The priest fears both the present threat of personal violence and being hacked in half by the strengthened dwarf and perhaps worse than purgatory suffering in any after death afterlife should he betray 'the Master'.

You can remember one or two things spoken about before, such as this which was mentioned when the Mongrelmen were first encountered.
To liberate them, you could defeat 'the evil one' and his minions who dwell in the crypts to the south. He has a power over them (Mongrelmen) via some ancestral magic they need deliverance or exorcism from.
You gather the following:

The priest is named Balaam, they serve a cult that is dedicated to 'the Underworld Angarach', worshipping aspects of each of the three known deities of Nergal, Set & Orcus.

The senior priests are named using titles rather than actual names: His deceased colleagues were Acolytes, while he himself is an actual priest. He is subordinate to a higher arch-Vicar, the Shrouded One About a dozen others of the faith plus 'adherents both living and dead' dwell in nearby crypts, seeking knowledge of the Afterlife through various meditational rituals and sacrifices.

The Shrouded One is a necromancer of some esteem and possibly indwelt by an evil spirit. Sundance might wince at this, having been possessed herself by the malign spirit of Sister Magdalena.

They have a 'tool' in the form of the broken limb of the Gargoyle statue. Using a ritual, they can cause the statue to awaken and it can give knowledge of various happenings in other portions of the Barrowmaze.

They are excavating a tunnel which leads to a sacred crypt that contains a precious relic.

actions: ask any further specific questions.

Callan keeps guard with one MM at the upper passage junction. Other Mongrelmen go to aid Veryn with searching the alcoves behind each curtain before retreating back up the vertical corridor.

Veryn sneaks: [1d100]=53 Mongrelmen sneak: [1d100]=69Burial alcoves: searches vs 1 [1d8]=6[1d8]=8[1d8]=2[1d8]=5

None are particularly quiet, inadvertently scuffing floors or dropping trinkets from the burial alcoves that smash into pieces if earthenware or tinker noisily if pewter or tin. There are four alcoves along the south, each covered by a thick 'blackout' curtain. Each alcove is a small ten foot square cubby with a back wall of inset burial alcoves, each a small box size that might own a skull or set of bones, a minor trinket, old melted candles, a faded portrait, a momento of base worth. Casual searches turn up nothing on first inspections.

actions: detailed searches can take a turn of time rather than a round, possibly giving you more chance to locate items of worth but also open you open to more random encounters.

Alcove search noises alert: vs 1 [1d6]=2

So far the hurried exploration does not alert any others to the vicinity, giving you time to explore these alcoves or the two crypts in more detail.

action: Veryn, decide where you explore and search next.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#364 Post by Kenjosephus »


Question, the attire that the deceased acolytes wears, what does it looks like? Does it looks the same as what Balaam wears?

Some questions i want to ask, sir Balaam. Do you sleep on your own or with your fellow servants? Also, do you have a secret code that needs to be said amongst your brethen to weed out the false among you?

After hearing his answer, Veryn will check the other crypts, from the bottom left, upper left and finally upper right. Searching for trap and potential of rigged doors and if there are, try to remove it before opening it.

find trap vs 20% [1d100]=24 remove trap vs 25% [1d100]=66

do i need to roll two more or is this sufficient?
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#365 Post by Spearmint »

do i need to roll two more or is this sufficient?
, no. I will update once others have posted as you check out the opposite crypt first.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#366 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum squeezes the priest's neck harder.

"Can you tell us more about the Shrouded One, your higher arch-Vicar? What powers or abilities do they possess, and what role do they play within the cult? What is this relic you're seeking?"

"Ya best be talking if you don't want to end up sliced in half."
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#367 Post by Darithe »


"No need to threaten him Rum," Sigrid says giving the priest a warm smile, "He's happy to help us and speak of this Shrouded One, I am certain. Aren't you my friend?"
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#368 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum loosens his grip and releases the neck of the priest. He stands to the side of him and keeps his bloody battleaxe ready if needed.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#369 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring the Mongrelmen Crypts

Purple Moss animation vs 25% [1d100]=16

Balaam acquiesces to the 'bad cop, good cop' interrogating, "Our quarters are just a bunk room for the brethren. We share all things in common.", he answers, "I have some books, personals in my chest. If we are to leave, I would like to take them. There are some valuables in a pouch too for your trouble." He reaches into a cloak pocket and pulls out a small key, offering it to the rogue Veryn so he can retrieve his goods.

"There are no secrets but words come easy to those who bind themselves to the gods." He suggests the acolytes and devotees might share certain greetings and somatics to differentiate themselves. He doesn't volunteer any specific greeting which might disguise you.

"The Hierarch seeks relics of the New Gods. These tombs were built long before they were worshipped. Knights of the Futurus came delving to banish the aspects of the Underworld deities that had strongholds here; but it was they who were vanquished and scattered. He seeks their relics to mould into new purposes."

He doesn't know the exact nature or specific beyond 'a relic of power', suggesting it to be a weapon of some kind or some enchanted object with a specific purpose. Various relics have been located and retrieved from the crypts or Barrow mounds such as 'the gauntlet of Palanthus' which Amos wears and Sir Dewey carries the Sunshield.

As the priest talks, Sigrid and Rum can notice that the large purplish fungi that carpets the tapestry and wall in a mossy stain is actually growing slightly, spreading out like an increasing ink blot to not inky cover the wall but also slowly inch across the floor towards the open coffer where you all stand. It gives off this sweet, heady scent; a fragrance that is at once numbing and soporific.

actions: everyone in the room needs a Saving Throw vs Breath Weapons (rather than poison) but you can modify the roll with a +1 for each point of Constitution based hp bonus.

Veryn, if you take the keys and leave with the Mongrelmen to check out his quarters, you are absent from the room at this moment.

The priest coughs and sniffs the air, choking in his words and yawning, collapses over the side of the coffer. Sundance drops too, sprawled on the floor, her firebrand torch at her feet.

Balaam 16+ save vs BW [1d20]=9 Sundance 15+ [1d20]=14

actions please
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#370 Post by Darithe »


Sigrid is listening intently to Balaam speak when she suddenly notices the odious fragrance coming from the tapestry. Covering her lips with her hand she retreats away from it.

Save Vs. Breath: [1d20]=18+2=20
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#371 Post by Kenjosephus »


I assume that if Veryn take the key and get the belongings. He wouldn't aware of the purple fungi putting everyone to sleep right?
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#372 Post by Spearmint »

yes, at least not straightaway until called.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#373 Post by Kenjosephus »


"Got it, i'll fetch your belongings then.

He takes the key, get out, takes the dead acolyte robe and wears it as a disguise and sneak his way to check the left corridor to the Balaam's quarters. He will ask Rum to cover his back (hope with this, Rum doesn't have to roll save against purple fungus).

Veryn sneaking up quietly vs 15% [1d100]=93
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#374 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum agrees to accompany Veryn and follows him out the door.

OOC: I'm not sure where this action fits in the timeline.

Save vs. breath [1d20+1]=10+1=11
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#375 Post by Spearmint »

OOC: I'm not sure where this action fits in the timeline.
so I had Veryn taking the chest keys and going with Mongrelmen to investigate the priest's quarters, while Callan stood guard & Rum, Sundance & Sigrid interrogate the charmed Balaam.

Callan 16+ save vs BW using Easter Egg bonus [1d20+4]=2+4=6

Exploring beyond the Mongrelmen Crypts

Inside the side crypt, Balaam is questioned under the flicker light of Sundance's flaming firebrand. Rum acts as 'heavy', intimidating answers from the captive while Sigrid smiles assuredly and coaxes more information with her 'you can trust me' Charm spell affection. However crypts prove to be dangerous places and not all dangers come with ghoulish fangs, cultists fervour or insidious traps. Here the far wall is home to a sentient fungus that reacts to the presence of the warm blooded group. The spongy purple moss growths opening up sweet pollen producing stamen that cloud the enclosed air space with a sweet and sleep inducing scent. As the pollen is inhaled, the patch of mossy fungus rapidly increases size and volume, inch by inch spreading from the wall to flow towards the talkative figures. Soon affected are Sundance and Balaam, the priest collapsing across the coffer. Rum too slumps, staggering into the arms of Sigrid who drags him out into the corridor. Callan, on guard at the passage junction sees her distress and comes by, heading into the room to assist others who may be suffering.

Out in the corridor, Sigrid can assess Rum, he has no wounds or injury and his breathing normally, looking as though intoxicated or hungover and in deep sleep. She can vigorously rouse him, a few slaps around his cheeks as good as the pail of water treatment reserved for drunken tavern pass-outs. This takes a couple of rounds, time in which Callan has not exited the room, indicating that he too may be overcome.

Actions Sigrid & Rum please.

Meanwhile, having taken the keys to the priest's quarters and locker, Veryn rushes rather than sneaks to take a look-see in the room.

there is a picture map at post #333, Balaam's quarters being the very last crypt in the western passage.

The crypt is a spartan, twenty feet square room decorated in faded bas-relief designs that show various funerary art and processions. A double bunk is against one wall and a single against another. The Mongrelmen with you begin ransacking the personal effects and garb, exchanging their ragged outfits for the extra boots, pantaloons, blousons and cloaks the acolytes no longer need.
"I have some books, personals in my chest. If we are to leave, I would like to take them. There are some valuables in a pouch too for your trouble." He reaches into a cloak pocket and pulls out a small key, offering it to the rogue Veryn so he can retrieve his goods.
Veryn pulls out a large chest, examining the padlock as a common lock device, inserting the key and flipping open the lid. Inside are more clothes, laundered clean but unremarkable otherwise. You search through the pockets to locate a pouch of colourful marble sized gems, ornamental quartz stones, agates and solid black pieces of jet.

There are books too. Leathered volumes full of papers yellowed or mottled with age, a scrapbook and vials of ink.

Actions Veryn, anything else you wish to do in this crypt? you are unaware if the others troubles.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#376 Post by Kenjosephus »


Veryn will take all the gems from the chest along with the books, scrapbook and the vial of ink. He tells the mongrelfolks to come with him back to the party after they take their loots. Seeing the fallen Rum and the purple odor filled crypt, he tries to think of what caused this and how long this odor will last until it is gone.

"Sigrid, where is the priest, Sundance, and Callan?

intelligence check vs 12 [4d6]=8
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#377 Post by Spearmint »

Purple Moss crypt:
Actions Sigrid & Rum please.
I'll move this on as the only action would be Sigrid wakes Rum up.

Veryn grabs the wanted books, hurrying back rather than searching further. The lower passage is still empty of other individuals and you pass the curtained alcoves and the bloody remains of the dead acolytes, turning into the vertical passage. Outside the crypt, Sigrid rouses Rum from his unconscious state. She points towards the crypt, saying others are still inside.

Cautiously you can open the door, wondering if Balaam plans any betrayal. Instead you see the three figures, each collapsed prone upon the floor in states of heavy slumber. Balaam, leaning over the coffer is further away from the door (only by a step or two) and the strange Purple Moss has grown from a blotchy stain upon the wall to carpet the coffer and rear half of the room. The moss incrementally creeps over his prone body, releasing more pungent odour as it does so and with each breath, the priest inhales a deeper draught of coma inducing spores. Falling into a sleepy oblivion, the moss envelopes his body as one might insulate him with a grassy blanket. Whilst the upper side of the moss gives off the sweet, heady scent, its underside has a more insidious and acidic threat, with tiny stems that excrete ooze like enzymes that begin to numb and pit the man's raiments and exposed flesh. He is being consumed alive and soon the Purple Moss takes on a bloody crimson hue as it slowly absorbs the priest.

Sundance dropped her firebrand as she succumbed to the 'sleep' effect. The torch flickers firelight at her feet and crucially the tongues of flame seem to keep the creeping moss at bay, dissuading the growth from nearing her prone form lest it gets burned.

Callan is closest by the door and can be pulled out quite easily, grabbing an ankle and dragging him into the clearer air of the corridor.

Balaam: suffocation by Purple Moss growth: [1d4]=2Purple Moss: suffocating damage upon Balaam [2d4]=5[2d4]=6

Actions everyone please
Last edited by Spearmint on Wed May 15, 2024 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#378 Post by Kenjosephus »


Veryn takes a torch, lit it up and tries to throw it nearby Balaam to fend off the purple moss

What should i roll, dexterity check or roll to attack?
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#379 Post by Spearmint »

What should i roll, dexterity check or roll to attack?
He is only a few feet away, so pretty much you can chuck it on the floor nearby accurately enough.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#380 Post by Darithe »


Sigrid winces at the sight of what happened to Balaam and calls out to Callan, "Get Sundance out of there and come back quickly. Do not tarry in the room." She glances to Rum, "Are you alright?"
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