Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#61 Post by Thumper »

DT chuckles at Moriarty’s comment.

Well ma’am, if ya don’t want our patronage, could ya please point the way to a more hospitable establishment?

Name’s Crockett. Doctor DT Crockett. Physician.

Out here on the far frontier, you receive all sorts a men and women. Ya have a reason to be a bit defensive. We just want a bed for the night, a couple of meals, and a corral, water, and hay for our horses. I expect we’ll be on our way tomorrow sometime.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#62 Post by ateno »

"Ma'am, I would like to add, I have know this man for years, besides that, he's a good man, and we have cash."

Doos holds out a $5 coin.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#63 Post by jemmus »

The curtain falls back and the front door opens. A stout woman in a farm woman's working bonnet opens the door and stands bent to one side, holding the collar of a squirming orange-brown dog. The presumptive Mrs. Smith says to the dog, Set down, Yellar! Behave yerself! Then to the riders, Ya'll don't look very drunk. Come on in, after you've taken care of yer horses and wiped yer boots. He don't bite. He likes everbody, he jist wants to like y'all's face. Ya don't have ta let em do that if ya don't want. There's a corral and a barn with stalls around the back. There's grain and hay there. The trough isn't very full a water. If yer horses need more, would ya mind haulin buckets from the well? Ah got a bad hip and knee, both on the same side, and they're flairin up today. Please keep yer horses' shoes and teeth out a the vegetable garden.

The back of the house is as the woman described, and in addition there's a smelly pig stye with a huge boar and a sow with eight suckling pigslets. There's a flatbed wagon parked by the barn. As the riders approach, they see the curtains of a window at the side of the boarding house part a big bearded face looking through. The man is holding a shotgun or a large bore rifle. He turns his head and disappears, and there's the sound of a wall inside the being thumped. Another bearded face appears at an adjacent window. Neither one is smiling. They continue continue staring while the riders enter the barn to settle their horses into stalls and care for them. Two big draft horses are already in stalls there. Gideon McLaury says, Ah ain't sure yet, but ah suspect ah might prefer the company at the Gay Lady over that at Mrs. Smith's. But they say ya cain't judge a book by its cover. Moriarty says, That is some wisdom. Ye never know when a man loves the butterflies, bees, flowers, and trees-- but he just won't let on aboot it. He grins.

After the men tend to their horses (seeing the big bearded face and the smaller one still unsmilingly watching through windows), they men enter the house. The smell of frying smoked bacon and brewing coffee is in the air. Mixed with the scent of boiling greens. The stout woman comes to the kitchen door and wipes flour-covered hands on her apron. Welcome ta tha house. Supper and lodgin fer tha night will come 65 cents apiece, plus 15 cents fer stablin yer horses. Y'all can leave yer money on that end table thar. She point to the end table with the Bible on it. There's six a y'all come unexpected and we only got eight beds. Two a y'all'l have ta share a room with tha other two guests, if ya don't mind. She whispers,
Ta tell the truth, they ain't very sociable er polite.
She returns to the kitchen, expertly goes after something on counter with a rolling pin, and soon the smell of baking biscuits joins the other fragrances filling the house. Stomachs start to rumble after the long day's ride from Austin. Yellar dutifully lies on a throw rug, tail wagging, ready for any invitation to lick some faces.

The location is Mrs. Smith's Dining and Rooming house. Town of Burnet, Burnet County, State of Texas, USA. The time is 8:00 PM. The tired riders, veterans of todays's ride from Austin to Burnet, on watch for sign of stagecoach robbers, enjoy a good meal and prepare for the next morning's events. DT plans a visit to the Burnet County sheriff's office, and to the town vet's office. Meanwhile, the presumptive Mrs. Smith prepares to ask the two unfriendy guests to move beds and share a bedroom. And Adreas had peeled off at the site of the second stagecoach and strewn luggage and mail, along the highway, and not been seen, as yet....

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#64 Post by Thumper »

DT looks at the two draft horses in the stable and ponders for a second. Knowing the value of draft horses for teams teeing, farm work, and a hundred other uses, he’s not surprised to find them in the stable. But, just in case someone is trying to pass of stage horses, DT will take an oooirtunity to introduce etc the drafts for any sign of a Wells Fargo brand or recent brand alteration.

“Well, not everybody had a good mother to drill good manners into them, ma’am. Is there anything I can do to help your hip and knee, Mrs Smith? He’ll be sure to address Gidean as “McLaury” a few through the night.

At opening time next morning, DT will start by returning the few letters and mail sack to the town postman, then he will accompany Doos to speak with the Sheriff then the on over to the Vet’s office.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#65 Post by redwarrior »

William will attempt to engage the two strangers in conversation, but not very hard. If they make it clear they don't want to be sociable, he will strike up a conversation with Mrs. Smith, stating that he is still fairly new to the country, asking her how long she has been here, how she finds the climate & people etc. After getting up in the morning, while a few other folks are running around with errands, he will see if Mrs Smith has any chores needing doing that just call for a strong back, and using his activity as a chance to coincidentally notice what the other two guests are up to in the morning.

Paid $1 for room & board, forgot to get change
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#66 Post by Thumper »

redwarrior wrote: Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:18 pm
Paid $1 for room & board, forgot to get change
Following William’s good precedent, DT does same! DT will also secretly pay $1 for Mariarty’s stay on condition Mrs Smith refuse Moriarty’s payment and keep who paid for him our little secret.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#67 Post by ateno »

sorry I have a new job ands its really busy

Doos would thank the woman for the food. "Thank you Ma'am, we need to talk to the Sherrif in the morn, you know when he is available to accept callers?"

Doos smiles.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#68 Post by jemmus »

During the night Yellar began barking at some sound only a dog can hear outside. The light of a light lantern shone between doors and floors, and Mrs. Smith's hard leather work shoes could be heard clomping toward her window. Shush, Yellar. But the dog doesn't shush, it keeps barking. The door opened a crack. Then, Ya don't look too drunk. If yer lookin fer meals and lodgin, take care a yer horse out back and come on in. Ah'll jist let ya-- meanin no offense-- thar are seven armed men lodgin here tanight. And a dog. It'll be 65 cents fer tha night and supper, and 15 cents fer stablin yer horse. If ya don't mind, the biscuits'll be rewarmed and not fresh outa tha oven. So 60 cents fer the lodgin and the meal. William, Gideon, DT, and Doos recognize the sound of the German Texan's tread. Andreas, in from separating off to track. The smell of coffee, bacon, pork chops, greens again filled the air. But for the biscuits, not quite as much.

In the early morning, there's the smell of brewing coffee, frying bacon, baking biscuits, steaks in the skillet, and boiling little red "new" potatoes. Yellar comes up to every guest, wagging his tail and just hoping to get an invitation to stand on his bake feet and lick a friend's face. Moriarty kneels down and happily scruffs with the dog and cheers it on. Gideon says, Uh, ah don't know whut Irish dogs eat. But ah've sure enough seen what Texas dogs will gobble up.

Mrs. Smith says, Y'all set down at the table and pour yer coffee. Biscuits are about ready, then the gravy. The smaller bearded man seen staring from the window last evening enters from the back, carrying a large bore buffalo rifle and a wooden case under his other arm. He glances at the table of guests taking seats. The bigger man seen staring from the window the last evening pushes through, similarly loaded. With a scowling, with suspicious, accusing and challenging face. Both men have big bowie knives in their belts. They make two more trips each, carrying a tent, tarp, canteens, a crock for water, suitcases, and various other gear for a stay outdoors. Then they sit down at the table. The odor is all but overpowering.

Mrs. Smith soon lays platters of steaks, bacon, eggs, new potatoes, gravy and bacon-smelling biscuits on the table. She says, This mornin ah was in tha garden hoein weeds and diggin tha new potatas. Well, ah seen a big rattler comin up between tha rows. Ah took mah hoe and chopped its head off and hung the body up from the clothesline. It was past 7-foot long. If any a y'all want the skin fer a belt er a hat band, ya can have it. Otherwise I'll cut it up and throw it ta the hogs before tha chickens er crows git it.

Moriarty seems captivated. He says, Mrs. Smith, ya are a true warrior, and a saint. In Ireland, there was Saint Patrick and his snakes, long ago. The old story goes, and if I may tell ya.... The big bearded man interrupts. Nobody wants ta hear yer damn story, mick. And nobody wants yer damn ole snake, old woman. Moriarty gets red in the face and stands up. Sir, I'll ask ya not ta address Mrs. Smith that way or swear in her house. The man says, And ah'll ask you to sit yer little butt down, mick. Ah seen ya checkin out ar wagon and ar horses last night. It's wonder they're still there, with a Irishman around all night. His partner says, Easy Mike, don't kill him. Ya just now got out a prison. The big man answers, Ah don't like that little mick's looks. Fancy uppity-lookin bustard. Mrs. Smith says, now holding her pistol (which turns out to be an old cap and ball revolver) to her nose. Y'all know the rules. No fightin in the house. Go outside if yer gonna fight early on a Mondy mornin. Moriarty says, Ya heard the lady. Outside, ya great baboon. Now the little part of the man's face that visible above his beard reddens. Lead the way, little man. Ah'll make sausage out a ya.

Out on the street Moriarty hangs his jacket on Mrs. Smith's hitching post. He assumes the stance and shuffle of a trained boxer. A big man just moves in pulls up and upper cut with a great wide fist. Moriarty dodges and counters with a glancing hook, then an uppercut of his own that connects. The man swings a hook that Moriarty blocks and another that misses. Moriarty sees an opening and lands a haymaker, but the big man doesn't go down. He lands a heavy haymaker of his own that rocks Moriarty on his feet. His mouth bleeds, apparently from inside. The contest continues like this, with Moriarty the more skillful, but the stronger and more powerful. The pugillists, one bleeding at the mouth, the other with a blackening eye and bleeding nose, grow weaker and less precise in their attacks. The big moves curses in obscene terms hardly heard in the roughest of cheap saloons. He charges to grapple and bowl the smaller man over and pin him, but Moriarty evades and peppers him with a glancing jab. But the man uses the close proximity and his superior reach to land a heavy hook to his body, followed by a jarring uppercut to the chin. Moriarty's head flies back, he drops into the dirt of the village street, and doesn't move.

The big man feels his nose.
He says, Ya little son of tart, ah think ya broke mah nose. On my day settin out on travel and business. Ya come ta mah country and do that, ya little mick? He straddles Moriarty's body and quickly draws and raises his Bowie knife, the blade wide and near a foot long.
His partner yells, Mike! Don't do it! The law! But the blade begins to fall.

We will get to the PCs posted actions for this morning before long, I promise! :)

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#69 Post by Thumper »

Upon seeing the big man kneel on Moriarty, DT would have drawn and cocked his pistol and, while raising the revolver to aim, yelled, “Fight’s over. Get off him Mister.”. Upon seeing the big man raise the knife, DT would fire.

Pistol: [1d20]=16
Pistol target 18

Location: [1d20]=6 Severity: [1d6]=4

Serious left arm wound (severity -1 for arm wound = 3 ... still serious).
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#70 Post by ateno »

Doos would have went out with the fight.

When the big man had went to stand over the defeated, Doos would have yelled.

"Stand easy there man." Hoping he might have a military background and hesitate to an Officers order.

If he continues, Doos would rush and tackle after the pistol shot.

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#71 Post by redwarrior »

William slidesteps so that he has a good angle on the man's partner, in case he decides to aid the same. He seems levelheaded, but you can never really tell...
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#72 Post by jemmus »

DT's revolver roars as Mrs. Smith hollers Hold thar! and also fires her cap and ball revolver. DT's round punctures the big man's left arm and jolts him to the side, while the boarding house keeper's slug grazes his knife arm. His head swings around, mouth open in surprise. He looks at the heavier wound and the blood starting to soak his shirt sleeve. He doesn't seem to notice the crease on his right arm surrounded by a circle of red blood. He stands, giant knife in hand. Ya damned rats! Ya shot me! Ah'll kill ya both He starts to moving forward with his black eye, bloody nose, crimson left arm hanging . He friend yells, Mike, settle down! Git ahold of yer temper! The big man yells, Blast ya, Howard! Help me with these scoundrels!. He doesn't show any sign of stopping his treads, at this moment at least.

He's 8 yards from DT, 9 from Mrs. Smith, and 10 or so from everyone else. Reminder to indicate the type of shot in your dice roller rolls.

To hit, Careful shot.[1d20]=8 Hits.
Wound Location[1d20]=7 Right arm.
[1d6]=1 Light wound; 1 HP damage, -1 for arm, 0 net.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#73 Post by Thumper »

DT stands his ground next to the elder lady and, seeing clear continued intent to kill on the part of the stinky Buffalo Hunter, he fires again:

Careful Shot Target 18: [1d20]=2

Wound Location: [1d20]=14, Severity: [1d20]=2 (Moved to chest for 3 serious wound)
DT's Pistol skill is 2 so he moves the location up to chest to do 3 severity. New location: Chest / Wound: Serious

Page 28 of the rulebook under "Combat Turn Action Sequence" #4 and #5 state that 1 or 2 careful shots may be attempted in a combat action turn. I couldn't find anywhere where it defines the conditions of when 1 vs 2 careful shots may be fired in one turn. Making an assumption that taking no other actions or movement (standing one's ground with his weapon already in careful aiming position at the start of the round) is what provides a second careful shot, here's the rolls for a second shot:

Careful Shot Target 18: [1d20]=6

Location: [1d20]=14 Severity: [1d6]=5 (moved to chest and adjusted to mortal)
Using his pistol skill of 2 to move the wound up from the abdomen to the chest results in a mortal chest wound.

If I'm reading the 2-shot rule incorrectly, things are going to get interesting real quick!!
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#74 Post by jemmus »

I got a little rusty on BH's crunchy rules during just these couple of weeks of slow GM posting. (Sorry about that, I hope it didn't affect our ongoing momentum for the game). I should have stated that we're in Shootout Turns, because of the imminence of the stab attack. And for being within 20 yards range (p.23).

I agree, if the character doesn't do anything else in a 6-second Combat Turn two Careful shots are available. We only need to state Careful, Steady, Hipshot or Fanfire in 1-second Shootout Turns. Since we're in a Shootout Turn, and since he's not fanfiring, DT can take one shot. We'll use the first roll and disregard the second one. A Careful shot is by nature at the end of a Shootout Turn. But movement happens after shooting, so a slow Careful shot isn't always a bad option.

And now, to go back to doing a Shootout Turn the right way.
Initiative, Shootout Turn 2: NPCs [1d6]=2 PCs (including Mrs. Smith and Gideon) [1d6]=3 Buffalo Mike will move. His partner will hold and not move or shoot. We have DT's action.

Mrs. Smith hesitates a moment, but holds her revolver rather inexpertly but resolutely aimed at the approaching man. Mr. Mike Harwood, stop thar! Ah'll shoot ya again if ah have to! Gideon's got his single action revolver out and his eyes on bruises and bloody brawler's smelly associate. He notes and acknowledges William's eyes on the fellow and shifts his attention to Mrs. Smith, DT and the big treading man.

Andreas's, Doos's and William's actions for this turn?

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#75 Post by redwarrior »

William keeps his eyes focused on Howard He picked the fight, let him finish it! as his hand hovers over his pistol, ready to quick-draw if Howard interferes.

In case it's needed, only if Howard looks to join in, otherwise. I thought there was an intimidate mechanic using stature, but I couldn't find it, so...
Fast Draw target 11 [1d20]=13 failed so add two beats to the shot
Colt SAA target 20 careful shot [1d20]=5 super easy hit
Wound Location [1d20]=8 Right Arm move to left shoulder.
Wound Severity [1d6]=5 Serious
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#76 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Richter remains inside and watches the proceedings.
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#77 Post by ateno »

Doos draws his revolver, and moves to a different angle for a cross fire.

"Alright you had it, give up, don't waste your life."/dialog]

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#78 Post by jemmus »

DT's bullet cuts through the side of the big man's ribs, near his hanging left arm. His face contorts in pain and he looks down at the wound. William keeps an eye on the man called Howard, his hand relaxed and ready for a fast draw. The man stands tense. But makes no makes no move with either feet or hands. DT is prepared to rapidly fire again, and Gideon has his long-barreled single action Navy revolver leveled at the big man with a big knife. Mrs. Smith pulls back the hammer of her old cap and ball revolver and holds the barrel beside her nose, ready to point and shoot if need be. Andreas isn't present out in the street.

The big buffalo hunter looks up from the wound and glances around to assess the possible enemies facing him. He stops and lowers the big knife and looks again at the painful wound to his side again, then notices the cut through the skin and outer muscle of his knife arm. And, with some hesitation and expectant horror, at the great bleeding hole through the upper bone of his limp left arm. He glares at DT, Mrs. Smith, William and Gideon and says, Damn ya, ya can have yer damn mouthy Irishman if he means so much ta ya! Then to Mrs. Smith, Boardin house woman, y'all got a doctor in this damned little one-horse town?

Mrs. Smith replies, Burnet's got a veterinarian, but no people doctor except on Wednesdays. Git him on yer wagon, Mr. Howard. I'll ride shotgun and guide ya ta Cal Taylor's office. Gun and knife fightin on a Monday mornin. I'd bet not a one a y'all went ta church on Sunday. She shakes her head.

Gideon lowers his pistol's hammer, stuffs a load of chew between cheek and gum, and says, Well that sure is a fine example of a mornin breakfast in Texas, shared with the public. Lot a people don't have no manners er common courtesy. He thinks and ruminates on something, working his jaw. Spits into dirt of the street aside of his boot. Ah believe we got a job ta do today. Find and wipe out them stage robbers. And murderin bloodlust dogs.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#79 Post by ateno »

Doos will move forward and proceeds to take the knife and pistol away from the wounded man and starts to bandage him up.

"Gotta report your furthered assault to the sheriff you know, I'll be a good soul and defend you if you want."

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Re: Chapter 4: Strange Pursuit

#80 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Larson looks on from inside. "Vhy does gunfighting alvays find us vhen vhe ist inside?"
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