Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#81 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The pair at the ropes stays put, trying to keep track of where everyone went. They will search the dropped bodies if a chance presents itself.

Legless wobbles on his stick legs but somehow he doesn't fall down.
Random D20 [1d20]=13 (-2 = 11)

He too moves into the darkness, out of torchlight, to have a better look around with his enhanced vision.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#82 Post by gurusql »

Ayre, Baye, Cotgric, Duala

Ayre is unsure how he was separated from his friends and will be ready to defend himself with his staff.

Baye she continues to hold the torch for the group, not wanting to get into combat with only her stick.

Cotgric will examine the architecture. If this a natural cave or was it carved out?

Duala holds her pitchfork and looking for something else evil to attack this group.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#83 Post by CAI4 »

Safety Slip Roll:
Margit seems undeterred by the sudden rockslide

Sisyphus hastily fires an arrow from his bow at the nearest spider creature

Quickly perks up at the sudden sound of the rockslide above before yelling “Hey, what’s going on?”

Radahn slowly stands up alongside Bilberta, but says nothing with a coy look on his face

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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#84 Post by AleBelly »

To avoid confusion between the two groups, I'll lock this for now.

For those that entered the tunnel (Wenceslas, Xerxes, Yarnold, Zygmund, Rolf, Bobwhite, Legless, Margit), continue here.

For the rest still in the cavern, continue here.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#85 Post by AleBelly »

Blank post to indicate discontinuity in this thread.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#86 Post by AleBelly »

Yarnold, Wenceslas, Margit, Bobwhite, Rimilda, Wenyld, Nordman, Sully, Palermo, Sisyphus, Bilberta:

After Yarnold examines Odlo's blood-brimmed top hat, the group of 11 work their way down the corridor to the left, moving towards the dim light. Ten feet before they get to the right turn, they begin to hear snoring. Moving even more cautiously, they move slowly towards the turn in the hall. Bobwhite, Yarnold, and Zygmund peek around the corner.

The corridor continues 5' before opening into a great hall with a ceiling 30' above the ground. Flickering light shines from two large braziers burning at one end. The light from the braziers causes shadow and light to dance across tall marble pillars lining the far wall. In the middle of the room dining tables are attended by the skeletal remains of long-dead miners slumped over dusty tankards and plates. Between the two burning braziers stands a peculiar throne: a tall wooden chair with the head of a great stag carved ornately into the top. The chair appears to be strapped to the large bleached hull of a skeletal tortoise. Atop the throne, a smallish figure lies crossways with legs and head resting on the arms of the chair. The figure appears to be snoring.

The room is the fanciest you've encountered by far. Dusty, moldering tapestries that were clearly once of high quality line the stone-walled hall, all bearing a sigil that Bilberta and Wenceslas recognize as dwarven...though they can't place the clan it represents. A giant chandelier made of deer antlers hangs from the ceiling over the tables. It is suspended by a rope that is tied through a loop in the ceiling then secured ten feet off the ground by a pin on the far wall. On the tables are dusty goblets and plates.

Beyond the tables in the wall to the right is a second door. There is a door in the far wall and one on the right. Actions?
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#87 Post by Stirling »


However splendid the furnishings and fixtures, the scene of deceased miners, dwarven comrades just lolling about infuriates him. He cannot hold back and will rage at the sleeping figure which by his stature, I assume must be Odlo.

"Odlo! Odlo! Wake up you fool. What are you doing here like this!?" he shouts, approaching the sleeping figure.

Yarnold is more wary, drawing his blade. One eye watches the skeletons, hoping they don't awaken and the other eyes the ancient goblets as some tax worthy trove.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#88 Post by Rex »

Rimilda, Wenyld, & Nordman

Being at the back and not seeing the room, when Wenceslas starts shouting they all tense up and ready their meager weapons. Prepared for the worse.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#89 Post by Marullus »

Bobwhite slips in and to the right - checking out the plates and goblets quietly while putting some space between himself and the possessed Odlo.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#90 Post by CAI4 »

Bilberta silently shifts with Bobwhite towards the plates and goblets and will attempt to appraise them

Margit and Sisyphus ready their weapons in anticipation of a fight
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#91 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Palmero steps into the rom and keeps his eyes on the two closed doors across the way.

Sully slowly makes his way along the wall towards the closest brazier to get a better look.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#92 Post by AleBelly »

The party takes stock of the scene before them. Palermo watches the two doors while Sully slinks along the wall towards the nearer burning brazier. Bilberta and Bobwhite head towards the two tables where the six dwarven skeletons look frozen in a ghastly repast. Bobwhite is trying to move quietly, but Bilberta's rusty chain mail clanks just behind the halfling butcher. But it matters not as Wenceslas is in a rage. The dwarf marches towards the slumbering figure "Odlo! Odlo! Wake up you fool. What are you doing here like this!?"

The rest of the party - Wenyld, Nordman, Rimilda, Sisyphus, Yarnold, and Margit ready their weapons and brace for whatever happens next.

As Wenceslas yells, the snoring abruptly stops. The figure sits up, and it is indeed Odlo! Still reclined, he yawns, stretches, and says cheerfully "My greatest wish, if such a thing could be wished for, is that my friends have brought biscuits and jam for their hobbit friend!"

He then spins around as he takes his seat on the stag-topped throne. The party sees a terrible bloody wound, much like a bite, on the side of his face. His coat and pants are stained with blood, and his face is pale with sunken bloodshot eyes. But he is cheerful. "No need to skulk about in the shadows, friends! Come see me as you've never seen me before!"

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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#93 Post by Rex »

Rimilda, Wenyld, & Nordman

The trio moves into the room until they can see everything. Upon seeing Odlo they stop.

Rimilda, "This doesn't look good. What happened to your face Odlo?"

Nordmanstarts looking in his grimoire for anything about undead.

starts moving along the room wall, away from Odlo.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#94 Post by Stirling »


Yarnold: Longsword stab [1d20-1]=19-1=18 [1d8-1]=3-1=2

Sneaks to a dwarf skeleton, poking it in the back with his sword to determine it is just a set of unanimated bones. Once Odlo manifests, he has a fearful disposition of awakened undead, like the bone-hounds.

Wenceslas, is aghast (not a ghost), it looks a bizarre scene and the throne and still burning braziers discomfort him. He wonders if these dwarves were poisoned, surely not so!

Wenceslas: swings his mining pick [1d20]=20 [1d4]=1

Wenceslas: Critical hit, Luck modified: [1d6]=4

Critical bonus damage: [1d4]=4

"Come down from your throne, this is defilement." the dwarf says.
The chair appears to be strapped to the large bleached hull of a skeletal tortoise.
I am not sure I can attack Odlo but certainly if the tortoise chassis can be whacked with his pick, I will break that.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#95 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sully casts a concerned look in the direction of Wence, peering into the brazier to see if it's fueled by something specific or possibly magical in nature. "I might have a couple of biscuits for you, Odlo. Are you actually hungry, or do you just fancy a bite?"

Palmero moves to the southern door and presses his ear up to it for a listen beyond. "Anyone have a clean bandage for our newly found halfling friend?"
"Say, Odlo. What's really going on here, eh? Can you explain all these dead dwarves?"
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#96 Post by Marullus »

Bobwhite brushes the crumbs from his shirt onto the floor near the table before he pads quietly across the floor towards the throne. He produces a carefully wrapped napkin from the chest he carries under one arm. "I have a biscuit just for you, Odlo. We all worried about you - you'll come with us back up, now? The tavern will be so glad to see you they'll surely serve all you can eat for free!" He steps closer and reaches up to hand Odlo the last remaining biscuit along with the neat little napkin.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#97 Post by CAI4 »

Margit says “What type of witchcraft has left you in this state old friend?”

Sisyphus, angered, yells “What on earth have you done? The spiders, the bats, what I can only assume to be the result of your greed has led to the deaths of many!”

Bilberta essentially ignores Odlo’s presence and continues to inspect the many different items present throughout the room. The dwarven figures seem to entrance her
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#98 Post by AleBelly »

I rolled initiative to see who goes first in terms of dialog and initiative.

The party speaks with Odlo. He doesn't always look directly at the speaker, perhaps because he's missing his glasses?

Margit pipes up first. "What type of witchcraft has left you in this state old friend?”

"Witchcraft?" replies Odlo, puzzled. "No, I have found a worthy purpose! To guard the great treasures of the greatest wizard who ever lived!" he yells gleefully as he holds out his arms.

Sully looks into the brazier, and sees wood burning. But he sees no wood from elsewhere. "I might have a couple of biscuits for you, Odlo. Are you actually hungry, or do you just fancy a bite?"

"Oh, my wish is answered. Yes, please, bring them here!" Odlo replies, his bloodshot eyes widening as he rubs his hands together.

Yarnold begins walking towards the nearest seated dwarf skeleton.

Sisyphus' previous trauma causes his voice to crack as he yells at Odlo “What on earth have you done? The spiders, the bats, what I can only assume to be the result of your greed has led to the deaths of many!”

You think *I* did this? Friend, your words flatter me! No, I do not possess such great power. He who does has bestowed upon us a great gift. Those who fall rise to serve him!" replies Odlo.

Before the others can talk with Odlo, Yarnold reaches the nearest dwarf, prods it, then strikes the leather-clad skeleton with his sword! -2 hp. The skeletons suddenly snap to attention, each grabbing a spear. Not all of them are perfectly formed...some appear to have a leg bone where their arm should be, etc. But they still look dangerous!

Wenceslas firmly says to Odlo "Come down from your throne, this is defilement."

"Nonsense! replies the halfling. "Everything is just as it should be."

With that, Wenceslas swings his pick at the large skeletal tortoise, cracking its knee joint! Note that crit rolls for 0-level are 1d4, not 1d6, but since the result was between 1 and 4 I kept it. -5 hp The tortoise animates, its head turning menacingly towards the dwarf, ready to strike. A bony tail beings to sweep back and forth behind it, kicking up dust.

Odlo doesn't appear upset...he smiles as he looks over and beyond the group, having trouble with his vision. He pats the dagger at his belt. “It is clear the time for words has passed. How can you not see the great gift of immortality that stands before you? What has been bestowed upon me shall now be bestowed upon you! It is a gift! You will thank me for it, I can assure you!”

The six dwarf skeletons clank the butts of their spears against the stone floor in unison and advance on our adventurers!

"Keep them away from the door, now, my friends" Odlo appears to call to the skeletons.

During these exchanges, Bobwhite and Bilberta have had a good look at the dusty items on the table. Nothing jumped out as valuable. Old, cracked leather tankards and goblets sit on the table with unremarkable, dusty stone plates.

Actions? The dwarves are clad in leather, so edged and piercing weapons will do full damage as the leather will translate into crushing force as the weapons hit them.


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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#99 Post by Rex »

Rimilda, Wenyld, & Nordman

Rimilda moves towards the Dwarven Skeletons and attacks the first one that she can get to.

Club [1d20-1]=13-1=12 to hit [1d4-1]=1-1=0 damage
Zero damage, LOL.

Wenyld moves to attack the closest Dwarven Skeleton (D2 maybe).

Staff [1d20]=1 to hit [1d6]=2 damage
Natural 1.

Nordman moves to attack Odlo.

Dagger [1d20]=3 to hit [1d4]=4 damage

Wow, that was some really poor rolling.
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Re: Chapter 1: The mystery of Odlo Hillhouse

#100 Post by AleBelly »

Dear oh dear. Well, please roll for Wenyld's fumble (1d4) if you get a chance. Looks like he has no luck modifier.
1 = Incompetent blow makes you the laughingstock of the party, but no other effects.
2 = PC trips, can recover with 10 reflex save. Otherwise spends the next round prone.
3 = Weapon comes loose, disrupting grip. -2 attack penalty on next roll
4 = Weapon is damaged...requires 10 minutes of repair and is useless until fixed.
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