Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#381 Post by Thumper »

We’re wasting time. No point in talking any further. We have a convict of whom we need to arrange gaining custody, and we're burning’ daylight.

He lays the contract on Fox’s desk, takes a pen, dips it the ink well, and signs and prints his name to the contract.

We’d like a signed duplicate please.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#382 Post by Grognardsw »

Paladin signed.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#383 Post by redwarrior »

William reads the contract carefully, thinks for a minute, and then signs his name with a florist.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#384 Post by jemmus »

Gideon says, I'll take a look at that covenant. That's what contracts are called in the Good Book. But I imagine them covenants were a sight holier than this one. He reads line by line with his moving along under each word and his lips moving silently. What're "hairs and assigns"? I suppose I got plenty enough hairs but not a assign one. He carefully signs his name. I'll take mah $35 advance pay in silver dollars, dollar bills, and quarter dollars. Whar we're goin it might take all day a ridin to find somebody who can break a fiver.

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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#385 Post by Thumper »

DT will follow Gideon’s lead with the advance pay. Except he’ll additionally ask for a $10 bill.

He will propose going to the prison. He’d like to take the map and interview Davidson and get what he can from him….in case William is unsuccessful in securing an assumption of custody and to allow for the party’s planning. Might be good to have Paladin and Gid in the interview while William and Mr Fox work with the prison officials.

Jemmus- Do you want roll play that or just put together the list of questions?
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#386 Post by jemmus »

Holzclaw retires to a back room and before too long returns with a steel cash box bearing the Wells Fargo logo. He opens and inside are four envelopes, one bigger than the rest. He opens the first. I apologize for the delay. Mr. McLaury's request for break down into particular forms of specie took some movements among accounts and ledgers entries. Dr. Crockett. He counts out $35 in bills. Then $17.50 in bills and quarters. I've divided the $70 payment for the two additional contracts into four, one portion for each of you. As your company seems to have no name nor any designated officers. Dr. Crockett, please sign for this receipt of payment. The receipt document is simple and straightforward, it just says, $35 received for retention of service pursuant to a contract between the parties signed this day." DT has no reason not to sign, and Holzclaw takes the receipt, stuffs the money in the envelope, and hands it to the contractor.

He repeats the same with Paladin and William. As Fox sees the amounts of cash being successively counted out and delivered, it seems that he begins he begins to he develops mounting doubt and tension. Holzclaw takes the largest envelope laboriously counts out the silver dollars, dollar bills and quarter dollar coins under Gideon's keen and watchful gambler's eye. Gideon signs, takes the hefty envelope and stuffs it into his jacket. Thank yeh. That's almost enough fer a good night out in Austin on a Fridey! What a ya ah kin double it before sunrise tomarra! Fox looks like he's realized that he's probably run his ship onto rocks, and his fingers drum the desktop nervously. Holzclaw looks down, stone faced, aware of the perils of the over-eager hasty decision and risk of impending calamity.

Gideon grins and winks and touches his brim to the stagecoach line managers. Sorry, it was just a joke. We'll git them boys and put em thar graves. One a em, at least.
And we'll brang ya that proof ya want. Ah'm saving most a that $35 plus $17.50 for ar ridin compadres for borrowing a mule and a wagon. And one er two a the missus's bed sheets to cover the bodies. If ah'm one a em, a don't want no flies botherin that mule. Mule's got plenty a trouble a their own, ah'd guess. Thank ya, sirs and Wells Fargo company.

He catches William, Paladin and DT on their way out of the office. Ah'm thinkin about buyin a longarm and some loads with fer it with some a this money while we're in town. Who knows what them murdering sumbitches might be armed with. Seems like shotguns and pistols, fer shootin close range. And thar fearsome fer scarin people in their face. But I always wanted to own a buffalo rifle. With elevate sites. Knock a man clean out a the saddle at a quarter mile. Up close, it'll throw a man against a wall and put a hole quarter dollar wide through em. Single shot, and slow. But ya of course got yer Colt ready as yer main.

Everyone at the Wells Fargo office, please update your character sheets with $35 Wells Fargo advance pay. The four contract signatories get $17.50 each for compensation for two additional contractors at $35 each.

Yes, Friday's pay includes guarding the railroad construction camp all night. People who choose to do otherwise pay $1.85 to sleep and dine in the Dover in Austin. I have no idea how you'd regroup to ride out on Sunday.

Let's just go with a list of questions for Davidson. "We've got a long road to go, and a short time to get there." Ya'll have made your minds up to ride out west of the Austin, and possibly into this or that and maybe some stuff.... :)

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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#387 Post by Grognardsw »

Paladin gathered his copy of the contract and his $35 advance.

Good day Mr. Fox and Mr. Holtzclaw. We’ll wire you our progress on Monday.”

Outside the Wells Fargo office, Paladin talked with DT, William and Gideon.

“Yes Gideon, I was thinking more firepower as well. Maybe a scattergun.”

“I need to return to the rail camp to finish out the job today. Your involvement is optional, if you’d rather stay and try to get Davidson. Tomorrow, after my 8:00 am meeting with Mr. Cummins, I take the 8:54 train to San Marcos to retrieve Virginia McCullom, Cummin’s daughter. We’ll come back on the late afternoon train. It should go smoothly, but women can be unpredictable. Her husband is the jealous type; he shot the sheriff who Virginia had shacked up with. But it’s a ‘family’ emergency, so emotions hopefully won’t run high. But if we’re not back by 7:00, something has gone wrong.”
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#388 Post by Thumper »

Revised questions given poor reception to William’s request:

To Dickenson:
If you provide information material to us putting a stop to the Shepherd’s murdering and robbing, we’ll attempt to get the judge to reduce your sentence. No promises, but we’ll do our best to help you. But you have to first help us succeed in catching these very low-down belly slithering’ highwayman.

List of questions for Dickenson:

1) “You told Paladin the location of the intermediary between the Duncan Brithers and Shepherd Brithers is a ranch about 5 miles West of the Fredericksburg-Burnet Road and south of the Pedernales…is that 5 miles West of Johnson City? Further define that.

2) Point to that location on the map.

3) What is the name of the ranch?

4) What is the name of the people who live there and how are they related to the Shepherds?

5) Where would the two known survivors of the Duncan gang hideout shootout have gone given one or both may be wounded?

6) Hypothetically, if you were to ride into the intermediary ranch with us, and explained that somebody shot up the Duncan gang l, but you escaped and found a few new riders, and wanted to meet with the Shepherds…would they tell you the Shepherd’s whereabouts?

7) If you went to the ranch in disguise, how likely are the intermediary ranchers to recognize you?

8) You told Paladin previously that the Shepherds usually hideout in Llano County. Point to the locations on the map where you have found them previously.

9) Describe each of the Shepherd’s hideouts.

10) Describe the Shepherd gang members.

11) Do you know Phineas?

12) Has Phineas talked about being a Texas native?

13) Would any of the Shepherd gang recognize you if your clothes and grooming appearance was changed?

14) Do the Shepherds frequently visit any towns (Llano, Fredericksburg, Burnet,etc.?

15) What else do we need to know about the Shepherd gang to stop their murdering?

16) Point to the spot on the map of Adler’s rustling intermediate.

17) Who’s there?

18) Describe them.

19) What’s their relationship to Adler?

20) what else do we need to know about Adler’s ring?

William/Gidean…any further questions?
Last edited by Thumper on Thu Jan 11, 2024 12:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#389 Post by redwarrior »

I think we should bring his lawyer in, and William does know and can supply the name, that we point out to the lawyer that he could petition for a reduced sentence for his client due to his aid to the courts in apprehending the larger criminal conspiracy - with our witness statements to support, and -most importantly - get his word in front of witnesses that if temporarily paroled, he will not escape and will put forth a full, good faith effort to bring the others to face justice.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#390 Post by jemmus »

William knows that getting a horse thief who was involved in a violent gun battle paroled without a court order or meeting of the parole board might be a tall order, if not impossible. And getting either of those could take some days. He would need successful Law rolls, at -7 to the chance of success. And Davidson has to agree to going on this dangerous mission.

Temple Houston decides to also advocate for parole. If he gets a successful Law roll, William will roll on Law at -5 instead of -7.
That works. So -5.

For persuading rather cowardly hide-saving Davidson, any PC can roll on any skill or attribute that they think might apply.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#391 Post by redwarrior »

William starts citing precedent from Boston, which appears to not be well received. Law 12 [1d20+5]=17+5=22
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#392 Post by Thumper »

Wow! So, If DT would be aware of that abysmal reception to Williams argument, he wouldn’t ask any questions about Dickenson’s habeus corpus on the venture. Dont’t bother taking time answering those questions.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#393 Post by jemmus »

William and Temple Houston confer on the applicable law and decide on a tactical operations plan. They obtain a meeting with the state prison's warden. Houston explains that Davidson is of tender years, grew up rough without a mother, he willingly cooperated with the court, and that he eager to redeem himself through good behavior and earn early release from confinement. I believe the risk of flight to minimal, sir. The boy just doesn't have it in him. He's no experienced or hardened outlaw, he's just a kid who needed a way to feed himself, and did it by helping older, more experienced men steal horses. The warden nods and says, I've interviewed Davidson, and that's just about my assessment of him. I suspect he's a connivin little son of a gun, but he ain't no hardcase posin a real danger to the public. What makes our job hard is not watchin out about him, but watchin out fer him while he's incarcerated.

William then presents the letter from Fox of the Wells Fargo Stage Coach Lines company. The warden silently reads it and just hands it back to him. I'll speak to Larry Fox personally about this on Monday.. William then explains to the warden the legal principal, generally accepted throughout the U.S.'s 37 states and several territories, derived from the Common Law of England, that a jailer has the authority to temporarily parole a prisoner, if, for example, such parole would:
-Be for the general public good;
-There is an emergent situation requiring the parole;
-It would substantially serve humanitarian interests.

The warden isn't buying it. I'm sorry, Mr. Moore, but you'll need an order from a Texas state court judge for what you're askin. We kind of temporarily "paroled" some prisoners a year or so ago because of a fire in the prison's kitchen that caught fire to part of the roof. I suppose that might fall into the category of a "emergent situation." That's the way I interpret the law you're quoting. Only under very exceptional circumstances. So I'm goin to say that lettin Davidson out to go out into the western counties, that would need an order from the judge. Who knows, y'all might just get him killed by those robbin, murderin outlaws. And I'll just say, I'd bet the judge would require postin a surety bond of a hundred dollars or more for the release.

But y'all can interview Davidson. We got a room for prisoners to meet in private with family members or lawyers.
He nods to man in his twenties with a badge, uptwisted mustache, pistol belt, and sawed off shotgun. You know how it works, Abner. You and the duty guard please take care of it. Thank ya. He touches fingers to hat brim and nods the brow.

TBC in next post, incoming.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#394 Post by Thumper »

Revised questions given poor reception to William’s request:

To Dickenson:
If you provide information material to us putting a stop to the Shepherd’s murdering and robbing, we’ll attempt to get the judge to reduce your sentence. No promises, but we’ll do our best to help you. But you have to first help us succeed in catching these very low-down belly slithering’ highwayman.

List of questions for Dickenson:

1) “You told Paladin the location of the intermediary between the Duncan Brothers and Shepherd Brithers is a ranch about 5 miles West of the Fredericksburg-Burnet Road and south of the Pedernales…is that 5 miles West of Johnson City? Further define that.

2) Point to that location on the map.

3) What is the name of the ranch?

4) What is the name of the people who live there and how are they related to the Shepherds?

5) Where would the two known survivors of the Duncan gang hideout shootout have gone given one or both may be wounded?

6) Hypothetically, if you were to ride into the intermediary ranch with us, and explained that somebody shot up the Duncan gang l, but you escaped and found a few new riders, and wanted to meet with the Shepherds…would they tell you the Shepherd’s whereabouts?

7) If you went to the ranch in disguise, how likely are the intermediary ranchers to recognize you?

8) You told Paladin previously that the Shepherds usually hideout in Llano County. Point to the locations on the map where you have found them previously.

9) Describe each of the Shepherd’s hideouts.

10) Describe the Shepherd gang members.

11) Do you know Phineas?

12) Has Phineas talked about being a Texas native?

13) Would any of the Shepherd gang recognize you if your clothes and grooming appearance was changed?

14) Do the Shepherds frequently visit any towns (Llano, Fredericksburg, Burnet,etc.?

15) What else do we need to know about the Shepherd gang to stop their murdering?

16) Point to the spot on the map of Adler’s rustling intermediary.

17) Who’s there?

18) Describe them.

19) What’s their relationship to Adler?

20) what else do we need to know about Adler’s ring?

William/Gidean…any further questions?
Last edited by Thumper on Fri Jan 12, 2024 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#395 Post by Thumper »

jemmus wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:15 pm
For persuading rather cowardly hide-saving Davidson, any PC can roll on any skill or attribute that they think might apply.

Observation 15: [1d20]=7

That would be for persuading him to spill his guts during our visit.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#396 Post by jemmus »

DT, William, and Gideon are seated at a table in the prison's room for visitors. The prison guard brings Davidson in in manacles. The shortish young man has lost weight in just the few days he's been in the slammer and his face looks unnaturally thin. But he grins his grin that always seems to be an attempt to ingratiate himself and make any gathering into a light-hearted, sociable party. He has a seat at the table. I don't guess y'all brought any beef jerky or sausage or fresh-baked bread? They don't feed us good here. I could even go for one of them jackrabbits we used to have to eat sometimes at the station. Or maybe ya brought a newspaper or catalog to look at? Time goes by real slow in here.

Gideon looks at him and takes some pity. He takes a pack of cards and his chewing tobacco bag out of his coat pockets and some coins from his pants pocket. Nah, we didn't bring none a those. You boys can play some cards to pass the time. Here's some pennies, nickels and a dime for yer stakes. Don't give the money ta yer cell mates, that'll make ya look weak. Front it to em as loans. And keep it friendly. If ya start winnin and git on a streak, pull back lose some. Switch over to Crazy Eight or Old Maid er somethin. Boys in here tend ta be mean men with tempers. Ah guess ya might've noticed that. Ah'd recommend that ya share the tabacca around, without appearin to be too soft and generous. And I'd also recommend goin easy on that grinnin around at people. Davidson grins and says, Thank ya, Mr. Gideon McLaury. I heard the men call ya that on the road. Gideon replies, There's some as call me that. Keep it under yer hat. Davidson nods his understanding.

DT says to to the rather pathetic-looking you man, If you provide information material to us putting a stop to the Shepherd’s murdering and robbing, we’ll attempt to get the judge to reduce your sentence. No promises, but we’ll do our best to help you. But you have to first help us succeed in catching these very low-down belly slithering’ highwayman. Davidson answers, Yes sir. If it'll help git me out of here even a week or a day sooner, I'll do it. DT then asks him a number of specific questions.

List of questions for Dickenson:

1) You told Paladin the location of the intermediary between the Duncan Brothers and Shepherd Brithers is a ranch about 5 miles West of the Fredericksburg-Burnet Road and south of the Pedernales…is that 5 miles West of Johnson City? Further define that.
Sir, it's south of the Colorada River. Might be more like 10 miles from the road than 5.

2) Point to that location on the map.
It takes the young man a while to read the names of places and figure out how the two-dimension drawing relates to real physical terrain locations. I'd say it's around here, mister.

3) What is the name of the ranch?
I don't know that. We called it "the Colorada River station." I never been on it personally. Rick Duncan and Phil Duncan would leave us with Mike Duncan a half mile, quarter mile behind and just go in with horses or come out with em theirselves.

4) What is the name of the people who live there and how are they related to the Shepherds?
I don't know that either. Rick, Phil and Lou would just talk about "Lou" and "Farley." Mostly about Lou. It seemed that he was the one who called the tune for that bunch.

5) Where would the two known survivors of the Duncan gang hideout shootout have gone given one or both may be wounded?
That I don't know either. I was the new man and the "kid," nobody told me much. The Duncan brothers didn't tell Mort Garrison or Ed Mathers or me much. We pretty much just handled the horses and drew our shares of the sales. The Duncans were pretty tight-lipped when it come to talk about the "horse tradin" business. That's what we called it. He grins that amiable, ingratiating grin again. Gideon looks down, shakes his head, and spots a spitoon in a corner of the visitors' room. He hits a ringer, just a little beyond the bullseye.

6) You told Paladin previously that the Shepherds usually hideout in Llano County. Point to the locations on the map where you have found them previously.
I overheard somethin about that on a ride. It sort of slipped out of Phil Duncan's mouth, and he immediately regretted it an buttoned up. Rick and Mike both gave him a hard scowl. I never seen the men myself, and haven't never been to Llano County either. Mike Duncan would know, and he's right here in this same Texas State Prison. But he won't tell ya nothin. I guess he's waitin to get busted out of the hellhole.

9) Describe each of the Shepherd’s hideouts.
I only even once caught sight of the one. The Colorada River one. If there's more than that one, I don't know. It was just a regular ranchhouse with whitewashed boards, a barn, and a wire fence around the land. Longhorn cattle grazin it. Not the many of em, they were kind of sparse for the amount of grazing available. You could hear from far off the squeakin of a lopsided windmill missin a blade, or with a blade broke off at the upper end. I remember that clear, mister. When my daddy was alive, he tole me, "Anything like will bother the cattle, and stop from growing fat and havin fat calves. It's a lazy rancher who don't fix or grease his windmill, or eat his breakfast before his cattle eat theirs. I grew up in cattle country, mister. The fellow busts out in grin again, this time a proud one.

10) Describe the Shepherd gang members.
I never seen em, not a one of them, sir. As I said, I wasn't invited to the party, me and Mort and Ed would get left behind a half mile behind durin drop-offs and pick-ups. But I always pictured them as mounted on fine, strong horses, and armed with every kind of weapon-- rifles, long shotguns, sawed-off ones, pistols, of course. They had the pick of the litter for horses, and in the horse trade, you do need to move fast on a fast horse. The others will move with surprising speed with strong stallions and mares at their head.

11) Do you know Phineas?
Gideon perks up from another gloomy reverie. I don't believe heard I've that name before, mister. Is that a name for a dog or a bull? Giden quietly harrumphs and smiles a grim smile.

12) Has Phineas talked about being a Texas native?
Like I said, I never heard of anyone by the name from around here. There's some old fur trappers and mustangs wranglers by the name of Zebediah, Jedediah, Jonas, Jonah, and horseplop names like that still around. But only a crazy old country mama would name baby boy "Phineas" these days. He smiles his ingratiating smile. The legs of Gideon's wooden chair scrape the floor and he's standing, newly-purchased scattergun at the kid's head, and the prison guard's leveled at his own. Say that again, son, Gideon says. Davidson says, It was just a joke! Warden, let met go back to my bunk! The guard lowers his shotgun, and Gideon McLaury eyes him and does the same. He nods to the guard, reaches into his coat pocket draws out a Gideons New Testament, and lays it on the table. This will git ya by more them the cards, boy. I suggest ya study the wisdom and philosophy of it. And learn ta datburn read.
Last edited by jemmus on Sun Jan 14, 2024 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#397 Post by Thumper »

With that abrupt end to the interview, Only slim leads and one that may be actionable. Even the location is of the “Colorado River Station” is vague. “Hope it can be found given the vague location.”

As they ride out of Austin to the rail camp (following the remainder of their errands), DT asks William and Gid: “You know, out in the forts, we played a QuickDraw game with pistols. None of us was nearly as good as you two or, especially, Paladin. Being a Doc, I never thought I’d ever ask this…but could y’all teach me to draw weapons quick like you do? Given the venture we’ve set ourselves to, it might come in handy. I got this extra ammo, in part, to practice.”

Once settled, he looks William’s horse Hermes appraisingly and says: “We both ride pretty high quality mounts. Race ya the rest of the way back to camp! Gid, do try to keep up!”

Ride vs 17: [1d20]=15
Only using ride skill to navigate the road and any obstacles optimally, cut a slight corner, jump as needed…but not doing anything that would risk/push Ajax’ health. Just a friendly ride/race. DT once spent a lot of time a horse and loves to ride.

Back at camp: after dinner and using the waning light of day he asks Paladin and William for their help then goes out of camp where he can go shoot 30 rounds each of his inventory of pistol and carbine ammo from a fast-draw.

After dinner, he suggests they meet in Smith’s tent to go over the map and decide what we should do next and when we should do it.

Looking over the map laid out on the table, he points out where the stage attacks happened.

“Our best, and perhaps it’s questionable, lead comes from Dickinson. The “Colorado River Station” he says is somewhere about here…About half-way between and well west of road running between the Wells Fargo stage station at this junction and Burnet.

From Austin, Burnet is about a 55 mile or about a 14 hour ride. The stage coach junction, called Johnson Junction, is about 45 miles or 11ish hours. Going directly cross-country, would get us in the rustler’s “Colorado River Station” search area in a 60 mile or so or all day ride, but we’d have unpredictable hilly terrain and might run into barbed wire property lines. I ain’t into cutting a man’s fences…so more miles and time finding a way around or through a fence-line. The town of Oatmeal is on the Burnet road about 10 miles South East of Burnet.

From Oatmeal, Burnet or Johnson Junction, It’s a morning’s ride to our search area.

I can think of a couple ways to go about our search for this “River Station”.
1) We ride farm and ranch roads around the area till we hear a creaking windmill.

2) We can get out to the area, and I can act up the itinerant doctor visiting accompanied by friends or guards. During those visits and under the guise of having been previously referred for a medical visit to a ranch nearby, we say we lost the directions we were given, but we do remember that it is next to or across the road from the ranch with a squeaky broken windmill. See if a rancher or ranch hand can provide new directions to that windmill.

Pay medical visit to the “River Station”, once located. Perhaps calling Gid by his last name while in earshot of this Farley or Lou will kick something up. We have plenty of time to come up with ideas on how to approach getting the info we need. Locating the “River Station” hideout needs solving first.

3) we could all be passers by stopping for a night at a ranch. Mention the squeaky windmill. See what happens.

4) Nose around Oatmeal, Burnet, or Johnson Junction. See what we turn up.

Or perhaps a combination of the above. Depends on how split up we want to get. I honestly don’t think it good to split up then try to find each other when we find something.

Y’all gotta have some good thoughts on other ways to skin this cat.

The follow on question is when. Paladin is going off to do his own thing until Sunday. I would be willing to leave as early as we are released from this job tomorrow morning, if anybody wants that. Starting tomorrow would earn us 1 extra day on our 14-day contract and improve our odds of getting the $10 apiece bonus for on-time performance. I may be up for heading out into the hills in the morning and start searching in earnest on Sunday. I’d want at least a couple of ya with me. Don’t belong out in the hill country alone. The problem with that course of action is that it'd be real difficult getting the band back together again. Maybe we wait until Sunday to start, and go back to Austin tomorrow morning.

My recommendation is take Saturday off in Austin. Shop for what ya want out on the search, rest up, I have a patient I can check on. Early Sunday morning we should head out to Johnson Junction then north up the Junction-Burnett road. Find a ranch at the end of the day that will let us barn-bunk close to the search area on Sunday night. We can be actively searching for the "Colorado River Station" come Monday morning. Alternatively, ride to Oatmeal and Burnet, and do some asking about. Spend the night in Burnet, and we can be in the search area by noon.
***End Edit***

Either way, if we ever split up out in the search area, let’s use the road ford of the Colorado River as a meet up place.

A penny for your thoughts? Gid, you’re personally invested in this venture…can ya think of anything else or something better?

Real History: the junction of the Austin-Fredericksburg Road and the to road north to Burnet was called called Johnson Junction and the stage station was Johnson Station. Later the rail line came through and it was Johnson Depot. A few years after the timeline in our story, a relative of President LBJ's ancestors donated several hundred of acres of that land to create Johnson City. LBJ grew up on his family ranch a little way down that road towards Fredericksburg. I know, I'm a nerd. I once camped and fished at LBJ State Park (across the Pedernales from the LBJ Ranch and visited all the historical sites around there. I've skied all the lakes in that Hill Country as well.
Last edited by Thumper on Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:30 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#398 Post by Grognardsw »

Paladin awaiting Behrens, Gao, and scouting responses in City of Guns (Doos & Andreas) thread before he gets back into camp to meet with DT, William, Gideon.
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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#399 Post by jemmus »

The four Tonkawa scouts enter the cook tent. Cookie says to them, Ya'll missed dinner. Kitchen's closed! The scouts find mess tins, go over to 5-gallon pot on the stove, and heap beans and ham hocks and slabs of cornbread onto them. A scout checks out a crock and, finding it full of buttermilk, finds a measuring cup and takes several dips from it. Cookie yells,Hey! Don't dip that dirty cup back into my bakin buttermilk! The scout passed the cup to another, who does they same, as do the other two. There being only two chairs in the tent, the Tonkawas sit on the ground and begin to eat. The eyed Gao curiously and discuss him among themselves in their strange language. One says to him, You black hair brown eyes like indian. White face like American. What tribe you? Gao's jaw drops at the affrontery. My [it]tribe..![/i], he starts to say in his educated British English. But instead says, I come from China. Across the big water. He pointed west. The men looked surprised and discussed among themselves in their language. One said, You cross big big lake, no die. You bring lucky to Texas. You go Tonkawa camp, you eat, sleep with Tonkawa. Gao seems rather flattered by the invitation.

The scouts finish their meal and the lead man says to Cookie, Food good. Thanks! Comanches come to camp, we bring U.S. Army, help. Good-bye! The mount their horses, wave good-bye to Andreas, Doos, the two mounted guards, and Larry, Curly and Moe, and lope back to the north.

Grognardsw wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:09 pmAfterwards, Paladin checked in with the foreman Mr. Behrens.
"It seems the camp is back at full efficiency. Thanks for your leadership. Today is our last day, we'll stay through the night and monitor."

Paladin made the rounds of the camp site equipment and guards. "Larry, Moe and Curley - thanks for your help." He paid them today's money. "Today is the last day. We'll keep watch through tonight. The railroad has offered you railroad work, if you'd like a change of pace with reliable pay."

"Mr. Gao, you can go home tonight after dinner! Have you heard any rumors or discontent among the men?"

Behrens replies, The span across the gully should be finished before noon tomorrow. Then we'll be able to take rails and ties to the end of the line by locomotive, instead of hauling them by hand down and up the gully. We had some minor injuries from that, but none of them serious, thank heavens.

Freed man Curly answers, I done worked for the Waco & Northwest Railroad before. They work ya 12 hours a day Mondy through Fridy and eight hours on Sundy.
Mexican immigrant Moe replies, Yeah, I heard ya say that before. I don't need no back breakin work to kill me off before my time.

Ignorant-looking teenager Larry hears that and decides to follow suit. I'd as soon go back to the farm and hoe cotton as haul ties and rails. Curly replies, That might be wise of ya, Larry. Rail layin sites are dangerous places. Ya git a quarter ton steel rail dropped on yer feet, it's hasta luego feet, it was good to know ya. You don't have the look of a man who would be have good luck for very long around a rail camp.

Gao takes Paladin aside and answers his question in a low voice. Mr. Behrens gave Chen a commendation and a $4 voucher for his speed and performance driving spikes. His "shaker"-- that's what the call the man who holds the spike for the driver-- got a voucher for $2.50. That made the Chinese men feel better about things. But it caused some grumbling among the Irish among the crews. Mr. Behrens spotted that and astutely (in my opinion) gave an Irish foreman called Jackie and his crew a commendation. For speedy performance and a 100% safety record hauling building materials. They'll get a one-day furlough and a trip to Austin next weekend, with $5 to spend on entertainment. The prospect of also being recognized and rewarded for their work seems to have improved the morale of the other crews.

Gideon McLaury hears Doos and Andreas agree to ride against the stage robbers gang. He gives each $17.50. We's all working for the Well Fargo Stage Coach Line now, he says.

That afternoon "The Cannonball" shuttle engine puffs in towing it's tender, a loaded flatcar, and a livestock car. Behrens lopes in from the rail-laying site up to the loco's cabin. Afternoon, Charlie, Floyd. The young man from the Waco & Northwest Railroad office (the one who took Marlon Smith to Austin with Paladin) debarks from the livestock car and comes up Behrens holding a clipboard. Afternoon, Mr. Behrens. I'm to deliver the flatbed's inventory, pick up one Mr. Gao, and pick up any of three temporary camp guard who don't sign on as crew workers. Please sign for receipt of the rails, ties and crates. Behrens replies, Mr. Sanders, I'm going to make a judgment call that I think the office will understand. That trestle bridge over that gully will be completed by noon tomorrow. And then we'll be able to pull that flatcar to the tail of the line and offload the rails and ties where we need them. Instead of offloadin here, and then havin to onload them onto a flatbed later when the tracks are linked. The young man doesn't look very happy with that reply. But Behrens takes the clipboard and writes a note on it.

Gao in his Chinaman worker's clothes and hat climbs into the livestock car with his few effects tied in a bundle. He simply raises a hand of good-bye to Paladin. Moe, Larry and Curly board as well, followed by the young man. The train reverses back toward Austin.

As the Sun sets and the full Moon rises over the grass and scrub of the prairie, Andreas, Doos, DT, Gideon, Paladin, William, and the two staff guards stand watch over the camp. It's quiet through the night, and no one is seen moving in the camp. But during William's watch, at around 11:00 PM, a brief scattering of rifle shots is heard. Far away to the north and barely audible. The night is quiet except for the howling of a pack of wolves off to the west, and the Sun rises on another clear day in June.

Sorry for the Bold formatting. I can fix the color of the text, but I don't know how to turn off Bold. US seems to jumble formatting in long posts. Or maybe it's with long posts copied from a word processor app.

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Re: Chapter 3 - City of 10,000 Guns

#400 Post by Thumper »

Behrens replies, The span across the gully should be finished before noon tomorrow. Then we'll be able to take rails and ties to the end of the line by locomotive, instead of hauling them by hand down and up the gully. We had some minor injuries from that, but none of them serious, thank heavens.
At dinner, DT would have asked Behrens if there were any injuries that day that require his attention (as he did the previous night and he's always vigilant for medical needs when around people). He'd also look for injuries as he encountered people in camp. He'd take the opportunity to treat them after his shooting session and before the party's strategy session.
Observation (15): [1d20]=15

Medicine (15): [1d20]=2

Upon hearing the midnight gunshots, he would have paid attention to his duty to guard the camp by taking some time to personally fortify the watch for the while...mounted on his horse, Ajax and circling the perimeter of camp...carbine ready. He wishes he was free to ride to assist whomever was engaged with what he presumes is a Comanche raid.

In the morning, after release from detail to the camp, he would ride North to see what the commotion was and render any possible service before riding into Austin. Since they heard the gunshots, the gunfire couldn't have been more than a mile or so away.
Last edited by Thumper on Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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