ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#41 Post by kipper »

Let's not forget we really only want the computer, not the whole ship.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#42 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul is getting into the dealing in a good way. He laughs and smiles wickedly at Gahr. "He forgot how fun your people are. He can't wait to hear the singing!"

Zuul isn't sure if he wants the singing more or the R2. It feels like a win-win. :D
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#43 Post by max_vale »

Modified Flying AT-AT Peeve; Base of reputed Crime Lord Slythor; Planet Korad; Elrood Sector

In the bizarre 'chamber' on the modified flying AT-AT known as 'Peeve' that served as the base for the Squib Crime Lord Slythor; an intense bargaining session between the New Republic Agents and the Squib came to a frenzied end.....

Kael took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment and then opening them and staring right into the beady eyes of the blue-furred Squib on his gaudy 'throne', he rapid-fired back and forth, doing his absolute best to negotiate the deal that would get his team the Wayfarer, the Grey Griffins' ship that had the coordinates to the mineral rich world of Alluvia in its databanks....

The human dilomat-turned-Rebel-now-New Republic Intelligence Agent went 'toe to toe' with the schnauzer-like Alien for several minutes, talking so fast it was almost impossible for anyone else to follow along.....but then, Slythor signaled the end of 'The Deal' with a loud 'It be Done' and a head nod and for a long, silent moment everyone just stared and blinked at each other while their minds were catching up to what had just been agreed too.

Slythor suddenly let out a barking laugh and said to Kael; "You'd make good Squib.....a giant, hair-less ugly one, but good Dealer, YOU BET!" (The rolls were a tie! Slythor has 7D+2 in Bargain and you both rolled a 29, well done!)

-Zuul gets to bite Gahr, but then has to have a tooth pulled...in game terms, make a Moderate (15 Difficulty) Stamina roll (under STR, you've got 4D+2, let me know if you want to spend a Force Point)....if you fail, for awhile (say, the end of the Episode) you'll be at -2 (not 2D) for actions due to the distraction of the pain....

-Kit has to sing an 'Entertaining' Wookie song (Difficulty 10, PER roll, you've got 3D, let me know if you want to spend a Force Point), if it's entertaining, an R2 unit will be gifted to the group

-Vale has to pass over some Robes in return for a Datapad full of Mon Calamari recipes, one of which Slythor will then make a celebration meal out of
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#44 Post by ateno »

"I am glad we both came to an agreement, I look forward to the singing, ha ha."

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#45 Post by Rex »


Kit does her best. Uses a force point.

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#46 Post by kipper »

Clark is at least happy that he doesn't have to wrestle Gahr.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#47 Post by Starbeard »

Vale accepts his fate, being sure to show a little remorse and hesitation in passing his robe over, to make it seem more like a fair deal.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#48 Post by Zhym »

Kato tries to figure out whether he should be relieved or insulted that his acting like a dog was left out of the deal.

He decides on "relieved."
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#49 Post by max_vale »

Modified Flying AT-AT Peeve; Base of reputed Crime Lord Slythor and massive ring of space junk and wrecked ships orbiting the Planet Korad; Elrood Sector

Two hours pass onboard the modified, flying AT-AT base of the Squib crimelord Slythor with the group of New Repulic Intel Agents all wanting desperately for it to be over as soon as possible....

First, Kit'katarra the albino Wookie, grumbling to herself the whole time, closes her eyes, attempts to connect herself to the Force for a moment and does her level best to ignore the fact that her friends and some strangers are all staring at her and she then launches into a simple Wookie song from her youth....

To most of those present, they just wince and do their best to shut out what they perceive as roaring and woofing for some 3 or 4 minutes, but Vale can recognize the Harmony in it....his student is really in touch with the Force and letting out her memories in a melodic way. Zuul also find the roaring pleasant in a strange, 'song of predators' sense....but to the rest of the NRI Team, they are VERY happy when it comes to an end. Slythor claps his hands together and a massive smile splits his blue-furred face. "YEAH! DAT GREAT SINGING WHITE FUR! YOUR HAIRLESS FRIENDS BE LUCKY TO LISTEN TO DAT ALL DE TIME!"

That done, next, Vale hands over his Robes to a waiting Gahr, as the garishly painted R2-B4 rolls over, humming in a slightly static-filled tone to itself and Vale shivers a bit as he realizes it's a bit cold in here without his robes. Next, Slythor's grin turns a bit malevolent as he gestures at Zuul and says, "Okay Toothy, yer turn!" as he reaches into a box of various items and comes up with a pair of hydro-pliers....

Afer setting the robes down in a stack of various clothes and rugs, etc. pile, Gahr comes back over and gives a pleading look towards Slythor, which the little Squib completely ignores and just says, "C'mon, c'mon, put yer arm out!" Gahr lets out a long breath and sticks his left forearm out while turning his large head to look the other way and with a gleam in his reptilian eyes, Zuul grabs the arm, opens wide and bites down hard...

A terrible pig bleating of pain echoes throughout the modified AT-AT troop bay, but to his credit, Gahr holds still as the wound starts bleeding and the Squib chuckles and says, "Go patch yerself up Gahr, I be getting my TOOTH NOW!" and he turns to Zuul, who now has to keep his mouth open and brace for the pain. Slythor picks a long, wicked tooth and wastes little time getting a good grip on it with his pliers and yanking it hard, several times. Zuul hisses and lets out a curse of pain as the tooth finally comes free and his mouth fills with the taste of blood, but the strong Barabel is able to deal with the pain quite well (I rolled a 17 for you, no Force Point spent, no penalty) and he quickly tears a bit of cloth use to soak up the wound as Slythor wastes little time finding a chain and a few quick tools and in a few moments, he has a Barabel tooth necklace on display on his chest and his ever present grin gets THAT much bigger....

Finally, an awkard meal of a Mon Calamari dish is made and the NRI Agents all choke down a meal of wriggly squid in some kind of kelp that NONE of them find the least bit tasty, but with the Squib gulps down and smacks his teeth in delight the whole time and lets out a belch of satisfaction at the end. Finally, they are given the coordinates to the ship and Slythor smacks them all the back and tells them how much fun he had and they are sent on their way, new R2 unit in tow.....

Once aboard the Nova Kestrel, the NRI agents all move as quickly as possible off the junk world and into the massive ring of junk orbiting the Planet Korad. A trio of the modified Asteroid Hoppers comes to 'escort' them to the location of the Wayfarer, the Grey Griffins ship and they soon see it, dark, floating with numerous other bits of space junk and smashed up ship hulls, a large 3 x 2 meter hole in the starboard hull. Two of the Escort Hoppers break off and move smoothly into the junk pile while a third stays off the Kestrel's stern, its pilot calling over the comms; "Ship's computer still work, yer just need to be turning battery power on".

Clearly, somebody would need to put on a Space Suit and go into the Wayfarer to turn on the Navacomputer to get the coordinates to the planet Alluvia and transfer them either to a datapad or send them directly to the Nova Kestrel over the comms.....
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#50 Post by Rex »


"Someone needs to check the R2 for tracking and listening devices."
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#51 Post by ateno »

"Tha's exactly.what i was going to say."

Immediately once aboard the ship. "R2 turn off."

"Can soneone disconnect the power source and look for a modified back up battery, wiuld not put it past him to have sonething running, even though off.

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#52 Post by kipper »

Clark doesn't know a lot about either Navicomputers or R2 droids, but will volunteer to go get the computer.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#53 Post by Starbeard »

Vale stands behind the bridge chairs in his robeless tunic, stroking his chin thoughtfully as if he had a beard. "How many space suits have we got? We shouldn't just send anyone in there alone."

Out of habit, he focuses on the ship and performs a life sense to see if anyone or anything is waiting inside.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#54 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He nods at the paranoia, then speaks up. "He thinksss the squib would not do that. But maybe..." He seems to be whistling his "s's" more than usual.

"He will go to the ship. Who isss coming with him?"
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#55 Post by ateno »

"i am not that experienced with space walking or computers. I will stay behind and monitor?"

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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#56 Post by Zhym »

Kato stands back from the conversation. Last time he tried to use a computer, it made rude noises at him and refused to do anything.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#57 Post by max_vale »

Aboard the Nova Kestrel, inside the massive ring of space junk and wrecked ships orbiting the Planet Korad; Elrood Sector

Aboard the Ghtroc Freighter known as th Nova Kestrel, the half-dozen New Republic Intelligence Agents went about the next task of their mission, namely boarding the wrecked ship Wayfarer to attempt to get the coordinates to the planet Alluvia from its computer's data banks....

There were 3 working Utility Space Suits on board, one of which was large enough for either Kit'katarra or Zuul, the other two could fit any of the humans. After a brief discussion, it was decided that Kit and Clark would go (Kit has the best TECH of anyone in the party with 3D...you guys REALLY need a Techie! :) ).....

Kael stayed behind on the ship and asked R2 B4 to 'Turn off'; the astromech Droid made a rude sound, then a long, sad sounding wail and it rolled out of the cockpit to the rear compartment....

Vale stepped to one side and closed his eyes and reached out with the Force; using his Life Detection ability to see if anyone was on the derelict ship. He sensed no sentient life onboard the Wayfarer, but a flicker of some lower life forms were out there, in that general area....

Zuul, a bit disappointed to not be 'joining the fun', shrugged his large, reptilian shoulders and stepped back as people moved all around him. He noticed the newest member of the group, Kato, standing off to one side and the new Droid rolled past him as well, moving to a dark corner near the Ship's stern.....

Kato stands back from the conversation and then the movement all around him, noticing the big Barabel Zuul, likewise doing the same and the 'trashcan on wheels Droid' rolling past them to vanish out of sight somewhere in the rear of the ship....

Professor Clark and Kit'katarra the albino Wookie gear up in the Vacuum suits and both move carefully to the Top Hatch of the Nova Kestrel as Kael maneuvers the ship to face the open hole on the side of the Wayfarer. The retractable air-lock walls slide into place and then Kael's voice comes over the comms; "Okay, we're all lined up.....go!" and the hatch is opened and the tall human Academic and the White furred Wookie are quickly moving aboard the wrecked ship....

As they get over there, some movement on the outside of the ship can be seen and a coupe of energy-draining Mynocks reveal themselves. Expecting something of the kind, they do little as the pests 'fly' away on their leathery wings....

Walking slowly and carefully through the darkened ship, Kit turns on the Emergency Batteries to power the ship up, but the flickering slights reveal that between the Damage to the vessel and the drain from the Mynocks, the ship MAY not have enough to power up the computers long enough to get the necessary intel*.....

*Okay, I'll need a Computer Operation (or Technical since neither Kit nor Clark have this skill....Kit has 3D, Clark has 2D+2) roll....Difficulty number is 15, so a Force Point MAY be in Order, but your call....
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#58 Post by Rex »


Kit will see what she can do.

Spending a force point.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#59 Post by ateno »

Watching on the monitors.

"We might have to pull the disk and the servers, unless someone can figure it out, or can we pipe power over there with the Mylocks hanging around."

Kael - Trying to provide options.
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Re: ELROOD SECTOR: Episode Three: Wheelin', Dealin' and Fishin'

#60 Post by kipper »

Can Clark make to roll to attempt to aid Kit? Otherwise he'll simply keep an eye out for mynocks.
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