Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

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Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#1 Post by jemmus »

At 6:01 AM the Rangers lieutenant Bob Kyle rides up to the Drover Hotel with three other men. They all wear Rangers badges and have lever-action rifle in saddle sheathes.
William notes that Kyle is riding a different horse than last evening. This one is a lean but hard-muscled sorrel stallion. Of the long-necked and narrow haunches “Texas horse” type. They aren’t the fastest in a sprint, but they can cover miles and miles of ground at a quick pace, with little water. The horse has an uncommonly aware, intelligent, and spirited look in its eye. Like that of his own fine bay quarter horse stallion. Kyle’s horse might excel over distances, but he’d bet that his own bay would beat by a long shot in quarter mile run. And that horse couldn’t turn on a dime and stop on a nickel like the bay. The two prime males looked each other over, sized each other up, and seemed to come to a compromise. The sorrel made the sign of accepting the bay into this temporary, and the other Rangers’ geldings and mares acknowledged and did the same. William and Kyle looked at each other, each with the same thought. “If a mare comes into heat, it’ll be hell.”

Kyle touches the brim of his hat in the early morning light and says, "Morning, Mr. Moore, Mr. McLaury. These are Rangers Howard Moses, Frank Denton, and Luther Heinrich.” The men touch fingers to brims, look William and Gideon straight in the eye, saying, more or less, “I’m an honest and reliable man to ride with, I hope you are too.” When William returns the look in the eye, the men variously say, “Pleased ta meet ya,” “Good ta meet ya,” and “Howdy.” Gideon, says “Howdy do,” rather grimly.

Kyle says, “Well, we’re ready to ride if you are, Mr. Moore, Mr. McLaury.” He puts both hands on his saddle horn, looks down, and says in a clear voice to no one in particular, “As a reminder, we’re goin after a horse rustlin and stagecoach robbin gang. To start, we’ll ride around 60 miles to a abandoned farm house in Llano County, by way of San Marcos.” The Rangers silently listen up, also looking down. It seems to that a pre-ride briefing is something these Rangers customarily do. Even the horses seem to expect it. “These gentlemen will lead us to the precise location. “From there, we’ll see if we can track somebody to their current location and bring em in. It goes without sayin that deadly force is authorized. Mr. Moore and Mr. McLaury got to be at a state trial tomorra morning at 9:00. Any questions?” None of the Rangers have any. “Alright, let’s git goin and I’ll fill y’all in as we ride. I think I can probably almost finish by the time we reach Llano in around seven and a half hours.” The Rangers chuckle, and the group sets off west from the Drover Hotel toward the Austin – San Antonio highway.

Kyle continues from the road. “The gang we’re lookin for is affiliated with them prisoners these gentlemen and their associates brought in. They was in a gang led by three brothers name a Duncan. One of em-- Mike-- is in jail and goin on trial tomorra. His brothers Rick and Phil was shot dead in the gunfight at the old farmhouse. Mike Duncan wouldn’t respond to questions, but the other prisoner Mark Davidson sang like a mockingbird. Says he never met the members of the other gang, but he’s heard em referred to as the Shepherd brothers. One name of Louis, goes by Lou. From the letter Mr. McLaury and Mr. Moore and their associates took off of a dead Duncan gang member, it sounds like Lou Shepherd goes by the alias of Jack Wilson. At least when he’s expectin a letter at the post office in Austin. The letter taken from the dead Duncan also indicates that Lou’s brother Farley Shepherd is his gang. They rode with Bloody Bill Anderson’s outfit durin the War.” He stops and let’s that sink in on the Rangers for a minute. They get it. “And the letter says there’s a fella named Phineas ridin with em. Even Lou Shepherd seems to consider him a crazed, trigger-happy murderer. Mr. McLaury believes the man might be his brother.” He looks over at Gideon, in case the man might want to say a word. But Gideon remains grimly silent, staring ahead at the road.

Kyle continues. “Davidson also said that a Anglo rancher by the name of Harvey Adler around Comaltown in Comal County is involved in the horse rustlin business. Buys stolen horses stolen from the north from the Duncan gang, and sells ones from the south to em. Well, he did. He surely knows by now that the Duncan gang was wiped out. I wish there was time to go after him before he has time to dispose of any stolen inventory. But that will have to wait for another day. What’s the Rangers’ motto?” William expects them to say the well-known, “One riot, one Ranger.” But Luther Heinrich says with a slight German accent, “One riot, one Ranger-- that’s all the State vill pay for. Und the pay’s a month late.” Kyle and the Rangers smile. Frank Denton says, “That’s the new one? I thought it was still 'Hungry, thirsty, sunburnt, and froze-- and now it’s time to leave town.'”

Kyle again continues. “Oh, and one more thing. We’ll be passing through San Marcos and Hays County. There’s a Mr. Hoffman and his family who run a hotel and cards and drinkin place. I know him, I believe him to be as right as rain. The Hays County sheriff John Behan….” He shakes his head. The mounted and silent Rangers seem to get it and acknowledge what the lieutenant is implying. “At the moment he’s all all shot up after gunfight over a woman. Somebody else’s wife. And the county deputy is dead. Shot checkin that out ole isolated farmhouse in Llano County we’re headed to. San Marcos has two city policemen, but that leaves the rest a Hays County with no law officers. Y’all all know that word about somethin like that gits around quick. Ordinarily law-abidin men can git tempted to do things they wouldn’t regularly do. So we’ll keep our eyes open while passin through Hays County.”

The group reaches San Marcos at around 10:30 AM. They water their horses at a trough near Hoffman’s, then ride on to the town police office. The lead policeman Jim Dryden is there at desk doing paperwork. Kyle introduces himself and explains the group’s mission. He says, “We hear that the sheriff's laid up.”
Dryden replies, “Yes sir. He's lucky to be alive. Was shot with buckshot."
"And the deputy's dead?"
"Yes. Deputy Sheriff Harold Riney was shot multiple times, from different directions. Rifle shots. He was a good man.”
"Any reports of lawlessness out in the county?"
The policeman pauses. "Not yet."
“And another man? These men might could identify him, if the body’s not buried yet.”
“It’s buried. The fella was wounded, then executed at point blank range. Powder burns. Mr. Hoffman identified the man as one of his hotel guests a couple a days before.”
Gideon says under his breath, “Sebastian. Phineas.”

That doesn’t leave William with much of a next action, unless he wants to comment on something or ask questions. But we’ll stop here for now and give him a chance to post.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#2 Post by redwarrior »

William nods his agreement with Gideon's assessment. And replies Nothing for it but see that Justice is parceled out. He's ready to ride on.
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#3 Post by jemmus »

The riders get back on the road west through Stringtown toward Llano County. About halfway down the road they enter the escarpments country.
A ways more and they spot a buggy with a single horse parked at the side of the road. No one can be seen near it. The Rangers stop their horses, Ranger lieutenant Kyle takes a folding telescope out of a saddle bag and takes a look. Nobody around. Frank Denton says, No bodies around, I don't guess. Robbers er Comanches would've taken the horse, if not the whole rig. Yep, Howard Moses says. Odd place to stop a buggy. There ain't nothin around here. Maybe had to take care a the call a nature. Well, we got one way to find out, Kyle says. The usual way. He clicks his lips and tongue and his fine stallion starts forward at a walk. He takes a look with the telescope with every few steps. He stops.

Y'all aren't going to believe this, he says. He passes the glass to Luther Heinrich. Heinrich takes a look and let's out a whistle. A real beauty! Ve've discovered a rare bird! He passes the telescope to Denton, who takes a look and says, I think he's done this a time er two before. But probably not more'n once out here in the middle a Hays County. He passes the glass to Moses, who takes a look and just shakes his head. Moses passes it to William, who sees a man in a suit and top hat, sitting on a folding tripod stool before an easel. He looks up at a cliff, then energetically applies a brush to a palette and then to the canvas. Kyle says, A shame, but he's going to have to finish that paintin from memory. The group trot up to the man.

How do you do? Kyle says. Texas Ranger Bob Kyle. The man look and says, Oh, hello. Good to meet you. Then continues his enthusiastic brushwork. Kyle clears his throat and says, Sir, you have anyone else with you? The man continues painting. No. Of course not. Art is a solo activity.
Do you have a gun?
Of course.
Where is it?
In a box in the buggy, of course.
The Rangers kind of roll their eyes at each. Kyle says, Sir, this is dangerous country. There aren't any active law officers fer the whole county, outside of two in San Marcos. Ya shouldn't be out here. There's any number of men who would rob ya a probably leave ya on foot with no horse er buggy. Er worse. I'll have to ask you to pack up and drive to San Marcos.
The man replies, You can't tell me what to do. This is a free country, I've done nothing wrong. I can very well take care of myself. Kyle replies, Sir, bein and foolhardy is not a crime. But endangerin the public is. And that's what yer doin. Yer creatin a situation that's prime for the commission of a crime. And when there's a crime, the law has send its officers ta bring the culprits ta justice. Which prevents them from spendin their very valuable time preventin other crimes. That is endangerin the public. So if you're still here when we get back, you'll be arrested and ride to San Marcos not drivin, but in irons. I don't want ta see ya again, unless it's in
San Marcos. Good day, sir.

He turns his horse and the group rides back to the road. Kyle says, A troop a Rangers and auxiliaries ain't a democracy, and it can't be. But I value yer thoughts. Keep on the mission, and git to Llano with plenty of daylight? Er escort that dern fool back ta San Marcos, then turn back around and cover the same miles fer a third time and git there I suppose around 5:30, 6:00 P.M. That leaves an hour er so of light to find the gangs tracks and follow em. And we have to allow fer the possibility that Mr. Moore and Mr. McLaury don't find the route to that old farmhouse right away. And that they got to be at a trial in Austin in the mornin. What do y'all think?

Glum, grim, and uncharacteristically quiet Gideon doesn't hesitate to speak up. I'd say let the painter be. We ain't far past them horse thieving boys' teenage boys' and thar dad's place. With any luck, they'll come across that dumb jasper and relieve of his money, gun, transportation, and footwear, like they done me. Thereby removing any temptation fer worse kinds ta do worse. And if that don't happen, he'll "suffer fer his art," as I hear artists are supposed to do. And besides it's free country fer any golblained nitwit to be as free as bird in-- until justice and the long arm of the law puts em behind lock and key fer a few days er a few weeks er months. Them boys out there robbin stagecoaches and murderin drivers and passengers is "endangerin the public" a lot more than, and a lot quicker than, that little painter fella. He goes quiet again.

The Rangers don't say anything, but they quietly cast glances at each other, asking questions and expressing opinions through eyes. Kyle looks William in the eye questioningly: "You've ridden with this fellow. Is he trustworthy? In a fight, and all-around? Not likely to go off kilter, do something wild and unpredictable, and blow up everything, when it comes to it?" He says, Thank you Mr. McLaury. Well noted about them nearby horse thievin teenagers. Rangers, I didn't brief y'all before, because they was hardly mentioned in the gentlemen's reports and the rustlers' confessions. They're a part of the Harvey Adler operation. They stole Mr. McLaury's and Mr. Moore's horses in San Marcos.
Then somehow Adler got them in connection with the Duncan gang of rustlers. Them's the ones who was operating out of the house in Llano County, where we're goin. And them boys was sellin horses ta the Shepherd brothers gang of rustlers and stage robbers. Which we are goin to find, and bust up.

Other thoughts, y'all? Y'all know the sayin, "A bird in the hand is a better than two in a bush." And as Luther said, "we have discovered a rare bird!" If anyone has a strong opinion one way or the other, I wouldn't mind hearin it.

Need William's action/comments. And will need an Observation (+0), Scouting(-2), Survival(-0) or Tracking(+2) roll to spot the turn off place toward the old farmhouse. It's out on this part of the country's pattern of endless patterns of live oaks and mesquites and brown, green, and yellow prairie grass. Stretching all the way to the horizon, in all directions except to the south/left side of the road. There, weathered parts of an old limestone ridge break through the soil and stand as cliffs and ridges. William, Gideon, and the Ranger can understand how an artist might be captivated by the sight of old, old rocks....

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#4 Post by redwarrior »

William considers the question. QuietlyWell, he's a man of strong opinions and willing to go it alone if he sees the need. But, how do you say it out here? "He's got sand." He'll stick with his mates through thick and thin. I do agree that we should push on, and I have not doubt Mr. Gideon will stand with us. a little louder I wonder about that painter though. Maybe I'm just too used to the Europeans, but I wonder if he might not be some sort of a scout or sentry hiding in plain sight... I don't suppose there's anything for it, if he's given a signal, we would still want to press on to give them as little advantage as possible. In any case, I remember that rock and that bent tree right over there!

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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#5 Post by jemmus »

The Rangers silently listen to William's assessment of Gideon. They nod, seemingly satisfied with the description of his character. Gideon himself just listens, stone faced. Or poker faced.

William spot a rock and a bent tree where he believes the Tonkawa turned off of the road and headed north across the prairie. Gideon scratches his chin and says, I shore wish I'd paid more attention at the time. I didn't foresee comin back to that damned ole farmhouse. He says to no one in particular, I've heard that Rangers are good at trackin. But we paid the Tonkawa boy to wipe out ar tracks. Lieutenant Kyle says, deadpan, Rangers can follow the trail of a free drink or a dance hall gal well enough. Let's see if we can make double-sure before we set off into the wilderness of Sinai. Speakin of which, Mr. Moses, would ya care to do the honors. Howard Moses swings out of the saddle and spends a couple of minutes looking for sign. Nup, he says.

Frank Denton says, Mr. Moore seems pretty confident about his memory. Lemme take a look. He goes a little farther in, covering ground Moses hadn't. No sir. Either nobody has passed this way in good while, or them Tonkawa ya mentioned did a fine job.

Luther Heinrich says, Let me take a look. There might be some dance hall girls just ahead and we vouldn't vant to miss them, vould we? He goes farther on, and before long lets out a low whistle. There she is, and a real beauty. Your Tonkawa friends missed one. Come and take a look. But before you do, look at Mr. William's fine horse's hoofprints. The group ride over and see a bare spot in the prairie grass where red ants have made a bed. There's a hoofprint in it identical to the William's horse's steel horseshoes.

There we go, Kyle says. He pulls a can from his coat pocket, takes out a wad of tobacco and stuffs it into his cheek. The Rangers adopt their quietly listening from the saddle stance. We're headed toward the target. Time to stay heads up. Ride like ya know eyes might spot ya at any minute. If somebody ya can't see starts firin, we split at a gallop and circle back ta that rock and bent tree by the road. Make good speed. Y'all know yer own horse and how much you can push em on a hot June day like this. If ya hear the sound of pursuit and a lot a firing from one direction, it probably means somebody's after just one or two of us. That's when we all ride to the sound of the guns. Get in close on horseback fer rifle or pistol work, or dismount fer steady aimin, as ya see fit. Don't shoot at any dismounted friend ya can't see-- and don't git shot by a friend neither. We need a password of the day fer that. I doubt them stagecoach robbers and horse rustler are dumb enough to be holed up there. But ya never know, and it's all we got, fer now. He pauses.

"Tonkawa beauty?" Frank Denton proposes. "Don't shoot! I'm just a poor gal looking for vork at the dance hall!" Luther Heinrich proposes. Crazy ass Sebastian, Gideon mumbles. Howard Moses nods and quietly says, Crazy as Sebastian. The Rangers nod and silently agree. Kyle continues. When we get close to the old farm, me and Mr. William will ride or walk ahead to take a look with the telescope. As out of sight as possible. I'll ask the veterans to describe what they know about the farmhouse, and beyond it. Then we'll come back and discuss with y'all boys. Again, heads up time, y'all. Y'all who smoke, now's the time to do it. He slides a lever-action rifle out of use-softened saddle holster and rests it between thigh and shoulder. The other Ranger draw and rest long-barreled rifles as well. Gideon spits his spent tobacco chaw to the grass and loads up a new one. He's got a kind of violent, dog in a chicken hourse, murderous look on his face. It's around 1:00 in the afternoon. The riders touch heels to flanks and the horses move toward the farmhouse t a walk.

Need another Observation roll from William. Gideon already did his. Also, William's preparation and any comments or interjections to the above. Sorry, trying to keep thing moving as we PBP. Rewinding/retconning as we move along are always options. :)

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#6 Post by redwarrior »

William checks his pistol in its holster and checks that his lever action is full up and nods his readiness to press on.

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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#7 Post by jemmus »

The group rides on, not noticing anything of interest in the savanna of prairie grass and scattered live oak trees. They reach the rise at the south side of the house. Gideon says, The house yer lookin fer is just over that little slope. Kyle takes out his telescope and gestures to Howard Moses. They dismount and crawl up the slope. When they reach the top, they take turns looking through the glass. Moses looks at Kyle and shakes his head. They crawl backwards for a few yards, then stand and walk to their horses and mount. No horses, no movement, Kyle says. If anybody's in there, they're probably asleep or lyin wounded. But ya never know. These fellas rode with Bill Anderson in the war and they're still alive almost 10 years later, livin the lives of outlaws. They might be pretty savvy. So, just to make sure, we'll ride at a gallop, dismount quick, and rush the front door and the back door. Frank, you, me and Mr. McLaury will take the front door. Howard and Mr. Moore, y'all take the back. Front group, don't shoot the back group, and vice versa. Luther, yer the vidette for this one. Stay mounted and look out for anything coming from the north behind the house. Y'all ready? Let's go.

The group put spurs to flanks, gallop to the house, dismount, and rush in. When William and Howard Moses come through the back door, Kyle, Frank Denton, and Gideon are already in the house, the rangers looking down rifle and carbine barrels, Gideon with his single action revolver in the hand of his outstretched arm. The room is empty, except for the crate in the middle of the room, the rustlers last hands still on it, and the crates around it. There's the smell of dried, putrefying blood, an eight circle of it under one of the back windows, and dozens of disturbed flies. The window is shattered, and there are glass shards ranging from the size of a saucer down to a grain of sand all over the floor. Frank goes goes beside the open door to the bedroom, Gideon following, and quickly drops into the doorway in a crouch, his rifle still to his eye. He shakes his head. Nada, he says. Es bueno. Kyle relaxes, lowers his carbine, and says to William and Gideon, Sorry, he's proud of his Espanol. Frank replies, The girls in San Antone are good teachers. Kyle replies, Some's learn Spanish in a mission, some's learn it in a cat house. I guess one's as good as the other. The vocabulary picked up along the way might be a little different with each though.

Alright, y'all look around and see if you see anything of interest in the house er out in the yard. And in the barn, any sheds or haystacks, and the corral me and Howard saw out back. Let's spend a quarter hour doin that. We ain't that much time, Mr. Moore and Mr. McLaury got to be in Austin tomorra morning for them rustlers' trial. After we look around, we’ll start trackin. I reckon it won't be that hard to start. Probably a lot a blood, horse prints, and droppins of spooked horses in the grass. After that, it might be challengin. Them boys got plenty a open prairie to move around in. And a lot of land with more buzzards than people.

No one reports finding anything of interest, except patches of blood on the prairie grass. And horse tracks leading to the northeast. Both incoming and outgoing. Three riders, one of them bleeding. Maybe three days old. And tracks of a single rider and a lot of blood. Maybe four or more likely five days old. Howard Moses says, That rider was shot up bad. The horse looks alright. It was gallopin. Kyle says, Alright, there we go. Wounded men ridin to the northeast. They would very likely be the bandits. We can go for the single heavily wounded rider, and hope we find him holed up somewhere trying to recover. That could lead to useful information about the others. But if he’s dead, he’s no use. The other option is to go for the three riders. What do y’all think? Mr. William, Mr. McLaury, I’d like to hear your thoughts as well. We’re all looking at facin outlaw gunfire together.

William is up.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#8 Post by redwarrior »

William speaks up. We should go after the three. The other is sorely wounded, if not dead already, and we can likely pick him up whenever, but we likely want all the guns we can muster for the three. And they may well take us to the one, anyway. In any case, I think the bigger group is our best chance.
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#9 Post by jemmus »

Gideon says, I'd agree with that, I'd go after the group. If it's them murderin robbers, the sooner we can put em at least a couple of em outa action, the better. Frank Denton nods. Agreed. Luther Heinrich says, If three agree, a fourth disagreeing is no-good for luck. Howard Moses just nods.

Kyle says, Alright, there ya have it. In that case, we have a little time. We ain't tryin to find a man before he dies. On the other hand, we're runnin out of daylight.
I don't want to put Mr. Moore and Mr. McLaury on the road as just the two of em. They're important witnesses for the rustlers' trial in the mornin. The Blanco to Austin highway is just ahead north, we'll hit that and follow it northeast to the city. It ought to be around a 40-mile ride, if we push the horses we can git there a little after dark. We haven't heard of any recent robbery activity on that road, but I don't have to tell ya ta stay heads up.
Anything can happen at any time, Luther says. Vhy? Because ve're in Texas!

It's around 5:00 PM. Howard Moses dismounts, pulls a long and heavy bowie knife from his belt, and walks over to the nearest live oak tree. He chops bark away on four sides of it, leaving whitish-yellow wood showing. The Rangers all look around, noting features of terrain in all directions. The riders set off at a lope for the road.
Need an Observation roll for William.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#10 Post by redwarrior »

William continues on, a little let down after the bust at the farmhouse,

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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#11 Post by jemmus »

The Sun starts to set on the riders on the Burnet-Austin highway. Which is really just a dirt road wide enough for two wagons to pass each other. On each side of the road are isolated ranch houses surrounded by grazing cattle and 160 acres of wire-fenced land.

Kyle slows his horse to a walk, and the other riders follow suit. Don’t look, stay casual. There are three Comanches behind us to the left, to the southwest. Mounted of course. They’re way far east of their usual stompin grounds. Only 15 miles or so from Austin itself. Frank Denton says, I just caught sight of em too. They got rifles. Couldn’t make out the model. Maybe old Army Sharps. *” Kyle continues, No buffalo around here, just cattle and ranching families. They have to be set on doin some badness. But three’s small for a raidin party, especially this close to Austin. Bait, Howard Moses says. Luther Heinrich says, Lovely young soiled doves in the parlor. Luring in customers for the mean old crones in the back. Kyle says, Four of us and every how many of them. But we probably have the faster rifles and faster horses. If we can just maybe drop one and run the rest of em off, that might be enough.

He steals a sidelong glance to the southwest and thinks for a minute as the horses walk on. Mr. Moore, Mr. McLaury, y’all got good horses. They can likely outrun those Comanche ponies. When I give the word, y’all set off at a gallop for Austin. Try to keep at a fast pace until yer in town. If ya would, we’d appreciate it if ya’d report the situation to the Rangers office. Please try to remember this spot and describe it to the Rangers. He looks around. That fella has some whiteface Herefords with his longhorns. He probably isn’t the only fellow with some Herefords, but it’s something.

Gideon says, Well, I’ll take ya up on that offer, Lieutenant. I ain’t no Indian fighter. And all I got is this Colt pistol. Besides, if I git scalped tonight they’ll hold me for contempt of court in the mornin. It seems that the day's success finding the train of the bad men has lifted Gideon's spirits some. Kyle says, One other thing. When we git those robbers, the $200 reward is yers. For settin us onto their tracks. Gideon replies, Hold on there, sir. I’m goin with ya after them bustards. Ya just have to wait for me to git done with that damned rustlers trial. Kyle thinks on that a second. I suppose we could wait a day. Seein as how ya have personal knowledge of one of the suspect’s habits that could be useful. Luther says, That’s fine, Lieutenant Bob! Already planning for the report writing. You’ll make a politician yet. Governor! Howard Moses says, With all a y’all’s jawin, yer doin a fine job of convincing them Comanches we’re just dumb talkative Texans, on the road with no sense a their surroundins.

Alright, Kyle says. I’d say they’re around 700 yards out. We’ll charge them three boys at a gallop. If they’ve got Sharps, they’ll have range on us as we close in. So we start ridin evasive at 300 yards. When we git to a hundred yards, everybody stops and takes steady shots at whichever Comanche is in the center. If we drop him or wound him, turn around and ride back for the road and regroup. His buddies will probably come for the wounded man and call off their sportin.

If they run-- which seems more likely-- don’t chase em directly. We’ll ride to the north and see if we can spot the whole bunch. If they come after us, we dismount and fire at em as they come in. I’ll be prone, y’all can of course choose yer own firing positions.

*A breach-loading single-shot rifle known for being accurate at long range

William is up.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#12 Post by redwarrior »

William looks over at Kyle and grins, then he whips off his hat and slaps it against his thigh, shouting, though not too loudly That's a fine idea! That's just what we'll do! as he puts his hat back on his head, he says in a quieter voice We'll let the Rangers know what's up as soon as we get to town and be back as soon as the trial is over Then he points empathically toward Austin and in his moderately loud voice says Good Luck and good aim! Ready Gideon?, whips his horse's head around and starts off that way at a gallop.

If I read it right, Gideon's idea was to skip out on the indian fight and come meet up again following the trial. If that shifted in the conversation and I'm too groggy to catch it, let me know and I'll adjust.
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#13 Post by jemmus »

I wasn't very clear. Somehow I lost the first draft of that post (it seems that the freeware word processer I'm using sometimes doesn't save documents correctly), and had to do a more hasty rewrite. The Rangers had planned to escort you back to Austin tonight, then set out in the morning to continue tracking. Gideon asked them to a wait and let him go with them after the trial. Kyle thinks they after the trial would be too late in the day to set out. So they'll go the day after tomorrow (if they survive the encounter with the Comanches).

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#14 Post by redwarrior »

That makes sense. William is good with that plan as well. So we’re all together. Are we looking to rush the the Indians or saunter away?
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#15 Post by jemmus »

The Rangers are going to rush them. Gideon's going to Austin, as Ranger Lt. Kyle said. William can do either one, or something else altogether.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#16 Post by redwarrior »

William will accompany Gideon.
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#17 Post by jemmus »

William gives the Comanches a show, then he and Gideon touch spurs to flank and gallop up the highway toward Austin. They hear the Rangers do the same, but toward the direction of the Comanche horsemen. In less than a minute shots ring out from two different positions on the sunset-lit prairie. In the next 18 seconds, they hear a score or more rifle shots in the distance. Then it's quiet except for the sound of their horses' beating hooves.

They riders slow their pace to a steady lope, then as they enter the streets of Austin, to a trot. The Sun has gone down, and the windows of houses, dining halls, dance halls, hotels and saloons are lit with kerosene lamplight. William and Gideon quickly make their way to the Rangers office. A Ranger sergeant they haven't seen before is there. They report what they know to him. The man looks concerned. Comanche raidin party only 15 miles from Austin? And we're shorthanded, as usual, by gosh. I'll see if I can roust up some boys. They're just back from a month out west and are well wore out, if not wore clean through. But they'll ride, because the situation requires it. I don't know what we'll do for horses for em, though. Ya ought to she the shape those animals are in. Gentlemen, we appreciate your informin us.

Outside the office, Gideon appears to have gone from the talkative McLaury back to the grim and gloomy one. I'm goin to The Drover, Mr. Moore. I don't feel too lucky tonight. Whatever luck do got, I won't spend it on playin cards. I'll save it fer findin and holin them murderin sumbitches.

William's actions until the trial at 9:00 AM tomorrow? It's around 7:45 PM.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#18 Post by redwarrior »

William will drop his horse off at the stables, grab a dinner and read the day's paper, if one can be found. Then he'll make an early night of it, as he expects to be traveling right after the trial is concluded.
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#19 Post by jemmus »

William leaves his horse at the stable and checks in at the Drover Hotel. 75 cents. The front desk has a stack of this morning's Austin Statesman. 5 cents. This evening's special is sirloin steak or T-bone steak, mashed potatoes, milk gravy, sweet corn on the cob, and brown bread from "Leslie's, the best bakery in Austin." 35 cents.
William's expenses for the day.
Yesterday's stay at the Drover - $.75
Breakfast today at the Drover- $.35
Lunch today on the trail - 1/3 day survival rations
Newspaper - $.05
Dinner at the Drover - $.35

Total: $1.50 + 1/3 day survival rations

Newspaper contents upcoming.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Beyond the Damned Old Farmhouse (William, Gideon & Rangers)

#20 Post by jemmus »

After dinner, William reads this morning's Austin Statesman.

Austin Statesman
June 10, 1873

Serious Conflagaration at Waco, TX - $100,000
Waco, June 9 – A large fire is raging in the Waco Avenue, along the Brazos River, in this city. It commenced at 9:00 o’clock, in Wm. O’Mailler’s & Co.’s warehouse and communicated to their barge Waco. The cargo and warehouse were destroyed. The fire is radiating from the origin building by building, and threatening to spread to the Waco Stockyards. The McClennan County Stockmen’s Association has announced that it is seeking to retain volunteer, or hired and paid, individuals to combat the fire. Mayor Shutes has telegraphed to Austin for help.
LATER – The fire is now contained. The barge Waco is now drifting down the river, burning, with a large cargo.

Nasty Jim Talbot waylaid and shot outside the Trail Dust Saloon.
Austin, June 9 - Eyewitnesses report that an assassination occurred last night around 10:00 PM on the street outside of the Trial Dust Saloon. Henry Bell was playing faro at a table with four other men, including Nasty Jim Talbot and John Wesley Hardin. In one game, Hardin declined to bet, for reasons he did not disclose. Talbot said, “You have already got some of my money, so I’ll have another chance of getting some of yours.”
“What makes you think so?” Hardin replied.
Talbot said, “My fists, my boots, my knife, and my gun.”
“I’ll see all of them and you in h---,” Hardin said, and turned and left the saloon. A few seconds later Talbot followed, and Bell heard a blow of a club and a three pistol shots. He looked out the door, and saw Talbot dead in the street, and Hardin standing over him with a 2” by 4” wooden board in one hand and a smoking pistol in the other. The board, with bent rusty nails still in it, had apparently been taken from the site of a nearby outhouse being demolished and rebuilt. Hardin glanced at the observers from the saloon, calmly mounted a horse, and swiftly rode away. The City of Austin Marshall’s Office is currently investigating.

Marksmanship contest in Austin tomorrow.
Austin, June 9 – The Winchester Firearms Co., the Samuel Colt Manufacturing Co., and multiple sponsoring companies will hold a shooting contest tomorrow. It’s to be held at the intersection of Front St. and Main St. at 5:30 PM in Austin. Around two to three dozen contestants from around the City and Travis County are expected to compete. The entrance fee of $4 per contestant (per event) as well as the embarrassment from being publically defeated by more expert shooters, is expected to discourage many able sharpshooters from entering the competition. However, the prizes for the winners are quite rewarding. For the 1st prize winner of the rifle competition, a hand-machined, silver-plated and brass-chased Winchester 1873 carbine. The Winchester Co. assures this newspaper that it is highly accurate, and faster and more accurate the than a manufactured rifle of comparable build. A value of $100, or more.
The Colt company is offering two prizes, also hand-crafted by master gunsmiths, for the pistol and fast draw pistol contests. One is a single-action revolver, the other a double-action fast draw model. Each come with oiled leather gunbelt, which reputedly eases the ease and speed of all actions.
Other prizes will be awarded, according to division of entry fees among participating participants. The public is invited.

Tonkawa horse herd shot, burned.
County ranchers suspected anthrax infection.
San Marcos, June 8 – Ranchers and members of the Hays County Cattlemen’s Association destroyed by gunfire the Tonkawa tribe’s entire herd of cattle, reportedly a total of six animals. Some of the Association’s members report that a Tonkawa horse was showing clearing clear symptoms of anthrax, and the horses were euthanised and burned to prevent the spread of the disease to livestock and the community. The Association members are donating horses and funds for replacement horses for the Tonkawa.

Austin, June 9 – A jury in Travis County court found defendant Henry Lynn Johns guilty of attempted rape. The incident in question occurred near ranches on the highway from Austin to San Marcos. Because of her tender years, the victim was allowed to testify by signed letter, rather than in person. Johns was sentenced to one year in state prison.

London, June 6 – The Alexandra Palace, near this city, was reported as destroyed by fire. Seven lives are reported to have been lost.
London, June 7 – The Alexandra Palace is reported to have been totally destroyed by fire. Estimated value: $3,000,000. Insurance: $0,000,000.

St. Louis, June 8 – Dr. I.T. Lewis, who resided in the State of Coahuila, Mexico for two years and ranched there and gives accounts of affairs in that country. He confirms the capture of Gen. Lesado, the rebel chief, and states that it is believed he was immediately shot.

$250 in Silver Dollars and Bank Notes
For information leading to the arrest and conviction of Stagecoach Robbers and Murderers on the Austin - Fredericksburg highway.
Commerce Street
Austin, Texas

$250 in Silver Dollars and Bank Notes
For information leading to the arrest and conviction of Stagecoach Robbers and Murderers on the Austin - Burnet highway.
Commerce Street
Austin, Texas

Train Robber SAM BASS
Last seen on March 19, 1873 in Round Rock, Williamson County
UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Congress Street, Austin, Texas

is offered by the Bexar County Cattlemen's Associate, San Antonio, Texas,
for the capture or elimination of notorious horse and cattle rustler King Fisher.
Known to operate with a gang throughout South Texas and beyond the Mexican Border.

For the the body, alive or dead, James Brown Miller. Also known as Killer Miller and Deacon Jim.
WANTED FOR MURDER of his Grandparents, Brother-in-Law, and Former Deputy U.S. Marshal Gus Bobbit, et cetera.
Known to habitually attend Methodist Church Services. Formerly served as Marshal of the City of Waco in McLennan County, Texas. Rumored to wear an Iron Plate under his jacket. Last seen in May 1873 in Belton, Bell County, Texas.
Report claim of reward to the Texas State Police Office in Austin City, Texas

For the cold-blooded murder of Nasty Jim Talbot outside of the Traildust Saloon, Austin, Texas.
June 9, 1873.
Last seen headed north in Austin on a bay mare with white blaze and stockings.
Known to be from out west, El Paso area.
Caution - Already has a reputation as a dangerous killer. If you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t get yourself killed or wounded. Just report to the nearest legitimate law enforcement officers and see if they can get you your reward. We don’t have the time.
Warning – A false report is a crime. A serious one.
A drawing of the criminal’s face is in the Marshal’s office.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
Samurai Adventures (Cold Iron) - Kiyoshi, ronin bushi
WW2 Supers d6 - Luther "Luke" Goodfox
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