WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

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WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#1 Post by max_vale »

Landing Ship USS Fremont, June 13th-June15th 1944, Off the Southeast coast of the island of Saipan, Mariannas Island Chain, Pacific Ocean

After a week and a half at sea, the massive invasion fleet carrying the V (5th) Amphibious Corps had finally arrived at its target destination, the island of Saipan. The island had been occupied by the Japanese since the end of World War 1 and was allegedly occupied by the 31st Imperial Japanese Army (equivalent to a U.S. Corps) AND Special Naval Landing Force Brigade and according to Intelligence reports, a Regiment of Tanks (approximately 50 of them) totaling some 30,000 military personnel. In addition, the island was home to about the same number of Japanese civilians and local Pacific islanders, known as the Chamorro. The island was considered a 'home territory' to the Japanese; not just a military outpost or conquest.....sort of the equivalent of Hawaii to the U.S. So this would be the first 'invasion of Japanese Home soil' in the war....

The V Corps was composed of some 60,000 troops broken into 3 Divisions; 2 Marine (the 2nd and 4th) and 1 Army (the 27th). Each Division had its own SST Team; the 25th with the 2nd Marines; the 22nd with the 4th Marines and the 4th who had been assigned to the Army 27th Division. The invasion plan saw the two Marine Divisions hitting the beaches on the South East of the island first and the 27th Division would be a 'Floating Reserve' to be brought in after a beach head was established. The members of SST 4 had been assigned to make the journey on the USS Fremont, alongside the soldiers of the Army's 165th Regiment.

The journey had proven to be an interesting one....the entire crew learned about the massive invasion of France on the other side of the world on the second day of the trip (D-Day, Operation Overlord was June 6th, 1944)....they also learned that the 165th had seen action on Tarawa alongside the Marines of the 2nd Division and while some were admiring of the Marines and Sailors of the units, others were decidedly less so.....

A few fights had broken out, especially with newcomer to the team Saul and his hair-trigger, but some of the veterans learned that apparently a 'green' Talent on SST 19 had accidentally flamed several members of a 165th squad and bad blood remained....

On the 13th of June, the 165th commanding officer, Colonel Gerard Kelly, called everyone in for another briefing. As everyone gathered, the short, wiry red head waved everyone down and pointed to the massive map, with several notations in red grease pencil and began:
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"Okay people, I know we've been all through this before, so let's review. The 2nd Marines are hitting Green and Red beaches with the 4th Marines taking Yellow and Blue. After securing a beach-head, the 2nd will pivot North and seize Mount Tapotchau while the 4th continues to drive Southeast, capturing Aslito Airfield; mopping up Mt. Nafutan and then moving North to link up with the 2nd. We're the Corps reserve along with the rest of the 27th Division." He waves down a few gripes about 'Damn jar-heads always stealing the glory' with a sardonic grin and continues....

"Intel suggests anywhere between 15-20 thousand men in this area of the island. They supposedly have limited air and armor support, but when NOT IF we're called upon, we're going to go in there ready for anything. Is that understood?" "HOO-AH!" came a yell back from the soldiers. Kelly grins back and dismisses everyone, but waves over to SST 4 to stick around....

"I wanted to let you all know, your fellow Marines are due to hit the beaches on the morning of the 15th.....they're gonna shell and fly sorties over the airfield and visible defenses for a couple of days before the landings to try and soften things up and take out any threat from the air they can find. I suspect we'll get called to land on the 16th or 17th at the latest. I've heard about ol' 'Howling Mad' Smith (the Marine 3 star General in overall command of the Corps and Invasion) and how much he likes to use you Talents as 'battering rams', so I won't be surprised if he calls you to shore before the rest of us."

"I wanted to say, off the record, that I understand this is a weird arrangment.....having all of you attached to an Army unit. We have DAMN FEW SST teams of our own in the PTO, what with so many going into the breach in France and I just wanted to say that I'm grateful for your help. I've read and heard a bit about how much action most of you have seen, so I know how hard you'll fight with and for us and I just wanted to say, Thanks and Good Luck", he concludes by shaking everyone's hand.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#2 Post by max_vale »

USS Fremont to shores of Red Beach 1; Island of Saipan, June 13th-16th, 1944

Sure enough, the next couple of days are extremely long and tense as the constant, distant sounds of naval gun fire, aircraft engines and bombs falling and exploding are heard. Finally, at about 0700 in the morning on the 15th, everyone who can find a place to stand is on deck as the invasion commences....

Over thirty of the approximately 45 Landing Ships and Troop Transports move in towards the smoke-covered and blasted shorelines on the South East side of the island and at about 6,000 yards off shore, they all drop anchor and begin unloading men, landing craft and amphibious vehicles of all kinds. Over 700 landing boats and vehicles make the half-hour crawl to shore, guns blazing and water spouts popping up here and there from hidden Japanese guns firing on them. Soon, the smoke and haze and massive conglomerate of wakes combine to mask the invasion shore and everyone is just left with their thoughts and feelings and anxiousness....

Slowly men return to their bunks and get short cat-naps or half-heartedly play games of poker or acey-deucey. Needless to say, everyone had a long....long....day......

The following morning, at about 0615, a voice on the 1MC announced that the Marines had secured the Beachhead and a loud cheer echoed throughout the ship. About 6 hours later, Colonel Kelley came to the half-dozen members of SST 4 and told them, "Well, I just got off the horn with ol' Howling Mad himself. He wants to get you boys on the island at Red Beach One. Apparently, while the Marines made a good start, they got bogged down about 1,000 yards from the shore. They had a rough night of it with crazy Nip bastards make running attacks at them all night long and into the morning. I've got an Amtrack waiting for you on the starboard side of the ship and it'll get you to the beach. There, you'll report to LT Colonel Fawell of the 2nd Armored Amphibious Battalion. He'll let you know what he needs. Good luck and Happy Hunting!"

The six members of SST 4 grab their weapons and gear and climb over the side of the ship on the cargo netting and climb down into the waiting LVT-4 "Amtrack" or "Alligator" armored landing craft. The ride in is about half-an-hour long and the first 20 minutes or so is nice, with the spray of salt-water and sea-air breeze......then the sights and smells of the corpses and the battle hit them as they get within a few thousand yards of the shore line and the moment is over....

As the Alligator hits the coast, the men of SST 4 quickly scramble over the sides and rush towards the 'reverse slope' of a tall sand dune where a pair of other Alligators are parked with a tarp in between that's clearly serving as a CP (Command Post) and where they are being waved towards. As they get closer, they see about a dozen men, most young, junior enlisted Marines with an older, grizzled SGT MAJ who looked like he had been serving in the Corps since the Roman days and a tall thin man in his mid 30s with the silver leaves of a LT Colonel and a slight Boston accent as he greeted them and introduced himself as Fawell.

"Right, right.....so you lads are SST 4 then? Nice to meetcha. Well, it seems ol' Howling Mad Smith thinks you could be the solution to my problem....here's the situation:...."

"We came in a bit funny yesterday during the initial assault landing and didn't make half the advance inland we wanted too. Japanese Artillery, Mortar and small arms fire kept us pinned down for most of the day and then them damn' wee bastards kept charging our positions all night. We mowed down a lot of them, but well, come take a gander...." he says as he climbs and stays low to the top of the sand dune, SGT Major Heatherly staying right with him as a silent, menacing shadow.....

At the top of the dune, the members of SST 4, all lying prone on their bellies took in the sight of the beach, the blasted scrubland and then the dense treeline beyond. Right in front of the sand-dune (about 100 yards due east fo the letters CP on the map) is a Sherman tank whose front end is literally split in half and dozens of bodies, mostly Japanese but a few Marines here and there, are spread all along the area between the treeline and the tank.

"We got ready to make an assault behind the Tank in these two Alligators yesterday evening, but as the tank went charging ahead, drawing the fire from a pair of Japanese MG positions (marked MG Pit 1 and MG Pit 2), suddenly a crazy NIP with GLOWING skin comes charging forward, bullets bouncing off of him and he RAMS the Sherman Tank with his shoulder. The tanks SPLITS in the front, the poor driver is smooshed to jelly and then a Mortar starts lobbing shells that eventually land right on it! Not a 'knee mortar' either, a legit, 81mm one, just like the kind we use." Fawell points out where the Mortar is as well, several hundred yards inside the scrub tree-line.

"Well, not long after that, the glowing man stopped glowing and then we were able to shoot him to pieces, but we were't sure if he was just the first of a Team of Talents or if he just......whatchacallit......'manifested' last night. Anyways, they got the area zeroed for the Mortar AND the 'Woodpecker' Type 92 MGs, so we did what we could to snipe them and reported in on the situation. That's when Smith said to wait for you lot....in case there were more Talents, I guess you lads can sniff 'em out?"

"I've got two platoons of Infantry waiting along the dunes here-", he waves and looking up and down the beach, the members of SST 4 can see about 50-60 Marines waiting for the signal to make the approximately 300 yard rush towards the treeline, "-and we can give you cover fire or provide a distraction or make the assault with you....but we gotta move quick, because the entire 27th Division is gonna be landing on this beach and the one right next to it tomorrow. So, whatever you wanna do, it's your call", he says with a nod to Acme.....
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OOC: Okay, so, you guys are basically just to the right of the CP letters......the MG Pits and Mortar pits are all ABOUT 300 yards or so from your current positions. The Marines are mostly to the straight south of you behind a line of sand dunes that run basically North to South from the Amtracks position to the bottom of the map. If anyone wants to make a Tactics roll to get some better ideas, which may have bonuses to game mechanics depending on the rolls) let me know.

The 'tree line' is sparse, but thick enough that it's not super easy to see through. The Japanese clearly have well hidden positions with good lines of fire and a good 'hole in the tree umbrella' for the Mortar to fire through...but still has trees/scrub in front of it.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#3 Post by Rex »


Gurung will try and get a good look at MG pit 1.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#4 Post by ateno »

Elias will use his scope and look forward, scanning the entire woodline, especially the eastern woodline.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#5 Post by Monsieur Rose »

MAJ Acme

"Ok. Two things. I want to know if any more talents are hiding, so keep an ear out or whatever. Not all of us are bulletproof, so I don't relish running across open ground. And that treeline that swings around to the north looks promising."

He looks around at the newcomers for a moment. "We do things a bit differently on this team. The powers that be need a man in charge, but I need your input. If anyone has good ideas, speak up, but I think entering the treeline and making our way around is the best option. We have a few good trackers that can keep us out of ambushes."

"What do you see, Elias?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#6 Post by beniliusbob »

MM3 Fletcher

Fletcher nods at Major Acme’s suggestion about crossing to the northern arm of forest. “We should stay hidden as long as we can. But if we can’t…”

He crawls forward and looks for a good spot to set up his Bren gun and lay covering fire, particularly against MG pit 1, in case a distraction is necessary while others make for the trees.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#7 Post by Zhym »

Roker nods his agreement. "Anything's better than running straight across the bare beach," he says.

Let's also have Roker make a (mediocre) tactics roll.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#8 Post by max_vale »

Red Beach 1; Island of Saipan, approximately 1 PM, June 16th, 1944

The members of SST 4 had a quick 'pow-wow' about the next course of action and Senior Chief Roker gave it some thought as well. He turned to talk to Major Acme as Gurung and Roker studied the area where they had been told was 'MG Nest 1'.....

'Mediocre' Fred Roker basically told Acme that he felt they should let the Marines under LT COL Fawell open up on the Japanese positions and while they were doing THAT, SST 4 should make a break for the tree line to the North, a run through an open area....but hopefully between the 300+ yard range and the covering fire provided by the Marines, they should be okay...

Once in the tree-line, they would slowly make their way around to the North and then cut down from the South and hopefully take out the positions. Rabinowitz agrees, as does Fletcher and Gurung has a hard time making out anything in the scrubs past the sand dunes, while Tucker through his scope eventually sees a well hidden 'MG nest' that would be QUITE a feat to get a shot into due to the range and covering plants and defenses*.....

Acme makes a decision and talks to LT COL Fawell and then gathers his people together. At the sound of over 50 M1 Garands, BARs and a couple of Scoped Springfields suddenly all being fired, the members of SST 4 took off in a mad-dash sprint for the tree-line....

The whistling sound of an Arisaka round zipped past Acme's head as he rushed forward, an angry hornet that didn't miss by much....

Sand kicked up all around the legs and feet of Roker, Fletcher and Gurung as they made the run forward towards the tree-line, right behind Acme. Fletcher hissed in pain for a moment at a stinging sensation in his calf, but realized quickly that it was merely a graze.....

Tucker and Rabinowitz followed in the wake of the others and everyone quickly dove into the scrub woods and quickly made their way North a bit and then started to moving East....hacking their way through the blasted little trees and thick vegetation....

As the members of the team moved towards their goal, the could hear the sounds of the American weapons fading in volume and the occasional 'wood pecker' hammering of the Japanese Type 92 MG and 'thuuuuump' of the 81mm Mortar getting louder and louder as they neared their objectives. Suddenly, Tucker caught a brief flash of light and he waved everyone down to their bellies.....

Slowly, everyone belly-crawled together and behind a fallen over tree log and Tucker shared; "Okay...the first MG is about 50 yards away....I don't think they know we're here....but there's an IJA sniper with a scoped Arisaka up in a Tree about 30 yards away from us, I saw the reflection of some sunlight off his scope."

As the members of the Team slowly looked over the log, they saw what Tucker was talking about....a well hidden MG nest with two soldiers manning a Type 92 that only the barrel could be seen from this angle.......and the Sniper up in a tree, tied to it and with a thick branch and the trunk of the tree helping to shield him from this side. He also saw them and turned the Rifle their way and fired a shot that JUST BARELY missed Roker, blowing bits of bark up from the fallen tree log and causing all of them to duck their heads and try to get even more belly deep on the ground than they already were.....

Okay, so the situation is that the MG nest is about 50 yards away and has no 'top' protection, but from the side, it's well covered and protected....hell, the soldiers can really even be seen. More of an immediate threat though is the Sniper with a Scoped Rifle in a tree 30 yards away and about 5 yards up high with a trunk and branch helping to protect him (i.e. Difficulty Number will be higher)......who knows you guys are there.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#9 Post by Rex »


Gurung will roll away from the others and try and get a shot into the sniper.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#10 Post by ateno »

Elias bolts to the right to get a bit of flank, heading to a position where he is mostly covered by a tree, he will turn, lean against the tree as a steading factor and return fire, aiming at the rifle upper/lower receiver area mostly. From what I understand the biggest target that can take out the threat right away. and the surrounding area.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#11 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Can you ghost up and get a good angle on him?" Marvin asks Elias.

He summons his willpower not to use an explosive at this time. There will be plenty of booming needed at the MG nest.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#12 Post by beniliusbob »

MM3 Fletcher

Fletcher drops into position to set up his BAR and lay suppressing fire on the sniper while the other members of the team try to take him out.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#13 Post by Zhym »

Roker joins the efforts to drop the sniper from his perch.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#14 Post by max_vale »

Scrub tree line just East of Red Beach 1; Island of Saipan, approximately 1:15 PM, June 16th, 1944

Doing their best to ignore the hot, humid temperature, the members of SST 4 concentrated on the task at hand.....which involved dealing with a Japanese Sniper up a tree about 30 yards away who was firing on them and then dealing with a Heavy Machinegun Nest some 50 yards away....

Major Acme studied the situation and was about to give some orders on hot to tackle the problem when his teammates all burst into action all around him....

First Gurung rolled to one side and then came up with his Enfield Rifle and fired a round up and at the Sniper with the Scoped Arisaka, but the Gurkha was annoyed to see his round whistle into the leaves near the sniper's half-hidden head......

Then Elias Tucker moved quickly in the other direction and took up a position behind a tree, raising his own scoped Springfield Rifle to take aim on his target, but through his scope he was dismayed to see the Sniper had followed his movements and was aiming right at him!

Kermit Fletcher raised his heavy Bren LMG* to his shoulder and he cut loose a 10 round burst that smashed into the trunk of the tree the Sniper was in, along with several other nearby trees in an attempt to suppress the enemy into not getting a shot off, but unfortunately for him, the Sniper was a veteran and able to stay focused on his target**.....

The Arisaka then fired and Tucker found himself down on his butt agains the tree trunk he had just moved behind, a stinging pain coming from his lower side and blood starting to stain his shirt. He'd been through enough to know that the wound wasn't too bad....yet....and the pain in his back meant it was a 'through and through'....***

Fred Roker took aim with his M1 Carbine and he took a deep breath, let it go and stroked the trigger right after the sniper had fired, pleased as punch to see his round smash into the Sniper's arm, causing him to howl in pain and more importantly, drop the weapon to the ground some 15 feet away....

Saul Rabinowitz, the newest member of SST 4 almost subconsciously let some curse words out as he took aim with his M1 Garand and he fired a shot that put a heavy .30-06 round into the chest of the sniper and the IJA solider suddenly fell out of the tree....dangling for a moment from his leg, which had been tied to the tree limb.....

The periodic 'wood pecker' hammering sound of the Type 92 HMG in its nest some 50 yards away suddenly cut out and some excited/fearful words in Japanese were uttered by the two man team and looking over, Marvin Acme saw that they were moving the weapon some 90 degrees to take aim at his team's position and putting a fresh 30 round strip of 7.7mm rounds into the feed to start pouring lead their way.....

*Fletcher is carrying a Bren LMG, not a BAR as you put in your last post....

**Normally, your Suppressing Fire is a great idea, but I have this Veteran Sniper have a 3D in PER and sure enough, he rolled a 16, so was able to stay on target, sorry man!

***Tucker is Wounded, -1D to all actions until treated
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#15 Post by Rex »


Gurung has an Enfield I think.

Gurung activates his armor and tries to put some fire on the MG crew.

Spending 3 Will.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#16 Post by max_vale »

OOC: he certainly does….doh! Fixed.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#17 Post by ateno »

Not knowing medicine but not wanting infection, Elias will take this round to break out a med pack and tie it on his exit wound and try and cover his entry wound.

not expecting to heal my -1d6 but its the right thing to do.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#18 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Marvin quickly moves into action, barking orders, some of which are already being done. "Put some pressure on that wound Tucker, Fletcher give the nest something to worry about, Rabinowitz and Roker with me!"

Acme plans to flank the nest. He'll focus on running and keeping under cover this round.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#19 Post by beniliusbob »

MM3 Fletcher

With the sniper dispatched, Fletcher turns his Bren LMG towards the machinegun nest and lays lead down range, cursing and swearing the whole while.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Six: Saipan

#20 Post by max_vale »

Scrub tree line just East of Red Beach 1; Island of Saipan, approximately 1:20 PM, June 16th, 1944

The members of SST 4 split into two teams as they moved to deal with a Japanese Type 92 MG nest....

First, Coastguardsman Elias Tucker put his back to a solid tree trunk and did his best to try and clean and bandage his wounds with his shaky hands and trying not to flinch too much from the 7.7mm rounds that came screaming in from the IJA weapon and thudded into the tree trunk he was using as cover as well as the sound of it ricocheting off of what sounded like rock. He was able to get some of the sulfa powder on his wounds and tried to get the bandages on the bloody entry and exit holes, but the pain and slipperiness from the blood made him unable to do so very well*.....

Machinist's Mate Fletcher could feel the adrenaline surging through him and he cut loose a 10 round burst while cursing up a storm from his Bren LMG at the two IJA soldiers manning the HMG that was swiveling their way. Unfortunately, he wasn't quite braced right for the recoil from the heavy weapon and the .303 rounds went sailing over the heads of the two men to zip through the foliage....

All of the Talents of SST 4 felt/heard/smelled Gurung activate his Armor Talent and a moment later, the Gurkha veteran was covered in snake-like scales all over his body as he took aim with his Enfield Rifle. He fired once, missed just a bit high and then adjusted his aim and fired a second time....this time pleased to see his round slam into the upper torso of the IJA loader of the Type 92 MG and drop him to the ground. Gurung silently cursed though when he attempted to work the action and found his Rifle had jammed! Before he had time to clear it, the IJA gunner utilized a third of the 30 round strip of ammo in his weapon and he cut loose a spray of rounds that slammed into his scale-covered body and the tree that Tucker was using as cover. Tucker, thankfully was missed, but the Gurkha winced a bit from the bruises the rounds caused....but still, he was thankful he had 'armored up', or he might be bleeding out onto the ground of this island right now.....

Meanwhile, Major Marvin Acme had called for Roker and Rabinowtiz to follow him as they broke from the other three members of SST 4 and moved in a half-crouch, half-run to flank the MG nest. The wood pecker sounds of the weapon could be heard and everyone flinched for a moment, but quickly realized the weapon was NOT firing at them. Acme took a quick look and saw that the loader had been killed, but the gunner was firing at his team-mates. The gunner didn't seem to realize he was exposed....somewhat....on the flank**......

*Tucker failed his Medicine roll (with a -1D from the Wound, that's not surprising)

**Roker, Acme and Rabinowitz are about 40 yards away...the gunner still has some good cover from the Nest right now.....but he IS unaware of you being there.....

Gurung is Bruised for 2 rounds (-1D to all actions...but this will fade soon).....sadly, I rolled a jam....sorry man....this is a 'Equipment Repair' skill roll and will take a round.....IF you wanted to clear the jam....
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