Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

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Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This expedition is set up for the group lead by Vann Hector who is planning to explore a portion of the Barrow Mounds in the hope of locating a Mongrelmen group in order to befriend them, explore their territory and gain their insight abd knowledge of the Barrowmaze and the factions who dwell therein.

Committed to joining him are characters: Veryn, a half-elven adventurer, Callan an itinerant priest of St Ygg's and Rum Lightbender a dwarven warrior fresh from the Forge rally.

Two npc aides round out the group. Martell a Knight-in-training and Adventuring Guild member sponsored by Lord Krothos and young ranger, Tamson, the son of Hendon the miller, the retired Duchy ranger.

July 10th 1066.

The morning breaks with bright sunshine and a cool breeze. Not a cloud in the sky over Helix although you know from experience, the Barrow Moor has a permanent, thick swirling mist that is almost impenetrable and certainly limits even the brightest of sunny rays to permeate its chilly and eerie atmosphere.

Equipped to travel fast and light, the group make good progress, trekking a common trail that leads initially westwards from the village then southwards. The trail meanders between boulders and standing stones, many etched or inscribed by those who have come before. Tall thickets of Moor grass and weeds grow to head height and above, knee deep puddles and boggy ground is often swerved and many times you have to leap a deep furrow of soggy peat.

Sounds are magnified in this environment. The croak of a fist sized frog amplifying much louder and closer yet strangely your own shouts are dimmed and seem distant, even from the comrade just yards in front.

Barrow Moor: random vs 1: [1d6]=4[1d6]=4[1d6]=2[1d6]=6

Tamson proves his worth, ably discerning solid ground, guiding you with interruption until by Midday you can breach the wilds of the Moor to arrive on the edge of a wide clearing that contains a multitude of exposed Mammoth Bones.

This is a well known area, many adventurers add tokens to the arched cages of rib bones or exposed elephantine skulls. Ribbons in memory of comrades lost, trinkets laid in gratitude, parchments of scriptures asking for prayer or exalting one of the pantheon of Gods, blackened ash scrawled in fey runes, even rotted skulls placed on a bone to dangle as a trophy or warning. Vultures perch upon many of the bones. They roost, heads under wings or preening themselves, a little different to their usual squawking and squabbling of carrion morsels. Perhaps pickings are thin on the ground, perhaps dinner has just arrived?

Actions Vann Hector, Veryn, Callan & Rum please make an action post and add a [4d6] roll with your post that I will use as an observation check.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#2 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Happy to get things underway.

Vann Hector: random [4d6]=11

Once we reach the Mammoth field without issue, I suggest 'taking ten', a short break since the trek would have been five hours plus.

"Stick close, don't wander off." he advises. I will check out a few of the newer memorial trinkets and whatnots that dangke from the bones. I remember before that Mongrelmen used wind chimes made of bines which had a soporific effect upon listeners when the wind blew. So these might be an immediate alert.

"I have had two run ins with Mongrelmen. Firstly by a mound, the Potter's Mound that I broke in to, then unfortunately with a few who laid fiery traps in the Barrowmaze.

I am convinced though that they act so chaotically due to being coerced by one or more of the death cults. So I hope we can at least be friends using 'the enemy of my enemy' logic.

Then hope we can explore their Barrowmaze territory. But first the Mounds and maybe a check in places we have been before "

I am aware Callan at least visited this place, so I would be happy to learn of his experience and follow up on any outstanding issues related to that.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#3 Post by Kenjosephus »


observation check [4d6]=22

Veryn tries not to step to the bones and memoirs, both out of respect and worry of making noises that attract the unsavoury. His hand reaches for the hilt of the dagger, wary of the seemingly restless vulture. If they swoop in to the party, he will chuck a dagger to their ugly face.

What does this mongrelfolks look like? And do they fancy a good wine? I have two, perhaps i can share one bottle as a warming gift.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#4 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Realises not everyone may be familiar with the territory, so while we wait on Callan and Rum to post, I can share a few details. Figure it as conversation during the trek to get here.
What does this mongrelfolks look like? And do they fancy a good wine?
"My understanding is that the Mongrelmen are a distinct 'race' themselves and not directly blooded, half-bloods, quarter-bloods as some as orcs or elves might be."

Maybe in the long distant past, an orc breed with a kobold and their children bred with humans and froglings who in turn bred with goblins and duergar and so forth ... I am not sure really. But those I met had almost patchwork bodies. Not sewn together in parts like a 'frankenstein flesh golem' but a humanoid may have for example, one human arm, another ending in a crab claw, a hairy canine type face but a scaly body, barrel chested and bearded like a dwarf. So the name Mongrelmen is a derogatory term really but depicts them well as they are not 'thoroughbred' but 'jack-of-all-sorts' in terms of racial backgrounds.

They communicate in their own language, chitters, mimicry of animal sounds, rough Common speech. They can be short goblin sized or tall as a seven foot Gnoll, still retaining some measure of femine or masculinity.

"I am sure they like good wine. Keep it, we can trade or use it in parlay."

A group before met some who were escaping some forced labour in the Barrowmaze. I met some who came sniffing around a Barrow Mound I had plundered. They use tricks, traps, poison, blow darts. I guess skilled in improvisations.

That mound, called 'The Potter's Mound' as it had ancient amphora jars around the walls. As well as the angry spirit of the deceased potter in Poltergeist form. It might be worth checking that mound again. Tamson our guide knows it and it has a small secret chamber inside.

Spearmint, going there 1st after this Mammoth Bones area is my suggestion, then towards the 'mound graveyards' a bit further on.

I will ask Tamson to check around for new tracks leading from here into the Mounds. Martell can keep on guard. I will check among the trinkets, especially reading any newly posted or hung up ribbons and scrawled notes, scrolls.

I have found that this Mammoth Bones field is not just where 'ancient elephants' came to die, but wounded adventurers breathing their last crawl here too. (and my borrowed horse!).
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#5 Post by Hadarai »


The Cleric searched the trinkets left behind for the arrow his companion Traeliorn left hanging from one of the tusks. If he could find it, Callen will leave place a prayer candle below, carving a small "T" into it and light it's wick.

"May the light of the Saint, guide you to his embrace friend." He whispered in prayer before returning to the group.

"My comrades and I have seen the Potter's Mound once before while on an expedition, but we never investigated the place ourselves.

We were sent by the church to investigate an Obelisk dedicated to the death god Nergal. It was located on another mound not too far from where we're headed. There was no sign of the Mongrel Men we're searching for, just a group of undead roaming about some trenches that were dug out, possibly by the Mongrel Men if they are being subjugated by the Cult as you say.

We were also assailed by members of the Death Cult that were worshipping the Obelisk, they weren't well armed particularly, but they did have a spell caster in their ranks. So if we encounter anymore we should be ready to deal with their priests first."

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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#6 Post by Spearmint »

Scouting among the Barrow Mounds.

Barrow Mounds: random vs 1: [1d6]=3[1d6]=4

The group consolidate once more, concluding a search of the Mammoth Bones and checking for any left behind trinkets that might offer new warnings or relevant advice.

The Cleric searched the trinkets left behind for the arrow his companion Traeliorn left hanging from one of the tusks. If he could find it, Callen will leave place a prayer candle below, carving a small "T" into it and light it's wick.

"May the light of the Saint, guide you to his embrace friend." He whispered in prayer before returning to the group.
You find the arrow. It spins in the wind, endless circles winding itself one way then spinning slowly anti-clockwise in perpetual motion. You nail it still, disturbed by the token that maybe suggests the spirit of Traeliorn wanders still, just as restless and lost upon the Moor.

There is an eerie feel among the bones, like a dormant evil about to wake, quelling noise lest it disturb the very dead. Even the vultures stop squawking to alight into the mist noiselessly.

You take that as a signal to press on. First entering the Mounds meadow, an unholy ground of scattered tumuli. Some plundered and looted of contents, some excavated to locate sealed portals of thick granite slabs, some ignored, left as a heap of grassy earth often crowned with memorial features with menhirs, tombstones or the Obelisk.

The first mound you come to is well travelled, footprints and scratch marks go up and over the hillock. This is Barrow (9), upon whose crest is the protruding skeleton hand that Callan and Cosmo took the silvered bolt and 'treasure map' from. those are in Cosmo's possession

The skeleton arm is still there, reaching forlornly to the sky above. No one has tried to excavate the body, leaving the bones protruding. From past experience you know sime adventurers shake his hand for luck, others bend the fingers into rude signs, lastly it held a message. Somewhere distant a wolf howls. At least you think a wolf. The left behind note had scrawled a petition to use the silvered bolt upon the writer should you ever encounter him, declaring he might now be wandering as some lycanthropic infected werebeast.

Vann Hector you know too that Sven & Co may be trekking nearby around a similar timeframe and he is accompanied by a wolf. Perhaps the sound is familiar, Familiar or just the breeze magnifying fears to disorientate and discourage tomb robbers.

As you noted wanting to check the Potter's Mound, it is nearby, a few hundred feet to the east. You can locate it and sneak up to the entrance which looks as though further excavation, at least in widening the gap in the stone seal has taken place.

Notes from Barrow Maps thread:
Barrow 9: Large grassy knoll, bare of stone or tree. Nothing is seen to either side. A few attempts at scratching the surface remain as evidence of previous tomb robbers checking but nothing indicates any success in burrowing it. A few walks around and listening checks, you are convinced the mound is raised in clear ground, 180'ft in all directions.

'The mound is a circular shape, bare of any crowning features except the weeds and grasses that cover it. To one side a large patch of the ground has been uncovered and then filled back in. Protruding from the ground is a single skeletal arm, reaching upwards'. The middle finger of the hand bent into a rude sign.

Barrow 10:
This grassy hill is ellipsoid shaped, like half an egg, with a narrow taper to the north. Going around the south wider edge of the hillock you come to an area of excavation. A chunk of the hill has been dug open and a stone seal exposed. The slab is set in a frame of granite lintels. A few chunks have been chipped from its surface but no entry beyond has been achieved.

Subsequently, the sealed door was broken through which lead to a narrow passage, whose alcoves contained a strange fungal purple moss.

Beyond a single stone coffin in the middle of a domed octagonal chamber. This contained a hollow pottery figure which was smashed and looted.

Around the chamber where several rows of amphora. A poltergeist threw these at the intruding party who succeeded in locating a small secret room containing a stone coffer and burial alcoves.
actions please as your discuss and search around.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#7 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector
Subsequently, the sealed door was broken through which lead to a narrow passage, whose alcoves contained a strange fungal purple moss.
I will sneak to the entrance.

Vann Hector tries to move silently vs 32% [1d100]=44 :roll:

I will try to sneak to the entrance, scuffing stones or snapping twigs along the way.

"From the entrance, it is a short passage about fifteen or twenty feet long that opens to the left into a round chamber about thirty feet in diameter and height with a domed ceiling. The passage had a side alcove a man could stand in. I forget if anything was in them. The fungus was a strange growth with a soporific effect, but we burned it out in a later fight."

I want to peer inside the passage, get Tamson to check for recent tracks, Martell to guard us.

At the very least, a dry, habitable and defensible place could be a refuge in times of need. Plus I know the Mongrelmen passed this way so there may be signs of them.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#8 Post by Kenjosephus »


Veryn sneaking up quietly vs 15% [1d100]=61

Veryn tries to sneaks up following the crew, but he also makes noises by stepping on twigs and branches and even skulls around the area
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#9 Post by Hadarai »


The Half-Elf follows Veryn and Vann Hector's shortly after but doesn't bother to try and sneak in his mail armor.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#10 Post by Spearmint »

Investigating the Potter's Mound

Vann Hector, Veryn, Callan, sneak ineffectively towards the broken entrance seal, scuffing loose pebbles and cobblestones or stepping upon broken glass which crunches with a snap underfoot. There is much detritus outside the mound and at least one set of booted footprints imprinted upon a muddy patch that steps away to the east.

Looking in, you seen an arched passageway which extends about twenty feet before opening into a dark chamber. The walls and floor of the passage made cobblestone. An alcove halfway down the passage has the burned out remnants of violet moss, a few spores float in the air but nothing to be concerned about. However a rather obvious set of traps have been jury rigged up; a trip wire set at ankle height that tensions the trigger release on a small crossbow that is placed on a shelf attached to the far wall. The alcove has a skeleton seated within upon whose helmet is scrawled a bloody note that demands 'Keep Out'. By the skeleton feet, a rusted iron bear-clamp trap spreads open jaws inviting folk to step upon the pressure plate.

Despite the ominous signs, there is not sound within and no tell-tale twinkling of lantern or candle firelight flickering in the dark.

The traps look very basic but basic is still injurious. Tamson checks the boot prints, following them a few yards. He scratches his head, "After a few steps they end. No reason, they just stop." He looks up thinking maybe the boot wearer may have been apprehended and carried away in the mist. Harpies, Wyvern, Pterandons? Each are known to hunt using the mist as cover from their swooping attacks. Exposed as they are upon the mound top Rum & Martell check about securing the area. Nothing though swoops down upon them or even erupts lurking from the ground beneath.

It is a very quiet morning in the Barrow Mounds it seems.

next Actions please
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#11 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Looks inside the short passage. Then outside. He scratches his chin like he is considering stuff ...
scuffing loose pebbles and cobblestones or stepping upon broken glass which crunches with a snap underfoot. There is much detritus outside the mound ...

...The walls and floor of the passage made of cobblestone.
So I know when I was here before there had been detritus and excavation but that was just eaeth dugvaway and the stone seal broken. No mention of specific stone types, I would also use my ooc player thinking having been in a few Spearmint games and noting his updates often contain clues ... so Vann Hector will pick up a few cobblestones. I will throw one in to trigger the bear trap and another to throw on the ground just after the spring wire. I anticipate that whoever was inside dug a pit trap, covering it over. So we get lured into a false sense of security. Two obvious traps but missing a hidden one.

We should be able to trigger the spring wire safely too.

Tossing a few stones, what happens?
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#12 Post by Spearmint »

you are too suspicious! :lol:


Proving he is no fool, the elf catches the others before they attempt to step over the spring wire, setting off a few feet later the covered 'punji stick' trap of sharpened hollow reed stakes. Only a couple of feet deep but containing spikes to injure feet and disable intruders.

You can disable to other two traps with ease and make your way into the mound chamber proper.

It is an octagonal shaped chamber, about thirty feet across with multiple rows of earthenware jars and amphora hung upon wall hooks all around the room. In the middle of the room an open coffer on a raised plinth, the broken slab lid set against a wall and used as a flat surface to camp upon. The coffer is empty, the false bottom in the coffer exposed and empty save for a single copper piece.

The secret entrance has also been found, the door slightly ajar and the hook mechanism that is twisted to open and close it hanging loose.

Visually the place looks well searched, any prized pots and jars of value taken, those that remain look fractured and chipped. Evidence of folk camping here from cast aside gear such as empty flasks, wrappings of cheesecloth from old rations, empty wineskins.

The poltergeist does not manifest again, it was exorcised before and has not returned to haunt the place again.

Actions inside please.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#13 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

I will signal whoever with me to brace themselves in case hidden dangers lurk behind the now not-so-secret door. The door opened inwards so I will push it at the tip of my sword.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#14 Post by Hadarai »


The Cleric takes position with Vann Hector, bracing his shield up and gearing himself up for a fight should anything look to attack.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#15 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum takes out his longsword and finds a position next to Vann Hector. He maintains a stance that is ready to attack in case anything hostile is behind the secret door.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#16 Post by Kenjosephus »


Veryn will take position in the middle of the party and readies his hand crossbow for any looming threats beyond the door.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#17 Post by Spearmint »

Inside 'the Potter's Mound'

Vann Hector nervously pokes at the secret door, pushing it further ajar at the point of his sword.

By one side is Rum, his longsword drawn in case of trouble, Callan clutches holy symbol and shield, taking cover behind the stone plinth, Veryn in the passage. The half-elf can finish disabling the traps that were set.

Outside Tamson & Martell patrol.

If anything or anyone is behind the secret door they have little option for escape. The door pushed wide, the comrades tense ...

No one appears. A body is inside however, lain upon a stretcher. Injured, bandaged and left behind. Maybe a promise to return? But none came, the body bloated and past any hope of healing or salvation. Inside the man's hand a St Ygg's holy symbol, clutched in faith and hope no doubt but no God's divine mercy extended to this wretched soul. Rats have nibbled bits of exposed flesh under the chainmail whose links are broken and torn, a huge gore in one side exposing ribs, gashes around the collar testifying of teeth marks and claws. The man has a broadsword upon his chest. At least then you suspect no others have intruded or else such a fine blade a typical Duchy sword, unremarkable in features and standard issue for many adventurers.

The 'secret room' is just a few feet wide and about ten feet long, burial alcoves, little square shelves line the walls right and left. They were raided before by Vann Hector. You can take another look but find nothing else of value.

You can add the light crossbow that was used as a trap, the man's broadsword and even the rusty bear-clamp trap to the party supplies if anyone wishes to acquire them.

Actions let me know what you do with the body. Then next action plans, which I assume is to locate 'the Barrow Graveyard' unless you wish to scout the nearby Nergal Obelisk that Callan once investigated.

actions please
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#18 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Probably relieved nothing harmful is there, I want to limit conflict as much as possible since we only have one cleric for healing us up.

I don't mind chrcking the Nergal place if Callan thinks there are positives in it but from hearing stories, (the room with the Green Devil Face) it might be easy to get sidetracked. I also think Nergal will know the two cultists Callan arrested were executed and us turning up might be sn invitation to wreak revenge upon us, so while I don't want to dismiss the option, it is not my preferred choice.

With the body. "He is a man of St Ygg's , we should give him decent burial, not leaving him here as a carcass to be feasted upon.
We can use the coffer here or better still create a caurn outside on the Moor?"

actually I do have another thought. Maybe their is some divine providence. We are seeking a Graveyard that Mongrelmen lurk in. Perhaps carrying him there for burial might seem more natural to do. Give us a reason to be there not just 'wandering about'. What do you guys think?
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#19 Post by Kenjosephus »


He sighs in relief of another image of threat found untrue. He solemnly and instinctively bow his head at the fallen priest, a sign of respect of dead and to the faith.

Yes, i think that's a great idea. Furthermore, i want to grab that bear trap. Should've be useful even in this state, cover our escape from one less monster. If today we don't use it, i'll oil it up or take it to the smith to make it just as brand new.

Veryn will take the bear trap and put it in his backpack.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Of Where-Rats and Mongrelmen.

#20 Post by Spearmint »

Veryn will take the bear trap and put it in his backpack.
Sure, add to inventory, you can add the broadsword too if no one else wants.
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