Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#21 Post by SilverBen »

@Vince, I didn't miss your comment from Thrainel, we will use this later in the conversation's sequence. Standby.
redwarrior wrote: Tue May 09, 2023 11:20 pm Thrainel listens in on the conversation. He's a bit lost at all the conversation flowing around. At the talk of the flute, he starts to think that maybe they are being "handled" Which he honestly doesn't mind as long as there is potential for glory and gold! into retrieving something from a sunken ship. But he keeps that to himself for now, knowing that he isn't as clever as some of his companions. In tones just a little more credulous than he really is he asks Do these other displayed curios have similar abilities?! This Bracelet, doe it give fair winds? Maybe the Conch shell salmons aid? I can't imagine what a coin would do, other than to pay for a fine meal?!
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#22 Post by Rex »


"Of course Brother Mundi, it would be an honor. I can only speak for myself of course. Is anyone else willing to join me?"
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#23 Post by SilverBen »

Rex wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 5:21 pm Vatn

"Of course Brother Mundi, it would be an honor. I can only speak for myself of course. Is anyone else willing to join me?"
Noden emits a sharp, startling bark and wags his tail with a whine of anticipation.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#24 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nesta bows low to the Brother and his acolytes, proud to hear he passed his trial for a chance at using the magical flute in the future.

"You can call on my service at any time good Brother Mundi."

Unsure how to answer his pious friend Vatn, Nesta simply replies.

"You have my flute." :roll: :lol:
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#25 Post by Urson »

Mudlark is on one knee at the moment, apparently adjusting her shoe- but actually looking for alarm glyphs at the base of a shelf. Yar, I'll go with. I didn't let myself get taken into the orphanage, but I've heard a lot of evil things 'bout it. She's a bad 'un, and I'll be glad to see her stopped.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#26 Post by Darithe »


Tove looks with fascination at the many items in the library, her eyes pausing briefly on the flute, a look of awe upon her face, though she respectfully keep her distance from it and the other items. Upon receiving Brother Mundi's blessing, she bows before the priest, "I will endeavor to be worthy of such a blessing father," a slight blush appearing, though most of this is hidden beneath the tribal paint she wears. When Vatn is given the honor of his investigation, she pledges to him, "My sword and axe are yours should they be needed kinsman."
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#27 Post by sastaz »

Thorily stares straight ahead past Brother Mundi, her face frozen in an expressionless "what the f**k did I just set in motion please kill me now" face.

"Ehr, oh, an investigation. Of course. Truly *caugh*, sorry, a blessing Brother."

She looks sideways at the others who suddenly seems very sure about what they're doing.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#28 Post by redwarrior »

Rex wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 5:21 pm Vatn

"Of course Brother Mundi, it would be an honor. I can only speak for myself of course. Is anyone else willing to join me?"
Thrainel considers for a moment He really had no plans other than "get out of the guild hall and do some stuff" and nods. Absolutely, I will add my sword, as long as there is the promise of flute music by which to fight!
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#29 Post by SilverBen »

Brother Mundi smiles with relief, clearly pleased with the assembled party's willingness to assist the Brotherhood of Njord. He assures you all "You have my blessings and I trust Njord will reward your efforts of kindness to the orphan boy."
Thrainel listens in on the conversation. He's a bit lost at all the conversation flowing around. At the talk of the flute, he starts to think that maybe they are being "handled" Which he honestly doesn't mind as long as there is potential for glory and gold! into retrieving something from a sunken ship. But he keeps that to himself for now, knowing that he isn't as clever as some of his companions.

In tones just a little more credulous than Thrainel really is he asks "Do these other displayed curios have similar abilities?! This Bracelet, does it give fair winds? Maybe the Conch shell salmons aid? I can't imagine what a coin would do, other than to pay for a fine meal?!"
Mundi replies, "Artifacts of similar designs, Master Thrainel. Allow me time to consult our Brotherhood on additional tests similar to that which Master Nesta just undertook to determine your worthiness of them. One of those artifacts might be quite useful for our immediate need (objective #1) to determine Hilgrid's intentions and whether she is suitable to care for children. It has been greatly debated among many within the Brotherhood whether Hilgrid is merely a harmless eccentric, or actually a witch practicing in secrecy.

For now, the orphan boy can remain here in our care while we test Hilgrid's intentions with a carefully crafted ruse. We need your party to act as our agents and (objective #2) inform Hilgrid that the boy was injured and took healing from us. Explain that the boy is not yet fully recovered to leave our care and invite her to visit the boy here in the Civic Temple. Relay the message to her but do not share the rumors of her practicing witchcraft, as it would bring great shame upon me and our Brotherhood for making public accusations of a serious nature, especially were they found to be baseless or erroneous. We ask you to proceed with discretion and diplomacy on our behalf. Hilgird's orphanage is located in the Old Town district of Ravenglass. When are you willing to undertake this task for us?

Outside the windows of the Civic Temple Library, the sun has reached its apex and the day is proceeding into the afternoon hours. Scattered clouds sail across the blue sky in the distance.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#30 Post by Rex »


"Yes Brother Mundi, I think I speak for everyone in accepting this delicate task."
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#31 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nesta bows low to Brother Mundi.

"I don't see any reason why we couldn't do this for you right away. We could head there right now, in fact."

He looks around at his gathered friends, unsure if their intentions align.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#32 Post by Urson »

Yar, I'm with you, Nesta.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#33 Post by Darithe »


"I too agree, there is no sense putting off a task that needs be done," though she looks to Vatn to see if he is ready.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#34 Post by sastaz »


"Sure, absolutely. We'll do it."
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#35 Post by redwarrior »

Thrainiel Yes, no time like the present!
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#36 Post by SilverBen »

Brother Mundi claps his hands together once in encouragement and holds them to his chest in endearment, "This is surely a wonderful gathering and portends only good tidings. You now undertake a tremendous service to the Brotherhood of Njord, that is namely to prove Hildgrid innocent and pure of intentions in the best of outcomes. Otherwise, in the worst of outcomes, and you find some evidence that Hildgrid is indeed a witch, you must then return to us immediately to confirm what rumors have suspected with the evidence. If that worst case be the truth, then you have also undertaken a significantly greater task as potential saviors to every other child in that Orphanage." Mundi breathes deeply at the gravity of his statements, finishing with a trusting smile at the party gathered in the Library.

Not long after he releases his two hands from each other, he adds, "If I have not bestowed upon any of you my blessing yet, I do so now before you depart for the Ravenglass's Old Town. The young boy will remain in our care until you return, hopefully with no evidence that Hildrgid is unfit in any way to be Headmistress."

All players receive Brother Mundi's blessing: Please add Brother Mundi's blessing - you may reroll all natural results of 1d20 = 1 to your character sheet.

While Mundi continues speaking, Noden's ears perk and twitch, turning his head towards the door...

Mundi: "Brother Vatn, what did you mention about a map .... " when vibrations of urgent footsteps approach the Library door. A perfunctory knock wraps against the door before it wildy swings open.

Noden springs back into a defensive pose ready to leap and barks defiantly.

Two younger clerics make a coordinated but clumsy entrance. The first cleric announces "Brother Mundi, you are needed again in hospice." followed by the second cleric who adds, "...rigging accident..."

The elderly cleric responds by signaling to the four clerics that carry his palanquin to rush him back to the Hospice rooms. Mundi: "Farewell, my friends and Brother Vatn. You have my blessings... " his voice fading as he is carried away through the long hallway of the Civic Temple.

After the palanquin clerics depart through the large doors, the two younger clerics individually bow to everyone in the Library. They close the doors and depart the Library. Noden circles and sits down comfortably once more.
Objectives for next episode:
  1. depart for Ravenglass's Old Town District
  2. Enter Hildrgid's lair
  3. Find evidence to condemn Hildrgid as a witch publicly

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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#37 Post by Rex »


"Thank you Brother Mundi, we appreciate your blessings more than you imagine. We will be on with our mission now. May Njord be with you!"

He pats Noden on the head to calm him and leads the way out of the temple.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#38 Post by sastaz »

As soon as they get out of the temple and away from prying ears, Thorily whispers (loudly):

"Well that was a shit show! No way we're bringing that operation down. I mean I agree children should not be sold into slavery yadi yada but hey it's really not what it is, right? They're getting a job, and I know for a fact that there are worse jobs to be had in this fair city of ours. Like the brothel, just to name one. Anyway, I'm not too keen on getting my throat slit in sleep by upsetting another local crime lord, are you?" She looks frantically at the others.

Okay, so meta wise there was a little giveaway by Ben here that Hildgrid is indeed a witch. Normally in these situations I would "roll with the punches" but I decided to roleplay Thorily true to her character on this matter. I mean, I think you can convince Thorily, so we can keep the party together :) After all, Hildgrid is a big player and Thorily's experiences with the churches haven't been the best ones.
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#39 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Nesta bows to the priests as they leave, still unsure if that is proper etiquette here.

Once outside again, his eyes squint at Thorily's comments.

"Are you saying that we should ignore the good Brothers task? Ignore the fact that children are being forced to work against their will?"

The elf looks around at the others gathered. "Do any of the rest of you feel this way?"

He pats Vatn on the shoulder. "I hope you don't feel the same way, friend. Because I for one am very interested in finding out more about some witch working here in the city. Those types always have interesting magical goodies lying around their lairs."
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Re: Episode 4 - Civic Temple Library

#40 Post by Darithe »


"I agree that we have a task to fulfill, but this is an investigation to find the truth, no more than that. If this woman be a slaver...witch or not, tis best to determine such and report that information back to the temple. It is not our place to do what proper authorities should remedy." Tove has known her share of women deemed witches by male authority figures and she is wary to condemn anyone labeled such without evidence of nefarious activity.

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