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#1 Post by Leitz »

Please post your characters here. I will also include notes about known NPCs.

Please use the following format, and include your back-story scene in a spoiler block. You should be able to just "quote" reply to this, and cut out the extra bits.

Mode of dress

High Concept. The overall concept that provides in game benefits and the occasional twist
Trouble. Some the DM will use to really make things interesting

Great (+4)
Good (+3)
Fair (+2)
Average (+1)


Refresh 3

Mental Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ ?3 ] Remove the 3 if you don't have it
Physical Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ ?3 ] Remove the 3 if you don't have it
[ 2 ] Mild
[ 4 ] Moderate
[ 6 ] Severe

The awesome story that tells us about your character.
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Re: Characters

#2 Post by Rex »

Farid Hatoum
Nationality - Ottoman, Lebanese
Mode of dress - Well off/military Ottoman ('mintan' (vest), 'şalvar' (trousers), 'kuşak' (a sash), kaftan (a long robe), 'sarık' on the head; 'çarık' (boots)

High Concept. Druze general from Mount Lebanon in Exile.
Trouble. On the Ottoman Empire's most wanted list.
Aspect A Worthy Foe Should Be Respected
Aspect Aura of Command
Aspect While I Have Breath, I Have Hope

Great (+4) Lore
Good (+3) Fight & Will
Fair (+2) Investigate, Notice, & Rapport
Average (+1) Athletics, Ride, Shoot, & Stealth

Stunt Lore - Specialist/Military
Stunt Rapport - Target Audience/Military
Stunt Will - Unbroken Composure

Refresh 3

Mental Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]
Physical Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
[ 2 ] Mild
[ 4 ] Moderate
[ 6 ] Severe

A self imposed exile from Lebanon (Ottoman Empire). He was a Druze supporter of Fakhr ad Din II and then then Mulhim Ma'n.
Last edited by Rex on Mon Jan 30, 2023 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Characters

#3 Post by Pulpatoon »

Bastiano Vemeri
Courtly, discrete

High Concept. Compunctious artist spy
Trouble. Is a loose end the Borgias would like snipped
Aspect Pernicious curiosity
Aspect Head full of dark secrets

Great (+4) Stealth
Good (+3) Investigate, Notice
Fair (+2) Burglary, Deceive, Shoot
Average (+1) Fight, Empathy, Physique, Will
Stunt Painter's Eye. If you have sat for a portrait, I know you deeply and intimately. +2 to Notice or Empathy for subjects.
Stunt Hidden Sniper. Once per scene, after I make a Shoot attack, I may roll to create advantage with Stealth as a free action.
Stunt The Pieces of the Puzzle. Given a moment to study a particular item and its position, I can reasonably reconstruct the chain of events that led to it being there. This reconstruction will be accurate, though it will not reveal any more than the necessary details. For example, it might reveal that it was carried by hand at some point, but not by whom.
Refresh 3

Mental Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
Physical Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
[ 2 ] Mild
[ 4 ] Moderate
[ 6 ] Severe
As soon as the Dowager Elysande sat for me, I thought to myself, “Don’t fuss about with much underpainting. Best to get this one done quickly.”

If you, sir, had spent as much time as I staring into the faces of the nobility—plotting the constellations of their pores and pock-marks—you would be equally familiar with the cerulean shadow of acute carnifice poisoning. It’s a curious venom, derived from Mediterranean fish spines and quite en vogue among the aristocracy a few seasons back.

And what if she was being poisoned? Was that any business of mine, past the need to complete my commission while the old woman was still in sufficient fettle to shove some ducats in my direction?

But painting is a curious half-engaged half-idle pursuit, the long hours of toiling over pots of pigments affording the mind freedom to worry at any little thing, turning over the slightest riddle and examining it from every angle, getting more intrigued despite all prudence. And I found myself unable to resist puzzling over why anyone would waste good draughts of carnifice on this creaking pile of a dowager. It was clear that nature was intent on doing the job soon enough. Why would anyone need her dead in Spring instead of Autumn? Her wealth and holdings were all in the control of her oldest child, the Duke. She was far past the years when passion might stir a jealous heart to murder. I simply couldn’t help it, my curiosity had been piqued.

And so it was, a little after midnight, I let myself back in to the Dowager’s apartments—oh, don’t look so scandalized, locks as simple as those are universally recognized as an invitation to let oneself in. That is the first four locks were that simple. She splurged on a finer breed of lock-smithery for the letter box under her bed. And there, by the light of a candle guttering in the raucous nocturnal winds of the snoring Dowager, I found a treasure trove. The old woman was no mere gossip, no simple kitchen-side collector of petty slanders. She was an extortionist of the first water. From merchant to marquis, knight to knave, bishop to battalion master, she had the goods with plenty of pepper. The devil’s nurse would have blushed.

Well, I liberated the contents of the letterbox—I admit a weakness for scandalous reading, and beside, I knew of safer hands for such sensitive intelligence. And for the remainder of my commission I offered the Dowager a cup of wine before each sitting to help bring a little color to her cheeks. And if the wine happened to be laced with the antidote for carnifice, well, I’m sure that was no business of mine, either.
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Re: Characters

#4 Post by shaidar »

Louis du Bois
French (Principality of Sedan, French Ardennes region)
Mode of dress - Fine, but practical, travelling clothes as would be expected of an officer and a noble of the French court

High Concept. Idealistic French nobles son
Trouble. Banished from the French Court
Aspect Sucker for a pretty face
Aspect Sense of Honour
Aspect Do Your Duty, Happen What May (originally french: "Fais ce que dois, advienne que pourra", more literally "Do what you must do, let whatever will be able to come, come")

Great (+4) Fight
Good (+3) Shoot, Athletics
Fair (+2) Ride, Notice, Resources
Average (+1) Lore, Stealth, Will, Empathy
Stunt Fight - army on the edge of my blade
Stunt Notice - danger sense
Stunt Athletics - By My Hand, Set the World in Motion

Boosts: 2

Refresh 3

Mental Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
Physical Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
[ 2 ] Mild
[ 4 ] Moderate
[ 6 ] Severe

Louis had no idea of the name of the town, one of many he had passed through on the way to meet his friend. He has not seen Armand since Le Fronde, but he trusted him and was intrigued by this group that he had vaguely mentioned he might have an interest in. The Inn was clean and dry and the food not the worst he had eaten on the journey so far. The barmaid was attractive and he was sure she was giving him a look that meant they might have a more in depth conversation later, well he doubted there would be much conversation involved.

The only downside was the rude and objectional man a few tables over that was shovelling his food into his mouth and being exceedingly rude to the staff, who seemed afraid of him. The last straw was when the man grabbed the barmaid and tried to force a kiss on her. He stood up and walked over to the table. "Excuse me sir, it is quite clear that the woman is not interested, release her.". The man looked up, seemingly surprised that someone had spoken to him in such a manner. The man sneered at him "Do you know who I am! Go away, while you still can." and then returned to trying to kiss the girl. Louis coolly replied "I certainly know what you are not, and that is a gentleman.". He grabbed the back of the mans head and slammed his face into his plate. The man jumped up, gravy dripping from his face, his rage apparent. "I am the mayor of this town and you will regret that!", he then rushed out the door.

The barmaid stood "Sir, you should leave, quickly, the mayor is a bully and he will need to save face and get his revenge." . The innkeeper approached quickly "I thank you for protecting my daughter, but Marie is right. He will soon return with the militia, the leader is in his pay.". Louis returned to his table "A gentleman never leaves his meal unfinished. But perhaps you can ready my horse and collect my things.". The innkeep and barmaid nodded and rushed off. After a few minutes he placed his knife and fork tidily on the plate, just in time to hear the faint sound of horses in the distance. The innkeeper rushed over "Sir, hurry, the militia will be here in a matter of moments." Louis nodded, left some money on the table, and headed to the stables. As he was riding away he realised that that was one town he could never go back to, not that that was much of a loss, except for the barmaid, Oh Well.
Last edited by shaidar on Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Characters

#5 Post by Leitz »

Professor Francis Moreland
Nationality: English
Mode of dress: Older, in need of repair. Ink stains in various places

High Concept Gentleman-Scholar of the Leage of Adventurers
Aspect "I've got a map for that."
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Re: Characters

#6 Post by Leitz »

Chaplain Rebaka Kurstnen
Nationality: German

High Concept Lutheran Chaplain
Trouble "Are you a complete idiot?"
Aspect "Daughter of nobility."
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Re: Characters

#7 Post by Leitz »

Nationality: Northern Italian

High Concept Madame
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Re: Characters

#8 Post by jemmus »

Kerecsen Zay
Hungarian (minor nobility)
Manner of dress: Rather flamboyant, to impress the ladies

High Aspect: Hard-Drinking and Gambling Former Hussar Officer

Aspect: Despite his lifestyle, has the minor nobility's training in manners and etiquette. And has a creative side. Writes poetry and plays the violin.
Aspect: Expert horseman. Former officer of light cavalry with the role of reconnoitering, screening, diversion-making, and chasing down fleeing foes. As such, thinks in terms of observing and learning the foe, bluffing and outwitting it to let the "heavies" break it, and then administering the coup de grace to finally eliminate the threat. Or to get it as close to that as possible. Either in the combat arena or the mental one, the same.

Trouble: Rightly or wrongly (he's not sure) accused of the unwed pregnancy of a daughter of a Hungarian aristocratic who has strong connections to the Church, Freemasons, or other powerful international organization
Trouble: Impulsive lady's man; might sometimes choose to pursue the favored goal at hand rather than the more responsible one

Ride/Drive +4
Fight +3
Shoot +3
Investigate +2
Notice +2
Deceive +2
Provoke +1
Physique +1
Will +1
Rapport +1

Stunt: Bardic Excellence
Stunt: Hard to Shake (Ride/Drive)
Stunt: Danger Sense (Notice)

Refresh: 3 Fate (1/26/2023 - 1 used to compel himself to help the minister with her hope chest)

Boost: 1

Mental Stress. [ X ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
Physical Stress. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
[ 2 ] Mild
[ 4 ] Moderate
[ 6 ] Severe[/color]

Horse: Ördög ("Devil") - A fine black stallion war horse
Hussar sabre, two flintlock pistols, dagger, coin purse

Kerecsen when in 17th century Hungarian hussar garb.

He dresses less conspiciously as a civilian. But still rather flamboyantly.
Last edited by jemmus on Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
Samurai Adventures (Cold Iron) - Kiyoshi, ronin bushi
WW2 Supers d6 - Luther "Luke" Goodfox
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Re: Characters

#9 Post by Leitz »

Ilyas bin Salih

Tall, blue eyed, and fair skinned, Ilyas bin Salih is the Ottoman name taken by a Rus in the employ of Turhan Hatice Sultan. While he has rank, he is not military. Instead, he acts as a spy for Turhan Sultan, giving her information and resolving problems she doesn't need to know about. He is known as a swordsman, preferring a konchar. Due to his physical appearance, and fluency in several European languages, Ilyas often travels either as an Ottoman of status or a Rus noble. It is rumored that he instigated at least two massacres of non-compliant villages near Mount Lebanon.
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