Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

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Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This forum is for the team forming with Vann Hector who plan to go exploring the rooms and corridors to the south of 'the Long Corridor', through the Rat room and wherever it may lead.

I will edit here as the players confirm participation.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Helix Village, Duchy of Aerik.

June 27th 1066.

Sunshine, light breeze, visibility: excellent.

After dining well the night before, the combined associates of the recently formed Barrowmaze Reclamation Adventurers Guild arrive in good spirits, armed with new spells, enchanted armours and for Vann Hector at least, a sword that doesn't give him migraine. Sir Dewey leads any morning vespers at the chapel for those who pray, gifts of holy water from the recently dedicated Truro Memorial Font handed out.

Orgoth head counts and sergeants the mercenary hires and NPC's into line. A now well travelled trek to the Barrow Mounds via the wilderness camping site at the Standing Stones.

There is no need for a marching order, at least not until the trek becomes a single file caravan across narrow boggy trails.

Sven & wolf Smokie, Orgoth, Amos, Gnimish & Treyvor, Bucko & Yardie, Gerdal and familiar Harkazz, Sir Dewey, Moorheeth, Sigrid, Vann Hector, Sundance, Martell & Cosmo if things are resolved.

The plan is to trek together and then once the secret entrances are located and made safe, to split into two separate adventuring teams.
The first hour is a slow paced trek through the outer woods that surround Helix, passing small holdings and little cottages. The further away from the village the more stark the change as stone built dwellings give way to simple log cabins; villas surrounded by lush gardens become barbed fences of corn and vegetable plots.

And it is on the fringe of civilization that a first encounter is generated. Those in front smell the burning smoke, a swirl of black cloud coming from a ravished cabin. Offset a little ways from the main path, a little track by a stream goes over a rise to a woodcutters cottage. A little thatched 'gingerbread' type dwelling with a pen of squealing hogs and from the noise, several growling lupine like beasts.
A sneak closer by the vanguard, creeping tree trunk to trunk and through the undergrowth brings them to a view a scene of destruction. Four large wargs and riders line up outside the dwelling, watching with glee as other Hobgoblin raiders, dismounted are setting the cottage ablaze. Screams are heard from inside which suddenly abate. You can see windows smashed, a man felled in the doorway with a lance through his back. Two wargs chase hogs around the pen, smashing the sty apart. One Hobgoblin is loading a boar carcass upon the back of his warg. Another exits over the man's body, a long string of onions around his neck, bottle of wine in one hand, scalp in the other.

actions to this are handled in the Bragging Rites expedition thread so as keep the players together until you split in the Barrowmaze.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#3 Post by Spearmint »

b]Exploring the Long Corridor.[/b]

Cautious to lurking spiders, Vann Hector advances to check out the hole in the crypt floor, moving aside freshly spun silken threads. Alert to the danger it is no surprise when his ruse lures the spider from the ceiling of the chamber below and as it lunges to grab an elf takeaway, the rogue bullseye snipes it squarely in the head. -13hp.

The critical hit is enough to send the creature into death throe spasms and after a few jerks, it falls lifeless to the floor of the chamber, some thirty-five feet below.

Despite more pulling and tugging on web threads, no more spiders present themselves and those webs still covering the upper barrow can easily be burned aside by some torch fire. The torch can be tossed below into the carcass to light the lower chamber and Room #1 of the Barrowmaze.

The block and tackle is a sturdy bit of kit. It is secured to the flagstones by hammered iron spikes and though a little squeaky from needing fresh oil on the pulley, is considered a safe construction. The hemp rope that dangles below has been looped with a few foot and hand holds and you could estimate that it could take the weight of a large humanoid without difficulty.

Plans have already been discussed, people appointed to BRAGging or Where-Rat teams. You shake hands, swig on a passed around bottle of wine and then separate into the two groups.

Where-Rats Vann, Sir Dewey, Moorheeth & Sigrid along with NPC's Sundance, Bucko, Martell and Treyvor, each descend and once you gain your bearings, advance down the 'Long Corridor'. Passing a couple of dark and thoroughly uninviting passages, you get to the Rat Room. Hearing nothing beyond, not even a squeak, you can barge the door inwards.

... I will update an edit here with a description of the entrance chamber, Long Corridor and Rat Room.

For continuing brevity, I will assign an NPC to each character so they will effectively shadow you and assist any investigations your character makes.

Vann Hector, you have hired mage Sundance (female elf) so she can accompany you.

Sigrid, you can be assisted by Treyvor, a gnome artisan with a thief skill background.

Moorheeth, you can be assisted by Bucko, a veteran mercenerary and typical no nonsense, sword for hire.

Sir Dewey, you are shadowed by Martell who is a former squire and now knight in training at Lord Krothos' court.

The room below the crypt is a square chamber about thirty feet across with the NE corner cut off in a diagonal. The walls have a plasterwork fresco much decorated in faded murals which present various scenes of funeral processions and more recent lurid graffiti which details such blagging as who slept with the barmaid to dire warnings on being silent or alarmingly, 'if you can read this you are already dead!' The entire western wall is crumbling away and piles of rubble are strewn across the floor. It is considered unstable and searching through it, moving stones or more digging possibly brings a liability of further collapse.

The Long Corridor heads eastwards at least 120'ft, your flaming torch or lantern light only radiating to thirty feet. You know the other group want to explore the passages on the North side of the corridor, giving you the South. So agreeing to that, you pass a door on your immediate left and the following open passage. The place reeks of decay and mould. Footsteps echo loudly in the flagstone floor, occasional drips of brackish water plink in small puddles on the floor.

You know the second door on the right is to 'the Rat Room'. You can take a turn and listen at each of the doors in the area but none give any hint of telltale noises beyond. The doors in the corridor are generally thick paneled Oak with iron hinges, sodden and swollen into the door frames due to the chill atmosphere. The door to the rat room has been chewed and a hole, big enough for a halfling or several fat rats has been gnawed out. You simply barge it open.

The 'Rat Room' inside is a simple crypt, 20'ft square with a door opposite in the south wall. This door too looks well chewed in the lower portions with several holes that rodents obviously scurry through. The observant might catch the last hairs of a fleeing tail as you enter.

The room itself has four raised stone plinths (effectively one in each square on a map). Three of the plinths each have a skeleton resting upon, covered in dust and cobwebs. The fourth is vacant but you can tell by the lack of dust and cobwebs in the middle that this skeleton clearly didn't fancy being nibbled by rodents and so got up and left.

The skeletons look already well frisked with any ragged clothing torn apart and belt pouches or cloak pockets empty of contents.

The opposite door is stuck in its frame and you might conclude that barging doors open could lessen any surprise you want to gain on predators beyond.

Each (Vann Hector, Sir Dewey, Moorheeth, Sigrid) post any action or comment or ask any questions.

Long Corridor explored area
Long Corridor explored area
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#4 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Before they part, Sven gives the good knight a final warning.

“I believe the next hall you find through that room leads towards the east, all the way to the area where we heard the cultists activity. And ummmm…..that evil statue I warned you about. I wouldn’t go there.”

“We haven’t figured out where the cultists are entering the maze yet, but it has to be somewhere. I don’t think they all come through this way, or you’d think they would set up traps. Set up traps? See what I did there?”

“Anyway, let’s all be careful in here. We should be close enough to hear each other for a while, as long as we stick to the plan.”

“Good luck everyone! I hope we all find something cool!”
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#5 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Glad he can make a good first impression, pinging the spider rather than getting bitten himself. He hopes to have a few more instinctive 'spider senses' though not literal arachnid ones. As much as he aspires to be a multi-facted one, he doesn't want to be a multi-eyed beastie.

Once down in the chamber he will check the spider over to see if he or anyone wiser could determine its type.

"If anyone knows how to harvest any poison or web glands, than be my guest. Cut out any organs, even for research purposes." he says, principally to the spell casters.

I do like the NPC's being allocated, not necessarily as bodyguards but helpers which can smooth a lot of exploring out.

He gives Sundance a lantern to carry, suggesting each NPC if not holding sword & shield, might bear a lantern or firebrand torch also.

He is happy to take the lead, barging the first door open to the Rat Room once we know the longer corridor is safe.

"No rats. Great. Hate the disease and flea ridden rodent's, whatever their size."

We could still check a body and a plinth each, just in case anythung has been overlooked. Then I am fine with moving through the next door.

Vann Hector intelligence check vs 13 [4d6]=11

Vann Hector: searches: Secret doors vs 33% or Concealed doors vs 50% [1d100]=96 Find Traps vs 40% [1d100]=75

After bungling around he comes to the conclusion, "Nothing to find here."
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#6 Post by Darkmane »


Moves to the door on the far end and looks to see if there is anyway to open it without making a ton of noise. Maybe the hinges are exposed? If not he will at least listen at that door for a bit while Vann is investigating for secret doors in the main room.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#7 Post by Darithe »


For now, Sigrid will hang back letting those more knowledgeable in such things deal with the obstacle. She pauses to glance at each of the skeletons indicating to Treyvor that perhaps he should examine the door opposite, though she leaves that up to him as to whether he actually does.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#8 Post by Spearmint »

Beyond the Rat Room.

Treyvor investigates a skeleton and checks out a plinth. For his effort he finds two gold coins and flips Sigrid one. "Another hundred bodies like this and we can be rich." he comments. That though is the only find and despite minutes of careful searching, no extra niches are found.

Sir Dewey and Martell ward the rear, closing the door to the Long Corridor as soon as Moorheeth opens the sodden door to the south. It takes a little time but can be crowbarred open rather than barged.

The other side opens to a ten foot wide corridor that extends eastwards to your left and after thirty feet, another door in the northern wall. Checking to your right is an open hall about thirty feet square with a door in the SW corner of the room that is set on a diagonal rather than a square 90° corner. There are others closed doors that give access to the chamber.

Several rats, larger than normal sewer critters that inhabit the ditches of home, scurry away up the corridor as soon as you enter the hallway. Apart from their squeaks of fright, no other sound is heard.

actions Vann Hector, Sir Dewey, Moorheeth, Sigrid please. perhaps one of you can volunteer to map make to record your explorations?

your map to build upon

Beyond the Rat Room
Beyond the Rat Room
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#9 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

"If our goal is to search the area completely, I suggest that this door here is our next step." He points to the western door on the north side of the south corridor. How's that for directions? :lol:

"The area west of the rat room." He clarifies as he gets some blank stares.

The Knight moves to Vann. "Nice work back there with the Spider. Good reminder for us all to be quick to react down here. I remember the others saying something about pits, are you comfortable with taking point to check for such things?"
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#10 Post by Darithe »


Knowing men are sticklers when it comes to directions, Sigrid follows Sir Dewey's finger to the door he wishes to explore. She glances at Treyvor, twirling the gold coin he found between her nimble fingers. "If Vann has problems with the door, perhaps you could try your expertise."
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#11 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

Ah yes, let us sweep the area in an order. I think that room next door was labelled at some point as the 'Stuck Door Room', the door on the Long Corridor being the one stuck.

While I unlock / barge / crowbar open the door that Sir Dewey suggests, the others can search the hallway. Any significant features, signs of passage, rodents scurrying about?

Vann Hector Open Locks attempt vs 33% [1d100]=100 should be vs 43% using my artisan skeleton key set. Looks a proper bust though!
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#12 Post by Spearmint »

Beyond the Rat Room.

The paired adventurers station themselves, guarding and exploring the hallway. Moorheeth and Bucko bring up the rear, scouting the corridor. It goes beyond your torch light and you note one door (as pictured in the map visual) about thirty feet away in the north wall and another in the south wall in the next revealed square. It is silent and nothing stirs to come investigate your intrusion beyond a scurrying rat nibbling morsels and detritus left on the floor.

Inside the expanded hallway to the right, Vann Hector fumbles his lockpicking, snapping a crowbar as he tries to unjam the stuck door. He curses 'dwarven artisanry' as the equipment proves unsuitable for the task and Treyvor, under direction of Sigrid takes over.

Treyvor picks lock [1d100]=97

It seems all mechanical attempts to gain access through the door fail as a second set of artisan crafted equipment snaps, this time Gnomish long nosed pliers and grabbing calipers. Both rogues are less than impressed.

Sir Dewey can go to check out the door in the southwest corner, Martell taking the one on the east wall.

"There is dried blood on the floor in front of the door, drag marks and booted prints." he points out. He takes his helmet off to listen, pressing his ear to a crack in the oak panels but shakes his head, not discerning anything beyond.

actions please. the door pointed out by SD as the one to check is stuck in the frame and VH and Trey cannot unpick the lock, so to open it needs more physical action. Barging a door open is a strength check but given the condition of the doors being swollen in the frames and of reinforced panelling, any roll is made at a [1d6-1] disadvantage.

The hallway is of simple flagstone tiled flooring and semi plastered walls, faded frescoes of typical funerary scenes. It is empty of furnishing with bits of detritus and tossed aside rags pushed against the wall.

actions please.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#13 Post by Stirling »

Vann Hector

I feel a bit better as the other rogue with extra artisan equipment also fluffs his open locks attempt. Obstinate, I wouldn't ordinarily let a stuck door defeat me and decide to go barging it open but after the signal of blood and drag marks, which lead up to and under the door if I understand correct, then I will draw my weapon.

I am thinking a creature dragged someone away, booted prints so a zombie, skeleton or ghoul or even if lots of rats are present, a cannibalistic were-Rat (I chose Where-Rats as our group identity from 'where do we explore after the Rat Room '?), that would be ironic to run into actual lycanthropes.

Hope not, but let's get ready just in case.

Question then. Do we boot that door in to surprise whoever is inside or knock and wait for them to come out?
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#14 Post by Monsieur Rose »

Sir Dewey

"Huh. That's a pity. We may have to knock down more doors than I first thought." He pulls his flail as Martell mentions blood. "Nice find. How old, do you think?"

The Knight moves to examine the SW door, trying to see if it is unlocked. "What's the plan then? Keep moving and keep quiet for a bit?"

I think the trail leads to the eastern door in the SE of the trapezoid room.

Sir Dewey suggests going with the flow, finding hallways and doors that aren't locked. For now.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#15 Post by Stirling »

yes, I understand Martell is by that door. Do we kick it in? I am fine with sneaking by this room to avoid a fight and going through the door that Sir Dewey guards. We might just have to be careful on the way back.

If it comes to a vote, if one door can open without barging it, then I would say take that route.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#16 Post by Darithe »


"The fates have decided it for us," Sigrid says resignedly, "I say we do as Sir Dewey suggests and take the path of least resistance."
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#17 Post by Darkmane »


I can perhaps lend aid if we intend to bash it down (perhaps by helping lend a bonus to someone else's roll?), however, I think it best if we try another door so we avoid all the racket.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#18 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Rat Room.

Deciding to sneak by whatever critters lurk behind the 'bloodied drag marks' door, the group follow Sir Dewey's lead and pass through the door in the angled southwest corner of the hall.

Everyone goes through, Bucko bringing up the rear and closing the door behind you.

It opens into another corridor rather than a room, almost T-shaped. Opposite you, about twenty feet away is another closed crypt door. To the right, going eastwards, the passage proceeds fifty feet before finishing in a dead end. Certainly a dead end for one person, who alarmingly has been nailed to the wall, spikes piercing through each outstretched palm and through each ankle. The figure is half rotting and smells of death but lifts his head up from slumping upon its chest to stare at your intrusion and gnash its teeth with a salivating grimace.

It is a bone chilling sight, particularly to Vann Hector who suddenly feels the numbing ice cold atmosphere on his ring finger, giving him sharp 'pins and needles' as if his very blood was turning to ice in his veins.

actions everyone please VH, make a save vs spells please with your action post.

would someone like to volunteer to map make for the group? ie: post a visual as you explore.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#19 Post by Darithe »


Sigrid gives the crucified dead man a curious it a warning or an alarm bell for whatever lies beyond. She glances at each of her companions, wondering what if anything should be done with the thing. For now she stays her hand.
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Re: Barrowmaze: Where-Rats

#20 Post by OGRE MAGE »

They should have this much drafted so far from the Guild notes to go off of.
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