Action Thread #10 - The Mine

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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#161 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Ha ha, you wise-acres... :lol:

Day 7, Late Morning: The Smell of Piss and Other Things...

After some colorful banter, the party decides it is in everyone's (?) best interest if Ozborn should do some more scouting. While Ozborn takes a torch and proceeds and while Thurinor and the others make themselves more at home, Stonjuz tends to his turtle and notes that, indeed, even the turtle seems not to want to go further. When set down, it is as repulsed as anyone else by the smell emanating from somewhere further on in the cave, and it heads directly the other way, back toward the main tunnel, before Stonjuz gently lifts and re-straps the turtle to his helmet with a humph.

Ozborn, thief's roll: [1d100] = 48

For his part, Ozbornsteps out into the next corridor, keeping carefully to the sides of the tunnel and moving more or less quietly in order to minimize his exposure, though his torch lights some 40' ahead and would easily alert anything waiting in the shadows. On impulse, he takes the right-hand way first, moving roughly south, and then realizes he took this way because the smell is stronger back the other way. He finds that the passage goes on and then splits again some 30 feet from where he stops, but he sees nothing else of note beyond more of the same, twisting tunnel.

Retracing his steps, Ozborn takes the lefthand/northward passage and soon comes to another split. Another twisting and narrow passage leads off to the right, his torch not revealing its end, while the passage he is in narrows somewhat more as it continues roughly northward, where it ends abruptly. Curiously, he sees something like a large boulder there, and the stench is much stronger from this branch of tunnel, causing his eyes to water slightly and his arm to cover mouth and nose to limit, if possible, the stench from entering his poor abused nostrils. He looks again, and he almost swears the boulder has moved, though perhaps it is only a trick of the flickering torchlight. Still, the boulder is strange, somehow. He gets the impression of something cowering in the end of its hole, cornered, yet the more he stares, the less he is sure that it could have moved, so stone-like and motionless does it seem.

I put a question mark where Ozborn sees the boulder. I assume the rest of the party is gathered back at the tunnel crossing, and Ozborn may go back to report directly, stay where he is, or take a piss if nature calls... ;)
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#162 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Ozborn moves quickly back to the others to report what he's seen. "Rocks that seem to move, horrible smells… unhappy turtles… I don't like it." he says. "I vote we go back to the main passage."
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#163 Post by Sir Clarence »

"Let's hope that nothing will creep up on us then", says Andrin.
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#164 Post by onlyme »

Malone will eagerly head back to the main passage with the rest of the party.
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#165 Post by Grognardsw »

Crossbow in hand, Thurinor Sael proceeds with the rest of the party down the main hall.
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#166 Post by Stonjuz »

"Rocks that move !!! Goodness man. You know what that means. Earth Elementals. When we come back we can make a fortune. Can you imagine the going rate of a Earth Ellie? Surely some crazed out, whacky wizard will want one. Leave it be for now. It aint going nowhere I dont be thinkin."
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#167 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Day 7, Noon: Back in the Main Tunnel

Deciding to forego any further investigation of the winding side passages, the party makes its way back to the main tunnel and again follows it southward. No other passages intersect your path, and after another hour of careful spelunking you are soon aware of the faint glimmer of daylight ahead. Turning the last bend, the hewn-walled tunnel opens into a cavern with a natural entrance.

The cavern looks to be 30-40 feet in diameter, with a roof about 20 feet high. All seems quiet as you breathe the free air drafting toward you from the outside. The druid and ranger are first to detect the smell of rain, and indeed you all note the clean spring smell of a light rain shower that must be falling outside the cavern entrance, but you cannot get a clear view of the outside from this vantage. There is a winding slope or rough path leading down to the cavern floor and apparently out through jumbles of fallen boulders that surround clusters of stalagmites. The cavern's roof is a veritable garden of stalactites.

What do you do now? 8-)
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#168 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurinor stares up at the stalactites, hoping his infravision may detect any heat sources such as lurking monsters.
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#169 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Having just seen a rock move, Ozborn is wary. From where he is, he will first scan the floor for any movement or irregularity, then he'll check out the stalactites. Are the grouped more in the center? Does it seem possible to not walk under them?
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#170 Post by onlyme »

Malone looks around. At least this looks like a normal mine. He moves cautiously, ready to defend or attack when needed.
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#171 Post by Stonjuz »

"These 'tites'on the they all have 'mite' mates? 'Fore if'n the dont, it be a telltale sign of lurkers, a most dreadful of creatures. Tell em Thurinor. Careful now laddies, but we must press on still."
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#172 Post by Grognardsw »

"Friend Stonejuz, I've not the underground experience you have as a dwarf, so I don't know the creature you mention," says Thurinor. "But I share concern of dangers in this cavern."

If there are loose stones about the floor around them, Thurinor will pick up a handful and throw them into the cavern ahead to see if that may draw out hidden danger.
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#173 Post by saalaria »

Swilbosh, clearly nervous, looks around all the time. His tongue flicks in and out incessantly.

"I like thisss place not." is all he says.
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#174 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Day 7, Noon: The Way Out of the Mine

The party wisely spends some effort at suspicion.

Thurinor stares up at the stalactites, hoping his infravision nightvision may detect any heat sources such as lurking monsters before descending into the cavern, but to no avail.

Ozborn and Stonjuz study the cavern for movement and to see what the arrangement of stalactites/-mites can reveal. In general, if a stalactite is hanging from the ceiling, its twin is on the floor below it. It appears to be more or less possible not to walk directly under any stalactites, although some of them are large enough that if they were to, say, fall, it could be difficult to pass by unharmed. Stonjuz remarks, "These 'tites'on the they all have 'mite' mates? 'Fore if'n the dont, it be a telltale sign of lurkers, a most dreadful of creatures."

Malone looks around, happy that this appears a normal cave compared to the side passage the party decided to forego investigating. He moves cautiously, ready to defend or attack when needed.

Swilbosh, clearly nervous, looks around all the time. His tongue flicks in and out incessantly. "I like thisss place not," is all he says.

Seeing no apparent dangers, the party moves forward with great caution. Suddenly Swilbosh stops everyone and points to a pile of bones on the floor and something glittering within the pile. At the same time, you all look up and notice, concealed among the stalactites, at least a dozen furry shapes hanging with leathery wings wrapped about their bodies. They don't seem to have noticed you as yet.

Moving things along. Hope no one minds. Actions? In game terms, you've surprised these critters, as it's their sleepy time and you proceeded with plenty of caution. Also, they rolled a 1 on surprise to your 2. So the party gets a free segment of action before they'll be remotely aware of you. Go ahead and declare actions, make any rolls, the usual. Clearly, you have the opportunity to ignore/flee...

There was a question about marching order. Here's the current order I'm assuming (let me know any changes):
Marching Order - 5’ Wide Corridor/Passage

Edit: You are directly underneath the hanging creatures. They're all about 20-25 feet up. The stalactites hanging down make for places where they can hide up in there, but you could easily back off of the path 5-10 feet, gain some cover from stalagmites and boulders, and form up in a semi-circle to shoot out of, so that any arrows that miss will then land away from the party, if you follow me.

I just need attack rolls posted from everyone if that's your course of action.

Other than that, someone mentioned running, and the answer is yes: you're all pretty sure that if you just run, you'll make it out into the open without much trouble. The beasties might follow, of course, and don't forget that you hear and now can see that it's raining out there. Not a big storm or anything, but just so you remember...
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#175 Post by Grognardsw »

To confirm before stating my action, the cavern is 30-40 in circumference with a path through the middle. So if we made a run (double movement) in our free segment, would that get us out into the open in that one segment?
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#176 Post by saalaria »

Happy to go with majority as to whether we run or fight if there is shiny I vote for fight!
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#177 Post by Sir Clarence »

"These are small creatures and likely very fast", whsipers Andrin, keeping an eye on them while talking. "Let's try to catch them unawares with missiles and spells."
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#178 Post by onlyme »

Can we shoot arrows without them bouncing back on us?
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#179 Post by Stonjuz »

"Everyone drawing a missile weapon isnt a bad idea, as long as we all target different foes."
Stonjuz taps his sling. "Shall we?"
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Re: Action Thread #10 - The Mine

#180 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin readies his sling and grabs a few leaves of mistletoe from his bag. "I'm ready."
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