WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#61 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 3:05 PM, December 21, 1943, Ortona, Italy

In the narrow, somewhat rubble-strewn allies of Ortona Italy, the 'supers' of SST 11 'went to work' against their foes in the German Army....

Captain Hyde-Smythe took a deep breath and called up to Nado; "Lay down some cover fire for me!" and then he activated his Flight Power and raced low and fast towards the wounded Private Gibb, laying in the crossroads, surrounded by invisible cartoon bombs that were nonetheless deadly if triggered....

Corproal Nado barked out a 'Yessir!' and leveled his Johnson Rifle at his own Fog Cloud and the window across from it where the deadly German fire had come pouring out of and bracing his weapon on its bipod, he cut loose a 10 round spray of fire to attempt to suppress the German MG team that he knew was there....

Staff Sergeant Chisholm had come to the same conclusion before his C.O.'s orders and he raised his Tommy Gun and cut loose a long 10 round spray of rounds as well in the same area; both of their fire definitely contributing to the lack of fire that Captain Hyde-Smythe encountered when he flew to Private Gibb's body and gently scooped up the badly wounded solider in his arms. He then flew back, with only a couple of Rifle shots zipping past him to endanger him and his precious cargo. He came to a stop and laid the unconscious red-headed young man down near Jimmy 'Maple Leaf Kid' Farraday to work on. All the while, the Canadian reporters were rolling cameras on him and singing his praises....from a position of relative cover of course.....

Corproal Koda fired his M1 Garand once at the Germans in the window and then quickly ducked back around a corner for cover and it was difficult for him to tell if his shot had done anything as the cloud from Nado obscured the target fairly well. He looked to see if he could get into a different building with a high vantage point and he dashed across the street and moved to his first choice. He was about to kick open the slightl ajar door when he noticed a thin, almost invisible wire at about shin height in the door frame....

Corporal Robert 'Brilliant Bob' Baker took this opportunity to move a bit closer down the ally with his modified automatic rifle with under-barrel grenade launcher that he had built himself and he raised his weapon up and fired the launcher which arced a projectile neatly into the smashed-apart window where the German gunfire had come from. A moment later, the grenade exploded and bits of dust and masonry came out in a cloud that merged a bit with Nado's fog cloud....

As all of this was happening, Corporal John Porcupine and Lance Corporal Phil Heuron take the opportunity to attempt to flank the Germans by moving into a position around the block to come at them from a (hopefully) unseen angle. They can hear the roar of automatic fire from Nado's Johnson and Chisholm's Tommy Gun behind them as well as FEEL Hyde-Smythe's Flight Power being utilized again as they round a corner just in time to see a hail of lead tear into the room where the German fire came from, as well as some kind of spherical object arc into the room and then a moment later, the room explodes....

They catch sight of a pair of figures moving down a parallel street a block away and behind the next row of buildings, both in the Gray Uniforms of the German Paratroopers. One is holding a Rifle in one hand and a Stick Grenade in the other, while the other one holds what looks like a pad of paper and a pen. The one with the pad never stops running and never looks their way and is soon out of sight while the other DOES see them and he slings his rifle, arms the grenade and heaves it while at the same time his lips are moving, but neither Koda nor Porcupine can hear what he's saying. They both feel/smell/hear a new Talent Power being activated though and they both notice that while his arm goes into a throwing motion, the stick grenade they saw in his hand a moment ago appears to no longer be in his hand......

OOC: Okay, the first Intersection has all 3 wounded accounted for; two are being treated by Farraday, the other is KIA. While a lot of rounds and Bob's Grenade went off in the room where the German gunfire was seen to have come from; it's unknown what effect it all had as Nado's cloud is still obscuring the area.

Phil and Porcupine are about 20-25 yards away from the German Talent who just did....something........
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#62 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum advances to the next cover he can find and lays another burst of suppressing fire into the windows as he prepares to change his Tommy Guns magazine.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#63 Post by ateno »

Koda stops, takes a short breath, Looking at Ortona.pdf seeing a skinny walkway between houses south of the intersection from where he shot, he will jog thru it to the road and run across and dive thru the rubble of the house on the north side of the street.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#64 Post by kipper »

Phil assumes the grenade was made invisible and is still heading his way, so he charges at top speed directly towards the German talent who hurled it, to get out of the blast radius in time.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#65 Post by Urson »

Scatter! As he yells this, John is diving for cover behind a pile of rubble, and trying to drag more earth and rock UP to reinforce it. He'll spend a Luck point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#66 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 3:10 PM, December 21, 1943, Ortona, Italy

In the narrow, rubble-strewn streets of Ortona, the battle between the forces of the Axis and the Allies continued....

From his position CPL Tom Nado poured another 10 rounds from his Johnson LMG into the blown out window section of the building where he had seen German gunfire a few moments ago, noting his magazine was almost empty (5 rounds left), hoping to suppress the enemy as Captain Hyde-Smythe once again activated his Talent Power of Flight to zip down the alley and pickup another wounded Canadian solider, this time, Private O'Hanlon....

Down on the street, SSGT Chisholm moved to another building corner while at the same time pouring in another 10 rounds of .45 rounds from his Thompson SMG, adding his fire to Nado's to suppress any Germans left in the room as the familiar scent/feel/sound of Captain Hyde-Smythe's Flight Talent Power crashed over him. The Canadian Talent Team leader flew low and parallel to the street, snatched up Private O'Hanlon under his armpits and then turned 180 degrees and got back to where Farraday and a few other Canadian Medics were waiting. Nahum could see the last Canadian solider, Private Hastings, who had completely passed out and whom the American NCO couldn't tell if he was still breathing...

The Captain handed O'Hanlon to them and then staggered a bit, sweat pouring down his face, despite the chill in the air. He had clearly been pushing his Talent Power to the limit. "Uh, Captain, maybe you oughta-" the kind, young Farraday started to say before the Captain snapped back, "Nonsense....there's....one more....solider....still.....out there...", he said on wobbly feet as he turned to make one more flight with the reporters in the background filming it all and a hushed voice speaking reverently about the Canadian Officer's heroics.....

LCPL Phil Heuron and CPL John Porcupine both reacted to what they both correctly assumed to be an invisible 'stick' grenade to have been hurled their way. Phil raced forward, toward the German Paratrooper Talent who had thrown the weapon while making it invisible while John dove to the side and back and activated his Earth Bending Talent to raise up a wall of rock and rubble between him and the blast....

Phil felt himself get tripped and sharp, cutting pain from his lower left leg as he fell forward and hit the street hard as the grenade exploded behind him. It had been close enough to knock him down and several pieces of shrapnel had cut into his leg causing him to hiss in pain. Of more immediate concern though was the fact that the fall had knocked his Carbine out of his hands and the weapon was now a few feet out of his grasp while the German Talent had a nasty smile on his face and was unslinging his Rifle and beginning to point it his way.....

John Porcupine leaped back and to the side and at the same time he instinctively reached out and activated his Talent Power and a wall of rock and rubble was raised off the ground and served to protect him from the blast of the invisible but very real grenade the German Talent had thrown. The 'tinkle' sound of numerous pieces of shrapnel slamming into his 'rock wall' let him know that he had certainly saved himself from immense harm and perhaps worse by utilizing his amazing Talent Power. It was only then that he realized he couldn't seen Phil (Operating under the idea that John in essence went around a corner of a building while Phil rushed forward)....

Corporal Koda decided against kicking in the door with the trip wire and instead he rushed to the side and up and alley, moving to flank the German position that several of his teammates were pouring fire into. As he moved out of the alley and into the main street, he could see the position to his left with the wounded Canadian soldiers and the building with the German MG team and to his right and across the street was a German Paratrooper moving to raise up his Rifle and fire at someone on the street. A quick glance revealed it was a wounded Phil Heuron with no weapon in his hands....

OOC: Okay, Phil is Wounded (-1D to all actions until treated) and with his carbine out of his hands, he can move to pick it up or draw a pistol, etc., but obviously that would be an action...so keep that in mind. Nahum has 10 rounds left in his clip, Nado has 5. There is one more Wounded Canadian solider in the intersection and there is one German Paratrooper bringing up a Rifle to shoot at Phil; which only he and Koda can see at the moment.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#67 Post by kipper »

Struggling to ignore his injuries, Phil concentrates on sending a blast of ice towards the German aiming at him! (Using the lethal version, and spending 3WP towards the activation roll to ensure success).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#68 Post by ateno »

Koda looks at the situation and thinks for a half second and pulls up his rifle and fires a shot at the enemy soldier. Afterwards he closes distance to the edge of the building.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#69 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum empties his Tommy Gun into the opening to keep them suppressed.

If no one makes a run on the wounded soldier once his Tommy Gun is empty he will drop it and run for the soldier, planning on trying to scoop him up and carry him to cover. When running, he will activate his hyper-dex (spending enough will to guarantee it activates).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#70 Post by Urson »

John stands up just enough to see over his embankment, looking for Phil. IF he can, he'll squeeze off two shots at the German- hoping to at least throw off his aim.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#71 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 3:15 PM, December 21, 1943, Ortona, Italy

The action on one small section of the streets of Ortona hit a climax as the various members of SST 11 continued their part in attempting to save the lives of several badly wounded soldiers lying in strange, invisible cartoonishly drawn mine-fields in a pair of intersections....

As Staff Sergeant Chisholm blew out a breath and prepared to spring into action, he felt/heard/smelled the tell-tale tingle/ringing/odor of Captain Hyde-Smythe's Flight Talent being used yet again. The Canadian officer flashed down the street and scooped up the unconscious Private Hastings and turned and started to make the flight back when the Captain quite simply stopped flying and hit the ground on unsteady feet for a second and then collapsed while turning so he landed on his back and the badly wounded Private Hastings landed on top of him. Hyde-Smythe was all but unconscious himself now, having pushed his Talent Power to the absolute limit....

Nahum saw a pair of German soldiers inside a building start to move to take advantage of the situation and he sprung into action. His entire body turned blurry as he emptied the clip of his Thompson, sending a spray of ten .45 rounds to force the German Paratroopers to drop to the ground and then he moved quickly to the fallen Hastings and Hyde-Smythe, quickly seeing that both were still breathing, but neither would be moving anytime in the next few minutes under their own power. He moved to scoop up the badly wounded Private first as he hoped and prayed his fellows had his back.....

From his higher vantage point, Corporal Tom Nado saw the actions of his commanding officer AND NCO and he shifted his aim towards one of the pair of German soldiers that Nahum's spray had suppressed. Taking careful aim, he pulled the trigger and sent the last 5 rounds in his Johnson LMG's clip downrange and into that soldier, ending the German Fallschirmjaegar right then and there. When he moved to fire at the second paratrooper however, his weapon just made the dry 'clicking' sound it made when out of ammunition....

Corporal Robert 'Brilliant Bob' Baker moved to where Chisholm was hoisting up Hasting and his 'tinkered' weapon that he had made with the help of his 'Hyper Knowledge' Talent Power, was raised to his shoulder and he put a burst of automatic rifle fire into the second German soldier and he nodded to Nahum afterwards saying, "Go....I'll take the Cap'n....", as he moved to sling Hyde-Smythe over his shoulder in a fireman's carry....

Meanwhile, a block over, another deadly scene was playing itself out with the rest of the members of Special Services Team 11....

Lance Corporal Phil Heuron was hissing in pain subconsciously while raising his hands out towards the German Talent leveling a Kar 98 rifle at him and he was realizing he wasn't going to be able to call up his Ice Power before this guy had time to pull the trigger. Just then the crack of a rifle shot hit Phil's ears and he winced, instinctively starting to curl up when he realized he hadn't been hit. Looking up, he saw the German had a surprised look of annoyance as a rifle shot from somewhere Heuron couldn't see had grazed him and threw off his aim, causing the German's shot to miss the Canadian trooper. Phil didn't waste any more time and he called on his own Talent Power and sent a blast of ice towards the paratrooper; the pain of his wound affecting his aim enough to cause him to only half-coat the man in ice, drawing an angry bellow of terror and pain....

Corporal Koda sighted down his M1 Garand and he fired a shot that merely grazed the German Talent who was in turn about to shoot Phil. Koda's shot wasn't great, it merely grazed his hip....but it was enough to cause the man to fire his own shot into the ground in surprise. The Paratrooper recovered quickly and started to rack the bolt to chamber another 7.92 mm round, but then a blast of white-blue ice half-engulfed him and he screamed in rage and pain. Then another pair of shots echoed from somewhere Koda couldn't see and the half-man/half icicle was taken care of....

Corporal John Porcupine let the 'rock shield' he was using his power to keep all around him drop to the ground and he quickly rounded the corner to see Phil half-cover a German trooper in ice. The soldier was still in the fight though, so he fired a pair of .30-06 rounds from his M1, missing with the first shot by a centimeter or two and then drilling his target high in the chest with his second shot. That ended that threat and a long moment of quiet later, he realized he was, for the moment....'in the clear'.....

Porcupine and Koda quickly gathered up Phil and brought him back to where Farraday and the other Medics were treating people as Chisholm and Baker did the same and soon the other members of Captain Thomas' Company were filing past them to clear the blocks of any more Germans. Farraday quickly treated Phil's wounds and with a hearty, "Well done lads, well done!" by their fellow soldiers for saving 4 of their number; Fleurry and Taylor the Reporters were gushing about the "heroic Captain Hyde-Smythe and his devoted 'Talent' troopers! As everyone gathered their thoughts, reloaded weapons and/or took a swig of water from their canteens, the reporter asked while holding a pencil and a pad of paper, "So lads....anything you want to tell me about today that I can get into a story for the papers back home?"

OOC: Phil is okay, but will have a bit of a limp for the next few hours.....Hyde-Smythe is sleeping, but okay.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#72 Post by ateno »

Koda will take the lull in action to explain what he thinks that the cartoon bomber is doing.

"I noticed a way between the streets, we could go up over and through, like going under the ice for scallops."

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#73 Post by Rex »


Once everyone is safe Nahum will find himself another Tommy Gun and some more ammo.

"We need a plan and quick."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#74 Post by Urson »

John glances around. Did we get 'em all?

He almost ignores the press guys Two more bodies for us to protect... , but then he smiles a rare smile. These squareheads don't know how to deal with real hunters.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#75 Post by kipper »

Phil is frustrated that he let the 'Cartoonist' get away and is eager to continue the hunt! He ignores the reporters, blaming the pain from his wound.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#76 Post by Zhym »

Nado has nothing to say about the fight, but he's not going to let an opportunity like this go to waste. "Could you tell my mom in Missouri hey, that I'm okay, and I'll be home as soon as we get done kicking these krauts' asses? Just, maybe y'all shouldn't use the word 'ass" with my maw if you don't want to get a whoopin'."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#77 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 4-7 PM, December 21, 1943, Ortona, Italy

As the members of SST 11 share a few moments with the Canadian Reporters, Thomas' men secure the immediate area and sporadic gunfire and a few explosions could be heard here and there. Phil's wound soon starts to feel much better and everyone 'enjoys' a quick meal of rations as they chat a bit before eventually Captain Hyde-Smythe, looking better, but still exhausted wakes up with a colossal yawn and everyone smiles a bit in the knowledge that they had done good today, saving the lives of 4 of the 5 wounded Canadians and taking out some Germans, including an 'Ubermensch'. (+3 WP)

Night falls quickly around 5:30 to 6 pm and the rumbling of the Canadian tanks pulling back out to the edge of the city is soon assaulting the eardrums of everyone in this part of the city. Tanks are just WAY too susceptible to infiltrator attacks in the night in the tight confines of the city and soon the members of SST 11 find themselves in a few brief, scary shoot outs with lone infiltrators here and there, but by 6:30 or so, they have fallen back to a fortified building at the edge of town and are getting some rest.

Chisholm easily finds a new Tommy Gun as the Canadians use them instead of the British Stens, but he's a bit annoyed to learn they use the old 20 round clips, so he has a pair of 30 rounds clips (including the one in his weapon) and a 20 shot clip. Getting new grenades was no problem (look at character sheets, everyone has 2 again); but this being a Canadian unit, there would be no regular supply of .30-06 rounds for the M1 Garands or Nado's Johnson LMG or .30 cal rounds for Phil's M1 Carbine. If the battle continued for a bit, they may soon have to resort to switching to the more prevalent SMLE rifles and Bren LMGs all around them.

At about 6:45, a Canadian Private comes up to them and moves to Captain Hyde-Smythe and tells hims that they've been 'invited' (politely ordered) to attend the 2nd Brigade's Orders Group (briefing). The Captain of course agrees and a few minutes later they are directed to a rare intact building near the southern edge of Ortona where runners are coming and going and numerous officers are filing into. Stepping inside, they immediately hear the crackle of not one, but two radio sets and their noses catch the scent of tea, coffee and tobacco. A British Corporal asks if they'd like any tea or coffee and then they are directed to an area of the room as Brigadier Hoffmesiter moves to the center of the room to open the conversation....

Looking around, the men of SST 11 see a few familiar faces, such as Captain Thomas and Major Stone and LT Colonel Jefferson. They also see a trio of officers wearing the unmistakable black berets of 12th Tank Regiment (the Three Rivers Regiment). Its just then that Hoffmesiter begins with him informing everyone that while he's proud of the ground the 2nd Brigade has taken in Ortona so far, they are nowhere near reaching their original objectives and that General Vokes (the overall Division Commander) is currently with 1st Brigade, moving to flank the city to the West and likewise running into stiff resistance from Jerry.

Hoffmeister is quite blunt in his assessment that Intelligence had it all wrong...the Germans were NOT just going to make a brief spoiling action and then melt away to the North, they were going to fight street by street and inch by inch for this city. Hoffmesiter feels it's going to be slog but he's asking if anyone has any ideas on how to expedite the conquest of the city. Major Stone, the commander of the group who fought in the drainage ditch with SST 11, stands up and speaks up.....

"Sir....in my experience on the outskirts of town and in talking with some of my men who fought the Germans in Sicily and in the Moro River Campaign right before this fight, it would seem that the Germans tend to be quite overconfident in their ability to fight logically and with discipline. Sometimes bold, bordering on reckless tactics then to lead to sudden retreats by them when hit by unexpectedly swift assaults. I propose we do this again here in Ortona. We could begin with an advance down the Corso Vittorio Emanuele from the Three Rivers Tanks; sirens on and blaring....using High Explosive Shells to hit the upper stories of buildings and MG fire to sweep the lower levels with my men from the Loyal Eddies and the Talents walking along with you to prevent any Infiltrators from getting up close and personal with rockets or AT mines or the like. We strike hard and FAST to the Piazza Municipale. With the Seaforth HIghlanders hitting Jerry from the South at the same time, the German Paratroopers will have to either retreat or risk being encircled."

Stone looks to LT Colonel Booth, the commander of the Three Rivers Tanks, who in turn nods quietly and turns to one of his officers, a Captain Johnson. Johnson nods and says, "Yessir, C Squadron has 12 tanks ready to go, if the order is given", and everyone turns to Hoffmeister. Hoffmesiter thinks for a long moment and then with a decisive nod, he says, "Alright then, let's go for it. Move to get into position for the attack to being at 0730. Any questions gentlemen?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#78 Post by kipper »

Phil simply shakes his head in the negative to Hoffmeister's question. He's expecting the remaining German Talents to fight this push, and knows he will be needed.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#79 Post by Urson »

John shakes his head, already planning where he'll bunk for the night.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#80 Post by ateno »

Koda has no questions and follows everyone for some sleep.

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