Natural Born Trouble

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Natural Born Trouble

#1 Post by Revenant »

“If trouble comes when you least expect it then maybe the thing to do is to always expect it.” ~ Cormac MacCarthy

His dreams were troubled, as they had often been of late. The same...each night...the little girl...what did it all mean? He rubbed his head and his foot bumped the bottle on the floor as he rolled out of bed and the bottle rolled away. "HEY TORVIK!", he heard it from across the room where Keys stood fully dressed, "You best get movin'. Commander Dine wants you in his office in half an hour." He rubbed his head as if trying to push the headache away. Keys grinned, "And before ya ask, I don't know why."

As he dressed he heard some music outside. It was that bard that had showed up a few days past with a few other stragglers seeking shelter in the Outpost. He heard a bit of I ain't got no home, baby I was born to roam... What was his name...something stupid Malodorus...nah that wasn't right. He pushed the thought away, not able to focus or really caring.

He stepped out in the yard, which is what they called the large open area in front of the tavern and the recruits quarters of the Outpost. Quite a few folk milled about. Folks had started showing up a few weeks past...too many, fleeing either the Ashen Lady's men, bandits, rampaging orcs or whatever bogey the common folk feared. The Rangers of the Horn were made of sterner stuff. They didn't flee dangers, they ran towards them. He passed a young family in threadbare clothes and heard a little girl ask her mother if they were safe here from the Tattered Man. Must be a new bandit lord he thought as walked towards Tarlus Dine's office.

Dine was a good man in Torvik's view. Good in a fight and good in command, worthy of respect, unlike some here. He knocked on the door to the commander's office and was greeted by Dine's assistant, the scribe Lindall. "Ah good, he is expecting you!," Lindall said as he went to Dine's door and softly rapped calling, "He's here sir." "Send him in," was the reply from behind the door.

Lindall pushed the door open and he could see Dine sitting behind his desk. Sitting in front of the desk was a dark haired woman dressed in equally dark armor. She turned to look at Torvik. She was quite a good looking woman but the look she gave him held anything but warmth. Dine said, "Come inside Torvik and shut the door." As he entered his nose was filled with the sweet smell of her flowery perfume, but that nose also smelled trouble.
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#2 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik enters and shuts the door and sits before Dine's desk and looks at the woman then back to Dine not saying a word but fairly certain that his look says everything that look of ok who is this and what trouble is afoot? "Sorry fer bein so late Dine. Hope you and your visitor didn't wait on me long." he says being as formal as he can. Then his thoughts wirl back to the statement from the child to their mother on his way in 'Tattered Man' and he wonders if this has something to do with that.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#3 Post by Revenant »

Dine gives Torvik a ready smile, "No not at all Torvik. You're on time as requested." He clears his throat and looks to the woman in the other chair, "Torvik, this is Lady Morwen Lamonte of the Knights of Eternal Order." She manages a slight smile as she is introduced and Dine looks to her saying, "This is the man I spoke to you about."

"Torvik," Dine now looks in your direction, "I need you to go on a very special mission for the Outpost. You have every right to refuse, as this is not an is merely a request of someone I know I can trust and who has the knowhow to get it done" He pauses a moment before continuing, "Lady Morwen is escorting the body of her mentor, Sir Linus Ambergyle, a high-ranking member of her knighthood, back to his hometown of Lupre for burial. Right now we have few rangers to spare for such a task," he looks down a moment, "And there is another matter. The Captain of the Guard in Lupre has asked for our assistance. After you escort Lady Morwen to town, I need you to contact Captain Leiber and offer to help in any matters as needed. Oh and that bard Mallorean DeChastomere has requested to accompany you as he has business in Lupre. I'm afraid I can't spare any of our veterans but there are a few new recruits that can accompany you, if you so desire, as I know this is not a trip without some modicum of danger. Just let me know how many you need and I'll see what I can do."

He clears his throat once more, "So Torvik, can we count on you?"
Last edited by Revenant on Tue Sep 13, 2022 8:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#4 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik looks at Dine and rubs his thumb on his fingers, signing for pay. "How much danger can escortin' knights really be eh? This favor this be favor for favor er it The paying type?" the dwarf asks Dine.

"What kinda help does captain Leiber need? An the bard best not be tellin them jokes along the journey neither. Least not while we'rein the company of knights." he half jokes.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#5 Post by Revenant »

Before Dine can reply to Torvik, the lady speaks for the first time in their meeting, "Sir, I feel Commander Dine might have overstated my abilities. While I am a knight, I have only recently taken my vows as a paladin of Kelemvor. I...I have never seen battle save for my training exercises as squire to Sir Linus. I am also a daughter of the Vale, and have no knowledge of these lands or its traditions. Therefore, I'm afraid you might find me more of burden than it would first appear." She looks down as she broaches the next subject, "I can offer you pay for your journey. Sir Linus had no children of his own, and thought somewhat of me as his adopted daughter, so he left me a small inheritance when he passed. I have taken 200 gold from that inheritance for our journey to his final rest. I am willing to pay you 50 gold now and another 100 when we reach our destination. Would that be sufficient sir?"

Dine pauses while Torvik and the knight discuss terms and when they are finished, he comments, "As to the bard, I'm just happy to see him go. He's gambled with half the men here and taken a good portion of their pay in cards. I think for his own safety it is best he move on and a word of caution don't either of you play cards with the rogue. Now Leiber mentioned in his note that there had been murders of some magical students near the town and with the Ashen Lady's raiders harassing the area, he didn't have the men to spare to find the culprits after they disappeared into the Hartshorn." He shakes his head, "I know we can't really spare the men either but since the crime took place out of town, it technically falls under our jurisdiction. I don't know if we can help him, but our people probably know the forest better than the townsguard. And once you reach the town I want you to reopen the ranger's guildhouse in Lupre. It's stood empty for nearly 2 years now and with the raids, its best we start manning it again. I'll give you however many of the green recruits you think you'll need for the task. I can also provide a mule and wagon for the Sir Linus. Sorry but I can't spare any mounts at this point."

"Oh and there is one other thing," Dine continues, "there's been some talk amongst the forest folk about someone they are calling the Tattered Man. We've been unable to get any solid information on who or what he is but some of the folk who sought shelter here, say he was responsible for some of the forest folk going missing. Probably just superstitious fools, but if you come across anything send word back to me. Now is there anything else you two need from me?"
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#6 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik "Keep yer inheritance I'll take the 50 gold as fair payment no need ta offer me three fourths of your coin. Mayhaps this journey will be a learnin experience for us all." to Dine "Green recrutis eh? I s'pose it'd make sense ta send along four er five but seein as we be needin the men here an elsewhere maybe three'll do sir." to the lady knight "Don't be playin cards with that there bard an best keep yer distance too he can get a bit handsy if yah get my meanin." to both "I think that be all the buisness we need ta discuss unless there is something else either of you need to disclose fer details. Otherwise I think we have an accord."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#7 Post by Revenant »

The knight says, "50 gold is very fair. Thank you so much sir! I promise you though I am as yet untested, you will not mine me a total novice to what we must face."

Dine add, "Feel free to request supplies for your journey from Quartermaster Veill. The stocks aren't too low yet, but if we keep getting folk showing up...well...just be conservative in what you take. I'll have the mule and wagon and any supplies you might need loaded in the morning. And I will notify the recruits that will be accompanying you. Torvik feel free to take the rest of the day and rest." Dine rises and shows them both to the door.

The next morning when Torvik rises and walks out into the open area of the garrison, he will find the knight along with the mule and wagon (fully loaded with the remains of Sir Linus and any supplies you requested) as well as the three young recruits that will be under his command. One a tall well-armored young man that introduces himself as Kade, another slightly shorter young man with a couple of braids in his longish lank hair and is called Ruskin. He is lean and dressed in leathers, and beside him stands a slight lass, with a longbow strapped across her back, who says she is named Vari. (See pics in Rogue's Gallery.)

As you are about to set out, the skinny bard saunters out and without a word climbs up into the wagon.
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#8 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik checks over the supplies making sure there are enough tents and rope along with cookware and other basics. Eyeing the bard he chuckles "Sure just make yerself at home Mallorean." looking over the recruits he is happy to see at least one of them has a weapon. "How good a shot are ya with that Vari?" he asks trying to get a gauge of her confidence vs skill level. "Hope the rest of yah have something to fend off foes with. Aside from card playing and singing." he jokes looking the bards direction. "All right lets get everything we're not carrying in the wagon and get headed."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#9 Post by Revenant »

Mallorean gives a slight salute and says, "I will do just that", as he reaches back into the wagon and snatches an apple from the supplies, munching it hungrily while he eyes the others before speaking to Morwen, "My lady, I am Mallorean DeChastomere of Emereal and I hope our journey will be an enjoyable one." Morwen merely looks away, "Sir, I am taking the remains of the only father I ever knew back home for internment. There is nothing enjoyable about this journey for me." Mallorean grimaces but says nothing further, though he continues to chomp on his apple.

Ruskin climbs up in the wagon beside Morwen and the bard, "Commander Torvik, I've been assigned to drive the mule, if it pleases you sir. I find small blades to be of the most use and I also don't like to display my children unless they've work to do." Kade steps from behind the wagon and you can see a long and short sword sheathed on either side of his hips, "I'll walk along as guard, if you agree sir." Vari grins at Torvik question, "Well if I was of a mind ta, I could probably trim those whiskers of yours from 40 paces. I'm decent with a blade too, and I can track some. Don't know nuthin' about playin' cards though. Didn't realize it was a required skill" She and Kade move to open the gates and wave the wagon through.

Mallorean swallows some of his apple, "Did someone mention cards? Might help to pass the time." The knight rolls her eyes and then focuses on the road.

The small group makes their way down the only true road from the Outpost to Lupre, if a road it could be called. All dirt and many parts overgrown with weeds and part of it swallowed by the forest growth before it opens up again, it's clear traffic on this road is mostly by foot. Your sight of the Outpost soon disappears and it was almost as if it was never there, the sounds of its people replaced by birdsong and the occasional animal cries. Vari scouts a bit ahead of the wagon and after about 2 hours traveling time, you see her returning with company. A small bedraggled group of men, women and mostly children. Vari is talking to them as they reach the wagon, "This be the commander," she says, "Tell him what you told me."

The eldest man in the group speaks up, "Bandits ahead, they control the bridge and charge any who pass. They took what little coin we had and sent us on our way. Say they are workin' for the Ashen Lady and that the bridge now belongs ta her."
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#10 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik groans a bit "Yup, figures easy job turns ta what the mule leaves behind in the road." trying to remain civil in the company of a newly appointed knight. Turning to the bard he wonders if it is worth asking "What kinda skills you go when yer not enjoyin life eh?" hoping the bard has other more useful skills that might play into this situation he turns to his recruits "Alrigh, We best find a spot and hold up a bit so some o' us stealthier folk can scout ahead an see if we can do somethin' ta take these bandits down. If any of yah have a fleet o foot skillset I s'pose you should scout with me."

Prior to starting the journey the dwarf agrees to the positions and statements from his recruits "Aye, yer positions an skills are fine by me. Glad ta hear yer skill with that bow. And no we ain't playin cards this is a serious job an promise of greater work after this in Lupre."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#11 Post by Revenant »

Kade takes the mule and leads him and the wagon a bit off the road into a nearby clearing with heavy brush on either side. It won't offer much protection from prying eyes but any coming down the road won't see them until they are nearly upon them. Kade remains with the wagon guarding the supplies. The knight takes a position near him.

Mallorean responds to the question, "Sir I am a veritable cornucopia of useful skills. I can sing, dance reasonably well, am a master of card tricks and even do a bit of juggling. And not to brag but I can certainly turn on the charm with the ladies. Sneaking about, not so much, I'm a rather flamboyant lad."

Vari remarks, "So we leave fancy boy here? I'll go with ya. I'm good at not being seen. And Ruskin here knows his way around the shadows."

If you agree to have the two accompany you, they follow you allowing Torvik to take the lead or will stay and guard the others. In any case you silently move along the roadside until you are in a position to view the bridge.
Bridge.jpg (157.96 KiB) Viewed 778 times
From your hiding spot you can see two guards on your side of the bridge. One is an older fat man dressed in worn leathers. He holds a loaded crossbow and hanging from his belt you note a sheathed short sword and dagger. His companion is young and looks a bit like a scarecrow in his threadbare clothing. He is unarmored and holds a hand axe, standing beside the fat man watching the road with a bored look on his face.

Watching the far side of the bridge you count three others. You can't get a good look at any but the one closest to stream. He has a rough look about him and is dressed in chainmail. A double-bladed axe is strapped to his back and he scowls as he turns and watches the road, his back to where you hide. You do not see the Ashen Lady's banner but you do note there are two tents off to the side and a small fire burns near them.
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#12 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik takes in what they can see from this vantage point and finally comes up with some options and says them in a low whisper like tone. "Alright, I'm thinkin a couple things now. One we can try an hit them two from here usin our ranged weapons. Two, we go back and send fancy boy up ta pour on tha charm an see if he can gather any intel while we sneak back here an watch. If trouble comes at him we take em out. Thoughts?" he asks knowing a good leader is good at also knowing when to listen to those around him.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#13 Post by Revenant »

Ruskin frowns, "Not sure I can hit them from here, but I'll give it a go commander." He pulls several throwing daggers from beneath his cloak.

Vari says, "I don't doubt I can hit them, that fat one is certainly a big enough target, and with the bow, he'd be my first choice to put down. I don't trust fancy boy to do much of anything, cept eat and play cards. And we don't know if there is more of them in them tents."

Ruskin adds, "It don't sit right with me leaving these brigands here, but we could always sneak downstream and try to cross there. Course we'd lose time."

Vari: "Rangers of the Horn don't turn their back on trouble. And these thieves' are stealing from any who pass this way. It's the King's bridge not the Ashen Lady's and I say we take back our bridge, but the commander is in charge not me."

Both of the young recruits look to Torvik awaiting his decision.
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#14 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik holds his hands up "Now wait a durned minute. One don't try throwin daggers at this range ya knob." he says a bit playfully "I ain't meanin ta leave them behind and alive. I'm thinkin something here don't quite feel right. What if we kill them and find out they aren't the brigands? Catch my meanin now? I'm thinkin we need a charismatic bard ta try an get information outta them so we know if we're actually killin bad folk or if we're wrongfully attacking innocents."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#15 Post by Revenant »

"Good thinkin'," Ruskin says while putting his throwing knives away again, "I guess that's why you're the commander and we aren't."

The three of you then make your way back to the wagon and explain the situation to the others. Mallorean remarks, "Talking to folk and finding out their weaknesses is a strong suit of mine. I'd be happy to try." Kade says, "We out numbered them. We could surprise and overwhelm them before they can act." Morwen states as she clasps a medallion that hangs from her neck, "I have the ability to know if men bear evil intent in their hearts. If I can get close enough my father will grant me this knowledge." Vari looks doubtful at that, but looks to Torvik for his decision.
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#16 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik heaves a sigh and says "I guess it'd be worth a try. But lets get good ol' charismatic bard ere in there with ya while tha rest of us cover yah all." though thinking about the wagon/cart and mule the dwarf wonders "But maybe we just leave the mule an all that back here under cover. What yah all think?"
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#17 Post by Revenant »

Morwen nods, "Yes, we should leave the mule and Sir Linus here, until as they say, we know the lay of the land." Mallorean looks toward the wagon and says, "Sir Linus you guard things here and we'll be back shortly." Morwen frowns at Mallorean, but says nothing as you start your walk back to where you hid previously. This time Kade accompanies the trio that were there earlier, attempting to hide reasonably well for a armor-clad warrior.

Mallorean and Morwen start walking towards the bridge, and as they walk, Mallorean starts to sing as if he had not a care in the world....
"If you're traveling to the north country fair,
where the winds hit heavy on the borderline,
remember me to one who lives there,
for she once was a true love of mine.
See for me that her hair's hanging down.
It curls and falls all down her breast.
See for me that her hair's hanging down.
That's the way I remember her best.
If you go when the snowflakes fall,
when the rivers freeze and summer ends,
please see for me if she's wearing a coat so warm,
to keep her from the howling winds."

As they reach the bridge the older guard raises a hand for them stop, "Right pretty voice ya got there son. And right pretty lass there by your side." The scarecrow looking young by his side looks at Morwen and licks his lips but says nothing. Mallorean stops his song and smiles, "Thank you good sir. We were making our way to Lupre for the funeral of my friend's teacher. Might you know how long that journey will take us?" The fat man sighs, "Do I look like a signpost to ya? This bridge is under the control the Ashen Lady. There is a toll of 5 gold pieces to use this here bridge. That's for each of ya? Now you got 10 gold boy?"

Its then that you see movement from the other side of the bridge, as two men walk to the side Mallorean and Morwen stand on. One is big, nearly standing at least six and half feet tall and wearing chain and an ash colored helm as well as a tabard that has a symbol of a pale hand holding a sword surrounded by ashes. Beside him is another man though much smaller and wearing dark robes with the same symbol, holding a barbed flail in his hands. Morwen clutches the symbol that hangs from her neck and looks at Mallorean or rather beyond Mallorean in your direction, her eyes wide as she shakes her head yes.

As you see this, Vari taps Torvik on the shoulder and points to the two tents across the bridge and you see two more figures emerge from the tent where the remaining guard stands. The brush obscures your view so you don't get a good look at those two.

But even from where you crouch, you can hear the tall man begin to speak in a deep voice, "How touching, traveling to bury your teacher. Drop any arms you have NOW, and if they even hesitate for a second Valken," looking at the fat crossbowman, "Kill that woman."
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik mumbles a curse "Alright those of us with good range find a position and em down. Anyone with shorter range we need ta sneak on up an drop who we can. I think that robed one be the bigger target, I got a bad feelin' about him. I was hopin good ol' bard boy there woulda had a bit more charisma."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#19 Post by Revenant »

Vari nods and takes aim at the black robed man, as Kade and Ruskin start to move closer. "Here's a kiss from Vari, Mr. Black Robe," she says with a grin as she lets an arrow fly.
Vari's bowshot:[1d20]=19
Vari's damage:[1d8]=7

Her arrow flies true and slams into the robed man's throat. He looks like he's trying to say something but nothing comes out save a spurt of blood as he clutches his throat and the barbed flail falls to the ground. Vari's eyes go wide as she realizes she actually hit him.

Ruskin reaches a position closer to them and flings one of his throwing knives which strikes the stone side of the bridge missing his target.
Ruskin's knife throw: [1d20]=5

Kade with a scream rushes forward sword in hand but his feet become entangled in the brush sending him face forward in the dirt his sword flying from hand.
Kade's attack: [1d20]=1

Torvik you have a suprise attack. After that please list your next action and roll for initiative.
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Re: Natural Born Trouble

#20 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Torvik aims for the man next to the robed man and fires his crossbow. Then curses his aim. "Great shot Vari. Wish I coulda matched yah." he says slightly jovially.

Light Crossbow [1d20+1]=9+1=10 [1d4]=3 dmg

Initiative [1d10]=2
He aims and takes another shot for the bandit leader if able to otherwise he changes targets to the heavy set fellow further back.
Light Crossbow [1d20+1]=12+1=13 [1d4]=3 dmg
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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