STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#161 Post by Starbeard »

Vale focuses on using the Force to clear his mind. He nods at the suggestion to hole up for a bit in the "safe cave," at least until they all have a better idea of what to do.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#162 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Thinking that anything here is not on his side, it goes to reason that less is better. So he adjusts the system to lower output.

Picking up the tools, he debates for a moment and then pockets them. Hoping for more information in order to better understand the helmets before he tries to remove them.

Zuul exits and marks the location to return to if needed.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#163 Post by max_vale »

The Game Chambers underneath Moff Bandor's Palace

-Everyone except Zuul

The rag-tag party of 'prey' followed their new-found 'friend' Tympanic into the cavern, which was large and filled with strange rock formations and several other tunnel entrances into/out of the area, but no obvious signs of danger, like she said. As they all found a place to sit down for a moment, suddenly the 'waves' assaulting those without helmets lessened considerably. It was as if a raging storm suddenly became a light sprinkling shower....still annoying, but no where near as bad as it had been mere moments before. Everyone sat down for a moment, taking deep breaths and calming down somewhat....

Tympanic answered Clark's question about the helmet bomb with a dismissive; "Oh, it's not active...." and told him about how she found the helmet on a dead hunter, but the shrewd Professor noted that her eyes continued to scan and watch the group as a whole and the cavern as a whole and her hand never strayed far from the handle of her Blaster....

As Clark was about to say something, suddenly Vale and Kit felt a strange tremor in the Force for a split second, then it faded; but a shout came from one of the numerous tunnel entrances and everyone turned to see a young, average height and build human male racing into the room with a wild look in his eyes and a shout on his lips. "LOOK OUT! DON'T TRUST HER, SHE'LL TRY TO DESTROY YOU ALL! I KNOW IT BECAUSE THE FORCE TOLD ME!", he bellowed as he rushed right for the Wroonian woman who had drawn her Heavy Blaster Pistol and was pointing it his way....

As everyone shot to their feet, Kit felt something rubbery and heavy engulf her from behind and a strange massive 'limb' suddenly wound it's way around her mouth, cutting off her roar and it pulled her back and down, incredibly strong......worse, she realized, nobody else seemed to see it, save for Clark.....

Clark, who had never trusted Tympanic fully, was ready for her to do something, but out of the corner of his eye he was NOT prepared to take in the sight of the 'rock formation' that Kit had been leaning against to suddenly 'come alive' and wrap itself all around her. One part of his Academic brain told him; 'That MUST be one of those Protrean Colony Life forms from Pellan 7 I've read about....they devour beings and add their matter to their own', while mostly he was wondering 'WTF do I do now?'......

Vale shot to his feet, giving the young man who rushed in a long look as he felt SURE for a brief moment that he was Force Sensitive, but then the feeling fled and the young Jedi realized Tympanic was taking aim at him and the whole situation seemed CERTAIN to degenerate into violence....

Kael had JUST gotten comfortable when the young man rushed in, bellowing about Tympanic being out to kill them all, but the crazy look in his eyes made him wonder if this wasn't just another poor soul who had gone mad from the 'insanity waves' being broadcast here. He wasn't quite sure WHO to trust or what to do, but as he got to his feet, he figured he better do it quick....

Jackson Crodowski continued to sit on the ground, clutching his head and his aching wounds and just bellowed out; "CAN'T YOU ALL JUST KNOCK IT OFF FOR A FEW MINUTES, MY HEAD FEELS LIKE A BANTHA IS LAYING ON IT!"

Kato had FELT the Force flow through him and his hearing caught the unmistakable voice of Tympanic....the lying Hunter who had nearly killed him not so long ago....and she was talking sweetly to some other poor victims of the Moff. THIS time, the young man felt he was going to answer the call of Destiny and Embrace his calling as a he rushed into the room and warned them with a yell. Then he saw the cold eyes of Tympanic glare at him as she raised her Heavy Blaster Pistol his way and he began to wonder about the wisdom of following his destiny*......


Zuul pocketed the tools, turned the dial on the machine down and left that room, marking the way into it with his claws. That done, he picked a nearby tunnel and began to walk down it when something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He turned, weapon in hand, but just saw the side of the wall and for a long moment he just looked VERY closely at it......

Finally, he was able to see what caught his was a VERY faint set of lines that outlined a VERY well hidden door in the wall.....

*Kato is about 10 meters from Tympanic.....if. he continues rushing at full speed he can reach her....but can he do it before she gets a shot off....only the FORCE knows for sure......i.e. do you want to Dodge, continue the Charge, something else, etc., etc.

Kit is Grabbed and can't speak at the moment, but she can certainly try to do other things.....only Clark realizes Kit has been grabbed by something that looks like this:
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#164 Post by kipper »

Clark's attention is divided between Tympanic and the Protrean Colony Life Form. He makes the snap decision that Kit is in need of immediate assistance and fires his blaster at the PCLF (using a Force Point). His intention is to not hit Kit, hoping the blaster fire will make it release her or at least slacken its grip to give her a chance to escape.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#165 Post by Rex »


Kit tries to wrestle her way free, if at any point she can roar she will.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#166 Post by ateno »

Vale has no idea what's going on. He picks up his stick and knife and starts (in a low Volume) singing a old love song that was his wedding theme.

He is hoping strong happy emotions in the fore part of his brain will get through the static and allow him to see.

He pans the area. Concentrating on sight and singing.

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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#167 Post by Zhym »

Kato rushes toward the deceiving Wroonian before she can hurt someone. The madness from this place tells him he should be angry, that he should strike out with the full power of the Force. But his Jedi training—well, not "training" so much as "something he heard from someone who heard it absolutely first hand from someone who knew someone who was there"—tells him that using the force in anger is Bad. So he tries to draw on inner peace and calm, even with the pain and voices trying to outshout each other in his head, as he rushes to distract and disarm the danger.

But, y'know, with serenity.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#168 Post by Starbeard »

Vale Starcloud sees Tympanic pointing her blaster directly at him and reacts immediately. He flings himself out of the way, hoping her focus on him will allow the others to take her out. "Go ahead and try, hunter! You can't win, we have the advantage of numbers!"

OOC: just a dodge as a single action, I don't want to reduce my dodge dice too much in case she's a really good shot.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#169 Post by max_vale »

The Game Chambers underneath Moff Bandor's Palace

-Everyone except Zuul

As the Hunter Tympanic attempted to take advantage of the attack of the Protrean Colony Life Form on Kit'katarra; she was herself surprised by the rush of one Kato Ban-Goru and a confused battle quickly broke out....

Kit would've roared in pain and anger if the rubbery 'limb' of the amorphous life-form that had 'grabbed' her hadn't prevented it. Some kind of acid began to burn all over her hairy body as she gathered her strength to attempt to tear free from it*....

Professor Clark saw his friend being engulfed by the Colony Life Form and he shifted the Carbine over, took a deep breath, let it go and for a brief moment he felt himself connected to something as big as the Galaxy itself and he fired a PERFECT shot that slammed into the Protrean and completely missed the Wookie and parts of the life form were smashed off of his friend near her shoulder.....

A moment later she tore free and let loose a bellowing roar of anger and pain and triumph at getting free. The Colony Life form was still 'alive' on the ground.....coalescing like a puddle pooling itself together.....

Vale attempted to distract Tympanic with his words as he dove and rolled over towards what were HOPEFULLY just some rocks....but to his dismay, the young Jedi realized she never even looked his way.....

Kael shocked EVERYONE by suddenly belting out a song.....Jackson took the moment to blink, look over at his new companion and he shook his head clear for a moment and said; "Nice voice......say.....I got an idea!....." and then found a rock and starting doing some 'writing' in the dirt of the cavern floor.....

Kato Ban-Goru rushed, as serenely as possible, right towards the lying, scheming Tympanic and she wheeled and pointed her weapon right at him. Right before he would've smashed into her, a couple of things happened at the same time. First, he felt someone connecting to the Force nearby and he jerked up a bit and twisted to look at Professor Clark and at just about the same moment the Hunter fired her Heavy Blaster Pistol. The bolt that WOULD'VE slammed into the center of his chest, instead burned the side of his ribs and he let out a yelp of pain and surprise even as he barreled right into the Wroonian woman and both went down in a clatter. She quickly rolled to her feet and started to look all around her as he clutched his side and hissed in pain**.....

*Kit is wounded, she's at -1D to all actions until treated; Kato is wounded, he is at -1D to all actions until treated.

OOC: The PCLF is still active, but 'hurt'....Tympanic is getting to her feet and still has the Heavy Blaster Pistol in hand but will be at a penalty to her actions this round as she's getting up.


Zuul marked the outlines of the well hidden door in the tunnel and then his hearing picked up the faint sound of a Blaster, two...being fired from down a nearby tunnel. Moving carefully in that direction, he followed the winding path and eventually he saw an opening to a cavern in which he could see his friends, engaged in a battle against Tympanic the Hunter and what looked like some kind of pool of rubber or something.....
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#170 Post by kipper »

Clark fires another shot into the PCLF with his carbine.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#171 Post by Zhym »

Kato staggers to his feet. Getting shot in the side has done nothing to calm his mania. "THE FORCE IS WITH ME!" he shouts while dancing—or is it staggering?—from foot to foot. He holds a hand out, palm forward, as if he can stop blaster bolts or something.

Narrator: He cannot stop blaster bolts.

Kato is dodging this round. He's also trying to keep Tympanic's attention on himself, to the extent he can do that without another action. He is not using his Force point.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#172 Post by Rex »


Kit turns and fires her blaster into the PCLF.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#173 Post by ateno »

Kael will look over at the writing and if it looks singable, he will otherwise he will continue with his song while arming with his Gaffi stick.

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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#174 Post by Starbeard »

Vale looks up from his position behind a bit of rock, realizing that through a trick of angles, light and shadow, what he thought was Tympanic pointing her blaster at him was actually just her pointing it past him to somebody else. "So much for that point of view." The young Jedi grips his gaffi stick and leaps forward to smack Tympanic upside the head.

OOC: declaring a dodge reaction as normal of he is attacked.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#175 Post by Monsieur Rose »


The Barabel rubs his eyes, thinking that they are playing tricks on him. This newcomer who seems intent on grappling with the hunter throws him off just as much as the singing.

He walks to the cavern and positions himself behind some cover in order to observe a bit more. Can it really be them?
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#176 Post by max_vale »

The Game Chambers underneath Moff Bandor's Palace

Zuul the Barabel enters the cavern, but is brought up short by the sights AND sounds that assault his senses and he rubs his eyes as he wonders for a moment if he's going insane......No, it really IS his friends and some newcomers in a battle with the Wroonian female Hunter he briefly met, Tympannic and one of the strangers was SINGING for some reason.....

Professor Clark aimed his Blaster Carbine and Kit'katarra the Wookie did the same with her Hunting Blaster Rifle and both put bolts right into the amorphous blob that was a Protrean Colony Life Form and the entire blob changed color to a burnt blackish-orange and stopped moving all together. Kit let out a roar, half of victory and half of frustration as the small 'tingle' in the handle of her blaster could be felt, which meant the powerpack was fully drained of charge....

Kael ignored the Heavy Blaster Pistol at his side as he changed the grip on his Gaffi Stick, watching Tympannic battle his friends, but he never stopped singing and a brief glance at Jackson's 'dirt drawings' showed some kind of equation the Diplomat couldn't follow....

Jackson, his mind briefly cleared thanks to Kato's loud, but quite NICE singing, hurriedly scratched some figures in the dirt of the cavern while talking to himself, 'Yeah, yeah.....I can do it! I just need to overload a powerpack and get some tools.....yeah, it'll work".....

Kato hissed in pain, but ignored it as he imagined a serene Jedi would; and he awkwardly Dodged/Deflected any blaster bolts the servant of evil might hurl his way, but she ignored him as the young Blond-haired man came rushing at her and swinging a Gaffi Stick....

Vale rushed in, his Gaffi Stick raised and doing his best to NOT be distracted by the newcomer shouting out, "THE FORCE IS WITH ME!"; though Vale felt no tremors in the Force at the moment. He swung his weapon at Tympannic and while he DID manage to lightly hit her 'upside the head'; unfortunately, it was only a graze on the silver helmet. It DID succeed in getting her attention and she turned towards him and with a contemptuous look in her eyes she said; "Where does Bandor FIND you clowns?", she fired and hit him in the chest with her Heavy Blaster Pistol*....

Vale fell to the ground, strangely not feeling any pain at the moment, but also noting that the roof of the cavern seemed to be slowly moving in a spiral and also, he couldn't seem to move.....

*Vale in Incapacitated.....i.e. on the ground, can't do much beyond a few words and some VERY minor movement....-2D to any action he IS able to attempt (check with me).....seriously injured

OOC: Okay, the PCLF is finished.....Tympannic is at Short Range for everyone......note, Kael has a Heavy Blaster Pistol, Clark has a Carbine, Zuul has a Blaster Pistol AND his Slugthrower; Kit's Hunting Blaster just ran out of ammo; Kato has his.......Moxie......(and maybe the Force....sometimes.....:) )
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#177 Post by Rex »


Kit rushes towards Vale, swinging her blaster carbine like a club at Tympannic and roaring to try and distract her.

She is going to spend her Force Point.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#178 Post by Zhym »

Kato, armed only with THE FORCE, continues dodging/staggering while trying to get Tympannic's attention back on himself.
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#179 Post by kipper »

Clark notes that Tympanic is being swarmed by his allies, and instead turns his attention to Vale. (I don't think he has a med pack, but he will do what he can!).
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Re: STARBOX Episode Two: Game Chambers of Questal

#180 Post by ateno »

Kael will assist with the medical care.
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