Knave Encounter Anthology (Scenario Simulator)

I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
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Rider of Rohan
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Knave Encounter Anthology (Scenario Simulator)

#1 Post by Pulpatoon »

Bold knaves thrive without one grain of sense, while good men starve for want of impudence!
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Call for Players!

I will be running a series of short encounters using Knave.

Knave is a brilliant, rules-light (but very solid) game by Ben Milton that is compatible with old school gaming materials. Characters are classless, and tend to be grubby, scurvy-riddled, and desperate. You can find resources and a fuller introduction here.

The encounters will focus on specific aspects of the rpg experience. For instance:
  • A stand-off with the notorious highwayman, Jack-in-Hassock!
  • Pleading for your life in the court of the Medusa Queen!
  • Sneaking through a caravanserai to steal that shiny thing you really, really want!
  • Defending the students of the wizard's academy from the depredations of the God Lobster!
All these... or none of these... and more!

Each encounter will be short (a matter of weeks) and self-contained. Participating in one does not commit you to play in any of the others. On the other hand, you're welcome to bring the same character back to multiple encounters and stitch together a vague sense of continuity. I will look for 4-6 players per encounter, but I can run lots of encounters, so as many players as want to join the pool are welcome.

This is part of the Great Scenario Simulator, in which we are running short encounters, or mini-scenarios, using a grand buffet of rulesets. We are doing this to:
  • Draw meaningful comparisons between various rulesets;
  • Provide opportunities to experience different games that one might be curious about;
  • Aw, just for the heck of it!
The first two games out of the gate are Harn and Knave, with plenty more hot on our heels!

To sign up for any and all of the games in the Scenario Simulator, including Knave, follow the instructions, here.

Then hop over to the Knave character generation thread, and roll up a knave. Or two or three, why not?

Come ye Knaves, ye Ne'er-do-wells, Rapscallions, Jackanapes, Vulgarians, and Raggabrashes! Would you waste away for lack of impudence? Or would you seek your fortune?
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