WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#21 Post by max_vale »

(Short response, just to add one little thing)

Upon hearing Dutch tell the men to 'disable that Kraut truck for good', LT Ellison speaks up. "Now hold on there a second Marine....that truck looks to be in good working condition and with 14 of us; I'm not sure we're all gonna be able to squeeze in that Brit truck there", he says while nodding to the Chevy Truck of the LRDG. Ellison looks over at Acme; "It's your call, but I think that truck would do wonders for getting us back 150 miles or so to Gafsa when the raid's done."

OOC: Originally there was going to be the jeep and the Chevy truck to take you all back; but now the jeep is toast. While everyone CAN fit on the Chevy; it'd be pretty heavy and weighted down and not particularly comfortable....on the other hand there IS a German airbase with other vehicles nearby....:)
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#22 Post by Urson »

I'm sorry, LT. That's a good point. Forget it, guys- just scavenge anything we can, and we'll use 'em both.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#23 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Let's get both up and running. Always nice to have a spare." Marvin helps the process along while chatting with Mac. "Sorry about your squad. Damn thing those mines. I like explosions more than maybe anyone, and even I despise them."

"I can take out the planes, explosions are my thing, you know. But never mind that, what can you tell us about the situation?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#24 Post by Zhym »

Not seeing much else in the way to make himself useful, 'Mediocre' Fred checks under the hoods of both trucks to see if everything looks like it's in working order. If so, he finishes the spare tire replacement before settling into the shade with the others.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#25 Post by max_vale »

December 2, 1942; Tunisian Desert near German Airbase outside of Sfax, North Africa

MacCrae thanks Doc for healing him and everyone else for helping him bury his teammates, where he says some almost incomprehensible kind words and shows a few tears before quickly getting himself together and helping with putting the spare tire on the truck while Roker and Acme take a look under the hoods and do a bit of tuning up on the engines of the British and German trucks....

Mac utilizes the extra fuel cans he's brought in the truck and/or salvaged from the remnants of the jeep and makes sure the Opel Blitz and Chevy are as 'topped up' as they can be. That done, he directs everyone to cram under the canvas of the Opel Blitz truck if possible, or even crawl under the Chevy or German truck themselves to get out of the murderous sun...which isn't insanely hot this time of year, but is STILL extremely bright and energy sapping....

As the long day winds along, many of the troops and some of SST 4 fall asleep here and there, Mac regales the others with tales of his former team's exploits over the past couple of years. If he's to be believed, many of their adventures rival those of SST 4's missions! While Mac certainly comes across as quite likable and has the air of an experienced soldier who's done his part and THEN SOME for King and Country; Acme is also a bit concerned as he seems to have that 'enact vengeance at ALL COSTS for his fallen teammates' vibe to him....

Soon enough, it's late afternoon, and everyone stirs and gets ready for the night's raid. Mac takes them to a tall sand due and crawls to the top, with Acme and Ellison to either side of him. "Right....there's the hangars with the bloody jet-things-"; he points to the far right edge of the base, "-and there's the main entrance", he points to a spot to the diagonal left away from the hangars. "We can use the dunes to get the trucks to maybe 300 yards from both and not be noticed when the bombs are falling....then when it's dark, the diversion attack starts and we slip into the back end of the runway to blow up the planes, right." The edge of the fence by the end of the runway and where the hangars housing the Shrikes are is protected by a watchtower with a couple of German troops and a tripod mounted MG. There's also a few guards patrolling here and there and a metal vehicle, a bit too far to make out what kind, can be seen near the hangar as well. Of more concern is the pair of Half-Tracks and a Panzer IV tank which can be seen near the main entrance where Ellison's squad is going to launch the diversionary attack....

Everyone slides back down and the whole group comes together. Mac produces a pair of wire-cutters for snipping a way through the fence while Ellison looks over at Acme and says, "Okay then.....my thoughts are we move the trucks to behind some dunes within a couple hundred yards from the base while the bombers are dropping their eggs and I'll split my squad into 3 groups. Me and the 'stovepipe' boys-", he nods to the mortar team, "-set up in one spot and I'll use ol' Rita here-", he nods to his scoped Rifle; "-to start trimming down the population while also lobbing some mortar rounds into the base to get their attention. When they come boiling out, we'll move and have a Bazooka team and an MG team in an ambush site to give 'em what for." He nods to the other members of SST 4 and Mac, "Meanwhile, you and the Super G.I.s and the Mad Mick here-" "I'm a bloody Scotsman!" MacCrae interrupts; "-get as close as you can to the runway end with the Shrike Hangars, then clip thru the gate while eliminating the Tower Guards and then go blow up the planes. We'll try and keep the Kraut's attention as long as we can, but when we bug out, we'll launch a flare out of the mortar and then hightail it towards Gafsa in the Opel Blitz. Sound about right?"

As Acme is about to answer, the sky is getting dimmer and dimmer and the droning of heavy Bomber engines can be heard. Alarms start sounding on the base and no doubt, personnel are scrambling to get to the AA guns as the bombing raid is about to commence.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#26 Post by Rex »


Gurung does one last check of his gear and rifle. Then gets set to roll out.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#27 Post by ateno »

Tucker will check his scope and that he is loaded and follow to the fence.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#28 Post by Urson »

Let's get busy, boys. Dutch hops into one of the trucks, moves it into position, and hustles back to rejoin the team. He doesn't activate his Talent yet, but settles his mind into the state where he can, quickly.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#29 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Sounds messy and promises to be fun. Let's do it!" Marvin rallies the troops and prepares to get situated in the Blitz, ready to roll out.

Before they get moving, he takes Dutch aside. "Help me keep an eye on Mac. I'm getting a bit of a thousand-yard stare vibe from him. I'm not entirely sure he plans on coming back alive."

He turns back to the mission. "Hopefully we can get close enough to disable the tower, but if not, then our sharpshooters and going to be busy. Keep an eye out for any vehicle we could make use of in case...what am I saying...when things go sideways."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#30 Post by Rex »


Gurung gives Acme a thumbs up.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#31 Post by Urson »


*To Acme* Wilco. That kind of ting is always bad- dey usually manage to take someone else with them.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#32 Post by max_vale »

Dusk; December 2, 1942; Tunisian Desert near German Airbase outside of Sfax, North Africa

LT Ellison was about to say something to Dutch when he rushed to the Opel Blitz, about how he'd thought SST 4 would want the Lewis-gun equipped Chevy truck, but he just closed his mouth and instead gave Acme a grin and shook his hand. "Give 'em hell Marine....we'll keep their attention as long as we can", and with that, he called out to his men. "Alright boys, load up in the Chevy truck, let's get a move on!" and they did so....

Acme followed Dutch and climbed into the cab as Roker, Gurung, Tucker, Doc and Mac all climbed aboard in the back. As the sky got darker and dark, the droning of plane engines and the wailing of Air-Raid sirens got louder and louder. Soon, the sounds of Flak guns could be heard and not long after that, Dutch saw the dunes coming to an end and he pulled over behind one and everybody got out with their weapons at the ready....

In the sky, a dozen B-17 bombers could be seen and heard; dumping their loads of eggs JUST outside the base for the most part as searchlights and tracers from fast-firing AA 20 mm cannons reach up at them along with back puffballs from bigger 88mm AA guns firing much slower but with more range and lethal force....

As the group cautiously rounded the dune, they saw the 10 foot high fence with razor wire at the top about 50 yards away, with a tower holding a pair of German soldiers watching the bombers with their backs to the group and staying ready at the MG 42 sitting on a pintle mount up there with them. Also, a pair of German troops who had probably been walking a patrol could be seen, down on the ground, directly opposite them on the other side of the fence, also watching the bombers. One was carrying an MP 40 submachine gun while the other had a standard KAR 98 bolt-action rifle. Maybe 100 yards in the distance and 30 or so yards south of the closest hangar, a large foxhole could be seen that served as an emplacement for an '88' Anti-Aircraft Guns and the half-dozen troops manning it.

With the racket going on now, there was little chance that gunfire used to take out the Guard Tower and guys on the ground would be heard by the AA crew, but before Acme had a chance to say anything, 'Mad Mac' called over to Tucker and Gurung; "Okay mates, you take them Jerries in the Tower, I'll get rid of the ones on the ground"; and he rushed forward with his Silenced Sten Gun at the ready. As he got to within about 35 yards and still at a dead run, he cut loose a pair of bursts and both German soldiers crumbled to the ground. There was no indication the guards in the Tower had noticed anything yet and Mac was slinging the Sten over his back as he reached down to pull out his wire-cutters.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#33 Post by Rex »


Gurung will lean against anything available to steady himself if possible and/or kneel to steady his shot. "I will take the left guard." He then takes a double tap at the guard on the left.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#34 Post by ateno »

Tucker running to the truck, being last on. "I had to drop off the extra ammo for the 81. Glad i'm on the backside of that.

Tucker rolls with Madmac, putting his sights on the right guard and doing his best to not call his power up.
But takes a moment and relaxes and fires a single shot, center mass.

RD2 Tucker
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#35 Post by Monsieur Rose »


He merely nudges Dutch and cocks his head towards Mac and sighs. "Gentlemen, if you'd please." He motions towards the two in the tower.

"Let's get that fence open and get moving."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#36 Post by Zhym »

Roker pauses a moment, wondering if taking out the guard tower would mean rushing it and eating—er, taking out—the guards up close and personal. Then he hears shots ringing out and realizes that no, it’s just more shooting. He tries not to be too disappointed as he fires a shot of his own.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#37 Post by Urson »

Dutch grins and sights on the left guard. He fires two rounds, quickly, then drops to the ground.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#38 Post by max_vale »

Dusk; December 2, 1942; Tunisian Desert near German Airbase outside of Sfax, North Africa

Amidst the blaring of air-raid sirens; the THUMP of AA guns firing and the droning of aircraft engines and bomb explosions; the sounds of small-arms fire from the back side of the small German air-base was largely lost in the dunes at dusk near Sfax in North Africa.....

Acme gave his orders and he rushed, with Doc following close on his heels, to Mac's position near the fence and saw the Scotsman had used his wire-cutters to clip through a fairly large sized portion. The bearded man looked up and nodded his head while saying; "Give it a good kick sir!", which Acme did and a moment later, the 3 of them were moving inside the base's perimeter and saw the two German sentries on the ground were indeed down for the count thanks to MacCrae's Sten bursts...

Tucker took a deep breath, lined up the cross hairs in his scope on the Right Guard in the Tower, let the breath go and then pulled the trigger of his Springfield Rifle, feeling it buck back into his shoulder. The Guard was hit high in the chest and was driven forward for a moment, before a series of rounds pelted him and he collapsed over the side of the Tower and fell to the ground in a heap. The Coastguardsman worked the bolt of his rifle and winced a bit, both at the man's demise and at the volume of fire that suddenly came pouring in from his teammate's nearby....

Next to Tucker; Gurung took aim at the other guard and he fired once, worked the bolt and fired again; grunt in satisfaction as the man jerked from multiple hits and then fell to the bottom of the Tower and did not get up again. The Gurkha then scanned the surface area and he saw Acme, Doc and Mac inside the fence-line and waving them over. He didn't hesitate and he moved quickly to join them....

Dutch hefted the new Bren LMG he had and cut loose a burst of 5 rounds; grunting a bit at the effort of bringing the heavy weapon into play by firing UP and from the shoulder and he cursed softly when his rounds just chewed up splinters by hitting the walls of the Tower. He raised his aim and cut loose a second burst at a German solider who had already pitched forward a bit from getting struck by a shot and the man fell over the side and landed heavily, never to get up again. Van Horn looked over and saw the other guard had been struck and collapsed out of sight and didn't get up a moment or two later and the NCO let out a sigh of relief and satisfaction. He saw Gurung moving to the fence-line where Acme, Mac and Doc were and he called over to Tucker and Roker; saying; "Okay Marines, let's get a move on!" and he began jogging with the heavy Bren in his hands....

Roker aimed his M1 Garand up at one of the German guards and immediately noticed they both jerked from getting drilled with multiple shots and he pulled the trigger once to join in. He had no idea if his shot hit the soldier or not; but noticed one body fall over the side while the other collapsed to the bottom of the Tower and didn't get back up again. Then he heard Dutch calling for them to move, so he joined the herd....

As the members of SST 4 gathered on the other side of the now cut fence; they noticed the German crew of the 88 AA gun cheering and saw that in the distance, one of the B-17s was smoking and heading down towards the ground near the horizon. In addition, way in the distance, the furthest most hangar had an ME 109 prop fighter (NOT one of the Shrikes); taxing out and getting ready to head off to the sky; presumably to attempt to shoot down some of the heavy bombers....

Mac was looking at the 88 crew some 50 yards away with rage in his eyes and he said to no one in particular; "Well....what're we waiting for? Let's go kill some Jerry bastards!"; and he pulled a grenade and started to move towards that large foxhole at a fast jog.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#39 Post by Rex »


Gurung drops to a knee to steady himself and takes a single shot, aiming for the pilot of the ME 109.

Spends a luck point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: Mission Four: It's a Shrike Hunt!

#40 Post by Urson »

Dutch follows Mac, hip-firing the Bren toward the AA emplacement. He has no real hope of hitting anything, but it should help emcourage the Krauts to stay low and not shoot back.
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