Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#21 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

"We are not travelling to Bogtown. Our vocation is along the river from the Bridge yonder to a few miles downstream. We have laid other
nets and could welcome extra hands to haul in the harvest. By grace we will find good fortune after an ill day."

One of the boats looks severely damaged and will need repair to make it worthy. While two of them continue to trim the nets of clams, the other pair push off in the sound boat, taking the three of you on board. Punting away from shore, the two clam fishers row a little out into the middle of the river. Though slow flowing it is deep and contains many varieties of kelp and water weeds. Fish are numerous, "Mud eels, rainbow trout, shoals of perch and hunting pikes. Quite a food chain. North of the bridge are creek squid, boneless tentacled monsters that can grasp a man and drown him in a constricting embrace. Their ink is much valued by mages for scripts, moreso than any pearls we find. Old Beaky is a beast yet to be tamed, even the lizardmen don't bathe in those waters."

They share a few stories.

After a short time the pairs come to some camouflaged floats that indicate the trawling nets are laid below. They begin to pull up the nets and you all give a hand, ignorant of the other floating devices nearby.

Clam fishers spots floating man 1-2 [1d6]=2

It is then, as you half pull in the net that one man cries out, pointing to a body leaning over a floating log. Drifting downstream and towards the far bank. "It's Greenleigh" one shouts, pointing to the disappearing log as it drifts away in the current.

actions please
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#22 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish scans the area and spots the victim. He reacts uttering, "He may yet be alive!"

He casts a concerned look first to Harmony, then Sigrid, finally to the gnomes assessing what must be done. In a tone of exasperation he declares urgently, "Rope or Nets! Have you any rope or empty net?" Exasperated because he carries neither rope nor nets but realizes they could be life saving.

He scans the bank of the river for threats of movement and searches for any broken branches sturdy enough to use in a rescue. He tracks the victim to gauge the distance, a rendezvous point, and any environmental threats.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#23 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

The group in the small fishing boat haul in the Clam nets and spot the figure of Greenleigh draped over a log and floating further downstream.

Watching you see the log drift in the current, pushed towards the far reed banks and settling against an outcropping of rocks.

"We can't pull in over there. The river runs shallow and the rocks may rip us open." one of the clam-fishers say. He begins to strip off, ready to dive into the murky waters to rescue his comrade.

As that happens, two large toads, each the size of a dwarf hop through the reed beds, drawn by the noise. They stare at the boat with bug eyes, croaking from bloated throats.

Leibish do you want to swim with him or cover him from the boat?
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#24 Post by SilverBen »

"Stop!" Leibish shouts at the clam fisher and drops to a kneeling position in the muck to steady himself, drawing his elkhorn bow over his shoulder. He takes aim at the toads and...

Leibish fires two arrows from his elkhorn short bow. [1d20]=10[1d6]=5[1d20]=18[1d6]=1

Watching one arrow sail wide and the other strike but doing minimal damage, Leibish continues, "By your life, don't dive in! I hope that;s enoug hto scare them off."
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#25 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

Ignoring a call not to dive in the water, one of the Clam fishers goes off to try and rescue the draped body of their comrade before the floating log becomes unstuck and drifts off the rocks. The large toads hop in the shallower water and come under a hail of shafts to ward them away from the stricken man. Leibish hits one in the leg and as it leaps, it takes another impalement from a heavy bolt. Injured it leaps away but the second croaks more, used to defending its riverbank territory from intruders.

With Sigrid out of memorized offensive spells and the road out of range for thrown spears, those in the boat can only row closer, hoping the swimmer will rescue the man before any more dangers appear.

It is then when the focus of the group is attentive upon the roads that the underwater merrow, an aquatic ogre previously driven away by the Clam fishers reachs up from the stern of the boat to grab at a victim and pull them overboard. The kelp-green mottled face snarls as it launches itself over the clinker boards but its reach is short and Harmony fends it away with a jab from her spear.

actions Leibish please

Aquatic ogre reaches into boat [1d20]=1 [1d6]=6Harmony melee spear [1d20]=6[1d6]=1
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#26 Post by SilverBen »

"Row, row, row the boat to shore!" Leibish begs in a horrified reaction to the clam fishers beside him.

He draws his quarterstaff and attempts to shove off by driving it into water, searching for the depths beneath the boat.

He'll try to maintain a grasp on the quarterstaff to ensure its not lost but his intent is to put as much distance between them and the merrow.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#27 Post by Spearmint »

The Merrow in the Moorwash.

While the swimmer closes in on the floating Greenleigh, the quartet in the boat have their hands full trying to fend off the aquatic ogre. Harmony lunges again with a spear but her attempt to skewer the creature just ripples the water. Sigrid invokes a spell to turn the ogre comatose but its sheer size and bulk counters the spell and he shakes off the drowsiness to reach once more and gore a huge claw across the leg of Leibish as he tries to punt the craft to safer waters. -5hp The Clam fisher fires his heavy crossbow but even at point blank range, his shaft goes wide.

The two guys on the bank coming running along the opposing riverbank, clutching more crossbows but it will take them a round to get within range. The immediate danger is fending away the injured ogre before he drags one victim overboard or holes the craft.

next attack or action Leibish please
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#28 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish withdraws his quarterstaff from the water and steadies himself on his feet. He waits for the right moment for the merrow to appear again and swings to beat back the creature!

Leibish attacks in melee with quarterstaff [1d20]=18 doing [1d6]=1 bludgeoning damage

He strikes with great accuracy but the blow glances off the merrow doing practically no harm. His eyes widen in fear and turns to urge the clam fishers, "That might get it pretty angry. Now, row, row, row!!"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#29 Post by Spearmint »

The Merrow in the Moorwash

The melee continues at a frantic pace. Leibish crowns the aquatic ogre across the head and Harmony follows up by stabbing it in the chest. A point blank crossbow adds a mighty bolt to its woes. Despite lunging for the boat, the creature submerges in a pool of blood. -15hp.

A call from downriver. "Greenleigh is alive but barely." You row the boat and in trepidation watching for another breach out of the water from the ogre, haul the swimmer and floating injured man aboard.

There is no more sign from the beast, injured prior and severely injured once more, you seem to have driven it off.

"We should take him to the ruin and druid for healing." is a suggestion. The Clam fishers point upstream mentioning an old moathouse. With the remnants of the nets taken on and a new freshwater harvest to sort through, the men are grateful for you assistance and intervention.

Leibish, you can choose to go with them to meet this druid. Bjornark is his name, check out his profile in the NPC thread.

Or you can take up the trawlers offer to be rowed across the river, a short cut of a few miles on your journey. You also have the pick of a pearl each.

choices please.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#30 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish looks upstream with a skeptical expression and asks the fishermen, "How far is the druid's moathouse from here? Who knows of it? Speak up, now. If the distance between us and the moathouse concern you of more lurking dangers, then I will not abandon you while your companion's life hangs in the balance."

He turns to Harmony and clasps his hands over hers explaining, "Let me assure you, my first obligation is to you, Lady Harmony. I promise to see you home safely through this treacherous swamp. You have seen far too much tragedy. First, must help Greenleigh, otherwise would be negligent in his death if we were to depart on our own way." He releases her hands and attends to towing Greenleigh upstream
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#31 Post by Spearmint »

The druid, Bjornark has taken over the ruins of an old moathouse, built along the northern banks of the Moorwash, located about a mile upstream.

Bjornark is nicknamed, 'the Mad Druid' though not to his face. He was previously encountered by Vann Hector who gave him refuge in the stronghold and healed him in return for 'a favour', which was to hijack a bounty hunters prison coach and rescue a supposed werewolf named Reisling from being put through the Inquisition (a Silvanus religious court that denounces lycanthropes).

I will hold for Sigrid to post then update tomorrow night.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#32 Post by Darithe »

A druid, Sigrid thought, perhaps that is another name for a shaman, in any case he was a healer of some sort so of course they must assist the injured man. "Harmony," she remarks, "I'm sure this will be but a short," she pauses search for the correct word, still not used to the southern tongue, "excursion," hoping that was right before continuing, "...and we must help the man. Perhaps we can replenish our supplies too," patting her hand in reassurance. If there is time afterward, she will study her spellbook.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#33 Post by Spearmint »

Moorwash Overlook

The ruined moathouse of Bjornark, the 'Mad Druid'.

May 11th 1066.

I must keep reminding myself you are accompanying Harmony to her home in the Wyrdwood not the Thornswild.

You carry on towards a small bend in the Moorwash River, rowing upstream and then taking a narrow branch that connects to a Moathouse. On the banks overlooking the river and a large deforested clearing is a ruin, crenellated walls border a main building whose top floors have long since collapsed.

A circular tower stands next to an gateway from which a drawbridge hangs on loose and broken chains. It straddles the surrounding moat, thick with kelp and algae. Off to one side a large pond and boggy ground provide a haven for amphibious critters. Tall iridescent grasses, illuminated with fluorescent fungi spread over a boggy meadow before the forest encroaches on three sides. Large toads crouch idly by the pond, croaking with bulging throats to call a females attention.

There is no one visible in the watch tower or any ramparts. A large nest seems built in the rafters of the tower and two birds of prey watch your arrival with beady eyes.

The quartet of Clam fishers pull in to the side and you all help the injured Greenleigh ashore. "We left Josen here earlier after our first encounter with the ogres. But for your intervention, we may have lost Greenie altogether." says one, expressing their gratitude again.

Sigrid, Harmony & Leibish, each take a 100gp pearl in thanksgiving.

Leaving the boat, the group pass through the drawbridge gates and arrive at the steps of the Moathouse porch. A thickset man greets you in the reception hall. He wears a gated helm that covers his face and sports a Retarius style spiked buckler and trident. He has a turtle shell cloak fastened at his neck with a bone clasp, wearing it over his piecemeal armour.

Rondahl, "Back so soon? Another trauma I see? Come in, place him alongside your comrade, I will inform the druid of your need." The injured man is taken into a reception room with a log fire burning in the hearth. Before it on another bunk, the previously injured comrade is sleeping.

After a few minutes you hear the warrior returns with a greybeared man, dressed only in an animal pelt gown. Bjornark shakes his head, ignoring introductions to check out the injured. He calls for, "Splints and thread. His wound needs tending. Hot water too, cauterise these gores and bites." After a minute he turns, addressing the group.

"My humble abode is yours. Please be welcome. I have humble fayre I can set before you, cast your burdens and your arses into the mattresses and sofas." He gestures at the furniture scattered about the room.

"Are you new fishermen or did these trawlers gather you in their nets?" he asks to the more obvious adventurers, Leibish Sigrid & Harmony.

make your introduction and any comments, actions & questions please
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#34 Post by SilverBen »

Spearmint wrote: Fri Feb 25, 2022 3:13 am Bjornark: "Are you new fishermen or did these trawlers gather you in their nets?" he asks to the more obvious adventurers…
Leibish kneels on one knee gripping his carved quarterstaff with the opposite hand, a greeting of deference and peace. He rises and politely introduces himself: "Your kindness to these fishermen and hospitality to us is truly comforting, master Bjornark. I am Leibish, son of Gondol. As you may already know, we are neither fishermen, nor their desired catch. Sigrid and I were part of an expedition to the nearby barrows in search of something to help us stave off the lizardmen. Our expedition ended much sooner than expected, lasting only a few days when we had planned for at least weeks long. Our party was split and attacked separately by bullywugs and a hag. We fended off the bullywugs and defeated the hag in her lair but found Harmony was the hag's captive. We released Harmony and are now escorting Harmony home, to Wyrdwood. It was mere chance that we encountered these fishermen when a merrow attacked and wounded Greenie. We offered our assistance in order to prevent another tragedy. In my father’s family of Gondol, we say that kindness begets kindness and evil begets evil. Will you extend your kindness to us and help us see Harmony home to Wyrdwood safely through your domain?"
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#35 Post by Darithe »

Sigrid smiles warmly at the hospitality of the druid, "I sir, am Sigrid Myrkva, a humble traveler from the northlands. We are very grateful for your kindness in welcoming us," bowing to the man. She wasn't sure what the custom in these lands were when greeting a shaman so she decided to watch Leibish and follow his lead. Hopefully she wouldn't embarrass herself too greatly.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#36 Post by Spearmint »

Moorwash Overlook.

The ruined moathouse of Bjornark, the 'Mad Druid'.

May 11th 1066.

"Rise young man and speak your peace. I kneel to no man and none need kneel to me." Bjornark gestures, wrapping his cloak around him. You can guess he wears few garments underneath.

He remarks about the bullywugs and frogling clans being little more than 'minion fodder' for corruptible influences. He listens to the tale of finding the barrow and the encounter with the large python and Hag. That Harmony testifies men came and traded with the crone is more disturbing. "The Barrow Moor holds many denizens and those who habitat its ancient mounds, each drawing from the Deep that leeches from aons past. Some things are best left buried upon the Moor.

Those who trade in lives, most likely trade in death. I am sorry for your loss young maiden."
he says.

With the arrival of some basic medicare, the druid sets about setting the bones to mend and sews the wounds of the injured Greenleigh. He works away, intoning some baritone chant as he does so. The injured man looks healthier but is still weak.

He gestures the Clam fishers to "Busy yourselves. Have you not nets to mend or stew to serve? Boil a pot and let us feast on the Moorwash fruits."

The two injured men will rest under his care for a few days. The quartet of fishermen do indeed 'busy themselves', two going back to the boat and attend in the ruin's kitchen. While they go, the druid then chats more with the adventuring trio. He has a gruff manner and stands on no ceremony. He probes with questions, gives pragmatic advice, soothsaying doom and gloom in equal measure to holier virtues of faith, hope and charity.

You stay the night here. each recover +1hp if injured.. The clam fishers do not, taking their leave after supper. They bid you farewell and good fortune in your travels.

You can talk with Bjornark and ask him questions regarding the region and any subject the comes to mind. Give me three questions or actions each.

You can ask about anything but some subjects such as the Hag, Saurons', Wyrdwood travel, items, his own history and the ruin are obvious ones.

Add a 3d6 vs Wisdom and a 3d6 vs Charisma with your questions please. subject to rolls gains better knowledge.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#37 Post by Darithe »

Sigrid listens intently to the *shaman*, her grey eyes sparkling in the hearthlight, until she builds up enough courage to ask some questions of her own, "Wise one, can you tell me what you know of the Saurons? I would also like to know of the history of the barrows and what knowledge you might have of the nearby ruins if this does not tire you in the telling." She smiles warmly, "I am young and have much to learn and hope my eagerness to learn does not offend. I seek the blessings of your knowledge."

Check vs. Wisdom 9 [3d6]=14

Check vs. Charisma 13 [3d6]=13
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#38 Post by SilverBen »

Check vs. Wisdom 16 [3d6]=15 Check vs. Charisma 12 [3d6]=9

Leibish takes his time, trying not to be intrusive or ungrateful and asks Bjornark:
  1. about his own history: "What attracted a noble man such as you to a dangerous place as this swamp?"
  2. about the history of this ruin: "Why do you still inhabit it?"
  3. for tips on safe travel to Wyrdwood: "How can I fulfill my word to escort Harmony home safely?
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#39 Post by Spearmint »

Moorwash Overlook.

The ruined moathouse of Bjornark, the 'Mad Druid'.

May 12th 1066.

The druid, wrapped in his fur pelts sits by the log fire hearth. He drinks wine, poured from a crystal decanter into goblets, serving you each. The goblets have spider cobweb threads on, clearly the druid's housekeeping needs a tender touch. While his aide Rondahl watches over the recuperating injured fishermen, the druid talks of Barrows, wights and ruins.

Over the evening he addresses the questions asked. He asks none himself, content to take the guest adventurers on face value.

"This ruin was overrun in the War of Desolation. The walls breached by a fell horde and the upper floors burned by dragon breath. The place became a ruin though the foundations and lower floor are sound as you can see. A time before Ironguard was established, the stronghold fortified the river and buttressed the settlements.

I was exiled from the citadel, 'misdemeanours and sins'. The ways of nature bristle hard against the colonialism of the frontier. Civilization may tame the wilderness but rarely tames the beasts within. Greed and power begets a man's soul, the more they have the more they want. I have all I need here, save my comely wife.

I wandered, seeking vocation. I found one here, on the fringe of society. There are those less fortunate than ourselves who harbour here and I seek to lift the curses which afflict them so."

The ruin is derelict in many places. Two wings of the manor may provide habitable rooms. The druid seems to keep to one wing for his personal suite and maintains a central hall and reception for the guests. Another wing of the manor ruin remains unexplored by you. Rondahl, the warrior dressed in gladiatorial style is an NPC. (Previously a character whose player withdrew from the game). He came to the ruin injured and his health and those of his comrades was restored here though. He decided to stay here and help. (read the River Rangers expedition to gain the background story).

It seems Bjornark is not guided by wealth and riches, hence living in the derelict property which has seen little renovation throughout the years he has occupied it. Though his influence in the wider area is seen by thriving allotments and orchards which take up surrounding fields. You have also noted the huge hawk nest on a tower by the drawbridge and rather large toads which seem to patrol the riverbank. The druid has the help of nature's many eyes and ears to warn him of any approaching dangers. He says the frogling tribes (mainly bullywugs but including smaller humanoid amphibians) and lizardmen leave him be. Perhaps his reputation gives them cause for caution.

While the druid seems to live this hermit like existence here, you also feel he is not as candid as he could be. He obviously dabbles in other interests.

"The Barrow Moor is several hundred miles of boggy wilderness. Many mounds, burial tumuli occupy the Moor, scattered across the region. Ancient tombs to interr the dead or the still living. Most are haunted by nothing but memories, some broken and pillaged, some still undiscovered beneath the shifting earth. Some mounds are sacred, or were. Places of pilgrimage and history. The elf maiden's group trekked to one such location. As you discovered, other mounds serve a less noble purpose.

The prevailing mist hides many secret places and covers many sins. You sojourn the Moor at your own risk.

Of course locally the greatest gathering of tumuli is in the Barrow Mounds, south of Helix. Oft visited by eager adventurers keen to fill their pockets with gold or indwell the ancient tombs as new internees."

from your description of the Hag Barrow interior, he expresses that more alcoves probably lie buried beneath the collapsed section of the tomb.

Witches and hags are not common thankfully but are creators of havoc wherever they are found. They twist and influence weak minded denizens of the Moor to their own devices. The folk who came to trade with the Hag might be from a resurgent Impurax cult, the god of decay and pestilence.

Bjornark has heard via 'raven-post' regarding such rumours of pestilence and disease from a druid sect based in the west that harvests the giant bee hives for honey.

"Escorting Harmony home may be safest via sticking to the forest trails than travelling the Moor.

Near the Wyrdwood are the Blackwater Reaches, the boggy water margins that form the source of the murky south flowing river. The Saurons' have tribal lands in that region.

The Saurons' are a highly sophisticated tribe. More than savage natives, they have a distinct society and strict culture revolving around the worship of Tiamat, a draconic cult.

There were dragons here before, the region ruled by an ancient black whose bones were buried somewhere in the Barrow Moor. The Saurons' seek to resurrect the beast to augment their rule over the wilderness."

Bjornark talks, hopefully answering your questions. His talk interspersed with ramblings and anecdotes. You think he appreciates the fellowship but as the evening draws on, he warns you "not to leave the ruin. In fact, for your safety, remain here in the reception.".

As the night wears on, you hear wolves howling in the distance, probably from across the nearby river.

More logs to warm the night go on the hearth and taking their leave, Bjornark and Rondahl leave you till morning.

Evening time:

Harmony, with her elven instincts notes that the reception room has a concealed panel in the east wall. It is the exterior wall, several feet thick, so not connecting through to another room.

The reception room has a small breach, covered by a thick curtain so you can exit the ruin that way via some stepping stones which cross the most.

The wolf howling goes on for a short while before receding. (It is not a full moon). You may suspect though that Bjornark has gone to visit the wolfpack.

add any comments or actions then I will continue the next days trek.

here is a visual of the Moathouse.Image
MoatHouseRunins.jpg (627.48 KiB) Viewed 584 times
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#40 Post by SilverBen »

@Darithe, just strategizing and sharing information in character...

As Leibish watches Harmony inspect the area beyond the curtain, he addresses her in a concerned tone of objection, "Harmony, a reminder that we are fortunate to have found a kind host. Let's not push the boundaries of his hospitality." He beckons her away from the breech in the east wall and eases himself to the floor of the ruin. "Join me. I am ready to settle in for a good night's rest. In the morning, I suggest we follow Master Bjornark's advice not to make a shortcut through the moors. Your safe return to Wyrdwood is more important than a quick return at the risk of our lives. With a small share of patience and good amount of persistence, we will escort you home in perhaps a week's time."

Leibish turns to Sigrid, "I must admit, I am fascinated by Master Bjornark's knowledge of Sauron tribes near the Blackwater Reaches. I did not wish to pry into his history by asking the source of his information, but I can only assume he is well-intentioned and offers it out of concern for our welfare. I know little else of the Saurons, and all the more so their intent to resurrect long dead dragons. The paths may be safe, according to Master Bjornark, but the thought of traversing the Saurons' territory discomforts me knowing their motives. What do you know of them?"
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