[5960.2] Battle

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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#21 Post by cybersavant »

gurusql wrote: Sat Jan 15, 2022 11:44 pm Thelin will pull out his communicator and say, "Commander Ch'tihlot to Lt. B'Aarr, we have reached the bridge and will need your help to reestablish power to all systems. Without knowing how long something will take to fix, the priority is sensors, maneuverability, weapons and shields. Please report when able."
Lt Jg Andhronal B'Aarr "Already on it, Commander. Stand by."
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#22 Post by Leitz »

USS Farragut, Engineering section

LTJG B'Aarr, ENS Henri, 3 security, 3 medical, 4 Midshipmen

The Security guard studied the IED setup for a long time, and then started to shake his head. The Vulcan female Midshipman moved to assist, and she informed Andrhonal that the IED was sensor keyed to the power flow in the section.

"One moment, please," she said. She moved some physical switches on the IED and it deactivated. "It was an Engineering problem, sir. Fortunately for us, Klingons aren't subtle engineers."

The male midshipman is badly beat up, and useless in the current endeavor. The other two midshipmen join in the exercise. While not as skilled as Andrhonnal, they are competent. ENS Henri kept everyone, including LTCMDR Ch'tihlot, updated on the status.

With Ch'tihlot's sequence in mind, a four hour task list is done in roughly thirty minutes. Sensors and Helm are restored in the first fifteen minutes.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#23 Post by Leitz »

USS Farragut, Bridge

LTCMDR Ch'tihlot, LT Runyon, 3 medics, 2 security

One of the med techs nodded and said "Basic Sensor Operations, sir." He sat at the console and started running scans as soon as the console became active.

LT Runyon worked on the helm control, with Thelin in assist. The Engineering team brought systems on-line much faster than anticipated. Four minutes after the sensors were on-line, the med tech turned sensor op reported: "Sir, the Hussy and the transport are moving to a suspected location for the enemy. We have coordinates, and no other ships in the immediate area."

Seven minutes later, the med tech paled. "Sir, I've located five pockets of what I believe to be Star Fleet personnel. I've also located one...thing. Best I can tell it's something called a kralen. Large, hard to kill, and it eats humanoids as food. It's currently on K deck, aft section."

K deck is on the strut between the saucer and main body.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#24 Post by gurusql »


Thelin uses the trick of giving orders without knowing the officers name, he walks around the bridge looking at the person that he is speaking to as he gives orders.

"Lt. Runyon now that we have helm control and a course, let's join the Hussy best possible speed."

Looking at the medic at the sensors, "I need to know if that kralen is coming this way."

He then looks at the two security guards, "We need to contain the kralen, I am sure one of you can do that for me while the other watches the door. Force fields, bulkhead, whatever you can do from here."

Going over to the two remaining medics, "I need one of you to get on the comms and reach out to the 5 pockets of crew, I need an assessment of each one, starting with the group closest to the kralen."

He will look into the library files for anything on the biology of the kralen, if he can find them he will point to the other medic and say "Please review these files and come up with a method to capture or contain the kralen."

Using his communicator, "Lt B'Aarr, great job on the helm and sensors, please report on target timing for repairs for other systems"

Computer [_2d6+4]=(1+2)=3+4=7
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#25 Post by cybersavant »

Lt Jg Andhronal B'Aarr

"Engineering. B'Aarr here. We're ahead of schedule - some of the crew are assisting us. What do you need next, sir?"
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#26 Post by The Bindoner »

"Lt. Runyon now that we have helm control and a course, let's join the Hussy best possible speed. "

Aye, Commander. Best possible speed indeed.

With that fox in our henhouse I’ll be happier when we have some friends nearby.

Fearghal, with calm efficiency, activates the helm controls and diverts power to the engines, steadily increasing the speed.

Thank you for the power, Lt B'Aarr. I'll take all you can give me.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#27 Post by Leitz »

USS Farragut

All systems are operational and the Farragut's warp drives are fully on-line. The ship hurtles through space towards the coordinates given in the Hussy's last message.

The security team, working with sensor ops, located and isolated the kralen. The fix is temporary, as the kralen can likely muscle through standard interior doors. However, for the moment, it is contained.

ENS Henri, with LTCMDR Ch'tihlot's approval, rounded up several of the middies (Midshipmen) and made sure they knew how to activate and load the photon torpedoes. The med team treated those who were injured, and drafted a few to respectfully locate bodies into the makeshift morgue.

All ship systems are operational, if not fully repaired. Engineering continues to work on the damaged systems. Shields are at 49%, phasers at 55%, power at 73%. There are four salvos of photon torpedoes (two forward launchers, each can fire twice without reloading. One salvo is four torpedoes) remaining.

Sensor ops turned pale, and looked at Thelin. "Sir, garbled transmission from the Hussy. I wasn't able to get much more than orders to fire. But there was background music. It...it's what we planned to play when we were in battle."

In honor of the recently fallen
Battle Music

The Farragut arrived to a troubling scene. The Hussy's port warp nacelle was missing and there were several sections of the saucer open to space. She continued to engage, but phaser fire was errant and there was too much time between shots. Mvot's transport drifted lifelessly.

The sensor ops voice shook. "Sir, three Klingon D-7 cruisers turning to engage. They are heavily damaged, but have partial shields and weapons active."
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#28 Post by gurusql »


I am assuming that Ensign Henri after showing the midshipmen how to load the torpedoes and has returned to the bridge to take the navigation station and fire the weapons since that was mentioned as his purpose for coming.

Thelin sees the damage that the Klingons have to the other two ships and knows that even with the damage done, a headfirst assault will fail, but a plan begins to form in his head. In his time battling the Klingons aboard the USS Lexington, there were three things that stuck
  • Klingon's are overconfident
  • With three ships the Klingon's favor the triangle formation, with the strongest ship at the point
  • D-7 battlecruisers have very weak rear shielding, and very strong front shielding.
"Lt. Runyon, I am going to be calling upon some of that fancy flying of yours. We are not going after the Klingon's head on, but we will be coming in a out of the clouds to confuse them. Different angles and different vectors. Our initial target will be one of the two flanking cruisers. They will be the ones that the Hussy did the most damage to and therefore the first to drop out of the fight.

Ensign Henri, we only have four salvos of torpedoes, but I am not expecting any when we are done, but we are not wasting them either. Our targets for photon torpedoes are the rear shields and when we fire, we will be shooting a full salvo. The evasive maneuvers will give the mid-shipmen sometime to reload.

Sensors let's find the weak one in the pack.

Security, I may have a new home in mind for the kralen, but that will be done the road, I may need to transport it so please prepare for that.

Engineering, keep the lights on."

Fleet Tactics Skill [_2d6+3]=(5+3)=8+3=11 +1 for word count = 12
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#29 Post by The Bindoner »

Fearghal is infuriated by the sight of the Hussy, his normal smile replaced by a tight-lipped frown.

I do not think the way they have treated our girl allows for them to be regarded as gentlemen. Rough handling is the appropriate response, for I can never abide a bully, and three on one is the act of a coward.
"Lt. Runyon, I am going to be calling upon some of that fancy flying of yours. We are not going after the Klingon's head on, but we will be coming in a out of the clouds to confuse them. Different angles and different vectors. Our initial target will be one of the two flanking cruisers. They will be the ones that the Hussy did the most damage to and therefore the first to drop out of the fight.
Understood, Commander. A good old-fashioned contest of skill and science, such as the old squared circle hosts, it will be. I will make the Fatgut float like a dragonfly, and you strike like a... dragonfly. Ah, I think perhaps I have misremembered that saying. But I have the sense of it, I think.

Lt Runyon enters the scanned capabilities of the Klingon ships in his console, calling up a projection of possible future courses and positions while looking at the performance data on the Farragut. Assessing the location of the local “clouds” and debris from the combat, he makes a flight plan to slip around the enemy and give Thelin a shot. The Klingons will want to maintain their formation, this gives him the opportunity to use one to mask the others, reducing their overall firepower. Rapid and radical alteration of course and speed while maintaining overall direction is his intent – hopefully the apparent randomness can emulate panicked avoidance rather than planned manoeuvre.

Ship Tactics: [_2d6]=(5+4)=9 +1 Skill, +1 Int = 11

Helm: [_2d6]=(2+6)=8 +4 Skill, +1 Dex = 13
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#30 Post by Leitz »

USS Farragut, Bridge

Hands shaking, the med tech serving as Sensor Ops struggled with the controls. After several long moments, designations appeared on the main screen. The Klingons are still some distance away, but in formation and heading straight at the Farragut. Sensors struggled with the readouts, and then looked at Thelin.

"Sir, I've designated the three ships K1, K2, and K3, from left to right. I'm not familiar with this sensor console, but from what I can tell K3 has no shields at all and very little offensive capability. Recommend we target her first."

Wisps of stellar cloud drift between the combatants as Fearghal takes the cruiser on a dance. A line of three enemy ships works well on a two dimensional battlefield, but fails superbly when three dimensions are in play and time, the fourth, is used to good effect. When the Farragut lined up against K3, in a textbook targeting sequence, ENS Henri crossed herself, took a deep breath, and fired.

USS Farragut, Engineering

Screams of pain and fear took hold as overtaxed systems arced into flesh. Power surged as maneuver, shields, and all ship's weapons engaged at the same time.

Andrhonal, please roll Engineering skill, per paragraph three . This is in addition to the other requested rolls.

USS Farragut, Bridge

"Sir, photon torpedoes show performance degradation," said Sensor Ops.

Phaser fire ripped into K3, solid hits with no shielding to penetrate. Within moments, the full salvo of photon torpedoes impacted; you could almost see the enemy ship shudder in response.

"Sir, direct hits! K3 attempting to break contact!" Sensor Ops grinned. "Great shooting Karin!"

The Klingons rolled *really* bad on ship tactics. Like, really bad...

Of course, there's round two to consider. Thelin, allocate resources and give direction. Engineering has lots of work to do and only so much time and skill to do it. Photon torpedo Ability is now Impaired.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#31 Post by gurusql »


Thelin can feel from the deck plates and the gravity systems of the USS Farragut it is not in good shape. He also knows that he is asking people that are unfamiliar with given ships system to perform roles that they are not accustomed too. Starting with the goal in mind, he walks through the steps to get there.

Pushing the correct button on his chair to call Engineering, he says "Lt B'Aarr, thank you for and the team keeping the lights on, for the moment please focus on the Photon Torpedoes, those are a limited resource, and we need to improve that system, your second priority if you have time, is the shields." The commander closes the channel without waiting for a reply.

As Thelin moves behind Lt. Runyon he thinks, while he has just met this officer, he carries himself with a gravitas and his calm voice will be good for the bridge crew to understand this a group effort. He then says “Keep up the good work on the flying. This time I want the Klingons to commit and be guessing what our next target will be - But let us be clear our next target is K1, K3 systems are no longer viable and there could be Farragut crew onboard. I want you to lead us to the rear of K1. Lieutenant, please call it out the rolls.”

The line moves behind Ensign Henri and says “Great shooting on K3. Let's listen for rolls and prepare for the next target K3.”

Thelin then crosses the bridge to the emergency med-tech turned sensor operator, “I know that this system is not what you do every day, but you are my eyes and ears, and you are handling this situation great. Keep it up. K1 will be the target and we need to be getting them from behind and not the front.”

And finally, to security, Thelin says “How is the kralen containment going? Are you going to be able to transport it when the time comes?”

Fleet Tactics Skill [_2d6+3]=(3+1)=4+3=7
Going for the 300 words rule to force the win this round - viewtopic.php?p=579888#p579888
(edited with permission from Leitz after side conversation)
Last edited by gurusql on Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#32 Post by cybersavant »

gurusql wrote: Fri Jan 28, 2022 4:05 am Thelin
Pushing the correct button on his chair to call Engineering, he says "Lt B'Aarr, thank you for and the team keeping the lights on, for the moment please focus on the Photon Torpedoes, those are a limited resource, and we need to improve that system, your second priority if you have time, is the shields." The commander closes the channel without waiting for a reply.
Lt Jg Andrhonal B'Aarr briefly looks up from his console to see his team members. "You heard the Commander. Keep up the good work. Let's focus on the damaged systems as ordered. It will be a testament to your resourcefulness to keep this ship going. Our fellows out there are counting on us to draw the Klingons off them."
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#33 Post by gurusql »

With permission from Leitz, I edited my last post. K3 is no longer a target.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#34 Post by The Bindoner »

K1 it is.

Fearghal turns the Farragut and leads the remaining Klingon ships in an arc, circling back to pass the fleeing ship again. He is attempting to use the tight angle of the turns to again use one ship to mask the other, in this case keeping the flank ship on the blind side of the leader. This time he keeps a little power in reserve, partly to reduce the demands on Engineering, mostly to have a surprise acceleration in hand when the time comes to strike. Using any cover available, he draws out the manoeuvring and minimises his use of radical speed/attitude changes to give Lt B'Aarr time to repair the Torpedoes.

As flies, he talks:

To the MedTech: You have your eye in now, I should say. And why shouldn’t you? Isn’t it just a big version of your normal scanner, and this a medical intervention? We have a foreign body in our system, and you are tracking it for us, so we can cut it out. Aye, very much your line of business, this. It is the reason you take to it so well.

Now, you keep your good eye on those blood clots, or whatever they are, and tell me where they are and how they’re moving. A running commentary, if you would be so kind.

Now, I must congratulate our surgeon, who’s knife you are guiding so ably.

To Ensign Henri: Ah, beautiful shot placement. There is more skill than luck in that, I’d say. You must be the terror of the carnival, with that aptitude, an armful of prizes every time! Or is it the quest for high-scores on the holo-games that gives you the knack/ Whatever it is, Star Fleet should put it on the curriculum.

As soon as the ship’s sytems and position are optimal Fearghal drops speed to allow the Klingons to shorten range, advises the crew: Hold on, there is about to be an element of exitement in our lives, and those aboard that uncongenial ship. Hopefully our lives will become less stressful and theirs more so.

Henri, get ready, I’m going to give you another shot.

Bringing up all of the power available, Fearghal spins the ship and hurtles back past the Klingons, rolling to present the torpedo bay for a shot, then, once the ordinance is away, he pivots to take the Farragut out again.

Ship’s Tactics: [_2d6]=(4+3)=7 +1 Skill, +1 Int =9
[_2d6]=(6+5)=11 +4 Skill, +1 Dex
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#35 Post by Leitz »

Round 2

USS Farragut, Bridge
And finally, to security, Thelin says “How is the kralen containment going? Are you going to be able to transport it when the time comes?”
"Still working on it, sir. The creature moves faster than we can get a lock on it, and the internal containments weren't made for something as...bestial as this. We'll take care of, though."

"Sir, target K1 shields are stable, although weaker in the rear, as you said. Her weapons are not getting target lock yet," Sensors reported.

USS Farragut, Engineering

This was Andrhonal's Round 1 results, before Thelin said to focus on the Photon Torpedoes.

Andrhonal quickly realized that the female Vulcan was a good engineer, even if a middie. Several of the other rescued crew, while beaten and battered, pitched in to help recover systems. While he focused on the power phasing to the shields, a team lead by the Vulcan female tracked down several damaged shield systems spread over the ship.

End of Round 1: Shields upgraded from (Impaired/Impaired) to (Degraded/Degraded).

USS Farragut, Bridge

Unable to adjust to Fearghal's maneuvers quickly enough, ENS Henri's phaser fire missed. However, the photon torpedo salvo pounded K1's shields.

"Sir, Target K2 has target lock."

USS Farragut, Engineering

Per the LTCMDR's orders, Andrhonal assigned lower skilled or badly injured techs to monitor all stations as he directed the Damage Control teams and worked on the Photon Torpedoes. The team engaged fully and repairs proceeded quickly. However, the phaser fire brought other systems into risk.

End of Round 2: Photon Torpedoes upgraded from (Degraded/Impaired) to (Operational/Operational). Phasers downgraded from (Degraded/Degraded) to (Degraded/Impaired).

USS Farragut, Bridge

"Sir, long range sensors show anomalies. I can't tell through the cloud, but it may be other ships," Sensors reported. "Target K1's shields are off-line, and she's unable to maneuver. I'm getting dangerous readings from her warp core, as well. Target K2's fire ineffective."

2 of 4 photon torpedo salvos fired.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#36 Post by gurusql »


The Andorian Commander stands in front of his chair, and he thinks his plan has gone the best that he could have hoped for, two strafing runs and two of the enemy ships left scrambling for repairs. All that is left is K2, the second tallest mountain on Earth, focus, focus, focus. This brings us to the hard call. The strongest of the three Klingon ships has seen our tactics and knows he will be the target. The best call is to change the maneuver so that we do something the Klingon does not expect. There was originally a decision to make here, but with those new incoming signals the options are reduced to one.

The Commander sits back down and calls to the Torpedo Room - "This is Lieutenant Commander Thelin Ch'tihlot, I know that you have been put into a demanding situation, but thanks to your efforts and the efforts of everyone aboard in two salvos we have taken out two Klingon vessels. Please keep up the excellent work, our best is yet to come. Ch'tihlot out."

The Commander closes the channel and then calls the Engine Room - "Ch'tihlot to Engine Room, Lieutenant B'Aarr you and your team have kept this ship running and repaired systems to a level I did not think was possible outside of space dock. We have one more Klingon vessel to focus on at this moment. I need you and the team to focus on the Shields and if you have extra capacity the Phasers. Ch'tihlot out."

The Andorian stands and walks behind Lieutenant Runyon and Ensign Henri and says, "It is obvious that everyone on this bridge has stepped up today, I could not ask for anymore from any of you, but we need to focus as this will be the toughest target yet. I fully expect this will take our remaining torpedoes. The Klingon Commander has seen our maneuver take out his two escorts all while he has not taken any fire. He watched as we focused on the hind quarters of the two vessels. He will never sacrifice forward shield strength, but he will try to reinforce the rear shields with the only other shields he has left from his mid-section. Lt Runyon, we will still use the clouds for our protection, but our target this time is the mid-section of the only remaining confirmed Klingon vessel, K2."

Fleet Tactics Skill [_2d6+3]=(2+6)=8+3=11
(and it doesn't hurt that 300+ just came out)
Last edited by gurusql on Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#37 Post by cybersavant »

gurusql wrote: Tue Feb 01, 2022 5:11 am
The Commander closes the channel and then calls the Engine Room - "Ch'tihlot to Engine Room, Lieutenant B'Aarr you and your team have kept this ship running and repaired systems to a level I did not think was possible outside of space dock. We have one more Klingon vessel to focus on at this moment. I need you and the team to focus on the Shields and if you have extra capacity the Phasers. Ch'tihlot out."
Lt Jg Andhronal B'Arr, Engineering

"B'Aarr here, Acknowledged Commander." B'Aarr gives a thumbs up to his staff, "You heard the Commander. Well Done. Now - shields and phasers. Andhronal moves to another console and brings up the phaser array while his team tweaks the shields.
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#38 Post by The Bindoner »

When Commander Ch'tihlot congratulates the crew Lt Runyon acknowledges with a nod (disguising his pleasure at the compliment), and when he finishes adds: Thank you, Commander. Our young friends have really proved themselves today, have they not? I'm proud to have had their assistance.

Feint to go behind and give them a quick jab under the ribs as we pass, Commander? Ah, that’s a low and ungentlemanly tactic, such as would be shameful to use on a civilised opponent. However, these are Klingons who have broken a treaty and manhandled a lady-friend of ours, so I think it not unreasonable to serve them retribution in such fashion.

Fearghal takes the Farragut out at high speed, opening room to manoeuvre and regaining the cover of the clouds.

He plans to approach the last Klingon as though repeating his previous tactics, but this time turn and take the ship in a tight curve over and around the enemy vessel, giving ENS Henri a shot at both sides and the ventral surface.

He relies on accurate readings from the Sensor op and ENS Henri's weapons station to judge the moment for his sudden pivot to swing the ship in toward the enemy and "cartwheel" under it, to face it from the opposite flank, and keeps up a cheerful chatter, requesting updates and thanking them for their assistance as they go.

When he estimates the time is right, he announces: Hold on tight, this will be an interesting piece of footwork, if it comes off. Here we go, headlong and hell-for-leather.

Ship’s Tactics: [_2d6]=(4+5)=9 +1 Skill, +1 Int = 11

Helm: [_2d6]=(4+4)=8 +4 Skill, +1 Dex = 13
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#39 Post by Leitz »

USS Farragut, Engineering

Systems screamed and began to go into redline; Power generation was the first to show weakness, although slight. Phasers drew a heavy load through weakened conduits and metal began to melt as ultra high energy arced where it should not go.

USS Farragut, Bridge

K2 could not keep up with the dance Fearghal displayed. ENS Henri focused, crossed herself, and the phaser fire made solid hits on K2's midsection. The first photon torpedo impacted on K2's shields, and seemed to have no effect. Until the second, third, and fourth torpedoes were not stopped by shields at all.

K2 returned fire.

USS Farragut, Engineering

Screams came from the power monitoring station as it exploded. Andrhonal noted that two techs were injured badly, but they were quickly pulled out of the way as four techs began to fight the fire and another tech sprinted to the alternate power monitoring station.

USS Farragut, Bridge

"Sir, K2 is attempting to break contact," Sensors said.

"Sir, we are being hailed," said the middie on comms.

"This is Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise. I and the Potemkin are enroute. How can we help?"

K2 has Maneuver and Warp, and will attempt to escape. K1 is currently dead in the water and K3 is slowly arcing out of the battle area.

Farragut Status

1 Photon Torpedo salvo left.

Power (Degraded/Impaired), Phasers (Degraded/Critically Impaired), Photon Torps (Operational/Operational), Shields (Degraded/Impaired), Maneuver (Operational/Degraded), Warp (Operational/Operational). With phasers at Critically Impaired, they could fire once but would likely have a total system failure as a result. If you pursue K2 and give Andrhonal time to work on the Phasers, they may be better shortly.

While Rank Has Its Privileges (RHIP), position trumps rank. The Farragut owns the Federation side of the battle and Thelin is Battle Command. The Enterprise and Potemkin report to him, for the moment. :)
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Re: [5960.2] Battle

#40 Post by gurusql »


Thelin's head is spinning as the pieces continue to move on the board. While he had hoped support was coming, he was prepared for worse news.

He responds to Captain Kirk's hail with, "Captain, nice to hear your voice. This is Commander Thelin Ch'tihlot in temporary command of the USS Farragut. We have engaged 3 Klingon D-7 battlecruisers and are currently operating as if the Farragut's crew are hostages aboard the three battlecruisers. We could use support eliminating the escape-ability of the one warp capable battlecruiser from the first of you to arrive with the second securing the other two damaged battlecruisers and beginning rescue operations. Ch'tihlot out."

The Commander quickly is brought back to the battle at hand and starts by calling Engineering - "Lieutenant B'Aarr please let me know when you can get our phasers back out of red. We are taking them offline until I hear from you that we can fire them. If you have additional capacity after they are back, then focus on the Power systems. Without them, everything else is useless. Ch'tihlot out."

Ensign Heni, "Please take the Phasers offline, until we hear from Engineering that we can fire them again. This next run could only be photon torpedoes unless we hear from Engineering in time, but we will be taking the long way to give them a chance. Our targets are the K2 Propulsion systems"

Lt. Runyon, "For your next trick we are going to loop around as before like you are going for the mid-section, but you are going to be a little lazy with it and when the Klingons try to adjust you will be taking us back to their rear shields to that Ensign Heni has a shot at the Propulsion systems."

The commander looks over to the medical tech on sensors and says, “Great job on finding us some reinforcements, let be on the lookout for the same coming for the Klingons – just in case!”

Fleet Tactics Skill [_2d6+3]=(6+5)=11+3=14
(Not that this likely needs the 300 word rule to help.)
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