WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

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WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#1 Post by max_vale »

7:40 PM; August 13, 1943; Alaska Territory; First Special Service Force Camp

Even though it was August, the night air on the Alaskan Coast was chilly and the members of SST 11 shivered a bit and huddled in their parkas as they filed into the small building behind Colonel Frederick and Major Vallens brought up the rear, turning the room's light on and locking the heavy door behind them. For a moment, the members of SST 11 thought they were in trouble as the room had no windows or other doors leading out from it.....

Directed to take a seat at the dozen or so chairs in the room, Major Vallens went to a locked file cabinet, opened it up and brought out some documents in a thick folder and a map as Colonel Frederick leaned against the wall near the door. Vallens then passed the map around the group and started talking....

"Okay, as you all know, the plan is to hit Kiska in the early morning of 15 August with a fake landing attempt on the East Side of the Island where the Japanese bases are while the Main Landing actually hits on the West side of the Island. The FSSF will be the first ones in. Originally, you were going to be landing at Beach 10 on the extreme right edge of the assault...however, we have JUST received Intel that a small detachment from Unit 781; the Japanese Military Talent Program; is stationed on the tiny island of Kistakuta (OOC: NOT a real place) some 7 miles due East of Lief Cove...."

This map shows the planned attack with the areas outlined in red; i.e. Army Barracks, Main Camp and Sub Base showing the Japanese Facilities.

Vallens shook his head and said; "Now, we have NO idea why they are there......and it's possible this is bad Intel....but this source hasn't steered us wrong yet, so I don't think so. We have attempted to confirm the Intel with Aerial Photography, but the weather in the Aleutians is notoriously lousy and in particular, this tiny rock seems to have a permanent cloud bank hovering over it."

"Now, from what we've been able to learn from our Combat Operations against Japan so far, in particular from SST 4, typically most Unit 781 detachments are 4-6 people strong. We gave a LOT of thought to just detaching a Cruiser or a couple of Destroyer to blast the hell out of the tiny rock they're on; but it was decided that might alert the Japanese that we know more than we should....so instead, the plan is to insert your Team, via an 'Alligator' landing craft in the pre-dawn hours and have you guys eliminate any Japanese Talents you find there."

"You WILL have a portable radio with you and one Destroyer; the USS Carderock will be in the area and will be able to shell the island if needed. I sincerely hope this is NOT necessary as the entire island is only about 1 square mile in size, so if you're calling down fire on the island....you may just get caught in it. Best of luck and Good Hunting!"

Frederick speaks up at this point; "I'll be honest....I'm not thrilled at the idea of not having you guys with the Force as we hit the Island on our first Combat Mission, but orders are orders. Get plenty of rest and I'll make sure you all get good chow between now and when you load up on the Ships. Your weapons are being delivered to your tents as we speak. Anything else I can do for you?"
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#2 Post by Zhym »

PFC Tom Nado sits quietly and takes in the briefing. Get in, kill the bad guys, get out, try not to get killed doing it. Seems simple enough. Tom's fine with that. He likes simple.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#3 Post by kipper »

"So based on our previous knowledge on Unit 781 we should not expect any non-talents or civilians on Kistakuta?" Phil asks, "And if we do encounter any, what are our orders?"
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#4 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum listens, then studies the map carefully. He doesn't like the idea of having to shell the island, but will do whatever is necessary.

"Ready Sir."
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#5 Post by ateno »


After a year of the hot climate Koda was ready for some coolness, he wore his coat half open. Fingering his sunglasses he made from a dogs rib he found in VA. He did not understand why the natives found it so odd. They cut the glare and brightness much for his eyes,

He could hunt, he could track, against a man is different.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#6 Post by Urson »

Porcupine studies the map, trying to glean any information he can from it. Unit 781- those bastards scared (and infuriated) him. They were at least as bad as anything Hitler and his mob were doing.
He stayed silent, listening.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#7 Post by ybn1197 »

Campbell quickly gazed over the map. It didn't matter much to him. He was a dirt dog, went where he was told to go and did what he was told to do. The big picture wasn't part of his payroll; but Phil had put forth a good question and he was curious over the answer.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#8 Post by max_vale »

7:40 PM; August 13, 1943 to approx 7:00 AM; August 15; Alaska Territory; First Special Service Force Camp to beach of Aleutian Island Kistakuta

FSSF Camp:

Valens answers Phil's question with a shake of the head; "No, I don't think so. The only civilians that ever go there are a couple of lone Aleut hunters or fishermen....and I can't imagine they'd be there with the Nips hanging around. As for non Talent Japanese troops, I supposed it's possible, but highly unlikely. The Intel Source doesn't seem to think so....but you'll have a radio with your Team, so if you see that you're sailing towards huge numbers, but all means, call the Carderock for a bombardment and scrub the attack." With that he nods to all of the members of SST 11, salutes Frederick, who salutes back and leaves.

Frederick walks back with the members of SST 11 to their barracks, engaging in small-talk and leaving most of the Team feeling quite impressed that their Commanding Officer. They get some sleep and wake up to their weapons and gear being doled out and a quick 'course' in how to use some of it; most notably Heuron's SCR 300 Backpack Radio. To use it; Phil would activate it, tune in on the correct frequency and then notify LT Hyde-Smythe, who would pick up the phone to talk to the other end; in this case; the USS Carderock......

The other really interesting piece of hardware was the 'Bazooka' Anti-Tank Launcher that Battaglia had been assigned, along with 3 Rockets for it. While they certainly weren't expecting Japanese tanks in this rocky, almost permanently slick with ice or snow or rainy terrain; the weapon could most DEFINITELY be used against Pillboxes or other fortifications. In addition to this, he was assigned an M1A1 'Folding' Carbine; as was Phil to help alleviate the weight of the Radio and Bazzoka they were carrying. The Carbines didn't hit all that hard, but having 15 rounds in a clip was comforting.....

Koda, Nado, Porcupine and Hyde-Smyth were all issued M1 Garand Rifles; the Canadians a bit dismayed to not have their familiar SMLE Rifles; but SST 11 was part of the Force....and the Force was issued with American weapons to all its members. Chisholm got a Tommy Gun, but a newer model; the M1A1 which had the bolt moved to the side inside of on top like the older 1928 version and it also came with 30 round Stick Clips. Campbell was issued the M1941 Johnson Light Machine-gun. The 'Johnny Gun' had quickly become a darling of the Force.

Colonel Frederick had made a deal with some Marine Raiders the previous year where he traded a large amount of Demolition Equipment for about 125 Johnson LMGs when it became obvious that the Force was not going to be used as a behind-the-lines demolition force in Norway and when he learned the Marines weren't crazy about the Johnson and the way it tended to jam-up in the hot and humid tropics. Highly doubting that his Cold-weather and Mountain trained unit would be employed in the Tropics; Frederick was quick to snatch up the weapon which he found superior to the BAR in almost every way. It was shorter, lighter, could hold more ammo (they both had a 20 round clip, but the Johnson could ALSO hold and additional 5 rounds manually inserted into the action via the same old-school 'Alligator Clips' that Springfield 1903 Bolt-Action Rifles used) and due to the fact that the Johnson's clip was mounted on the side, it made laying down and using it on its built-in bipod was a much more comfortable option for the user.

OOC: Some quick notes I'm realizing I never really mentioned....the Uniform of the FSSF was unique....all members wore the same unit and had MOST of the same patches/pins, including the crossed-arrows (that had once been used by the 19th Century 'Indian' Scouts assigned to the U.S. Army) pin and the unique Red Arrow-head patch that had USA and CANADA on it; with a second pin that said either USA or CANADA depending on the wearer's Army of origin:

This is the Canadian version

SCR 300 Radio:

In the utter darkness shortly before Midnight on the 14th; the members of SST 11 boarded a landing ship and they set out on their mission. At around 5 in the AM, they were lowered in their 'Alligator' landing craft and they started to make their way towards the tiny island of Kistakuta. Everyone gripped their weapons tightly and shivered as the sea-mist occasionally blew in from the sides or the open air above them. It was AUGUST and to most of the men, it felt like winter. They all shuddered to imagine winter in these parts....

The way to the tiny island was taking MUCH LONGER than they would've thought as the current here was VERY strong and they could all start to hear the bombardment of Kiska as their fellows in the FSSF and the other units made ready for the dawn assault on the much larger island to the East. Meanwhile, they slowly crept closer and closer. It was almost dawn and in the growing-yet-still-faint light they could now see their objective through the thick fog....a tiny island with a small sandy beach they were aiming towards and a rocky, flat-topped hill that dominated most of the small land area....

As they got within a couple hundred yards; every member of SST 11 could 'feel' a strange new Talent being employed and a few moments later, the thick fog somehow got even thicker. The trio of sailors driving the Alligator or manning the .30 cal LMGs all got real nervous, but the coxswain (driver) held it together and stayed pointed right at the beach. "I ain't sure how long 'till we hit land; but I'm guessing within a couple of minutes...but obviously, I can't see sh#t Lieutenant! What's the call, sir?" Hyde-Smythe's voice sounded even tighter than usual, but steady. "Keep us on course if you please!" "Aye-aye!"

It was a long, tense few minutes that brought sweat to everyone's brow, DESPITE the cold when FINALLY the landing craft's tracks hit sand. The coxswain drove the craft up until the water was only ankle high and called out; "OKAY LIEUNTEANT!" Hyde-Smythe just turned to the other members of SST 11 and called out; "Follow me!" and he went over the side. He was an unbearable SOB, but he certainly didn't lack for courage....

The other members all followed him and the Alligator soon was back out at sea and a few moments later, the Talent Power they were all feeling faded away and the thick clouds parted a bit....though many were still swirling all around; giving the rocky, barren place a foreboding look. As their vision cleared a bit, they could see several cave entrances on the side of the hill, along with a a couple of paths that had clearly been worked into the side of the hill to head up towards these cave entrances. What was more interesting though were the numerous pipe-like tubes that broke through the side of the hill seemingly randomly and the objects on the top of the hill where it was flat....

One was a long radio antennae; the other was a half-sphere pointed up with some kind of smaller ball and wires suspending it in place. (I.e. picture a radar dish pointing straight up...but not rotating at all). A moment later, a new, unfamiliar Talent Power could be felt and everyone readied weapons and looked every which way, but saw nothing. A strange noise could be heard.....rather like a plane's prop engines, but higher pitched and not as loud. A few minutes later, a small, perhaps beach-ball sized machine came flying around the side of the hill....it had what looked like miniature plane props on the bottom of it and the back of it and a couple of strange devices on the 'face' of it pointing towards the members of SST 11. It hovered in place about 100 yards away from the team and a moment later a voice emanated from one of the 'tubes' in the side of the hill; perhaps 50-60 yards from SST 11's position....

The voice was obviously a Japanese male, but it spoke in almost perfectly American accented English. "Greetings and welcome to our little island. My actual name is now dishonored and so therefore not important; but my name among us Talents is 'Daimyo' or 'The Leader or The Lord if you want to be more Mediaeval about it I suppose. The flying machine is one of the creations of one of my fellows, 'The Maker'. We also have 'The Marksman', the 'Cloud Maker' and 'Sun-Burst'. We have chosen to remain on this island in the hopes that some worthy foes would land here and we could either Triumph or die with Honor....and you have come."

"You see; all of us have been pulled from battles in various locations around the Pacific and were sent here. Then, our high command decided that after losing Attu; they would withdraw everyone from Kiska. Your fellow soldiers are landing on a deserted Rock. We were supposed to leave as well; but we had all had enough of the dishonor of fleeing and retreating from battlefields, so we chose to stay. Now prepare yourselves....in a few minutes, we will engage in glorious battle!"

With that, the flying machine set down gently on the rocks and then the Talent Power 'faded out'......
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#9 Post by Urson »

Porcupine studied the machine briefly, then went back to 'watching for cowboys'. Teriffic. Kamikazi Talents...
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#10 Post by ateno »

"I know I have been told about this culture in trainings, but I find it hard they don't want to go to their home fires."

Koda will look at the hills for other trails, traps and animal trails or leavings. Mostly birds here if I remember.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#11 Post by kipper »

How far is it to the flying machine?

Phil is balancing in his mind whether it's a bomb (in which case he wants to get far away from it) or if he should approach it and try to disable it (so it can't spy on us in the future)

EDIT: If it's close, then Phil will assume it's about to explode and warn his companions and get far away from it. If it's currently outside of blast range, then he will try to get closer to it.
Last edited by kipper on Mon Dec 20, 2021 6:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#12 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum moves away from the flying thing, looking for some cover where he can keep watch from.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#13 Post by max_vale »

OOC: The flying machine set down give or take 100 yards from Phil and everyone in SST 11's position.

Also...I'm assuming the text that is a different color but does not have quotations from Koda and Porcupine are their thoughts or are they saying these things out loud?
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#14 Post by ateno »

max_vale wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:30 am Also...I'm assuming the text that is a different color but does not have quotations from Koda and Porcupine are their thoughts or are they saying these things out loud?
Saying outloud
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#15 Post by kipper »

max_vale wrote: Tue Dec 21, 2021 1:30 am OOC: The flying machine set down give or take 100 yards from Phil and everyone in SST 11's position.
In that case, Phil does not think it is likely to explode, and attempts to approach it.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#16 Post by ybn1197 »

Campbell keeps his gun at the ready. "Nifty names they have there. Guess they figure we aren't able to pronounce their real ones."
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#17 Post by Urson »

Porcupine the last comments were spoken aloud.

They're Nips. Who cares if we can pronounce their names? They're cowboys in black hats.

LT- I'm betting I know the answer here, but... do we know anything about those caves?
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#18 Post by max_vale »

7:05 AM; August 15; Alaska Territory; beach of Aleutian Island Kistakuta

Hyde-Smythe replied to Porcupine's question with his typical sneering annoyance; "How would I know anything about those bloody caves that you don't Private...and for God's sake, it's LEFT-tenant.....you Yanks and your destruction of the English language...though I suppose with YOUR background, it's more under-", he cuts himself off as numerous unusual Talent Powers can suddenly be felt/smelt/heard by ALL of the members of SST 11 at the same time. "Bloody Hell", he whispers as he looks up....

From the strange, large mechanical device on top of the hill dark clouds suddenly came pouring out, like water from a Fire Hose and a bizarre half-spherical 'wall' began to arc out and down, covering the entire beach and cutting off the island from the ocean and sky...(I hope that makes sense....like being inside a snow globe...you can see each other and the hill with the caves etc, but if you look up or back or to the far left or right, it's just thick, dark clouds) All of the SST 11 members knew this was WAY more area than any Talent Power should be able to cover....CLEARLY that device on the top of the hill was enhancing it.....it also explained why there seemed to be 'Permanent Cloud Banks' over the little island when recon planes flew over and couldn't get any good pictures....

In addition to the obvious 'wall' of clouds now all around them, several other Japanese Talents made their presence known as well....

From a cave entrance near the top of the hill a Japanese Talent in the uniform of an IJA Captain came flying out with a Type 100 submachine gun in his hands with its side-mounted curved magazine...

At a range of about 50 yards he cut loose a burst of 8mm rounds that hit the sand and rocks all around Chisholm, who had rushed to an outcropping of stones and ducked down just in time. The flying Talent was coming on a bee-line towards him and John Porcupine who was about 5 yards away to Chisholm's left.....

On the far left side of the beach, Phil Heuron had gotten close to the strange flying machine with Mark Battaglia not far behind him when the Japanese Talents attacked. Their attention, like everyone else's was initially drawn to the 'wall of clouds' all around them and then the Flying Talent....but then a strange sound much closer to them caused them to whirl around and see that a cave entrance about 75 yards away, near the far-left side of the hill had.....SOMETHING....coming out of it....

A strange machine that was about 4 feet high and had treads like a tank was racing out of the entrance and towards them....of more immediate concern to the SST 11 members was the Type 92 Heavy machine-gun mounted on some kind of metal turret-mount and it was turning towards them at a range of about 50 yards....

Phil noticed out of the corner of his eye the form of a slim, short Japanese IJA trooper crouching low in the cave entrance with some of control I his hands that he was using to...perhaps...control this vehicle/contraption coming towards him.....

(Looking something like this:)

Unnoticed at the top of the hill, an IJA SGT slid open a well-hidden entrance and climbed the ladder to come out on top of the flat-topped hill and belly-crawled to a couple of boulders where he carefully knelt up and braced his Scoped Ariska Rifle on them and scanned his targets. He settled his weapon's cross-hairs on an American carrying what looked like some kind of Light Machine-gun. He took a breath, let it go and stroked the trigger and then worked the bolt-action to reload his weapon and select a new target....

On the beach, Casey Campbell's attention was split between the Flying Talent opening fire on Chisholm in front of him; the bright flash of light to his right and the strange machine rolling towards Phil and Mark to his left. As he was experiencing his moment of indecision, he brought his Johnson up, ready to fire when he suddenly felt something hammer him on the left side of his chest and the next thing he knew, he was o his back on the beach and breathing HURT....

Looking down, he saw that well-hidden sniper on top of the Hill had fired a probably Talent-enhanced shot that had hit him JUST below his heart and glanced off a rib that was now broken and quite possible puncturing a lung....On the one hand, had that shot been an inch higher, he'd almost certainly be dead so he was glad about that......on the other hand, it hurt like HELL*......

On the right side of the beach, LT Hyde-Smythe, LCPL Koda and PFC Nado saw all of the action explode all around them and then suddenly, a burly IJA soldier with a Type 96 LMG with it bipod extended and being carried by its handle in one hand came rushing out of a cave on beach-level at the far right side of the hill came racing out while extending his other hand towards them. From this hand a sphere of reddish-orange-yellow light came bursting towards them. It reached them and exploded in a blinding flash of light that only Nado was only to close his eyes in time to not be impacted by....Hyde-Smythe and Koda found themselves squeezing their eyes closes and still seeing nothing but crazy bursts of light that effectively blinding them**.....

Nado was able to see the Talent drop down on his belly behind some rocks and set his weapon up on its bipod about 50 yards away.....

OOC: Okay, the situation is as follows....from left to right...

Phil and Mark (NPC) are about 50 yards from the machine coming towards them and about 75 yards from the Talent controlling the machine and crouching in the Cave Entrance (The Maker).....they are about 75 yards from the Flying Talent....150 yards from the Talent on the top of the Hill and 100 yards from the Guy with the LMG on the far right side....

John and Chisholm are about 50 yards from the Flying Talent, about 75 from the two on the far sides (though they don't have good angles to shoot on either of them from their current position); about 150 yards from the guy on top of the Hill.....

Campbell is Wounded (-1D to all actions until treated).....and is about 75 yards from the Flying Talent; 160 yards to the Sniper who shot him; 100 yards from the guys on the far sides (i.e. the Maker to the left and Sun Burst to the right)....

Hyde-Smythe (NPC) and Koda are both at -2D to all actions for the next few rounds due to being effectively blinded by the Sun Burst Power; Sun Burst is about 50 yards away from them...

Nado is able to act; he's about 50 yards from Sun Burst (who is setting up an LMG on a bipod)....75 yards from the Flying Talent; 100 yards from the Maker on the opposite side and 150 or so from the Talent on Top of the Hill

Note: There are various rocks all over the beach that can be used as Cover....Chisholm is already behind some, as is the Maker and Sun Burst and the Marksman
Last edited by max_vale on Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#19 Post by Urson »

John grins- a rare thing in itself. Duck season already? How time flies.. He keeps low, focusing on Fly Boy. He moves, trying to reach a better shooting angle on the aerial Nip.
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Re: WW2 SST 11: Mission One: Aleutian 'Milk Run'

#20 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum dives for cover while spraying a burst from his Tommy Gun at the flying soldier.

He will activate his Hyper Dex.
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