The Time and The Place

The Bindoner
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The Time and The Place

#1 Post by The Bindoner »

The submersible rides the choppy waters close inshore, Harris at the helm holding it just high enough not to bottom out.

Lennon, standing at the viewer, turns to Arnwolf:

This is as far in as we’re going, Arnwolf. Any further and we surface, and I’m not putting us under the guns of that thing. They might be your people, but they won’t know that ‘til they see you face to face.

Cartney, standing by the inner door of the airlock, asks You sure you want to go mate? We’ve got a good gig here.

Arnwolf has been waiting for this opportunity for months. Years, now. To be in the right place at the right time, a settlement being raided by his kinsfolk. He has always insisted the salvage crew time their trading visits to ports around the likely schedule of the Oghma raids, but always it had been another island that was hit. Finally, here it is, a Threshing Oar above him. When it lifted off while they were still too far out to sea his heart sank. The raid had been early, he had missed his chance... Then it hovered, and the sub pressed on, and now it looks like it will land again.

The moment is here, his chance to rejoin his people. If he wants to.

All he has to is take his things, cycle the lock, and go ashore.

Oh, and avoid getting shot by a trigger-happy Warband.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#2 Post by Bluetongue »


"My humble friends, comrades, brothers in adversity. We have trawled the sea bottom together, fled from the maws of the great whales, dueled with narwhals, tacked among the shoals of stinging jellyfish as one threads a way through a minefield, taken pearls from the great chasm clams. Wenches and whored and sodden with liqueur returned to live as sardines in this tin can and more than once the ocean depths threatened to pressurise us into juice within.

I have learned much of trade and humankind and seafaring. My marooning was not inconsequential but you made it a life worth living. But I was born to fare the stars and I will have my revenge.

I shall return in time to check out those hangars and plumb the depths once more."

Arnwulf is cautious too, not because of the gunship, he has enough nous to dodge and deflect but the culture of taking slaves would enslave the ones who by chance alone rescued his stranding.

He climbs through the submarine airlock, unties a curved board from the hull. He bangs on the hull plates and grins through a porthole. No doubt the sub will watch with trepidation through the periscope. Pulls on over his head a Smilodon skull helm, one of the few remnants to his Oghman gear he still has with him, Arnwulf paddles a few athletic strokes on his surf board.

His concern isn't to make the shore unscathed from a washout by a freak wave but the guardian krakens which linger with their symbiotic bond to the acolytes of the ancient cults. Though they would be less concerned by a single man, unthreathening to their domain. The sharks however might be another matter.

Arnwulf surfs the waves [2d6+1]=8+1=9

Catching the crest of a wave he stands to balance and triggers his harpoon which sends a spear arcing into the air, igniting an attached flare fuse which erupts with a cascade of sparkling fireworks and colourful trailing smoke.

If you need to make an entrance, do it in style!
some music to go with his entrance.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#3 Post by Legion Lee »

Leon watches from the weapons viewer as the figure emerges from the sub and starts surfing the waves. He smiles as the flare is set off, the chap is certainly trying to attract attention or is it some bizarre local fishing method. Leon watches, there seems something familiar about this person. Leon uses the systems camera to zoom in on the surfer.

Yes it is....Leon turns to Kar Captain, I know this man, he is Oghma. I did a term with him Leon ponders awhile, going back down memory You know captain, if this is the guy I think it is then we may have found a pilot].
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Re: The Time and The Place

#4 Post by hardrocks »

Roger that Leon. Reg, see if you can open some kind of comms with this "surfer".

Turning to Raven, Perhaps you could go down to Ingunn in the hold, looks like we have a passenger and Herfjotur might be needed for a pick up.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#5 Post by Tiglath »

Raven peers at the viewer and mutters "Of course he's Oghman - Marduk don't surf". She muses "...and a pilot? Then we are indeed favoured by the gods..." adding "and I need to make no more miracles today".

She replies to Kar "Já, Skippare". She then calls "Húskarlar!" and sets off for the hold. She forewarns Ingunn of imminent flight ops and releases Rubati into Eno's care on the way. Once aboard she directs Ingunn to RV with the surfer. Noting Bjartr's apparent concern she confidently declares "If I say its safe to surf this beach - it's safe to surf this beach". ;)

(OOC: Húskarlar here in the sense of bodyguard. What a wholly appropriate tune to enter to! 8-) He'll be OK as long as he doesn't
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: The Time and The Place

#6 Post by The Bindoner »

At Raven’s command Rúna and Ragnheiðr move to her side, fall in, and move with her through the ship.

Eno takes charge of Rubati at the Meadhall and leads her away.

Rubati’s attitude changes as she realises that her situation may not be as romantic as she imagined. As Eno takes her sternward she casts an anxious glance back which is met by a smirking Áshildr Leave the slave-band off for now Eno, I want to do that myself.

Ingunn had kept Herfjötur at full readiness. She acknowledges Raven’s notification with a confident Ready, Raid Leader. As soon as Raven and her companions are aboard she calls out Hold tight! And takes off.

Arnwolf, riding his board toward the shore, casts an eye over the Threshing Oar above him. It’s grey and black hull bears an iridescent dragon and runes of protection. He is indeed fortunate, it is the Serpent, one of Lord Ásgeirr’s ships. He is as good as home.

As he watches, a Doomsayer exits the ship’s hangar and drops like stone. Just before it impacts on the beach the vehicle’s lifters kick in, arresting its fall in a swirl of sand, and it springs forward, accelerating as it pivots toward him.

The APC comes to a halt just where the downwash from the hovering starship flattens the waves, and it swings around again, presenting its open rear doors to him. Inside are several Oghman warriors awaiting his arrival.

Áshildr, looking out at the approaching figure, comments to Raven, in amazement: The gods have a sense of humour today. Our Valkyrie swoops down to collect a dead man. I have seen this one. I drank to his memory when he failed to return.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#7 Post by Bluetongue »

Arnwulf Goren Lugersen

It was looking so good, taking an angled bottom turn and tacking left and right in switchback carves. The moves not fanciful or theatre but more drama of the chase. Those following his progress see the deep gray shadow which haunts his wake. In the steep waves, the wall of water curl with a crest of white foam and front a visage of fang-toothed doom.

Arnwulf snaps a change of trajectory, sending a cascade of spray before the enters a roiling barrel, gaining speed as the waters build behind and tilt the angle of his descent from the waves. The sea-rider loads an attachment to the harpoon he bares, an barbed spear but before he can fire it at the megalodon pursuing him, the crash of water and predator's maw close over him.

Arnwulf surfs the waves [2d6+1]=6+1=7

After a brief interlude of suspense, the watchers see the triangular dorsal of the beast and the broken board, snapped in halves like a twig and tossed aside by shark and wave alike.

'Thunk' A barbed spear clunks into the landing strut of the Doomsayer, a trailing wire reels in noisily and spluttering sea water and curses, a half drowned castaway is hauled in to shore to flop placidly on the shore like a beached eel.

"Way to go, eh?" he says then promptly pukes.

Arnwulf and the shark
Arnwulf and the shark
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Re: The Time and The Place

#8 Post by Tiglath »

From his horizontal perspective Arnwolf sees an Oghman warrior in her war glory step down from the APC. She was in the prime position by the door ready to be first out. However, already he sees that her intent may not be hostile for, while oddly wearing none of her high spec suit of armour on her muscled arms, she is without either her helmet or longarm. This leaves her only at least the three visible sidearms and the big sword strapped across her back for self offence.

She wears raid warpaint. Her face is bone white while patches of black sprayed over her eyes complete the cadaverous image. Her hair is as black as night as are the irises of her eyes. She speaks sternly in Oghman “You're not dead - get up”. She continues “You are surely favoured by the gods. I see this because I know and recognise their favour – and I am grateful for it. I have just completed a most successful raid. One that will certainly be talked about over ale and may even pass into memory and record. I have taken no losses and yet now it seems you bid me sully my life's achievement and have me bring a corpse home?”

Her dark eyes seem to stare, she is still and holds herself instinctively at just enough distance for handgun or blade. As Arnwolf stirs she, perhaps surprisingly, smiles “You ride waves and sharks. I ran the oars before the fleet and yet both of us still live. The gods favour us. More usefully for you - you are known to my crew”. She extends her hand “I am Raven Sorrow, Raid Leader on Jarl Ásgeirr's Serpent under Kapiten Kar Tollerson... and we happen to need a pilot". She grins "Tell me, do you have any immediate plans?”

Raven asides to Áshildr “He's a good looking man. It's a good job that I'm not jealous of every new arrival the sea throws into the Serpent's path”. She drops her voice lower “You do know that if you want your arse slapped like a trophy prisoner I'll do it - but, personally, I think it would be demeaning to your position to do it in front of the warband”.
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: The Time and The Place

#9 Post by Bluetongue »


Rolls over spluttering, coughing up brine and a strand of kelp. He looks up at the figure standing over him, his first thought, this white as bleached bone visage is one of the Valkryries and he is dead already. Chewed in half and vomited up like ambergris from the whales stomach. His choosing for Valhalla at hand.

"Hlaðguðr svanhvít am I not for choosing? For two years I have lived as one dead in the memory of Lord Hallsteinn Ásgeirr . I hope my restoration will be equally talked over in the ale houses."

He takes a firm grip of Raven's hand as she pulls him upright and takes off his helm.
Tell me, do you have any immediate plans?”
"Plans? Mead. And then I will take my revenge. Lead on Raven Hjörþrimul."

visually, Arnwulf wears a HE vacc-suit geared for underwater exploration with a filter mask attached. A webbing belt of pouches contains the few personal items he currently owns and he carries an antique modified harpoon. A satchel over his shoulder contains a waterlogged Comms unit and binoculars.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#10 Post by Tiglath »

Raven seems amused by Arnwulf's confusion and clearly doesn't mind being mistaken for a valkyrie. She replies “I am a slayer not a chooser of the slain and so, on behalf of Jarl Hallsteinn, I welcome you back to the mortal realm. Save your tale for the warrior's hall for we will all look forward to hearing it – especially the part where I pulled you from inside a kraken!” She grins “You see it already grows even before the telling. Then tell us of your revenge!”

Addressing the interior of the APC she says “We have both found ourselves a pilot and some stories for our hall”. She then adds “Ingunn let's be gone! Back to the Serpent”. Arnwulf is robustly helped aboard/dragged inside. Despite Raven's reassurance to the contrary he may have yet another “mythological moment” as all the warriors he can see bearing him away to the mead hall are female.

Raven introduces “My húskarls - Rúna and Ragnheiðr. This is Áshildr who trains my warband and has an interest in space flight”.

On arrival aboard the Serpent Raven introduces Ingunn (the APC's female pilot) and Arnwulf learns that the legs he could see in the APC's fighting compartment are owned by the male gunners Sverrir and Hrafn.

She will then escort Arnwulf to the bridge to meet Kar and the crew.
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
Gun Cbt 3 (Rifle 2, Pistol 1), Melee Cbt 1 (Axe), Pilot 1,
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The Bindoner
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Re: The Time and The Place

#11 Post by The Bindoner »

Rúna and Ragnheiðr try to look fierce and imposing as Raven introduces them, standing to Attention with their "short" spears, as tall as themselves, in hand, Rúna’s black hair contrasting with Ragnheiðr's blonde. They are both well over 6’, lean and fit, typical of the Oghman warrior, but to Arnwolf they are surprisingly young women to be accorded the title húskarl. Both show signs of recent injury, and the determination not to show it.

Áshildr looks a little flustered, her flushed cheeks echoing her coppery hair.` Whatever the cause of that, she smiles pleasantly as she says: I look forward to hearing your stories, Dead Man. It will be interesting to drink with one I drained the dauða-bolli for.

Leaving the Doomsayer Arnwolf is taken up to the Meadhall, where more young warriors are gathered. They watch with interest, and a low murmur of whispered speculation, as Raven leads the new arrival forward through the ship.

The Cunning serpent is, in layout, the same as every other Threshing Oar Arnwolf has been on, but it is more richly decorated than most. Parts of the long history of the ship are laid out in the carved panels and paintings lining the walls and ceilings he passes on his way toward the prow.

On the Bridge there are only three figures. A woman with the look of a Marduk native sits at the pilot's station right for'rard, working on two other tasks (comms and sensors, from the screen). An Oghmam man sits in the Skippare's chair, on its raised position of honour in the centre. He appears to be piloting the ship from his console. Just beyond the Captain's dais, in what is usually the Astronavigation position opposite the Pilot's, there is a familiar Oghman male. Arnwolf is sure he was a Gunnery Tech on his last ship.
Last edited by The Bindoner on Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#12 Post by Bluetongue »


Smiles at the guards as they stand to attention, not sure if they are trying to impress him or Raven.

He says little to the crew except to Ashildr "I should hope that any future celebration or remembrance of me would not include that it was premature."

He goes to the bridge following Raven.
"Familiar faces bring a touch of home to this castaway. Are you returning to Oghma or raiding elsewhere?" he asks concerning the next stage of the Cunning Serpent's mission and acknowledges Leon's presence.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#13 Post by hardrocks »

Trying not to become too distracted from piloting, but intrigued by Arnwulf's presence on Marduk, Kar greets him with a friendly nod.

Well met, Arnwulf revenant, I look forward to hearing your tale in the Mead Hall later. Til then, Eno will find you suitable quarters and sustenance if you should require it. Welcome aboard The Cunning Serpent.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#14 Post by Tiglath »

Bluetongue wrote: Tue Nov 02, 2021 10:08 pm Arnwulf
"Familiar faces bring a touch of home to this castaway. Are you returning to Oghma or raiding elsewhere?" he asks concerning the next stage of the Cunning Serpent's mission and acknowledges Leon's presence.
Raven simply says “Welcome back". She then replies "The Kapiten will decide” and then asks obliquely “Tell me, Arnwulf, can you navigate the stars as well as pilot as ship?”
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: The Time and The Place

#15 Post by Bluetongue »


"To my sorrow Raven, I am yet to add such a skill to bowstring. My schooling was unorthodox, it seemed I cared not where to go but what to do when I got there.

They say the world is your oyster. Though I have had my fill of brine and undersea scavenging.

Perhaps I could assist in some function as you travel. It might be wise for me to familiarise myself with the ship communications and sensors as a base line to serve. Though if Eno is able to appoint me some quarters and disrobe me from this hostile skin to something more suitable, that would be a fine start."
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Re: The Time and The Place

#16 Post by The Bindoner »

The Serpent has, apparently, connected Eno to the conversation, presumably after Kar's words. She contributes, over the comm: The ship is quite crowded, Skeppare Tollerson. If Master Korvus cannot be found, perhaps the new Master could use his cabin? Or our guest Manfred might share his cabin, if that is not acceptable.

I have a small store of spare clothing. I will bring the things I believe will fit once I have settled the Raid Leader's latest prize.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#17 Post by Tiglath »

Bluetongue wrote: Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:23 pm Arnwulf

"To my sorrow Raven, I am yet to add such a skill to bowstring...
Raven replies somewhat vaguely "I'm sure sensors and communicators are indeed important". She then adds "It seems we shall trust to faith to cross the domain of Rán - the realm between the worlds. As a pilot I'm sure you respect Njörðr the God of Spacefarers. It is surely fortunate that the gods have returned you to us just at the same time as I have acquired a priestess to aid my shaman in his divinations. You shall no doubt meet the Drive Shaman - Remington "Many Names". He abjures the void spirits as we cross between worlds and he most recently aided me against the kraken". She adds absently "You must allow for him. He is touched by the gods and often speaks in riddles".

She contines "Áshildr and Leon know you and the good Jarl made provision for warriors aboard. When you are settled seek out Dagný and tell her that you have my word. She will open the armoury in order that you may be equipped as to your station aboard".

(OOC: Edited slightly).

Here's the armoury viewtopic.php?f=978&t=10329 - rummage away! :SAN:
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: The Time and The Place

#18 Post by Legion Lee »

It comes to Leon as he watches Arnwulf being introduced to the bridge and the captain. Ashildr, him and Arnwulf served on the same ship, the ship that Arnwulf disappeared from . He knew he thought he had seen Ashildr before and that's the place. She seems different now to then though. Well Leon muses to himself....what a turn up for the books.

Leon nods back to Arnwulf when he shows recognition of him.

Leon sees that Kar is concentrating piloting the ship Captain, raid leader. There is not much need for me at the moment and Ingrid can keep watch. I would like to have a catch up with an old friend. I will show him around and help kit him out

Leon gets up and faces Arnwulf well old friend, it seems you have a good story to tell, you can tell me about it while we get you kitted out Leon will lead Arnwulf off the bridge and as he passes Raven he will ask if Ashildr could join them later in the mead hall once she has been excused.

Leon would like to hear her story as well.
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Re: The Time and The Place

#19 Post by Tiglath »

Raven hesitates momentarily and then replies "Áshildr is her own woman and will surely join you".

She adds "If you all served on the same ship be sure that Arnwulf isn't seeking revenge against you two before we give him the run of the armoury".
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
Gun Cbt 3 (Rifle 2, Pistol 1), Melee Cbt 1 (Axe), Pilot 1,
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Re: The Time and The Place

#20 Post by Legion Lee »

Leon acknowledges Raven with a nod of his head, he is certain Arnwulf has no grudge against him, but Ashildr.....Ashildr could be another matter.

Making small talk about the ship and recent raid he will see Arnwulf clothed and then lead him to the Meadhall, the armoury can wait awhile.

Settling down with a couple of drinks he is straight to the point So what gives, last I saw of you, you were off on some mission, which you never came back from. The captain said you would not be back and ordered the ship to leave and now here you are.

Leon pauses taking in Arnwulf There is a mystery here, I am glad to see you well, but I hope you will cause no trouble for this ship. It's a good ship and crew

Leon takes a sip of beer and waits for Arnwuldf to reply
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