It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#241 Post by thirdkingdom »

Brezebar the Magician

"It sounds as if a small army approaches. To meet them head on, subterfuge or not, would be suicide. I believe they head for the surface, and thus we are left with two options. We can retreat with all haste, rouse the villagers, and make our defense as best as possible. It seems as though there are only two points from whence they can emerge -- under the temple and the wizard's tower -- and I believe they would both make decent choke points. Or we could retreat into this room, close the door and pray they do not open it, then assault them from behind as they attack the village. I prefer the former choice."
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#242 Post by Anivar »

I don't believe they would enter this room, you saw the dark dwarf's reaction when you opened the door. Yet, the townsmen must be warned if they are planning an attack.

Vane motions towards the duergar, What should we do with him? We can't have him warning his friends...
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#244 Post by Blazeguard »

Eldrek, Fighter (HP 13/16)

"Well, I think he has outlived his usefulness, such as it was", Eldrek mutters as he unsheaths his sword and slits the dark dwarf's throat. "Throw him down the tunnel as a warning to the rest and then let's head back up and ready for battle."
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#245 Post by Grognardsw »

Kargoth / chamber

The dwarf cleric must not have gotten a good night sleep, as his addled brain thinks the sound was coming from within the dark magician's abode.

"By Moradin's Hairy Hanging Hammer! Them noises be outside," exhorts Kargoth.

He pushes the table away and motions Drog out. The dwarf cracks open the door to peek outside.

"We're good, but can't take on a troop of dark ones. Maybe I can get a gander at their number."
Who is in the chamber and who is outside?
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#246 Post by Fearghus »

The Platoon from the Depths

Eldrek unceremoniously dispatches the bound deep dwarf. He, Vane, Petyr, and Gutram are now standing in the passage. Facing away from Allathurion, the four look into the depths from where the advancing footsteps approach. To their left is the barracks, the narrow passage leading to the water, and the fungus patch. To their right is Lorcan's personal chamber in which Kargoth and Brezebar have completed their inspection.

Kargoth peeks out of the wizard's chamber, and seeing only his four companions in the hall, steps past them. He moves deeper into the passage where it begins to descend in a spiral. There are no voices, just the ever increasing sound of the boots on stone. The dwarven priest is far enough away from Brezebar's lamp that his infravision is active. He realizes he is standing out in the open and will need to find a better place to hide if he wants to observe the deep dwarves unawares.

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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#247 Post by thirdkingdom »

Brezebar the Magician

"Bah!" he exclaims, "I have no desire to die here under the cold earth. I return to the surface to warn the villagers! Any who wish to live should follow me." And, taking the robes and book, he begins to stride back the way they came with urgency.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#248 Post by Blazeguard »

Eldrek, Fighter (HP 13/16)

Eldrek tosses the duergar down the corridor in the direction of the footsteps and takes off after Brezebar.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#249 Post by Grognardsw »

Kargoth / tunnels

The dwarf cleric has second thoughts about leaving the dead duergar in plain sight. It may give the enemy clue, or prompt unwanted action by the approaching platoon. Kargoth quickly drags the body into the evil magician's chamber.

The cleric reluctantly follows his group back to Allathurion. He ponders defensive moves to slow the evil ones.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#250 Post by Anivar »

Vane gives Kargoth a hand moving the dead dwarf, then closes the door to the magic user's chamber. There is nothing more we can do here without giving ourselves away. he says, turning to follow Brezebar back the way they came.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#251 Post by Grognardsw »

Kargoth / tunnels back to Allathurion

Kargoth quietly talks with the others on the run back, sharing ideas for Allathurion's defense. Time is of the essence.

"If we could force the dark ones to use one passage, it will be much more defensible," the exciteable dwarf says. "Perhaps the village magician can collapse the tunnels, or somehow create a trap. We could make a fire trap with oil in the one tunnel, then collapse it after us. I wonder how many men-at-arms can be gathered on short notice? Then again... Of course, we could..."

The dwarf rambles on for most of the trip back.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#252 Post by Fearghus »

For the sake of forward progression of the game. With Lorcan and his minions dead, the duergar advance on Allathurion is defeated. Their key to success was the taking of Leothric and that was coordinated through Lorcan, and potentially, Gilseax. Not to say the duergar threat is removed, as they will now exist in the surrounding area, but not as a mobilized army. The option remains to marshal a force and meet the duergar head-on, but the Lawful characters can consider their task complete at this point. My main reason for continuing to present the journey to the first outpost was to allow you to search the barracks and Lorcan's chamber in order to receive the wealth that should have been on their bodies once defeated.

To Allathurion

It is mid-afternoon when the party returns to the cellar of The Chapel of the Sword. Left behind are the minions of the City Below, the body of Lorcan, the slain duergar and the slaves. Once in the courtyard the group is able to reassess their situation. Revelers still linger in the grassy space outside of the village, their colorful tents dotting the area. The door to the chapel is open as the faithful enter to pay their respects and depart. The doors to the longhouse are closed, and a single man stands guard outside.

It was only the last evening that the excursion beneath the village began. The festival has lost some of its charm, and you recall the misgivings others had of the event: missing clansmen, creatures being "strange".

The day is yours.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#253 Post by Anivar »

Vane smiles, Well, I'm going to go find some ale and have a look at whats left of this festival. Shall we meet back here before sunset?

Not waiting for any replies, he turns and heads off toward the festival tents, raising a hand in farewell as he walks off. When he gets to the festival grounds, and finds an ale, he wanders around the area focusing on eaves dropping on the conversations being had and keeping an eye out for anyone looking especially poor (particularly children). His conscience still weighing on him, he will very discreetly give 10 sp to anyone he finds that look like they could really use it and pay special attention to any conversations that sound out of place, talk of strange happenings, or oppression of the people.

When the sun begins to sink low in the sky, he heads back to the chapel to meet with his companions.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#254 Post by Grognardsw »

Kargoth / dwarf-about-town

The Avenging Adept of the Undermountain rests and makes merry in Allathurion for the next few days. He puts thought of Dark Ones aside, enjoying food, drink and company.

"Aye, I be one of the defenders of Allathurion," admits Kargoth, deep in drink, to an appreciative townswoman in the tavern that evening. The dwarf recites his cleric vows in his head.

Before going to bed the cleric prays to Clangeddin for guidance in the days ahead.

The next morning, Kargoth meets with his companions at breakfast. "What say you we blow some tunnels and finish what we started?"

The dwarf requests of Leothric a miner contingent for the tunnel work.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#255 Post by Blazeguard »

At the mention of ale, Eldrek's thoughts begin to wander...Huh...Wha... Looking around he realizes that everyone has left already. Shaking his head with an embarrassed grin he heads off to the alehouse. He regales the patrons with tales of his past exploits until the wee hours of the morning and then manages to track down a sleeping pallet and grab a few hours of sleep.

Waking to a rumbling belly he finds his companions waiting for him at the breakfast table. "I must confess, the thought of ale distracted me yesterday. So what's the plan for today?" he asks between mouthfuls of food.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#256 Post by thirdkingdom »

Brezebar the Magician

Brezebar girds his loins as preparations are made to descend once more into the depths. "Let us be off, my friends!" he calls out, lighting his lantern.
He shall have two Sleep spells memorized, this time.
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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#257 Post by Fearghus »

Around the Festival

Vane departs company and strolls through the fairgrounds. Men test their skill at various forms of martial skill amidst singing and dancing. Dwarf, elf, gnome and halfling all mingle with the villagers, joining in all aspects of this second day of celebration. The assassin easily overhears several comments:

"Did you hear about the fiend attacking the friar last night? It happened within the chapel! Only someone walking away from the Light could be beset upon by fiends in a sacred place".

"Some of the warriors said they encountered stone-dwarves from the deep right under the grounds on which we celebrate! The stories get better here every year".

"While emptying my bladder at the edge of the wood last night I could see the eyes of animals shine from the fire-light within the underbrush. Stunk like brimstone". A companion rolls his eyes, "Likely it was the smell of your own waste. Everyone's seen something last night. It's called too much drink".

The assassin comes upon a few halfling sitting away from the crowds. They are garbed in simple brown robes and sit in the grass, their cheeks stained with mud, and hair on their feet and heads feet dust-worn. Out of all the assassin has encountered, they look to be having the least amount of fun. One of the halflings stands as Vane approaches, he looks apprehensive to have a man with armor, sword and bow approach. Vane's donation of 10 silver eases him, and he divulges to the assassin, "We came here seeking refuge from friar Gilseax, but we heard of the trouble that already came upon him and didn't want to be more of a bother". He turns to his two companions and hands off the coins. They both fill their empty drinking horns with the silver. "The Monastery of the Sword lies on the far side of the Grassy Space. We were layman there, tending the gardens. Last night there was a disagreement amongst a priest and a group of men that have been there under the Banner of the Sword for the last ten-day. The rites performed there have turned from Law to strange happenings at night". He shakes his head slowly, closing and then opening his eyes. "When I asked why we had leave, he gave me this", and points to a bruise on his cheek.

In the Longhouse

Men capable of swinging axe and mallet stand willing to break the supports within the tunnels under the village. One of the men in the longhouse asks, "Why have the dwarves risen against us and still stand camped within our village to celebrate?" The Magician speaks to the difference between the good folk of the wood, where the elf and dwarf exist, and those of the deep that live in shadows as drow and duergar. The villager's furrowed brow is proof of his confusion, but he shrugs and nods as if understanding.

The next morning, with a full belly of stew and ale, the companions are ready to travel with their three 'axe and mallet' wielding villagers.

Into the Labyrinth

Descending once again under Allathurion, Brezebar lights the lamp and illuminates the tunnels. Once past the chapel cellar, simple wooden beams provide support to the passages. The group winds its way to the chamber where Lorcan and his two duergar bodyguards were defeated, but all three corpse are missing. Gutram hears footfalls in the passage leading to under the Magician's tower: the footfalls are growing fainter.

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Re: It Starts in a Village in a Clearing - Active IC Thread

#258 Post by NJWilliam »

Gutram, Ranger

Gutram says, "Footsteps!" and takes off after the footsteps he hears, drawing his hand axe as he runs.
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