House Rules and Rule Interpretations

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House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#1 Post by Zhym »

Spell Books and Components
I'll assume that all a magic user's spells fit in one spell book that weighs 10 lbs.

Casters do not need to track standard material components except for those required to be of minimum worth. Components for these spells must be limited to 1,000 g.p. total value at the start of the game and tracked. For example, Identify requires a pearl of at least 100 g.p. value; a mage wishing to cast this spell must include these pearls in his or her inventory.

Verbal components must be spoken aloud, clearly and with purpose. The arcane forces do not easily manifest for whispers and mumbles. If a caster wishes to quietly invoke a spell with a verbal component by speaking softly or whispering, he must make a successful check on a d20 vs. intelligence for magic-user spells and vs. wisdom for cleric spells, or the spell will fail.

A silent version of a spell—i.e., one with no verbal component—may be memorized as a spell one level higher than the spell's usual level. For example, a magic user could use a 2nd level spell slot to memorize Silent Magic Missile, which would require only a somatic component. Mouthing the normal verbal component becomes part of the movements needed to cast the spell.

Encumbrance and Movement
A character's movement rate is the lower of (1) his racial movement rate, (2) the maximum movement rate allowed by the armor type, and the (3) movement rate determined by encumbrance. Encumbrance is determined as per OSRIC.

For example, a dwarf (9" max movement) wearing non-magical plate mail (6" max movement rate) and carrying 75 lbs of gear (very heavy load, 6" max move rate) will have a movement rate of 6". If the dwarf sheds 6 lbs of gear so that he is only carrying heavy gear (9" max move rate), his movement rate will still be 6" because of the plate mail.

Magic armor is unencumbering and allows movement at 3" greater than the rate for non-magical armor. Thus, magical scale, splint, and plate mail armors allow movement at 9", while magical chain, banded, ring, and studded leather armors allow movement at 12" max.

Money—Values and Weights
100 cp = 10 sp = 1 gp = 1/10 pp
Encumbrance: Gold and platinum coins are 10/lb. Silver coins are 50/lb., and copper coins are 200/lb.

Critical Hits and Misses
On a natural 20, the attack does maximum damage. If a natural 20 and max damage are rolled, the attack does double damage (before bonuses).
On a natural 1, something bad happens. Usually, this will be a dropped weapon. The character can switch to another weapon without losing an attack, or the character can spend the next round picking up the weapon, losing the attack for that round.

Spell Notes
Know Alignment: This spell does not exist in this game.

Detect Evil: Most sentient creatures will be seriously offended if they notice that this spell has been cast on them without their consent. The spell has somatic and verbal components and takes 1 round to cast; anyone around the caster will therefore notice that a spell is being cast, although they may not know the nature of the spell. NB: The paladin's ability to detect evil is an ability, not a spell, and thus not as easily recognized as is the spell; observers would still notice the paladin concentrating, however. A paladin should consider the implications of surreptitiously taking an action that good people would find offensive if they knew about it.

Furthermore, the note as to "Detection of Evil and/or Good" on p. 60 of the DMG will be followed. In general, Detect Evil or Detect Good will only reveal alignment traits of a character in which the evil or good is strong.

Color Spray: This spell affects up to six creatures of the caster's level or below, with a limit of one HD per caster level; or, if no such creatures are in the spell's area of effect, a single creature with more HD than the caster's level. Thus, a 6th-level caster could affect six 1-HD orcs, three 2-HD troglodytes, or one 6-HD winter wolf. He could also affect a single frost giant, which would get a save. If the frost giant is surrounded by orcs, the spell would affect the orcs instead of the giant.

Glyph of Warding: A glyph may have any of several effects depending on the level of the spell caster. Any caster capable of casting the Glyph can make it do fire, electrical, or cold damage for 2 points per level of the caster. Other effects are available if the caster is of high enough level to cast a spell with that effect. Thus, 5th-level casters could, for example, create glyphs that briefly paralyze or blind the target (as a hold person or blindness spell).

No more than one glyph may be inscribed on the same surface (door, 10x10 section of wall, floor, or ceiling, etc.).

Players are responsible for remembering the names of glyphs and for using them to avoid setting off the glyphs. The DM will keep track of those passwords and the glyph locations but not mark them on maps. It is up to the players to remember the location of glyphs and to use the passwords before doing anything that might trigger one.

Identifying Scrolls
The contents of a scroll are not necessarily evident to anyone who did not inscribe it. The following rules apply:
  • An arcane caster will recognize any spell that he or she already knows but will need to use read magic or some other form of identification (e.g., an identify spell) to reveal spells with which the caster is not already familiar.
  • Clerics and druids immediately recognize the spells on cleric spell scrolls and druid spell scrolls, respectively.
  • Protection scrolls can only be identified by read magic, an identify spell, or the like. The protection scroll can be used by anyone, but until the scroll has been identified the nature of its protection will be unknown.
Player Absences
I will NPC characters during combat. I will attempt to play characters consistently with how they've been played, following any "standard actions" posted with the character's sheet. In critical situations, I may ask other players to declare an inactive player's actions. There is, of course, no guarantee that characters won't die while being NPC'ed.

If a player does not post for two weeks without having notified me of his or her absence, I will send a pm asking if the player still wants to play. If the absent player does not respond within a week of the pm, I will post in the recruitment thread for people interested in taking over the character. If no one is interested in taking over the character, it will probably meet with a dire fate.

The Paladin's Protection from Evil Aura
The paladin's protection from evil 10' aura keeps all conjured, summoned, or extraplanar creatures at bay. This "hedging effect" is subject to the following limitations:
  • If the paladin attacks a creature that would otherwise be held at bay by the aura, the hedging effect drops for everyone.
  • If a character other than the paladin attacks a creature that would be held at bay by the aura, the effect drops for that character only.
  • The hedging effect only works when opponents have somewhere else to go. If the paladin moves so that a monster would be trapped between the protection aura and some obstacle, the hedging effect drops for that monster.
Weapon Proficiencies for Different Weapon Subtypes
Wielding a weapon with which a character is not proficient incurs one less point of to-hit penalty if the weapon is of the same type as a weapon in which the character is proficient. Weapon types are: sword, axe, bow, crossbow, mace, lance, flail, etc. Thus, for example, a fighter proficient in the long sword but not the short sword could wield the latter at a -1 penalty to hit instead of the usual -2. A cleric proficient in the footman's mace could wield a horseman's mace at -2 instead of -3.

Level Drain Effect on Current HP
When a character is level drained by a combat hit, the damage from the hit is applied before the reduction in maximum HP from the level drain. Reduction in maximum HP only lowers current HP if the new current HP would be more than the max.

Example: Ferd the 5th-level fighter has 29/30 HP when he's hit by a wraith for 6 damage, draining a level. The 4th-level Ferd's new HP is 23/24. He takes the 6 points damage (reducing him to 23 current HP), then his max HP are reduced (to 24). Because his current HP are still under his max HP, his current hit points are not further reduced by the level drain.

Fleeing vs. Retreating
I use the OSRIC rules for retreat. There are two ways a combatant can try to disengage from combat or change position: by mounting a fighting retreat, or by fleeing.
  • In a fighting retreat, a character retreats backward while maintaining his defense. The attacker can follow if not otherwise engaged. The retreating character may parry but cannot attack. This move can be used to switch places with another party member, with one character engaging while the other mounts a fighting retreat. A fighting retreat does not give the character's opponent a free attack.
  • Fleeing from combat means turning and running away at top speed. If a character who is in melee flees, his opponent gets a free attack at +4 to hit (in addition to any other bonuses, of course).
Turning Undead
  • A cleric may make only one turn attempt per encounter unless multiple types of undead are encountered, in which case the cleric may make one attempt per undead type as long as each attempt is successful. An unsuccessful turn attempt prevents any more turning attempts for that encounter.
  • Turning is the cleric's only action for that round, but the cleric can take other actions in subsequent rounds (i.e., the cleric doesn't need to "hold" the turn to keep it effective).
  • When an undead monster that has been turned is attacked, that monster may defend itself by striking back at its attacker(s). It may continue to do so until its attackers clearly disengage from attacking it.
  • Because turned undead will be fleeing unless cornered, attacks against turned undead will usually receive the usual bonus for attacking from behind.
  • When the duration of the turning expires, the undead are free to return, but their return is not guaranteed. Whether they return will depend on the intelligence of the monsters and whether they were encountered in their lairs.
  • When undead that have been turned come back, the cleric who successfully turned them may try to do so again. This can be repeated as long as turning attempts are successful. Each turn attempt requires a new roll for the number of undead affected.
The Interaction of Light and Darkness Spells
There's a difference between "negation" of a light spell and temporary cancellation of the spell's effect. For a spell to be truly negated, the opposing spell must be cast on the same location or object as the original spell. If two light spells merely overlap, they temporarily cancel each other out, leaving only whatever ambient and natural light is in the area.

Example: Mac the Magnificent casts Continual Light on the end of a stick to make a "wand" of light. If Dirk the Dire casts Continual Darkness on the end of that stick, it negates the Continual Light spell and Mac the Magnificant's "wand of light" is once again just a stick. But if Dirk casts Darkness on Mac's hand instead of the wand, the wand's light is extinguished for as long as it remains within 40' of Mac's hand or until the Darkness spell expires or is dispelled. The darkness is likewise suppressed by the light from Mac's wand. What's left is whatever light is in the area. If Mac and Dirk are outside in sunlight, Mac can see. If Mac and Dirk are deep in a dungeon with no other light sources, it is dark. And if Mac's friend Minnie has a torch, her torchlight illuminates the area covered by the two competing spells.

The following table shows which spells negate the others:

Code: Select all

Spell                    Countered By
-----                    ------------
Light                    Darkness, Darkness 15', or Continual Darkness
Darkness                 Light or Continual Light
Continual Light          Continual Darkness
Continual Darkness       Continual Light
Darkness, 15' Radius     Light or Continual Light
Last edited by Zhym on Tue Sep 20, 2016 8:43 pm, edited 32 times in total.

Re: House Rules

#2 Post by Eulalios »

15 pounds?!

Mark's Standard Mechanical weighs only about 8 lbs ...
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Re: House Rules

#3 Post by Zhym »

That's actually 5 lbs less than the only book with a weight listed in the DMG.

If you have another reference for spell book weights, let me know. I looked in the DMG and PHB and couldn't find anything. Maybe that's more of an AD&D 2e thing?

ETA: I found the spellbook weights. They're in UA (there's one strike against them...). A standard spell book has encumbrance of 45 lbs! Holy socks—most mages wouldn't be able to carry anything else without being encumbered. A traveling spell book is 6 lbs, but most characters need more than one, and y'know, this is dumb.

New rule: one traveling spell book holds all your spells and weighs 10 lbs.

Re: House Rules

#4 Post by Eulalios »

Thanks, that feels better. My guy still needs to shed a lot of weight - he only weighs 83 lbs himself, I feel like 20-25 might be his max reasonable carry.
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Re: House Rules

#5 Post by Zhym »

I can see using the spellbook rules for ongoing campaigns. Spell acquisition is more important long term and there's the idea that a mage setting out on an adventure has to choose which spells to carry into the field. Also, other characters have heavy armor and weapons but mages have lightweight robes and staffs or daggers; there's an argument that the spell book is the magic user's battle gear.

But I can't bring myself to bother with it in a one-shot run through a module.
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Re: House Rules

#6 Post by Zhym »

I've been pondering critical hit & miss rules and whether I want to use them. Of course, I find myself wondering if rules I like as a player (e.g., double or max damage on natural 20) are too much when I'm DM. So here's what I'm thinking at the moment a "free attack" crit & fumble system.

On a natural 20, the attacker gets another attack roll.
On a natural 1, the attacker's opponent gets a free attack.

What are your opinions of this system? Keep in mind that it would apply to your enemies as well as to you.
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Re: House Rules

#7 Post by Bouv »

I like that.

What I do is a nat 20 = max damage, roll again. If you get 18 or 19, double damage above the min (so for a 1d6, they roll a 1, double would be would get bumped to 7 otherwise it's less than max damage). Another 20 double damage and roll again. 18-19 = triple damage, 20 triple damage, roll again and so on and so on.
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Re: House Rules

#8 Post by NJWilliam »

Seems good to me.

On a natural 1, which opponent gets an attack, the closest?
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Re: House Rules

#9 Post by Zhym »

I'm not sure I want to track who is close to whom. It'd probably be whoever the character or monster was attacking, unless someone else is in an obvious better position to respond.

Re: House Rules

#10 Post by Eulalios »

Sounds good.
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Re: House Rules

#11 Post by Zhym »

FYI, I added a note about the Detect Evil and Know Alignment spells. Basically: it's offensive to most creatures to have their alignments magically detected. Also, because the spells take a full round to cast and have material and somatic components, anyone around the caster will notice that the spell is being cast. That doesn't mean casters can't detect alignments, but it does mean they need to be discreet about it (by, e.g., casting the spell then entering a room with the person(s) whose alignment he wants to detect).
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Re: House Rules

#12 Post by Zhym »

I also added a house rule on "whispered" verbal components. Attempts to cast spells with verbal components quietly will require a successful d20 attribute check or the spell will fail.

On the other hand, I'll allow spells to be cast without verbal components if memorized at one level higher than their normal level.

Let me know if you think this rule will cause undue hardship. :)
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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#13 Post by Zhym »

I have added the following rules on handling player absences:
Player Absences
I will NPC characters during combat. I will attempt to play characters consistently with how they've been played, following any "standard actions" posted with the character's sheet. In critical situations, I may ask other players to declare an inactive player's actions. There is, of course, no guarantee that characters won't die while being NPC'ed.

If a player does not post for two weeks without having notified me of his or her absence, I will (1) send a pm asking if the player still wants to play, and (2) post in the recruitment thread for people interested in taking over the character. If the absent player does not respond within a week of the pm, the character will be transferred to a new player. If no one is interested in taking over the character, it will probably meet with a dire fate.
I don't see this being an issue in the near future. Everyone has been great about posting often. But I wanted to clarify the policy now so everyone knows what to expect if and when it comes up.

As always, please let me know if you don't like handling absences this way.
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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#14 Post by Zhym »

I added a clarification of the paladin's protection from evil effect:
The Paladin's Protection from Evil Aura
The paladin's protection from evil 10' aura keeps all conjured, summoned, or extraplanar creatures at bay. This "hedging effect" is subject to the following limitations:
  • If the paladin attacks, the hedging effect drops for everyone.
  • If a character other than the paladin attacks, the effect drops for that character only.
  • The hedging effect only works when opponents have somewhere else to go. If the paladin moves so that a monster would be trapped between the protection aura and some obstacle, the hedging effect drops for that monster.
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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#15 Post by Zhym »

I just added another house rule: sling bullets have the same rate of fire and damage as bows. Real slings were at least as deadly as arrows in the hands of trained slingers, so I decided to adjust their damage accordingly. They also don't take any longer to fire than arrows, so I adjusted that too.
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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#16 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Well you are correct but I am not so sure magic users were as skilled with slings as those you are referring to. :)
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#17 Post by Zhym »

That's a good point. A druid would probably be pretty skilled at it, though.

Sometimes I wish the AD&D weapons system were more skill-focused and less class-focused. So much verisimilitude is lost because a handful of weapons are better stat-wise than the others.
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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

9 times out of 10 that is why any "mage" like class uses a staff or a dagger but that is just me. ;)
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#19 Post by Zhym »

In retrospect, changing the sling damage and rate of fire is probably too much needless fiddling,* so I'm going to leave it as it is.

*Or not enough. If I were to modify sling damage, I'd want to change some other weapons as well.
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Re: House Rules and Rule Interpretations

#20 Post by GreyWolfVT »

You'd me making a bit of a project that is for sure.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
DM - GreyWolf's Mystara Adventures - AD&D 2e
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