Blackgate and Beyond

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Blackgate and Beyond

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

After days of walking, fighting through wandering monsters and typical stormy weather in the North, Calynn Moonbrook finds herself on the outskirts of the city of Baldur's Gate. She can see the city, her destination, in the distance, yet before she arrives at its gate, she must first pass through at least a half mile of tents and shanties in what is known as the Outer City.

It is late morning, and she is not really sure what she is hoping to find in this great city. She is looking for a wizard...and she's heard the particular one she is searching for calls the city home. Since she no longer has a home, she figures to start looking for the one responsible; with the luck of the gods, she can find the wizard...and seek her vengeance.
She wanders through the Outer City, following a particular path through the center of it all. No one really pays her any attention, except for those hawking wares or selling food, promising her things that are certainly not attainable (or desirable). While she sees no one she recognizes, she does see something that is familiar: desperation. The faces of the folks she meets or who are selling something or who are hiding in the shadows hoping to go unnoticed...all have the look of desperation in their eyes. She wonders if she has the same look...hungry for answers, for a better life, for hope. She grits her teeth and pushes forward.
As she gets closer to the city wall, there are more and more folks - whether they are refugees or just beggars, she can't tell. There seem to be some legitimate businesses plying their trades. There is a heavy Dwarf presence here as several of the stout folk go about their business. A ringing of hammer on anvil draws her attention off to the right...and then suddenly, three young men are literally ejected out of a smithy into the crowded, muddy street.
The sign atop the shack that houses the smithy reads "Fireforge's Metalworks" and standing in the doorway is a female Dwarf wearing an apron and covering in sweat and soot. With a hammer in one hand, she points at the three thugs and growls, "I told ye to stay out of me forge and I meant it! Come back again, and I'll knot-maul ye with me hammer!"

The three thugs think about it for a minute, and then draw steel.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#2 Post by alchemy »

The place is a sty. At least to Callie's young eyes. The smells here make her ill, the noises hurt her ears. She wonders - not for the first time have I made a mistake?

Putting aside such worries, she hears the dwarf's curses and takes a peek. She chokes back her laughter at the three fools languishing on the ground. When they finally stand, each holds a weapon.

Not Fair she thought

She waits to see what the dwarf will do
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#3 Post by alchemy »

As she waits, she quietly moves into a strategic position. Of the combatants, it seems that the Dwarf has the greater standing. The other three strike her as knaves. If it comes to it, she'll throw in with the dwarf.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#4 Post by hedgeknight »

The Dwarf takes a hard look at the steel in the hands of the thugs and smacks the hammer in her free hand. "Now...this is a time in yer lives when ye want to think clearly and decide whether ye want to pursue the dumb thoughts in yer head!"
The three thugs look back and forth at each other and then to the Dwarf. Other Dwarves are appearing in the gathering crowd, stepping up to defend one of their own. And the three thugs back off, hurriedly, and disappear into the crowded tents.
The Dwarves nod to one another and return to their business. The Dwarf forge maiden gives the rest of the crowd a once-over, her deep brown eyes stopping briefly on a young wood Elf, before returning to her work.

Calynn watches all of this in silence, having already made up her mind to throwing in with the Dwarf should the thugs have actually attacked. Relaxing only slightly, she spies a young Halfling sidle up to a fruit stand with shiny red apples, pocket two apples as fast as he can grab them, and begin walking away...
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#5 Post by alchemy »

Callie was no avenging angel, but she did have a strong sense of right and wrong. The blacksmith was interesting, the Halfling more so. She decided to follow the halfling. Above came the call of the crow, keeping tabs on her mistress. While she did have the rudiments of skulking, she was no pro, so instead sneaking around, she moved directly to the halfling.

Oi, lad, nice pinch. Might be that I could learn a bit from ya, yes?
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#6 Post by hedgeknight »

alchemy wrote: Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:41 am Oi, lad, nice pinch. Might be that I could learn a bit from ya, yes?
The young Halfling wheels around, having just taken a bite out of one of the apples. Juice runs down his chin and his big brown eyes are wide...but only for a second. He talks around the bite of apple.
ricky roundbelly.jpg
ricky roundbelly.jpg (17.04 KiB) Viewed 728 times
"Oh, hello. Erm...I already paid for these, ya know. 'Sides, even if I didn't, what's one or two apples?"

He suddenly sticks out a grubby hand. "The name's Ricky...Ricky Roundbelly, at your service. Are ya lost? First time in the city? Well, then you need a guide...and I'm just the guide to help you."
Ricky grins, showing off perfect white teeth.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#7 Post by alchemy »

Well, Ricky, as long as your fingers stay away from my belongings, I think you'd make a fine guide. If you're nice to me, I'll pay ya a silver per day, plus one meal a day. I know your kind. They eat a lot. Before we go, tell me something of yourself.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#8 Post by hedgeknight »

"Well, what do you want to know? My family has roots in Secomber (a town to the north), and we used to come to Baldur's Gate once a year to sell fruits and vegetables; my Da would make good coin in the Outer City. So...when it was time for me to go off and seek my fortune, I came south to the Gate...and have been here ever since. What about you? This your first time visiting, ain't it?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#9 Post by alchemy »

I am new here. My family was part of a clan, My mother was a matriarch. She died with all my people except me.

So saying, Callie started weeping with deep sobs that cut her to the core.

I should have been there. I should have died with them. Now the forest gods will hold a geas over me until I redeem myself.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#10 Post by alchemy »

Once the tears pass, she looks at young Ricky and says You're almost as tall as me. You certainly are taller than most of your ilk, if I see things clearly. Tell me more about you.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#11 Post by hedgeknight »

Ricky isn't sure how to deal with this situation; he's never seen an Elf cry before...but the display tugs at his heart.
"Say...are you hungry? 'Cause I know where we can get some good eats...and erm, we won't have no trouble from the locals." He looks around at the stalls and tents of desperate people...many who were witness to Callie's tearful display...and perhaps working the options around in their brains about how she might be...
" easy mark. These folk outside of the Black Dragon Gate are ruthless. So, follow me, lady Elf and let's take in the sights...before they kick us out," his voice trails off as he escorts Callie to the gate.

A large stone head of a dragon is fixed to the top of the gate, thus the name Black Dragon Gate. There, the guards are dressed in steel breastplates and carry swords and spears. They check every person and any cargo they bring with them...and exact a 5 copper piece entry fee. Ricky slides in front of Callie, takes out a shiny silver piece and hands it to one of the guards. He smiles as the guard frowns and looks at his gate partner, then waltzes on through, taking Callie by the hand and leading her with him.

The interior is similar to a large funnel where folk walk past an entire contingent of guards sitting around, some on duty, and through another smaller gate and into the city proper. The buildings are beautiful two and three-story constructs, gaily painted and decorated, landscaped and manicured. Going from the stinking camps outside to this is just...magical.
(Think about Dorothy going from "black & white" to "color" stepping out in Munchkin City.)

The streets are clean and cobblestoned or bricked, and there are some very well-dressed folks milling about, most escorted by guards like those at the gate. A tower, six stories high and built of weathered red brick in cylindrical, pagoda-style fashion dominates the skyline, and Callie can't help but stare at it.
"Ramazith's Tower, that is," Ricky says. "Some old wizard who died off ages ago or disappeared in some demonic experiment or some such. A young wizard bought it a few years back, but never ventures past the second floor. He's a nice chap, but locals believe him to be a disgraced Cowled Wizard (whatever the heck that is!) who may even be a fugitive from the powerful House of Selemchant in Amn. But who knows really...ah! Here we are. This is the place!"

A large building with a sign of three lashed-together barrels hanging from a pole takes up most of the corner of the street. Ricky walks through the door and inside Callie finds a very comfortable-looking tavern and inn. The place is fairly crowded for late afternoon, but Ricky sidles through and finds a small table for two by a large window with deep red curtains pulled back to let the light in. After a minute or so, an elderly fellow walks over to Ricky and Callie's table. The man has several warts on his face, head, and hands.

Alstan Wintersides.jpg
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"Greetings, my friends and welcome to Three Old Kegs. I am Alstan. What can I get for you this fine afternoon?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#12 Post by alchemy »

Callie suddenly realizes that she's famished. Apples are yummy, but hardly filling. Looking around the place, she's in awe, but when she looks at the old man she sees wisdom. Offering the old man a knuckle-salute she greets him, saying Greeting, elder. You've a nice place here. And Ricky was very kind to lead me here. I am hungry, but not terribly so. What is this place?

It's kind of a strange dichotomy: one minute she's talking non stop, then as if realizing she's talking a lot, she suddenly goes quiet.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

The man chuckles in reply, "Well lass, I just told you > you're sitting in Three Old Kegs. Our special today is a little something me and my brothers call Fish 'n' Chips > lightly fried bass or catfish and thin sliced potatoes. Whipped up a special sauce for the fish and it's mighty tasty! Wash all that down with a cold beer, or something lighter if you want. Sound good?"

Ricky blurts in, "I'll have the Fish 'n' chips! And a beer! And her food is on me tonight, Alstan."

Alstan raises an eyebrow. "Well now, Master Roundbelly, that's mighty kind of you. So tell me lass, you want the special? We also have a chunky beef stew with carrots and potatoes > simple, but very good. Comes with black bread and butter."

"Oooh, I'll have a bowl of the soup too!" Ricky says, wiping his mouth with the back of his hairy hand.

Alstan laughs loud and nods. "Very well. And now lass...what will you be having for supper tonight?"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#14 Post by alchemy »

Oh, the stew sounds wonderful. And a beer please. That would be nice.
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#15 Post by hedgeknight »

Alstan in only gone a minute or so until he returns, carrying two mugs of beer in one hand while balancing a large tray with the other. The tray has two steaming bowls of stew, and enough fried catfish to sink a ship!
"Now then, does everything look alright?" he says. "If you need anything else, just get my attention."

He walks away as Ricky tucks a very large napkin under his chin and begins to fork catfish in his mouth like he's never seen food before!
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#16 Post by alchemy »

Ricky is halfway through his catfish before Cally starts her meal. Once she starts, she doesn't let up however. The two of them are silent except for the tinny sound of utensils and the occasional tankard that that smacks down on the table. Ricky finished his meal first, as Callie swiped one more bit of carrot before settling back into her chair.

That sure was good. I'm filled to the gills

A comfortable silence falls as both sipped the last of the beer. At last she warms up to Ricky and saysI think I'm gonna need your help. I told you about my clan dyin', but what I didn't tell you was that the there might have been a wizard involved. I dunno who it was, at least not his name. Heck, din't even see him for the most part...just a quick peek before he disappeared. But I do recall him laughing at my folk before he left. Now, I ain't saying you need to come with me, but I sure could use some information. Can you help me with that?
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#17 Post by hedgeknight »

Ricky hasn't stopped eating since the food arrived, but when Callie mentions "wizard" Ricky nearly chokes on his stew. After a few seconds of clearing his throat, Ricky looks up at Callie and says, "You need me to help you find a wizard? Well...which one? The Gate is full of 'em, although there are more in the Lower City than in the Upper, and there are hedge wizards and such all through the Outer City, on both sides."
He drains a mug of beer and calls for another.
"So...what did this wizard look like, exactly? You must have got a glimpse before he disappeared, right? The color of his robes, whether he had a staff or familiar or rode on a broom? You know, wizardry stuff!"
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#18 Post by alchemy »

Callie sighed.
I fear that I've made this more difficult than it should be. I can tell you what I know. I know that I did not see any sort of familiar, but that doesn't mean much. They could've been hiding anywhere in the surrounds. I can tell you he or she wore a dark cloak - I think it was a he because his laugh seemed masculine. Also, crow squawked when we got to the village. He's not a familiar, but he is a friend. Maybe if I could find someone who has druid powers that could speak with animals. Yeah, that might work! Will you help me to find another druid? One that can speak with animals?
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#19 Post by hedgeknight »

Ricky scratches his head. "So...first you want me to help you find a wizard, and now you want me to help you find a druid? said another druid...are you a druid? If so, why can't you speak to animals? I though that was what druid folk did!"

Ricky looks around the room and then back at Callie. "Erm...maybe it's time for us to part ways. I don't know what you are involved in, but I don't need the trouble."
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Re: Blackgate and Beyond

#20 Post by alchemy »

Wait, Ricky. Yes, I'm a druid. A very young one. I can befriend animals, but I cannot speak to them...yet. Old crow is a good example. It's all about the school of thought in different factions in the druid world. Much like wizards, druids have a progression they try to stick to. I know it sounds weird and ritualistic, but it really is a very interesting skillset. And I promise I'm not going to put you in danger. I just need some advice and, maybe tidge of help to get to where I'm going.
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