Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

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Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#1 Post by Spearmint »

April 28th year 1066,

Helix village. Duchy of Aerik.

Late afternoon.
Weather: light rain, warm breeze. Cloudy.

Sven Jolly and Orgoth decide to join the squires of the deceased knights who venture forth in valiant expectation of proving their manhoods and testing their mettle against the unknown terrors of the Barrowmoor.

The half-orc is burdened with a large keg of ale which he can strap to his back and half a dozen unlit firebrand torches. The orange haired mage scribbled notes as he pens some terms and conditions, testimonials and info on the squires. Eddy leads them out of the village to a chorus of " hooray, eh! over the hills with the swords of a thousand men."

The other quartet walk at pace behind, trekking the stony trail eastwards which leads from Helix towards Ironguard Motte, some 15 miles and at least six hours away. After a couple of miles, the terrain changes quite suddenly from light forest and agricultural land to denser wet grasslands. This is certainly about as far as the town militia might patrol. As if to reinforce the point, thick mist edges the fields, limiting your visibility to a stone's throw.

"Hark. We should leave the trail here and head south." Eddy announces pointing with his sword.

actions Sven and Orgoth please
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#2 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven starts to wonder if they did the right thing following these young men.

“Say Eddy, I dig that pose and all, very cool, but I am getting the impression that... you don’t actually have a......plan out here, per se? Would that be an accurate assessment?”

He looks over to the keg lugging Orgoth and winces.

“Are we to believe that you intend to simply.....I don’t know.....wander around out here? Or are we going to the last place your knights fell or something? By the way, and I probably should have asked this sooner but, what did actually happen to your knights out here?”

The boy mage tries to listen intently for any sounds that might ring out distinctly through the damp air.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#3 Post by Rex »


Orgoth takes Sven's question as a chance to rest and observe the surrounding area a bit better.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#4 Post by Spearmint »

in the campaign settings topic there is a basic hex map of the game world. So you have walked out of the village and are on the line of the hex E-S as it becomes a trail sign.

Fringe of Helix woods.
Late afternoon.
Weather: light rain, warm breeze, cloudy.

Eddy stops 'the Squires' indicating a change of direction. As if to validate his 'I know where we are going' confidence, he nods to a trailside signpost that points northwest back to Helix and southwest to Ironguard. There is nothing to indicate any other trails but he expresses a 90' degree turn to his right and south to the moors.

"We are going to rob, no not rob. That is much too unglamorous. We are going to liberate, that's the word. Liberate the grave goods, relics and artefacts from the mummified remains of ancient warriors who fought and died civilization the frontier. Heroes of old interned for eras beneath the earth waiting for ... for ... the Resurrection. And until 'kingdom come', what better for them to bequeath their ancient arms to the new heroes of civilization."

It sounds 'quite a plan'. You head off track, squelching through the muddy grassland. The misty swirls of fog roll across ground, obscuring vision and turning everything into a greyish monochrome. The squires converse as you walk.

"Our masters died valiantly by all accounts. Krothos said they fought off a legion of skeletal warriors which rose from the crypts as undead guardians. They slew all but fell guarding the Duke's heir. He returned clutching a gold crown and commissioned us to go return to the mausoleum and retrieve the sceptre that the Chieftain was buried with. I think he hopes that will augment his authority over the region. We can take whatever else we find."

The squires, Franc, Leomane, Martell and Gilles add a few more snippets, speaking of promises of promotion, feudal land and routes to knighthood. "There are hundreds of burial mounds though. The one we need is entered by stone lintels carved in the design of a bear." one says optimistically.

"No a wolf"

"No it was definitely a bear, Krothos said."

"No. A wolf. Over there. Look. Long snouty face and glaring eyes."

One points and sure a figure crouches or stands by a thicket of thorn trees nearby, but the mist soon veils the animal and peering again as it clears, nothing. It may have just been the weird silhouette of the branches.

You listen but the only sound is the soft patter of rain, your hard breathing and the chirp of crickets among the grass stalks.

actions Sven & Orgoth.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Once their group leaves the civilized trail, Sven starts marking their path by dragging his staff through the soft ground, scratching a line in the dirt as best he can. He counts off every 200 paces and finds a rock to mark with his chalk stick, leaving a large W behind at each point. (or is it a sideways 3, or an upside down M?) If there are no rocks to mark, or branches to snap off, every once in a while he places one of his round pebbles in a spot where it might be seen again, hoping that these three measures will at least partially aid them in finding their way back to Helix once all of the squires are dead.

Once word of the distant animal is mentioned, Sven strains to see anything through the mists, looking up to the new friend he has just made, and likely doomed along with himself. "Did you see anything, Orgoth?"

Turning back to the squires, he continues.

"Were your knights aligned with the Duke? Are you all certain that his heir was telling the truth about what happened to them? Your story has quite an element of mystery to it, don't you think? This should all make for such a great tale of daring do once I write it all down."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#6 Post by Rex »


Orgoth looks for the beast when the squire points.

Is he in front of or behind Sven? Did he notice what Sven is doing (marking the trail)?
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven isn't being covert about marking the trail, so he doesn't mind pointing it out to Orgoth.

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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#8 Post by Rex »


Knowing what Sven is doing takes his time to study how he is doing it in case he needs to use it to get out later. He also starts looking for any natural or man made features he can use to help find his way if need be.

Whispering, "Good idea Sven. I have a feeling we may need it."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Orgoth and a squire can check out the area. No creature is seen but some prints, as big as the half-orcs boots are by the thicket, slowly filling with water and silt until they blend into the muddy ground once more.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#10 Post by Rex »


After examining the prints he talks to Sven. "Whatever it was the prints were very fresh, still filling in with water and it was big. We should try and stay alert."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#11 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven nods at the findings of Orgoth.

"That is strange, indeed. Did the tracks head off somewhere?"

"Gentlemen! Will you not follow the tracks to see where they lead? Or do you have other intentions in mind?"
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#12 Post by Spearmint »

Fringe of Barrowmoor
Early Evening.
Weather: misty visibility reduced to 60ft, cool breeze, cloudy.

Leomane checks the prints with Orgoth, concluding little but still asserts, "Wolf. A lone one, probably a mangy straggler from the forest." He looks for extra prints but after a few paces the hollow imprint has already blended into the surrounds to make it beyond his ability to track.

Still the group find comfort in the striking of a couple of torches that Orgoth carries. Leo and Orgoth carry them and in the flickering light of the firebrands, the group continue across the boggy grasslands, hoping a straight line can be kept when no horizon is seen.

Sven marks notches along the trail, scratching signs on thin trunks and bending branches. The 200 yard gap quickly decreases to a quarter of that and you begin to run out of pebbles to mark. The trees are more sparsely spread and change from the deciduous arboreal trunks of the forest to more copses of low hawthorns, willow and sycamore. The patchy grass is taller, shoulder height to a dwarf, blossoms of white and violet petals attract bugs and bees which begin to flit around you distractingly. After another hour of slow tramping the background chirping of the insects becomes a louder throbbing in your ears. The noise is more than irritating, it makes conversation unheard without shouting. Suddenly the thickets erupt with the hopping and leaping of several large crickets. At first just a handful of foot long orthoptera mingle by your feet then the swarm becomes larger in number and size as the critters nibble their passage through the grass.

Sven & Orgoth, actions, comments and questions please.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#13 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven stays close to Orgoth and his torch, watching the crickets with great interest, wondering if he could grab one in his hands to study later.

"What do you make of this, Tenpoles? Have you seen anything like it before? Are they......dangerous?"
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#14 Post by Rex »


Orgoth keeps his eyes peeled for the beast he now knows is out there.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#15 Post by Spearmint »

Fringe of Barrowmoor.
Early Evening.
Weather: misty visibility reduced to 60ft, cool breeze, cloudy.

In the damp mist among the dense thickets of boggy grass, the chirping of hundreds of chattering mandibles herald the swarm of crickets. Their mottled green-brown exoskeletons helping to camouflage the critters among the tall grass. But they are on the move, all heading away, hopping mad as it were. The wave of foot long orthoptera are followed by larger creatures whose prodigious leaps take them fully ten times their body length. Unfortunately jumping and accuracy seem two different beasts as they land in uncoordinated places. Sven gets his wish to inspect one as it lands upon his torso, its antennae feeling your cheeks and bug eyes mimicking your own 'oh my god' surprise. It chirps loudly, washing a sticky front leg across its face and then after the moment of surprise, kicks off with the powerful back legs to land 20'ft away. In another couple of bounds it goes beyond view.

Franc is floored by a larger one which lands upon his back, pushing him face down into the dirt. The body must be all of a yard long with springy rear legs much longer. Gilles flails his arms, running around wildly, trying to stab at numerous juniors which seem attracted to his colourful garb, taking little nibbles from the collar. You cannot hear him with the humming buzz, but his soundless expression displays fear.

The three other squires swat thin air trying to ward off any landing in them.

actions Sven and Orgoth please

Jumping cricket
Jumping cricket
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#16 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven calls out above the din of the insects.

"Hold still and don't kill any of them! We have stumbled into their domain and they are just as startled to see us as we are them!"

Keeping an eye on Orgoth, the tiny mage tries very hard not to lose his friend in the chaos of bug legs.


If the others are agreeable to this idea, Sven starts backing away in the direction they came from.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#17 Post by Rex »


Orgoth stops and stays still, slowly dropping to a knee so he is lower profile and more stable in case he gets hit."Hold still and give them a minute."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#18 Post by Spearmint »

Fringe of Barrowmoor.
Early Evening.
Weather: misty visibility reduced to 60ft, cool breeze, cloudy.

The group take uncoordinated actions to evade the swarming crickets who hurriedly leap by, chirping incessantly. Sven slowly backs up, hoping to distance himself from the storm while Orgoth braces himself for impact. Three squires form a wall of shield which shudders under the impact of repeated unintended landings. Franc gets up only to be used as a springboard again, pushing him into a boggy patch. Gilles kills one, two, then another. The blood splatters in his garments looking like he himself is the victim.

Then the drone of chirping lessens but another sound, like an angry barking or hyena like yelp echoes in numerous locations behind the thinning swarm as the reason the crickets moving becomes clear. Snatching, grabbing, tearing, eating. A group of waist high velociraptors, chomp upon the crunchy crickets, drooling bits of innards and broken wings. They snap voraciously and eye some extra meat feast.

actions and initiative please

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Dwellers in the muck
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#19 Post by Rex »


Orgoth drops his load and launches a javelin at the nearest raptor.

Initiative [1d6]=3

Javelin, thrown [1d20]=2 to hit [1d6+3]=5+3=8 damage

Deducted 1 from inventory for now. Note that Javelin inventory is on the weapons page.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#20 Post by OGRE MAGE »

This action is assuming the velociraptors are within 30 feet of each other.

I didnt see anything in the text about how to roll initiative. Are we doing those rolls individually or as a group? d6? d10? I will follow Rex's lead and hope he saw something I missed. :D

Initiative roll [1d6]=5 Crap!

Sven nearly soils himself at the sight of the oncoming dinosaur duo.

He picks up one of the smaller crickets to use as a component for the first spell he ever had to cast in a real life or death situation before. Tossing the insect towards them, he quickly utters the words to bring his enchantment to bare, hoping to cause a magical slumber to overcome the frightening moor monsters.

Casting: Sleep

1st Level Spell Retention (INT 15) [4d6+1]=13+1=14 I like this rule so far. :lol:

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