[002] - Out of the Frying Pan

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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#241 Post by Faanku »

Novo Kalichev, Kakimedes, Jodhild System
Tuesday 15-02-3200

Confirming that the blood-stained room is indeed THAT room, Mikael shakes his head. "No, that's not her. I don't remember that guy."

Benedict puts Silas' proposed plan into action even as he speaks, finger hovering over a key that will open a path to the docking bay and leaving everything else on security lockdown. He waits for everyone to take position and prepare themselves for a fight before hitting it.
When you guys are in position he will open door 3, giving the guard access to the main lobby you currently occupy. You can either rush him, or hide in ambush.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#242 Post by Marullus »

"Unfair fight it is. Let's do it, then. We get to the ship." Damian's voice is dead cold. He strides forward and stands to the side of the doorframe, brutally unleashing the void of space into the adjoining chamber as soon as the doors open.

Entropic Void (100m) [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20 [1d8+2] = 7+2 = 9
Initiative [1d8+1] = 3+1 = 4
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#243 Post by greyarea »

Romer follows, his blaster ready. He will fire at anything that Damian doesn't kill with his mind.

Initiative [1d8+1] = 6+1 = 7
Laser pistol att [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, dmg [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#244 Post by eirei »

Likewise, Silas pulls out his pistol and gets ready to drop any guard that steps through the door.

Initiative [1d8+2] = 2+2 = 4
Laser Pistol: Attack [1d20+4] = 9+4 = 13, damage on hit [1d6+3] = 6+3 = 9, damage on miss [1d4] = 2
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#245 Post by Faanku »

Novo Kalichev, Kakimedes, Jodhild System
Tuesday 15-02-3200

The HF soldier barely has time to register an attack before his head is evaporated from his shoulders, the body slumping to the floor as Mikael shrinks back behind the main desk. He regards Damian with an expression of awe and abject terror, but manages to pluck up the courage to follow you anyway. With Benedict opening the final securidoor, the team take a short journey onto the landing pad and make visual contact with the Vale for the first time in months. She doesn't look any worse than the last time Damian saw her, but that's not saying much. Two heavily armoured soldiers carrying military spec mag rifles stand anxiously around the deployed boarding ramp, one of them with his back tot he team and a hand to the side of his helmet, clearly in radio contact with someone. The other faces the corridor you just arrived from, but the way they glance to and fro suggests that they aren't keeping too tight of a watch on who comes and goes.
You can either attempt something stealthy and maybe get the jump on them, of just go in guns blazing. We'll carry the same initiatives forward.
I didn't map out the docking bay, assume I shameless ripped one off from KOTOR.

Code: Select all


7 Romer
6 HF Soldier 1
6 HF Soldier 2
4 Silas
4 Damian
2 Benedict
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#246 Post by Marullus »

Once the guard is turned into reddish spackle, Damian turns around at the doorway and directs Benedict. "Alright. We need orders in the system. First, a relief crew expected at the ship, then clearance for them... Us... to move the subjects and ship clear before potential hostilities reach here." He turns to Romer. "Then, you look officious and take charge when we walk up. I am your second. If they turn over the ship," he looks dispassionately at the corpse splatter in the hallway ahead, "then nobody else dies. First priority is to get Silas on board to fire her up."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#247 Post by greyarea »

Yeah, look officious, mumbles Romer.

He stands tall and tries to play the part he was bred to, not the slacker gunslinger role he took on later. He nods to Damien, his voice notably deeper and sonorous, All right, let's do this. Ready when you are.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#248 Post by Faanku »

Novo Kalichev, Kakimedes, Jodhild System
Tuesday 15-02-3200

Benedcit uses his control of the security system to send a base-wide alert notifying everyone that an auxillary crew will be arriving soon to take control of the Vale. It won't stand up to any scrutiny off-site, so Romer better hope his silver tongue delivers s story that the HF guards believe implicitly...
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#249 Post by eirei »

Silas nods and puts away his weapon, waiting for Benedict to input the forged orders.

"It'll get us close to them at least. I doubt they'll buy the story when they see we're not in uniform, but it's worth a shot.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#250 Post by Marullus »

Faanku wrote: Mon Dec 14, 2020 9:35 am With Benedict opening the final securidoor, the team take a short journey onto the landing pad and make visual contact with the Vale for the first time in months. She doesn't look any worse than the last time Damian saw her, but that's not saying much. Two heavily armoured soldiers carrying military spec mag rifles stand anxiously around the deployed boarding ramp, one of them with his back tot he team and a hand to the side of his helmet, clearly in radio contact with someone. The other faces the corridor you just arrived from, but the way they glance to and fro suggests that they aren't keeping too tight of a watch on who comes and goes.[/i]

Code: Select all


7 Romer
6 HF Soldier 1
6 HF Soldier 2
4 Silas
4 Damian
2 Benedict
The plan in motion and orders in the system, Damian urges Romer forward, not wanting to waste time. "Go on, you can sell it. Be officious. We are dressed for undercover to get this ship through the naval blockade without suspicion. Our destination is top secret, of course, and above the clearanceof these guards." He eyes the lackadaisical guards and then stares a long moment at the lost ship. If only Odo were here, he thinks. Then he looks back to Romer, gives him a confident smile, then a nudge forward. "We have your back. Silas, make for the ramp."

He pauses, one last thought. "Benedict,
look like you are roughly escorting the last prisoner. Mikael... make sure he treats you like the real soldiers would have."
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#251 Post by greyarea »

Romer steps ahead, weapon holstered. He walks with confidence, using every bit of his upbringing to create a character with his movement and poise.

Stand down, gentlemen, he says as he approaches the soldiers. We are taking possession of this craft on our mission. I appreciate all of your hard work on this up until this point, thank you for your assistance.

He makes a gesture with his hand, as if to tell them to stand aside and let them through.

Talk skill [2d6] = 9
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#252 Post by Marullus »

Damian pulls out his compad, walking briskly at Romer's side. Showing his engineering knowledge (bolstered by his intimate familiarity of this ship) he chatters his way through the pre-flight checklist.

"...several already loaded and we have the last here, sir. I will need to double check the power couplings in the tertiary array before lift off, but we should be able to remain on schedule if..." he pauses to give the soldiers an is there a problem? raised eyebrow before turning to urge Romer up the gangway.

Fix [3d6c1+2] = 9+2 = 11
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#253 Post by eirei »

Silas looks at the soldiers and shrugs, as if to say "just following orders".

Assuming they're confused enough to let him, he makes his way past them and tries to board the ship.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#254 Post by Faanku »

Novo Kalichev, Kakimedes, Jodhild System
Tuesday 15-02-3200

The two soldiers quickly raise their weapons at the team as soon as they spot you, their aims steady and practiced despite their obvious turmoil. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! How did you get in here? This entire facility if off-limits to civilians!" The soldier with the thick Kakimedean accent cocks his head slightly as his teammate apparently mentions something to him, though his mag rifle stays trained on Romer. After a few seconds later he nods, then asks again slightly more tactfully. "State your purpose for being here."

Romer delivers the lie with exceptional eloquence, aided by the team's convincing presence and with the apparent help of Benedict's forged notice. The two armoured soldiers relax their hostility and stand at ease, the second one returning to her radio and whatever attempts she was undertaking to understand the situation outside. They do nothing to prevent Silas from entering the Vale, though the thick-accented soldier does ask conversationally as he passes. "Just what the hell is going on out there? Did the rebels make a move?"
Nice rolls. Consider yourselves out of combat and free to explore the Vale as you wish!

Here is a new thread for your starships and assets.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#255 Post by Marullus »

Exhaling once aboard, Damian nods to Silas, hoping the man gets the ship out of here quickly. For his part, he moves directly to find the prisoners and confirm Katya is on board... and still alive.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#256 Post by eirei »

Silas turns towards the curious soldier as he passes: "Sorry, need-to-know only. Ask the boss, I can't say anything."
He nods towards Romer before boarding the vessel.

Once aboard, he makes sure there are no guards stationed inside before checking out the vessel's condition. Assuming she seems in working condition, he starts preparing her for takeoff.

Can we open the hangar legitimately or are we going to have to blast our way out?
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#257 Post by greyarea »

Romer says, The rebels will soon be crushed and our great planet free of their vileness. However, this mission is of vital importance so please, no more questions.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#258 Post by Faanku »

Novo Kalichev, Kakimedes, Jodhild System
Tuesday 15-02-3200

The soldier scowls at Romer, the expression inexplicably detectable behind his opaque armoured faceplate. "Was a simple question." He decides against pressing the issue though, and returns to his restless watch as the rest of the team board the Vale. Once on board, everything seems mostly as it was before to Damian; the psion notes that the cargo hold is very nearly empty before making his way to the passenger cabins, where he finds two unconscious bodies chained to the beds. One of them he doesn't recognise, but the other is most assuredly Ms Katya Novaro. Her breathing is shallow and her eyes tightly shut, but the young woman seems to carry no outward sign of injury.

Silas quickly makes himself at home in the cockpit once his finds it, taking no time to familiarise himself with the standard controls and noting that a drill course for Mejo has been pre-loaded. Once everyone is on board, the Empire pilot could have the Vale out of atmo and on course for home in a matter of minutes. There are no additional personnel on board besides the two unconscious prisoners, and the docking access is open and ready for the ship to depart.
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#259 Post by Marullus »

Damian is visibily relieved when he finds them alive. He is torn, knowing she needs further scans, but instead steps to the intercom.

"Wait..." he says, then releases the button. He composes himself and presses the button again. "Prisoners secured. Conduct final checks. Wait to launch on command."

He rushes across to the other quarters, the one that used to be his. He checks for his belongings. His hands shake as he feels for the edges of the concealed panel. "Please let it be here..." he mutters to himself. The Ithilien Cortex cannot fall into any hands but my own. We can't leave if it isn't here. Please let it be here.
If it is there, he radios Silas to launch. He then goes back to medscan Katya and the other prisoner, seeing if they have internal issues and/or can be woken while Silas launches.

If the the Cortex is missing then we need to play it out...

Heal [3d6c1+1] = 10+1 = 11
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Re: [002] - Out of the Frying Pan

#260 Post by Marullus »

Answered here.

Damian falls to his knees in relief as he pulls the ornate oblong rectangle from its hiding place. He holds it in his hands, eyes closed, and composes himself. Rising slowly, he presses the intercom. "Clear to launch. Get us out of here."

Releasing the button, he trusts Silas to work his magic. He has hours before the patients' awaken, more confident in his assessments now that his irrational panic is passing. He hits the lock to secure the door to his quarters and then carefully manipulates the Cortex locking mechanism to allow him to access the knowledge within... It was all for this.
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