Group Backstory Development

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Re: Group Backstory Development

#41 Post by DexterWard »

RE: Marullus
Which ancient dead language fits the GM's fancy?
Given your character’s background and education, I would say Enochian fits, as well as Ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Latin, and Ancient Greek. I see no reason why Twaddle wouldn’t know all of the above to some degree. Perhaps Latin and Ancient Egyptian would be his primary strengths and the others he could muddle his way through with resources (books)…

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Re: Group Backstory Development

#42 Post by DexterWard »

1st Draft for Ptolemy's Scriptorium description:

Ptolemy's Scriptorium
A four story Brownstone on Massachusetts Avenue across from Harvard Yard, in sight of the Widener Library, (whose stacks are only exceeded by the Library of Congress) is one of the better shops in Cambridge for general occult volumes. There is an alcove off the history room, which is packed with such books, including rare volumes of stage magic. (Marullus, Grognardsw)

Twaddle maintains a personal apartment on the top floor (4th), a meeting room on the 3rd floor (all Investigators trusted therein), and the shop on the bottom two floors. Three overstuffed armchairs on the ground floor provide for suitable waiting, watching, and conversing with Harvard students and other clientele who wander in. All the doorframes and lintels are covered in delicate tracings of runes, symbols, and various languages. (Marullus)

Public Collection:
1st Floor - Caters to college students (molding young minds), items easy to sell to those who wander in as curios and curiosities (including little occult charms and amulets), way too many handwritten volumes

Special Collection:
2nd Floor - Reserved for select clientele, includes artifacts from ancient sites not turned over to museums, select furniture and antiques for true connoisseurs, and of course ill-advised or dangerous items collected during fits of mania that he may or may not even remember. (Marullus)

Dr. Rupert Twaddle – Maintains a personal apartment on the 4th floor.

Menes the Black Cat (Midnight) - Frequents the shop – He wanders in from the street, or from the back of the shop, or wherever. He's a glossy black, except for a white tip on his left ear. His eyes are brilliant green. Chip calls him Midnight (but the cat never responds to the name). He's well-fed, and keeps the rodent population under control. (Urson) Thurston maintains that Midnight has communicated with him, revealing his name is Menes and that in a past life he was a boy from the town of Ulthar in some foreign land. (Grognardsw)

Mr. Jangles - A solitary mouse. Enjoys a regular diet of crackers, grape jam, and potted meat that Wayne gives him. He is a spritely and clever little mouse that, perhaps due to superior nutrition, always seems to outrun and out-wit Midnight. (Bluehorse)
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#43 Post by Rex »

For ancient languages, the often overlooked Aramaic is actually a good one. It is actually more common than most of the ones you listed. Now, if any Mythos related would use it is another story.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#44 Post by Marullus »

Aramaic is indeed good. I waffled between Egyptian and Semitic (which would include Aramaic and dialects) for his major language choice. I figured I would lean into the Egyptology, but Harvard's real life program at the time was actually Semitic-based.

The secondary language (which he isn't as fluent in) was meant to be something super-esoteric for use in deeper mysteries. Enochian is tied up with pre-flood mythology (and thus the knowledge God was trying to destroy) and is always flavorful for RPGs. Sanskrit claims legacy back to earlier Yugas when divine truth had not yet been lost. Egyptian, of course, is steeped in magic and ritual with the duality of divine being kings.

The main point, though, is which one does the GM want to use? I want to build to what our story will find relevant. If that means dropping the esoteric and taking the more historical Egyptian and Semitic both then I can do that. I just want to aim for the right targets.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#45 Post by DexterWard »

I forgot about Aramaic...Good callout Rex. I missed that one in my searches.

Concerning the Mythos Tomes in CoC, they break down by language as follows:
Aklo (1)
Ancient Tongue (1)
Burmese (1)
Chinese (2)
Egyptian (2)
English (49)
French (4)
German (10)
Greek (5)
Hyperboean (1)
Italian (2)
Laotian (1)
Latin (11)
Muvian (1)

Marullus: The background you wrote up for Dr. Twaddle would imply he has encountered the following languages more often than not: Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Latin, and Ancient Greek. My inclination is to give him primary second languages of Latin and Egyptian (he knows Latin well, and can manage Egyptian), with Secondary second languages of Sumerian, Akkadian, Ancient Greek (he is familiar, but would need resources to translate)...Semitic would include Akkadian, which might be a better option in this circumstance.

Personally Latin is the only language I am familiar with and would most likely lean heavily on it for this campaign, but will also throw in some Egyptian and a few others randomly depending on circumstances. Ultimately it falls on what your preference is personally, and how it aligns with your character. I will be doing my best to cater to all character preferences as best I can :)

Additionally, our next task over the next week or so will be to tweak character stats to align with their backgrounds...Hence me suggesting the languages above for Dr. Twaddle. When I run the campaign and adjudicate player/character actions I will be relying heavily on character backgrounds and campaign experiences to a large degree.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#46 Post by Grognardsw »

Thurston is fully conversant in Pig Latin ;)
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#47 Post by Marullus »

This is really good stuff. :) I am so glad you all added such fun stuff to the shop!

That's some fantastic research and info!

To be honest, I find this a bit confusing in the game system.

I posted this in my character write-up, which was my interpretation of the rules. (Skill levels added)
  • Reliable expert on history, library use, the English language, and the occult, as well as fluent in multiple variants of Egyptian (modern, ancient, coptic, etc). English 95%, Occult 95%, History 95%, Library Use 95%, Egyptian 70%)
  • Passable knowledge of ancient Enochian (note: up to GM to switch to other secondary esoteric dead language if preferred. Babylonian? Sanskrit?). Enochian 30%
    Able to work in Latin and Greek (considered part of EDU and History, both 90+) Education 90%, History 95%
Being smart is expensive - I have a ton of points as a smart, educated librarian/professor but need them across History, Library Use, Occult, Archaeology, English, etc.

The idea that every language is then another 100 point sink is a little crazy. 50 is considered "fluent" with more than that for dialects, but it's still a much bigger ask than, say, being able to fight people or be a mechanic. I sunk a 100 points into Languages (70% Egyptian, 30% Enochian) but being able to go across all the great languages you mention above as things he should be familiar with seems like it would break the system. How many languages do I REALLY need to spend on to justify?
Marullus: The background you wrote up for Dr. Twaddle would imply he has encountered the following languages more often than not: Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Latin, and Ancient Greek. My inclination is to give him primary second languages of Latin and Egyptian (he knows Latin well, and can manage Egyptian), with Secondary second languages of Sumerian, Akkadian, Ancient Greek (he is familiar, but would need resources to translate)...Semitic would include Akkadian, which might be a better option in this circumstance.
It does mention that some languages are inherent in Education (I assumed Latin and Greek qualified) and many of the other options you mention could be part of his knowledge of History.

Another interpretation is that Language points are for verbal/audio fluency and that translation of written dead languages could go under History or Occult as skills or Education as an attribute. With this model, I could take Semetic 70 (fluency across many dialects; useful historically and also in navigating personal relationships in the Middle East. I could then take Egyptian 30 - translating hyroglyphics is a function of his History skill but speaking in the dead language or in Coptic and the like would be passable at that level. Arabic and Farsi would obviously be more valuable as spoken languages, if all dead languages are covered in other skills. (I would only take them at 30-50, though.)

...I just really don't know how to balance any of this.
Additionally, our next task over the next week or so will be to tweak character stats to align with their backgrounds...Hence me suggesting the languages above for Dr. Twaddle. When I run the campaign and adjudicate player/character actions I will be relying heavily on character backgrounds and campaign experiences to a large degree.
I was (and am) happy to pour skill points into dead and useless things which support background. :) This is a zero-sum game, though, and there's a balance point somewhere. I also want to be relevant to the actual game you're designing. I happily defer to your judgement on how you want this handled and how you want points tweaked to match backgrounds
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#48 Post by DexterWard »

Grognardsw wrote: Tue Dec 29, 2020 4:37 pm Thurston is fully conversant in Pig Latin ;)
I approve :D :lol:
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#49 Post by DexterWard »

RE: Marullus: I need to digest what you just posted, and can't do that until I'm done working for the day (in about an hour). Bottom line, I prefer to cater to character pathology rather than adhere to the rules. That being said, let me read what you posted in depth and determine best course of action. One of the next steps on my agenda over the next few days is to tweak character profiles to match backgrounds and pathologies: Basically take the standard build and tweak the stats, etc. to match. A little bit of fudging here and there. We'll do this evenly for everyone of course. I use character pathology and background heavily when adjudicating actions, so this part is important for me (an your characters as well - you have a picture in your mind of your character, and we need to make the paper match that; within RPG reason anyway). If your character's pathology can pass a suspension of disbelief test within the confines of this campaign, then we're fine, ultimately.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#50 Post by Bluehorse »

Margery Anne Carter
Margery.jpg (54.54 KiB) Viewed 751 times
Appearance & Personality:
Margery has been confined to her wheelchair since a bout with polio in her childhood. Her family's wealth had been enough to afford her the greatest care in New England, but it had not been enough to save her body from being ravaged by the disease. She had recovered for the most part but she was left unable to use her legs and at times she struggled with respiratory trouble that tended to manifest as a bad cough in the winter months.
Aside from the chair, people usually noticed that she was a true beauty. She was often draped in the latest fashions. Her dress was a reflection of her own inheritance. She dismissed most of the flapper culture and tended to dress more conservatively though she did enjoy her own little twists on modern fashions. She favored longer skirts to cover her legs, but those that have chanced a glance now and then would perhaps bot be surprised they were rail-thin, even more so than the rest of her which was already quite lithe compared to most of her contemporaries. Another side effect of her health that she never quite seemed to develop much in the way of muscle mass.

Her face reminded one of the dolls and fashion drawings if a little more sunken. She took tedious amounts of time in "applying her face" each day both to doll up her face as well as make an effort to cover the almost deathlike visage of her natural face.

Margery Anne Carter was born of old money from Philip Harvard Carter and Lilian Penelope Joliet-Carter. She led the typical life of a young girl until she was 11 and she was struck down by polio. She was lucky and had wonderful care bought by sheer wealth and social position but despite her parent's effort and all the doctors and care, Margery never recovered the use of her legs and still suffers respiratory ailments that keep her from enjoying many of the activities she did in her youth.
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Still, wealth had its advantages. She grew up in the family estate, The Pine Borrow. She was able to immerse herself in books and studies as well as grow up in the social circles of the upper class. She learned early and fast about how the money in the world flowed through conversations at parties and get-togethers among the elite and quickly, fully using the novelty of her condition to win attention and charm those around her. She watched, listened, and studied those around her and educated herself in fashion and the histories of the local families. She took this further learning about genealogy as well as the sciences and history.
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It was when she turned 14 that she had another period of illness. She suffered a seizure during a party and was bedridden for days. During the seizure, she had seen something that later she could not describe. It was very clear to her, but she could not find words that would adequately explain what she had witnessed. She saw it but didn't see it, she heard it, but didn't hear it, it was there, but nowhere at the same time. She was unable to stop thinking of it after that while she spent those days in recovery from her "spell." She had more and more visions during this time, and as they because more focused, she began to understand she was seeing glimpses into what was coming. She was getting visions of the future. It was hard to make sense of them at first, like being told the end of a book before you even knew the title, but over time it became more and more something she could force into focus, and see them longer and in more detail. She focused and honed her skill, determined to learn how to master this skill. It helped her a great deal in everyday life, especially in the epic chess games of elite circles. She exploited it recklessly, determined to get all that she could out of life. After all... the one vision that was clearest of all, was the very first one. Always it came to her at night. She knew what it was. It was the moment of her death. She did not know when it would be, but always she saw it in more and more detail. She became more and more sure of it, and it was horrifying. She knew that it was growing closer, she could feel it.
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As time went on and the time began to press on her, she felt the need to deep dive into mythology and the occult. Soon she was holding séances with her friends and fortunetelling. She felt like she needed to share what she was learning and put it to some positive use. She was desperately trying to bargain her way into what she jokingly called "a better seat in hell" since she truly felt like she was damned. It wasn't long before Houdini himself, on his quest to find true "spiritualists" and debunk the frauds, eventually came knocking. She met with him, and her little cult following of elitist friends. He walked away shaking his head, unable to find a way she could be cheating those around her, and when her prediction of his trouble in an upcoming stunt, she had pulled him aside and mentioned to him a part of the stunt she could not possibly have known about, and told him what was going to go wrong. The following week he nearly suffocated under 6 feet of dirt when the stunt failed exactly as she told him it would... but he had heeded her words out of curiosity and it had saved his life, if just barely since he had the contingency plan. He would later tell his friends, one of whom was Thurston, that he believed that if anyone was the real deal, it was Margery Anne Carter.
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This was her indirect introduction to Thurston and then Dr. Twaddle who after some thought remembered that she was a part of the local literary clubs and frequented his store via written correspondence for rare and odd books. It happens that a few months later, Charles would do a hit piece on the audacious debutante and her circle of followers. She charmed and entertained him, and the article reflected this. Soon she had people flaunting to her asking her to tell their fortunes and ask about joining her séances to communicate with lost ones. She had grained quite the cult following.
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Her following has since taken on the monicker The Circle and meets on Wednesday nights, usually at her Summer Home, Cottage Hill, in Roanoke.

Likes and Hates:
Likes books.
Likes parties.
Likes gin.
Hates stairs.
Hates dullards.
Hates worms.

Religion: Ecentric.
Political Leanings: Republican.
Languages Spoken: English, French, Latin.
Professional Associations and Connections: Banker, Maximillian Hobbs. Socialite, Maggie Artois. Daughter of Foriegn Dignitary, Drusilla Torelli.
A Treasure: Her mother's Brooch and her Grandmother's Rosary.
Quote: Yesterday is gone, today it the here and now, and tomorrow may never come.


1) Howard Thurston, Magician.
Thurston is an intelligent man who understands how to charm an audience, and I can respect that. If he continues to play his cards right, I can tell you, he will enter into more elite circles than he may know. There are certainly a lot of ladies who would call him handsome and enjoy his company and what he can bring to a conversation. I hope to see him rise soon in the local Societies, and he is certainly welcome to join my little group of friends.
2) Dr. Rupert Twaddle, book dealer.
A well-educated man who appreciates the secrets locked away in books. Few other people understand as he does that it is in books we can uncover more secrets about the world known and unknown. He is a wonderful resource for me in recent years. It is a shame that with his family troubles he can never truly expect to elevate himself, but then again, I have a feeling he prefers it that way.
3) Charles 'Chip' Cole:
A darling young man who wrote such a wonderful piece about me and my family and friends. He did a lovely job of showing us for who we are and not some trash tabloid piece like others have done in the past. I knew I would like him and I knew I would like what he wrote... because I saw him write it.

4) Samuel 'Sam' Shannon Morton
Every lady needs a big strong man nearby. Sam is that man. Oh, don't look at me like that! He's a good person and works hard. And he is about as big and strong as an ox but has a gentle soul. Took him out to the firing range a few times and he was quite impressive. I am happy to count him among my friends and know I could call on him for anything and he would be there. If you find yourself in a pinch, you better call Sam.
5) Wayne Bennet
Oh, I suppose we need help like him, but he is rather uncouth and irreversibly dirty. I know there is a place for earthy people like himself, and they are a valued part of society, but I would rather he stay in the garage and leave the rest of us to do our work while he does his own. He reeks of cheap whiskey and fumes that set off my cough from the vapors. I often try to have some task or chore handy to keep him occupied when I visit Mr. Thurston and his little society. I do have to admit, that the car does run better since I asked him to look at it.
Will and Testiment:
Under the possession of The State of Massetusettes.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#51 Post by DexterWard »

Bluehorse and I discussed an option via PM, which I had already been thinking about...His 2nd character Margery Anne Carter will be a secondary/backup/NPC character that he manages when needed. I think having associates to your primary character that you run as needed to add depth and flavor to the plot/story/experience is a good idea, but I don't want everyone to think they should do this. If playing one character is enough, then that's fine. Playing multiple characters isn't for everyone. This is your choice. :D
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#52 Post by Grognardsw »

I can only handle a monkey.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#53 Post by Rex »

I have to see what I build first. Too much bouncing around my head right now to be sure. I may go a bit more physical since everyone else seems to be going hard mental/education.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#54 Post by Urson »

It's a new system for me- I'll stick with trying to keep Chip active and not anachronistic.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#55 Post by Rex »

New for me too, started last night on mine and when I have some more time tonight will most likely have some questions.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#56 Post by DexterWard »

Sounds good you guys. Shout out any questions you have or PM me. I'll keep an eye out for posts. I'll be working on the Ptolemy's Scriptorium thread and prepping for scenarios.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#57 Post by Grognardsw »

That Margery Anne Carter is one gorgeous gimp of a gal! Looking forward to pushing her wheel chair! I apologize in advance for Darwin's habit of always climbing onto her lap.

Seriously, that is one well developed character (among the many.)
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#59 Post by Rex »

I made a steadfast soldier (retired French Foreign Legion). No backstory yet. I can't get it to upload the sheet, its to large.
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Re: Group Backstory Development

#60 Post by DexterWard »

What's the file size Rex?
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