Deities of Evisath

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Deities of Evisath

#1 Post by Ithril »

Here will be found the deities, and faiths of Evisath. There will be many, and so I have decided that it would probably be best to make this it's own topic. The deities of Evisath are deeply entwined in the history of the world, and as soon as I can, I'll start weaving the folklore, legend and history of Evisath, That will likely be another thread altogether.
Some of the details of the deities may evolve in time for reasons.

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Paldon, Primary of Evisath

#2 Post by Ithril »

Name of Worshipped Being: Human names: Solonis, Paldon Elves: Ellu

Nature of Being (god/force/philosophy): Elder god
Perceived Gender: Male

Goal/Purpose of Faith: This god is a god of the sun, healing, inspiration, and life. He is an enemy of dark creatures, especially the undead.
The priesthood of this god exists to promote all those traits among the flock, and to celebrate the daily blessing that the sun-god shines down upon the world.

Alignment: The deity is neutral good. His priests may be of any good alignment. The flock may be of any neutral or good alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores: Scores: Wisdom 12, Intelligence 12. Wisdom or Intelligence 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Intelligence 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed: Elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:
Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Healing.
Non-weapon Proficiencies Recommended: Herbalism, Navigation, Reading/Writing, Religion, Spellcraft.

Duties of the Priest: Worshippers of Paldon believe that the life-giving sun is the best cure for all Kevisath's ills. Justice and freedom are brought about through charity, modesty, perseverance, and self-sacrifice. Paldon's priests teach that the truly strong don't need to prove their power. Paldonians strive to perform so many good acts that evil has no room in which to exist, though they will fight if necessary. Paldon is wrathful against the forces of evil, and is especially opposed to the undead. However, Paldon urges his followers to remember that excessive attention to things of evil can blind one to the truly important things: compassion and goodness. These are what must be emphasized above all.
Paldonian dogma has it that the energy and power of life originates in the sun.

Armor Restrictions: Armor Permitted: All metal armor and all shields.

Other Limitations: na

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Divination, Healing, Necromantic, Sun. Minor Access to Charm, Elemental (the priest can only use spells with the words fire, flame, heat, and pyrotechnics in the names), Plant, Protection..

Powers: Turn Undead (same as the Cleric ability). At 7th level: Laying On of Hands (same as the Paladin ability).

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of three third-level priests and six first-level priests of the same order, plus one third-level fighter and two first-level fighters to act as guards, one third-level mage and two first-level mages to act as consultants, one third-level bard and two first-level bards to act as personal bards. The priest may take the following on adventures: Three priests (only one of whom may be third-level), plus one fighter, one mage, and one bard of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 9th level.

Symbols: Sun with rays, or a dot with lines coming from the center, a star with a number of points that are a factor of 32.
Animal Symbols: Roc/Eagle

Notes: This deity may be similar to (or is) the deity known as Pelor in other campaigns/worlds, though here he may be slightly different. He, and his brother Crothos were the first beings in this world. Crothos, jealous of Paldon's brilliant power, fought with Paldon to overcome him.

Sects that worship Paldon:

Assemblies of Paldon

General Description:
Assemblies of Paldon encompasses three distinct sects which are aimed at different ways of achieving the goals of Paldon. The Assemblies is instrumental in coordinating the other sects, and in the ministerial duties to the lay members of the church.
The Hand of Paldon is devoted to healing, feeding the poor, and other ministries for those in need. Clerics will be members of this order.
The Sentinels of Paldon are a militant sect composed of soldiers devoted to fighting evil and corruption wherever it can be found.
Anyone devoted to the ministry of Paldon may receive some military or combat training from the Sentinels of Paldon, mostly for defensive purposes, so that in a confrontation with evil, they are not helpless

The Sentinels of Paldon believe that Paldon gave men the strength to fight evil on his behalf so that his light can shine ever greater, and in more places.
The ministries of the Hand of Paldon begin with healing. Disease and pain are powers of darkness, and the powers of Paldon's light can cleanse them and bring people into fellowship with him. It is Paldon's light that gives healing power to plants and things that grow in his glorious light.
All sects of the assemblies if Paldon teach that charity, modesty, and perseverance will foster justice and freedom among the people who follow Paldon. Paldon's 'Brilliance' priests teach that true power is evidenced in meekness. Paldonians strive to fill Evisath with so much good that evil is driven out, though they will fight if necessary. Paldon strength is in the power of will and hope, the need to face evil in the face of insurmountable odds, not in contests or demonstrations of physical might. Paldon is unrelenting in his quests against evil and chaos, striving to eliminate corruption and darkness wherever they are found. His orders are especially opposed to the undead. However, Paldon urges his followers to remember compassion and goodness, and to dwell on those things instead of giving evil power through thought.

Paldon is highly regarded, and one of the most popular deities among the commoners. The high priests of the temples are in communication and cooperate closely with each other. Taxes and regulations on temples of Paldon are generally low as the various temples can leverage substantial political pressure against any regime that would impose higher fees.
The wards of the Hand of Paldon are often called convents, and it is not uncommon to find a healing ward entirely staffed by women. the hand of Paldon is welcome where disease threatens, because the adherents to this sect have proven their ability to cure illness, and bring healing.
As most women serve in The Hand of Paldon, most men serve in The Sentinels of Paldon. The Sentinels of Paldon are often incorporated in city and national forces. They are not so welcome in places where the rulers and officials are better known for corruption or tyrannical habits.

The Assemblies of Brilliance encompasses the chapters of the Hand of Paldon, and the Sentinels of Paldon, and so together they perform many services. While the Hand of Paldon will heal the sick, the Sentinels of Paldon are instrumental in destroying undead and other forces of evil. clergy of the Assemblies if Brilliance will be found blessing crops, helping the needy, and officiating funeral services.

All sects of worshipers of Paldon have special services on the solstices and equinoxes throughout the year, and regular service on Ruldun, the day of worship that begin unconditionally and predictably at dawn. the ceremonies of worship will include vociferous prayers and loud liturgical passages, spoken either by the whole congregation, or by individuals.

Temples can be found in cities and towns where they will have ample room for the military exercises for their adherents, as well as staff, and a hospital ward or convent for the sick. Usually within their own grounds. The temples are scrupulously clean, and brightly painted in white or bright yellows. The buildings are always airy, and taller than the surrounding buildings. The highest tower has a place to keep a watchfire at night that is visible from a distance.

Holy Symbols
The talisman most devout worshipers of Paldon will have is a form of an 8 pointed star in a circle.
Clerical Symbol of Paldon.jpg
Clerical Symbol of Paldon.jpg (21.01 KiB) Viewed 1300 times
List of writing considered holy to the order, why, where they can be found, how they came about, brief summary of their contents

Holy Days:
The solstices, equinoxes and any days of a solar eclipse are considered holy.

Important relics of the faith and any known details about them stuff i haven't written

Myths & Legends: Paldon appears variously as a rotund young man in the glow of his youth, or as a thin, wizened elderly man. Either appearance will be crowned with a copious amount of rich golden hair flowing in curls even to his knees, and rich looking robes that are always spotless, and glowing with a white light.

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Narva, Lawbringer of Evisath

#3 Post by Ithril »

Name of Worshiped Being: Elves Nandil, Humans: Dzet, Nerva, Holcalus

Nature of Being (god/force/philosophy): Elder god
Perceived Gender: Female

Goal/Purpose of Faith: This god brings revenge on those who deserve it, rights wrongs, punishes the wicked, and avenges those who cannot avenge themselves.
Normally, the god acts through her priests. Priests of this god are approached by those who have been wronged, and must learn what they can of the situation, decide who's right and who's wrong, and take steps to punish the guilty party. They must make the punishment fit the crime (a theft does not warrant the killing of the thief in most cases, for instance).
Since these priests are often approached to punish those whom ordinary laws can't touch (for instance, to punish a rich man who can bribe his way out of any charge or punishment), they frequently have to perform their missions secretly, so that the local authorities cannot learn of them. These vigilante priests are not appreciated by local governments.
This is a bold, powerful, primitive god whose aspect is the thunderbolt. She represents the destructive power of the sky and is a favorite god of warriors. Because lightning sometimes hits trees and sets them ablaze, she has some minor associations with fire and trees (especially oaks). She is also a god of storms.
However, the goddess herself is little concerned with the doings of mortals; she has no objection to them worshiping her, and does grant some of her power to her priests, but otherwise does not meddle much in mortal affairs.
Her priests promote worship of the lightning-god for her power and her indomitability. They encourage worshipers to emulate the god and her strength.

Alignment: The deity is true neutral. Her priests may be of any alignment but lawful good. The flock may be of any alignment

Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 10, Strength 12. Wisdom or Strength 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Strength 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed: Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, humans.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:
Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Tracking.
Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended: Reading/Writing, Religion.

Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage. Missions to achieve justice when justice has been thwarted. Vigilance: The priests must keep their ears open and keep track of those who try to avoid the consequences of their actions.

Armor Restrictions: Armor Permitted: All armor and shields.

Other Limitations: Priests of this god may not refuse to investigate when the story of an injustice is brought to them (unless they've already investigated this same complaint). To do so is to constitute a "betrayal of goals" from the "Priests and Punishment" section
of the "Role-Playing" chapter. To investigate, find that there has been an injustice, and then to refuse to act on it is a similar betrayal. However, it is not a betrayal to discover an injustice and then take the time to make sure the priest has enough influence and force to effect revenge; he does not have to effect revenge immediately.

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Divination, Necromantic. Minor Access to Elemental, Guardian.

Powers: The priest, even at first level, can cast the detect lies spell once per day in addition to all other spells. At 9th Level: The priest can cast a call lightning spell once per day, in addition to all other spells.

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of three third-level priests and six first-level priests of the same priesthood, and one fifth-level warrior, two third-level warriors, and four first-level warriors. The priest may take the following on adventures: Three priests (only one of whom may be third-level) and two warriors of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 8th level.

Symbols: Lightening bolt, Clenched fist.
Animal Symbols: Lion, Bear

Notes: Nerva was the embodiment of the conflict between Paldon and his brother Crothos. Her appearance brought an end to their struggle, and she brings balance to them both.
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Crothos, god of things to come

#4 Post by Ithril »

Name of Worshiped Being: Elves: Ebru Human names: Odain, Matlicue, Crothos

Nature of Being (god/force/philosophy): Elder god
Perceived Gender: Male

Goal/Purpose of Faith: This god is the deity of the march of time. He represents inevitability -- not destiny based on the will of individual gods, but the inevitability of change brought on by time.
His priests preach the philosophy of patience to the flock, and help all the members of the flock adapt themselves to their changing bodies, lifestyles, and needs as they go through life.

This is a god who delivers broad statements about the future to his followers. He's distinct from the god of Fate/Destiny in that he doesn't preach a doctrine of acceptance; he just passes on the visions he has of the future, and lets his followers and those who beg his visions act on them accordingly.
Priests of this god act as intermediaries between the oracular god and visitors who come to receive his prophecies. See the paragraph below on Followers and Strongholds for more on this.

Alignment: The deity is true neutral. The priests may be true neutral or neutral good; most are true neutral. The flock may be of any alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 12, Charisma 11. Wisdom or Charisma 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Charisma 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed: Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:
Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Astrology.
Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended: Ancient History, Ancient Languages, Local History, Reading/Writing, Religion.

Powers: Identification (as per the Designing Faiths chapter) of the current time and day; regardless of how long the priest has been underground, unconscious, or otherwise unable to observe the passage of time, he'll know roughly what time it is (within the hour) and exactly what day of the year it is. Prophecy (as per the Designing Faiths chapter). At 9th level: Laying On of Hands (same as the Paladin ability).

Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage, Omen-Reading. Missions: Having passed
on a prophecy, the priest may choose to accompany those who received the prophecy. The priest may just want to see how reality matches the vision he received; however, if the prophecy included options, visions of different ways the situation could resolve itself, the priest may be tagging along to help the preferred outcome take place.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Armor Permitted: Padded only; no shields.

Other Limitations: na

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of one fifth-level priest, three third-level priests, and six first-level priests of the same order, plus five second-level fighters who act as guards. The priest may take the following on adventures: Two priests of his choice (not including the fifth-level priest, and may only include one third-level priest) and two fighters of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 9th level. Part of the stronghold must be an oracular chamber or area where visitors may meet with the priests and receive oracles; the temple may charge a fee of money or goods for this service, so the stronghold must also have large, commodious storerooms for these goods.

Possible Symbols: Brazier, Hourglass
Animal Symbols: Spider, Frog

Notes: Crothos fought with Paldon for supremacy. He was jealous of Paldon's position, and believed Paldon had no right to claim it as his own. Through their struggles the other gods, and the world came into being.
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Charedfrus; Keeper of Secrets

#5 Post by Ithril »

Name of Worshipped Being: Bannâtha, Bephothos, Cûbul, Charedfrus, Zabaruthran Elven: Arandur

Nature of Being (god/force/philosophy): Elder god

Goal/Purpose of Faith: This god is the patron of magic in all its forms. Although he isn't the source of magical energies used by the world's mages, he does tend the laws of magic to keep them in order. He was also the god responsible for teaching the most important spells and rituals to mortal mages. He is as beloved of mages as of any other class of characters.
Priests of this god, in addition to encouraging worship of the god, act as scholars of magic. They help preserve libraries of magical information and encourage correspondence and the exchange of ideas (and spells) between mages.

Alignment: The deity is true neutral. The priests may be neutral evil, true neutral, or neutral good; evil priests have their own sect and the other priests don't have to tolerate them. The flock may be of any alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 12, Intelligence 13. Wisdom or Charisma 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Intelligence 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed: Elves, half-elves, humans.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Spellcraft. Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended: Reading/Writing, Religion, Ancient Languages.

Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage. Education: These priests cooperate with magicians to educate in the ways of magic.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Weapons Permitted: Dagger/dirk, dart, knife, quarterstaff, sling. Armor Permitted: Padded only; no shields. All together, these constitute Poor combat abilities.

Other Limitations: Priests of this sect receive six-sided dice for hit points, not eight-sided.

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Astral, Charm, Divination, Elemental, Healing, Protection, Summoning. Minor Access to Animal, Guardian, Necromantic, Plant, Sun, Weather. This priesthood has an extra major access, which helps make up for its reduced hit points.

Powers: At 9th level: Infravision (same as the elf ability; an elven or half-elven priest of this faith has Infravision of doubled range, to 120').

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of three third-level priests and six first-level priests of the same order, plus one fifth-level mage who acts as consultant, and one third-level fighter and seven first-level fighters to act as guards. The priest may take the following on adventures: Three priests (only one of whom may be third-level), one mage, and two fighters of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 9th level.

Possible Symbols: Writing quill, Book, Open hand
Animal Symbols: Centuar, Unicorn

Notes: This priest is close in aspect to mages, so the weapons permitted him are similar to those permitted to mages.
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Egruthad, Terrible and Great

#6 Post by Ithril »

Name of Worshipped Being: Egruthad, Urtil Elves: Evisath

Nature of Being (god/force/philosophy): Elder god

Goal/Purpose of Faith:
This deity is the embodiment of the Evisath, and the progenitor of many lesser deities and powers of the earth. At times this deity is the manifestation of all the power of Evisath in all it's aspects, weather, volcanoes, earthquakes, flood, and many other powerful natural forces. It is also the deity who taught man how to plant, grow, reap, and utilize crops.
The priesthood teaches the population to worship this deity, and to fear it. Priests of some sects of this god are overzealous, and insist that everyone worship the god, for without the god all creatures on the face of the world could not exist. They are also quick to point out that an angry god of this sort can decide that crops fail, either on a local level or even worldwide, resulting in mass starvation and (eventually, if the god is not appeased) a destruction of civilization; man would return to a hunter-gatherer culture, living in small nomadic tribes and following herds of beasts, if this were to take place.
They stress the fact that man is a small, insignificant thing next to the grandeur of Evisath and must recognize that the sentient species are just elements, ingredients, of the greater world. This philosophy doesn't sit well with most of the sentient species, except the elves, who are in accord with it.

Alignment: The deity is true neutral. His priests may be true neutral or neutral good; most are neutral good. The flock may be of any alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 12, Constitution 12. Wisdom or Constitution 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Constitution 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed: Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans.

Nonweapon and Weapon Proficiencies: Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Agriculture. Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended: Animal Handling, Brewing, Fire-building, Fishing, Weather Sense, Healing, Herbalism, Mining, Stonemasonry Reading/Writing, Religion.

Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage. Observation of annual celebrations at the start of winter and start of spring. Vigilance against any threat to the community's ability to grow its food, including magical blights and droughts brought on by evil magicians or priests, artifacts or enemy gods: If a god of fire has gotten too happy and is burning up great tracts of plain or forest during an overlong summer, if a mortal civilization is destroying wilderness by exploiting it or expanding into it, priests of the god of nature are commanded (by their temple or by their god) to go forth and do something about it.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Armor Permitted: All non-magical armor and shields.

Other Limitations: Temples operated by these priests must be built outside city walls. Such priests can sleep within city walls (especially when travelling, when the city is under siege, etc.), but his permanent residence must be outside the city limits. To have permanent residence elsewhere is a minor offense, as described in the "Role-Playing" chapter under "Priests and Punishment."

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Creation, Elemental (the priest may only use spells dealing with dust, stone, rock, mud, and earth, plus transmute metal to wood ), Plant, Summoning. Minor Access to Animal, Divination, Healing, Protection.

Powers: Analysis, Detection, Identification (as described in the Designing Faiths chapter) of any sort of domesticated grain or garden plant; the priest can look at a field and tell what's being grown, how far along it is in the harvest year, what the state of the crop is (healthy, diseased, drought problems, etc.), and even what species is growing it (this can be handy when the party is sneaking up on the dwelling of an unknown monster and there is a garden nearby, for instance). At 9th Level: Create Food & Water: The Priest can cast this spell once per day in addition to all other spells that he can cast.

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of one fifth-level priest, three third-level priests, and six first-level priests of the same order, plus one third-level fighter and seven first-level fighters to act as guards. The priest may take the following on adventures: Three priests (only one of whom can be third-level), plus two fighters of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 9th level.

Possible Symbols: a column, trunk of a tree
Animal Symbols: Bull/Goat with horns

Sects that worship Egruthad:

Seeds of Egruthad

General Description:
The assorted orders that worship Egruthad/Urtil are varied and diverse, in almost every way. For clarity, they will be known as the Orchards of Egruthad, though members of specific orders of these orchards may not recognize, or realize they are all serving the same deity.
This article will describe the Seeds of Egruthad the most popular sect among humans in the cities of the civilized lands. Other sub articles will deal with some of the other Orchards of Egruthad.

For the Seeds of Egruthad, the deity is not really depicted in a humanoid form, but rather as a great tree from which all things grow, including the other deities. Egruthad came into being when the ancient forgotten gods left the seed of life in this existence before they went on to other realities beyond mortal knowledge, and likewise, all things came from Egruthad in their own time.

The Seeds of Egruthad is the most popular of the sects that worship this deity, but it is still a small minority of the population in civilized lands. Most members of this faith have some relationship with the earth, Farmers and those who work directly with nature are more likely to be worshipers of this Egruthad.

The clergy of The seeds of Egruthad spend their time tending crops and doing things to enhance the bounty of the earth. It is common for them to be called onto bless orchards and crop fields at planting and during the early spring or when said orchard is in bloom. they do not have the limitations of being restricted to life in the wild, and can be found in cities. they reputation is most favored in farming communities; they are less well received in larger cities.

Worshipers of the Seeds of Egruthad have few rituals, which are mostly performed by the clergy. They are all expected to give thanks for meals and at harvest, and to request Egruthad's blessing whenever they plant crops.

Temples are usually designated in places of natural beauty, unspoiled by men or other humanoids. Forest groves as well as places of natural phenomena are common. It is not required to specifically find these places to gather or worship in, but they are considered sacred.


Holy Days:


Myths & Legends:
In the Seeds of Egruthad, he is depicted as a great tall humanoid creature. His head bears three faces. One is of a man, stern and brooding, the second is of a woman, calm and beautiful, but the third is of an inhuman monster. His hair is a mass of branches bearing leaves and fruit.


Notes: This deity will have several sects I will have to spend time detailing later. It is also the progenitor of several other lesser deities, who will also have their own religious orders.
Last edited by Ithril on Sat Nov 14, 2020 2:37 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Elande, the Peace of Evisath

#7 Post by Ithril »

Name of Worshipped Being: Irien, Elande Elves: Illessë

Nature of Being (god/force/philosophy): Elder god

Goal/Purpose of Faith: Priests of the god of love are charged with promoting love whenever possible -- especially by removing obstacles to it. This god is devoted to the cause of peace. She prefers for all conflicts to be settled non-violently.

Alignment: neutral good, her priests may be of any good alignment. The flock may be of any neutral or good alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 10, Charisma 13. Wisdom or Charisma 16 means +5% experience; Wisdom and Charisma 16 means +10% experience.

Races Allowed: Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Etiquette.
Non-weapon Proficiencies Recommended: Modern Languages, Singing, Local History, Musical Instrument, Reading/Writing, Religion.

Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage. Vigilance: Priests of this sect believe in marriages of love, not of convenience or politics, and so conspire to keep young lovers together when those lovers might be parted by their families' wishes or by the prejudices and responsibilities of their social classes. The priest often accompanies parties of war or groups of adventurers to try to bring about peaceful solutions to as many situations as possible. Vigilance against forces or individuals who seem to stir up trouble continually and needlessly.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Padded armor, no sheilds.

Other Limitations: Priests of this sect receive six-sided dice for hit points, not eight-sided. Whenever they appear in public they must wear clothing or badges which display their status as priests of the god of peace. A priest of this sect may be unmarried when he enters the priesthood (1st level) but must have been wed by the time he reaches 8th experience level to do otherwise is to deny the god his due, and constitutes a betrayal of goals from the "Priests and Punishment" section of the "Role-Playing" chapter.

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Animal, Charm, Healing, Necromantic, Protection, Summoning. Minor Access to Creation, Divination, Guardian, Plant, Sun, and Weather.

Powers: At 5th level: Charm/Fascination (as per the Designing Faiths chapter).

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 8th level, and consist of one fifth-level priest, three third-level priests, and sixteen first-level priests of the same order. The priest may take the following on adventures: Two priests of his choice. The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 8th level.
Possible Symbols: This is a set of recommendations for the symbols that the priesthood uses. Usually, they're representations of the god's attribute. They are also used upon the priesthood's Holy Symbol.

Symbols: broken sword knots/knotted rope
Animal Symbols: Cat/Dog/Swan

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Zatar, Ruler of all waters

#8 Post by Ithril »

Name of Worshipped Being: Stracilius, Zatar, Siralda Elves: Sildamir Siranda,

Nature of Being (god/force/philosophy): Elder god

Goal/Purpose of Faith: This god is a god of large bodies of water. He doesn't concern himself much with mortal doings; sailors pray to him for mercy, and he shows them mercy when he feels like it, and shows them death when he prefers. He is also a storm-god, the deity of storms upon the sea, and sailors fear him.
His priests pray to him for good winds and good harvests of the sea, and make sacrifices to him to keep him happy and calm. They also use their powers to save the creatures of the sea, especially creatures such as mermen and dolphins, from needless death at the hands of overzealous fishermen. They are also great explorers of the sea, and when a priest of the ocean-god decides to hide from other men, only another priest of the same order or an experienced mage can find him in his underwater haven

Alignment: The deity is true neutral. The priests may be true neutral or neutral good; most are true neutral. The flock may be of any alignment.

Minimum Ability Scores: Wisdom 9. Wisdom 16 means +10% experience.
Races Allowed: This paragraph describes which player-character races may belong to this priesthood.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Nonweapon Proficiencies Required: Swimming. Nonweapon Proficiencies Recommended: Fishing, Rope Use, Seamanship, Weather Sense, Navigation, Reading/Writing, Religion.

Duties of the Priest: Guidance, Marriage.

Weapon and Armor Restrictions: Armor Permitted: Padded only; all shields permitted.

Other Limitations: None

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Animal, Divination, Elemental, Weather. Minor Access to Charm, Combat, Plant, Protection. Special Notes: Within his Animal sphere, the priest can only cast spells dealing with sea animals; he can only make friends with, become invisible to, charm, speak with, hold, or summon sea-life, and cannot use the insect-related spells at all. Within his Elemental sphere, the priest can only use spells with the word "water" in the name; he can also use the earthquake and transmute rock to mud spells; additionally, he can take a spell identical to the 6th-level conjure fire elemental spell which conjures water elementals instead.

Powers: At 9th level: The priest can cast the water breathing spell on himself only, once per day, in addition to all other spells and he is then able to cast an extra water breathing on others (as per the normal rules for the spell) once per week; the water breathing spell he casts on himself may not be dispelled , and automatically renews itself at the end of the 24-hour period if the priest is still underwater and asleep, unconscious, etc. Determine approximate depth underwater on 1-4 on 1d6 (similar to the Dwarf ability concerning depth underground).

Followers and Strongholds: The followers are received at 9th level, and consist of one fifth-level priest, three third-level priests, and six first-level priests from the same order, plus five mermen and mermaids (total). (The DM may substitute any other intelligent aquatic race, as appropriate, anywhere from 5 to 10 total HD of them: aquatic elves, water-nymphs, etc.) The priest may take the following on adventures: Two priests of his choice. On waterborne adventures, he can take three of the mermen and mermaids (or up to 6 HD of the substituted aquatic races). The priesthood will pay for half of the cost of stronghold construction at 9th level.

Possible Symbols: Trident, Ship
Animal Symbols: fish, duck

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Re: Deities of Evisath

#9 Post by Ithril »

Tribal Religious Pantheons

Name: Tribal Pantheistic Religions (several different designations)

These can vary according to the particular tribe in question, and range from a belief that the gods are active in every day life, to the perspective that the gods are too far removed or remote to give any mind to mere mortals. Most fall somewhere between the two extremes; usually closer to the former, with the idea that the gods may intervene if the proper sacrifices are made, or that the gods are properly appeased. The names of the deities are often different, though many share similar aspects, mostly revolving around the basic primal needs of a tribal society in the wild.

Most tribes are rather devout, as the intervention of the gods is required for the bounty of the crops (if any) or the hunt in any case, as well as favorable weather, and protection from other mishaps, or misfortunes.

The clergy is simplistic, usually consisting of a lone shaman, sometimes with an assistant who makes the proper sacrifices and ceremonies in the proper places at the proper times. His ministrations are regarded as utmost of importance, as any false step could spell the destruction of the entire community.

Rituals vary by tribe, and by specific deity. They have many and varied purposes, but all are considered vital. They often involve trance-like states of altered consciousness, brought about through various means including self denial, music, and occasionally herbs.

Temples or shrines dedicated to pantheistic religions are outdoors, and may be in a deep forest grove, a circle of ancient stones, or upon a high mountain cliff or plain.

Most scriptures are passed verbally from the shaman to his apprentice.

Holy Days
The sacred days of a pantheistic sect will differ from one tribe or community to another, but often include the solstices, and equinoxes, as well as other dates of significant astronomical events.

Important objects for a particular tribe or community can be animal remains (claws, horns, etc) to sacred stones and sacred sites.
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