Character Creation

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Character Creation

#1 Post by Ithril »

Campaign ID: 878

I'll be working to integrate characters into a plausible living and expanding gameworld. In order to more easily facilitate this, I would appreciate a backstory as outlined below. I may request changes to your character concept, history or other details. I want to know you are invested in the character, and these details will aid me in incorporating hooks for the game plot with the intention of increasing player involvement, ROLE play and interaction.

Thank you for your help!

All characters start at 1st level.
  • Rolling Stats
    Roll 4D6 seven times. Drop the lowest die from each roll, drop one result and assign the remaining 6 as you please. IF the player elects to keep the lowest roll, the character gets a 200xp bonus. Players may adjust the scores as allowed in the book. I recommend using the server player character sheet. I will be keeping the 'official' record sheet using the Core rules software.
    If you find that the dice gods have been unusually miserly in assigning your stats, I will allow a re-roll, or I can give a set of stats to choose from.
  • Hit points
    All characters start with max hit points, including CON bonus.
  • Starting money
    Your starting money is 1D4x10+120 (130 to 160 gp), again, please post the results for me.
  • Races
    This will be a human-centric world, and the campaign begins in lands populated mostly by humans, therefore:
    Races available in order of preference will be
    If you choose something other than human, please be prepared to write a compelling backstory explaining how you have come to be in human-lands.
  • Alignments
    I am trying to run a good campaign. There is enough evil in the realms, environs and alternate planes of Evisath to go around already, so No Evil Alignments please; the other six are fair game.
  • Classess
    I am looking for a more traditional feeling gameworld. I'm pulling certain elements from Conan novels, Greyhawk, and some aspects of the BECMI game world (as presented in the Expert boxed rulebook) settings for this. As such, At this time I do not really have a lot of time to devote to integrating the more esoteric classes into the game; and so I will be limiting classes to the standard acccepted classes (Cleric/Fighter/Mage/Thief) and some few variations on those themes, including some kits at my discretion. I will not accept applications for the class of Bard or Monk at this time.
  • Religion
    The gods are a VERY IMPORTANT aspect of life. It will be important later in the game, and will require specific and considered development. For the time being, just choose an aspect for your deity of choice (life, light, etc.) The Complete Priests Handbook has a list of potential aspects. It is by no means complete. If you're a cleric, this will, naturally, be more important and development of this area will be a priority. It would also be important to note, there are A Lot of cults, false gods and profane sects in Evisath that are devoted to evil purposes, sometimes unawares.
    I am slowly and carefully developing the deities of this world. There are several now to chose from, though there will be a few more that I add as I have time or need. For any new arrivals, you are strongly encouraged to take deities that are already at least roughly defined in this list.
    If you have an idea for a new deity, please submit it to me via DM. Thank you.
  • Age Height, & Weight
    All as per the players handbook; except wizards add 1d10+10 to their starting age.
  • Equipment
    Buy your equipment at normal pc handbook prices. I'll expect we are adults and can account for our own reasonable encumbrance and movement stats.
  • Clothing
    For most commoners, the inner most layer consisted of braies, a shirt and some kind of hose or stocking. The inner layers were made of either linen or less commonly, wool.

    Over their shirt and braies working people would wear a belted tunic for most of the period and some kind of hose; short or long. For most jobs they did not wear special work clothing. The exception were the leather apron of the smith and the apron worn while sowing. The outer layers were made of linen or wool.

    Commoners would wear a short coat or tunic with a belt over their shirt. The tunic would be split up the front and could be tied up if needed. Under the tunic they wore long braies that could be used as shorts in hot weather or while doing dirty work. Over the braies they wore chausses tied with a belt, rope, or a drawstring.

    Peasants and poor adventurers often wear a simple piece of rawhide as footwear, often with the fur still on it. A leather thong is threaded through the top of the piece of leather and tied at the top in order to hold the leather in place.

    Wealthier people wear a basic leather shoe, constructed with a pointed toe. The length of the toe varies according to the individual shoemaker. Some shoe points are so long that they must be chained up and fastened at the knee. This type of shoe would be a hindrance to an adventurer, but might be worn in a city.
  • Description & Background
    Describe the character, preferred dress etc, and build a character history. I'll have a list of potential locations for characters to consider their home soon. I will likely have questions for you.
    UPDATE Several players have proposed a background making their characters orphans. I do not prefer this type of background. If you really wish to have an orphaned character, please provide more details than a single sentence to describe their absence. I'm looking for details on their death; when, why, where, how, who; all the 'w's, and how that affected the character, and more details on who raised the character from that point. Another option would be to avoid mentioning the characters parents at all.
    A third option I'm willing to offer would be to write an outline of events, and the player can fill in the story.
    The point being is that I will be mining these background for character/plot hooks. Please allow me to use what you write to make the game interesting and meaningful FOR YOU. ;) I want this to be fun and exciting.

    Thank you for your understanding.
This list can (and probably will) be added to and amended on occasion.
Last edited by Ithril on Sat Nov 25, 2023 5:16 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Wizards Clerics and spellcasters, oh my!

#2 Post by Ithril »

Wizards Schools and Guilds
I'll be working out a system of schools and guilds for Wizards. I'm planning on allowing specialist wizards for now. This, like all things at this stage, is still in development.

Magic in the world of Evisath is uncommon to rare. Wizards and spell casters are rare, viewed with suspicion, and not easily trusted by the common folk, but individuals in positions of power recognize it's advantage and often have such in their employ albeit discreetly.

All wizards start with Cantrip, Detect Magic, Identify, and Read Magic, These do not count against initial known spell totals.

I'll not make you roll play the acquisition of most material spell components, but save that for uncommon or special situations as required. It will be possible to 'run out' of a component considered common for some particular circumstance. In such case it is possible to attempt to substitute something else; but the results may be unexpected; complete failure is a potential possibility as well if the substitute is inappropriate or not well considered.

Wizards and similar spell casters have and require a Spell Book. These are special and valuable, and very very unique. They are also very heavy, and bulky and you will have to consider how it is protected and kept. Only a very foolish wizard takes his spell book on an adventure.
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Villages of Evisath

#3 Post by Ithril »

Whenever I'm writing anything creative, one of the most daunting tasks, and the most common one to cause writer's block for me, is coming up with a good name. Be it a town, character, bridge... whatever. Names are my Achilles heel. I hate them.

I've found a great utility for this: The Everchanging Book of Names. It is shareware, and you can send a small fee to the writer to 'unlock' it to access it's full potential, if you find it useful. It has 'Chapters' for just about every type of fantasy genre that you can think of from Greyhawk to Star Trek, and even H.P Lovecraft! I promote it anytime I can. You can find it Here!

I'm modelling the Common Language most of your characters speak on a deprecated form of English for simplicity. For the most part, it will be what we use in regular speech, so it's nothing to be too concerned about.This is important to define though, because I have asked you to do a backstory for your character. With a few exceptions, most of you will be from the Duchy of Stomanell. I am composing a map that will be posted for your use shortly. On it will be a small number of the more important centers of population. Because most of you will not hail from these places, I will be listing a number of names that can be used as smaller villages that should be appropriate for you to use in doing the backstory of your character.

Some places on the map will be verboten. You may not use them for your origin story. They include Youlgraeve and Bredon.
I reserve the right to expand this list as needed.

I will be adding similar lists for the territories that neighbor the Duchy of Stomanell later.

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An Incomplete Table of the Villages of Evisath

#4 Post by Ithril »

Duchy of Stomanell Dungarnard Free Cities of Ettereind Kingdom of Ballinford Principality of Salishum Wolfshofen Barony Elven Forest of Ancalen Dwarven Hold of Halturuhm
Ablam Arverises Abborne Belolistra Bamrek
Adgers Aulerci Anderci Brelovac Beargate
Armagh Ausmer Arverunes Buchamon Binureni
Alnworby Baiocirdes Aulerci Bufdă Borna
Anghing Bayncott Bentinures Dobrolovo Dovebaces
Arton Beireum Bissates Dolgotina Ellod
Bardlyr Beverd Bonebreach Fălcău Firngrunn
Beaulwall Budserser Conghullam Fojvizd Fjolarlod
Benley Cadurci Crystalmoor Gorine Frostcoast
Boornham Caridh Cundangley Gormiljak Frunimir
Bungworby Carstidh Darbovey Gornik Fyfnhild
Byfed Daill Eliomini Goslac Fylof
Cerby Derci Elurci Grabor Fyrbogi
Condersby Domhar Hestoria Kagyrk Gonjof
Crosbornlam Dumerty Ildea Karjevo Guntir
Danstallow Dunoventauni Isleterby Karrin Gurott
Deadmount Eirmas Kirtodon Kiviči Hefnoslan
Deepshire Flourker Launi Kočetorož Herieltauni
Emberminster Grídhde Leottlough Križenec Hlotild
Groviromon Hartwis Lerwongferstewe Livazi Hrortild
Habholwell Holtin Madubii Lukostra Hygnir
Hamble Lonckney Manores Luzniki Kadrgling
Hapwewcham Mercorii Monstay Mënicë Lanche
Hollowfalls Milontes Montanes Neman Licates
Hurtsbrode Monelli MootonBreSeale Oraotok Malloges
Iswen Morvedubii Nerici Pazarvgrad Mecatui
Jarksamouth Ninocotes Norhourne Plerat Midora
Keymitton Nocatui Oarkings Poddice Nalgin
Kirfer Noyn Osasenores Poricah Nirvetii
Lansbourn Oighas Perbeach Prokupski Rauntintes
Leedmon Oighnag Remani Rosdër Regni
Leter Wain Ordercatui Remi Roska Remoctones
Lindole Osioneti Selcatui Salotru Reni
Livell Pinnett Rockdale Sevjur shiverbarrow
Mistgarde Raulleuces Senacervii Sladar Snifnar
Riverkeep Recubini Shadowhall Sladoara Snonarem
Roguehelm Seonnchar Stastweron Slishte Sogrlod
Surwide Seóras Tauni Sredstra Sonid
Suscerby Sínnchadh Tockley Trbona Sornfid
Sustovon Sloadley Tuceangli Voboj Steslaug
Timberdlode Sorcha Wanhing Vobreč Thodgring
Tirby Sorghas Waredge Vojaci Tholvild
Virshook Stairle Warley Volunniţa Thraki
Wadfonstell Stiúbhart Watlodlow Vrapje Trinedannes
Wastle Tercines Weinrambron Xhybnesh Vifleif
Wogishall Toridh Widbetstall Žadin Virvetii
Yatedlond Torlagh Wimerpyne Vlard
Yockforth Woffally Yarling Zaječej Yuntar
Yocklofer Yeager Yarshey Žukov Zafknorri
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