Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#101 Post by SirOwen »

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Jaxsen points to the spot where "Glansandi" laid his head. "If that is some kind of parasitic tissue, burning it might stop it. Also, anything that pours off him might be better off burned." Jax looks suddenly up at Liam. "Oh! You thought I meant burn him? Oh no... no. At least not unless he turns completely into that... stuff."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#103 Post by Urson »

At some point in these proceedings, Daisy arrives. She stops, looking very green, when she sees the mess on Glasandi's face.

What did ya'll do to him?

When the details are made clear, she studies the mess from a safe distance. Ah don't know what can be done- but Ah'm gonna try...
Daisy casts CLW.
Heal [1d8] = 5

We need to get his nose cleared. Somebody got gloves?
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#104 Post by OGRE MAGE »

While Liam and Jaxsen discuss the use of fire, Daisy suddenly appears through the bushes, as quiet as a little church mouse. When she sees the mess all over Glansandi's face and mouth, she listens intently as they catch her up.

Doing what she does, the war priestess clears the bound elf's face of the snotty residue before casting a healing prayer on him to see if it helps. While she is doing so, the others notice the wet ground is slowly drying up again, right in front of them, rather unnaturally. Once Daisy is finished, Glansandi's eyes fly open and he starts to sputter and cough.

"Where did I.......who are.......Raythan? Liam? Cough, cough, now just what the hells is going on here? Why am I tied up? Out with it!"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#105 Post by SirOwen »

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Jaxsen holds up a hand, silencing Liam, Daisy and Raythan. "Before anyone answers anything he asks, we need to make sure. We need a question that only the Constable could answer. I don't know him well enough. Raythan? You've been here the longest."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#106 Post by OGRE MAGE »

"What are the names of your parents?" The half-elf blurts out before realizing that he has no idea of the answer.

He shrugs at Jaxsen, ashamed that he never spent much time with the constable himself.

"What?" Glansandi answers angrily, still spitting out snotty goo. "What kind of question is that? You dont even know my parents! Now untie my arms, immediately! "
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#108 Post by Urson »

Daisy steps back once Gilsandi is out of danger. IF she can do it safely, she'll save a glob of the muck to investigate later. Just relax, Constable. Strange things have happened, and these fellas are just trying to figure them out.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#109 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Glansandi looks up at Liam, the hint of impatience in his eyes beginning to grow.

"The first thing I told you was I doubted that a few eggs and a bit of milk each day was going to help solve the towns major hunger issues. And then I asked you what you really hoped to accomplish here with your floating farmstead. Or something like that. Now can I be untied, please?"

Daisy looks at the almost non-existent wet spot on the ground, but there is no remaining material left behind that can be gathered. The watery snot Glansandi coughs up is little more than a residue, so she isn't able to collect a large sample of that either.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#110 Post by Bluehorse »


Chuckle. Yes... that's constable happiness alright.

Liam gives him the rundown of what has been happening up to this point. And to top it off, there is half a raw chicken somewhere in your guts.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#111 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

With Liam's verification, Jaxsen steps behind the Elf and begins to untie him. "Please hold still and I'll have you out of this in a moment," he says. "And apparently, a 'Welcome Back' is in order. I am glad we were able to resolve this without excess violence." Able to make light of his own shortcomings, he adds, "You are lucky that I am still just a grub in so many ways. I might have kicked you in the head ... twice."
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#112 Post by Urson »

Now that the men have decided he's OK, Daisy steps closer to evaluate. Ah can't imagine what it felt like- or what it may have done to you. Are ya'll in any pain? Nauseous? Dizzy? If you feel any kind of symptoms, ya'll tell me. Don't think your family jewels are gonna drop off if ya'll admit you're sick. Ah've had to amputate toes because some idiot didn't want to admit he'd lost feeling in his feet one winter. She brings out the Mom Glare to go with the Mom Voice- being as stern and threatening as a dimpled blonde Halfling can be.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#113 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Glansandi spits out a bit more mucus and starts to stand once his arms have been freed.

Nearly passing out and falling on his face in the dirt, he decides to sit back down for a moment to gather his bearings.

"Where are we? How did I get here? Raw chicken? Excess violence? Amputate toes?"

The elf looks a little worried for a second before barfing up another small amount of the slimy horrific smelling mucus from his gut.

Wiping his mouth on his sleeve, he finishes.

"I am still uncertain about what happened to me, but I must ask.....what is the current status of Beachtown?"
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#114 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

"It appears," Jaxsen says. "That you were ... taken over ... by some kind of parasite. That is what you are spitting out." The others know more about the details, so Jax lets them tell the rest of the story.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#115 Post by Bluehorse »


Liam gives Glasandi the rundown of "his" behavior lately, the dwarves, the stone structures, the pirate raid and rescue mission, and finally the chicken incident leading to Miguel's death (since Liam at this point Knows no better) and the chase to this spot.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#116 Post by Urson »

Daisy stays quiet, more concerned with monitoring 'her patient' than anything else- until Miguel comes up. Sorry to interrupt, sugar- but Miguel is alive. Ah thought he was a goner at first, but Ah got him some healing, and he'll recover.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#117 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The sickly elf goes through a myriad of emotions as the events of the last few days are relayed to him, though confusion still seems to dominate the others. He barfs again after hearing that he recently ate half a raw chicken.

At first, it seems like the elf feels as though he is being tricked, but as the pieces start falling together, he starts to realize the severity of what he is hearing. He is aghast to hear what had happened with Miguel, and is clearly relieved once Daisy straightens that business out. Still looking pale and sickly, he pauses for a moment, taking it all in, before responding.

"Jombo and Greff are all right, then? There are still militia members protecting the town........from me, apparently? Marge and the others are well? I didnt cause them any pain or hardship?"

He blows snotty residue from each nostril as a farmer might.

"How long was I like this? The past few days are so blurry in my mind."

He tries to stand again and almost feints for a second time. The ground where the wet spot was found under the constable's face is now completely dry already.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#118 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen, being almost completely new to the situation, continues to allow the others to answer Glansandi's questions. Being very curious about the parasite, however, he uses the point of his newly returned halberd to dig quickly into the spot where the elf's head was laying and is mysteriously dry now. He'll go down at least a foot and carefully pry part the dirt clumps, looking to see if the parasite merely sinks into the ground to escape, or if it is something more.... ephemeral.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#119 Post by Bluehorse »


Let out a breath. Oh, thank heaven he is okay. You are truly remarkable, Lady Daisy.

He looks at the sand. I fear we are going to see more of that... parasite. He has eluded us again and apparently it can travel through the sands.

Something like that probably can't go without a host for long... we should all be vigilant for anyone else acting odd and no one should travel alone.

Constable, I'm afraid we are a bit vague on how long this has been happening, but the last time I saw this... slime... was on Captain Quark's ship when he was showing us Bing in his brig. Best I can figure is he got tired of that host... ate him... and hopped into someone new... and then you.

What is the very last clear memory you have, sir?
he hands over his waterskin.
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Re: Quest #30 "Into Kobold Country"

#120 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Having a new thought, Jaxsen's head raises from the dirt he is examining. "A thought to speak before I forget this: We may have to be even more careful with this thing than we thought. Consider that when surrounded and threatened, it left the Constable's body of its own accord. It feared capture, but I'm not sure it feared its own death. As easily as it fled, why would we suspect that killing the Constable's body would kill it? It may be that killing the host merely makes it move on. And the host body is merely an innocent victim."
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